Chapter 2 AnAn OverviewOverview ofof EvaluationEvaluation ResultsResults ChapterChapter 22 AnAn OverviewOverview ofof EvaluationEvaluation ResultsResults 2.1 Results of ODA Evaluations by MOFA Chapter 2 mainly introduces the concrete cases on Japan’s Assistance for Forest Conservation and its of ODA evaluation conducted by MOFA, other Contribution to Global Issues,” and “Evaluation on ministries/agencies, and JICA and JBIC, the Japan's Support for Regional Cooperation (A Case implementing agencies. Study of Central America).” Program-level evaluations include three sector evaluations: “Evaluation Study on Japan's ODA to the An Overview of Evaluation Results Chapter 2 2.1.1 An Overview of FY2006 Evaluation Health Sector in Thailand,” “Evaluation on Japan's ODA evaluation of MOFA in FY2006 includes 8 ODA to the Education Sector in the Independent policy-level evaluations, 5 program-level evaluations, State of Samoa,” “Evaluation on Road and Bridge and 81 project-level evaluations, totaling up to 94 sector of Japan's Official Development Assistance evaluations. in Sri Lanka;” which essentially examined all ODA In terms of policy-level evaluations, MOFA carried activities undertaken in a specific sector of a given out five country policy evaluations on Bhutan, country. Two aid modality evaluations: “Evaluation Madagascar, Morocco, Vietnam, and Zambia, and on Japan's Development Studies,” and “Country-Led conducted three priority issue evaluations, which Evaluation on Japan's Grant Assistance for Grassroots examined Japan’s assistance policies based upon Human Security Projects (Afghanistan), were also each priority issue: “Evaluation on Japan's ODA for conducted, assessing the performances of the Japan’s Agriculture and Rural Development,” “Evaluation aid modalities. Table 2: MOFA ODA Evaluations FY 2006 Evaluation Evaluation Study (Country/Sector) Evaluator Category Country Assistance Evaluation of Zambia Third-party Country Assistance Evaluation of Bhutan Third-party Country Policy Country Assistance Evaluation of Vietnam Third-party Evaluation Country Assistance Evaluation of Madagascar Third-party Policy-level Country Assistance Evaluation of Morocco Third-party Evaluation Evaluation on Japan's ODA for Agriculture and Rural Development Third-party Evaluation on Japan's Assistance for Forest Conservation and its Priority Issue Third-party Contribution to Global Issues Evaluation Evaluation on Japan's Support for Regional Cooperation-A Case Third-party Study of Central America Evaluation Study on Japan's ODA to the Health Sector in Thailand Joint evaluation with NGOs Evaluation on Japan's ODA to the Education Sector in the Sector Program Recipient government Independent State of Samoa for the period of 2002-2006 Evaluation Program-level Evaluation on Road and Bridge Sector of Japan's Official Recipient government Evaluation Development Assistance in Sri Lanka Evaluation on Japan's Development Studies Third-party Aid Modality Country-Led Evaluation on Japan's Grant Assistance for Grassroots Evaluation Recipient government Human Security Projects (Afghanistan) Project-level Case Evaluation of Internal Evaluation Evaluation of Completed Grant Aid Cases Evaluation Grant Aid Third-party — 15 — Chapter 2 An Overview of Evaluation Results Project-level evaluations include a total of 81 cases Japan's grant assistance for grassroots human security on grant aid, which passed a certain duration after projects (Afghanistan) in aid modality evaluation completion (12 of the cases were evaluated by the were executed by recipient countries as their own third-party). evaluations. Evaluation study on Japan's ODA to the Total of 9 evaluations, including all 8 policy-level health sector in Thailand in sector evaluation was evaluations, and evaluation on Japan’s development conducted by MOFA and NGO as a joint evaluation. studies in aid modality evaluations, were executed As for project-level evaluation, we conducted both as the third-party evaluations by external advisors. internal and third-party evaluation on the same project. Evaluation on Japan's ODA to the education sector in The summaries of these evaluations are introduced the Independent State of Samoa, and evaluation on as below. For the whole statement of each evaluation Japan’s ODA to road and bridge sector in Sri Lanka result, please see MOFA website; http://www.mofa. in sector evaluation, and country-led evaluation on go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/oda/kaikaku/hyoka.html 2.1.2 Policy-level Evaluation Country Policy Evaluation (1) Country Assistance Evaluation of Zambia (Third-party evaluation) Evaluation Period : July 2006 – March 2007 Chief Evaluator : Yayoi Tanaka, Associate Professor, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation / Member of the MOFA External Advisory Meeting on ODA Evaluation Advisors : Shuhei Shimada, Professor at Kyoto University Graduate School Shiro Kodamaya, Professor at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School Consultant : Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. ■ Evaluation objectives attempted to review aid coordination. The “Country Assistance Evaluation of Zambia” ■ Evaluation results was conducted to evaluate overall policy of Japanese (a) Evaluation of objectives Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Zambia, • Japan’s ODA policy to Zambia was sufficiently which has been implemented based on “Country consistent with Japan’s ODA Charter and Assistance Program for Zambia” (“the Program” development needs of Zambia. The sectors of Joint hereinafter) formulated in October 2002. The Assistance Strategy for Zambia (JASZ) that Japan evaluation results are expected to provide lessons was in charge of were also basically consistent with and recommendations to be reflected for a revision the Program for Zambia. of the Program for more efficient and effective • It can be pointed out that it is necessary to clarify implementation. It is also intended that the evaluation results are to be made open to the public in order to fulfill the accountability of the government in ODA projects provided to Zambia. ■ Evaluation scope This evaluation was conducted on all activities (technical cooperation, grant aid, development study, etc.) based on the “Country Assistance Program for Zambia” since its formulation until December 2006. As for Zambia, it is rapidly experiencing aid coordination including role allocation and authority transfer among donors through PRSP (2002), and Joint Assistance Strategy for Zambia (2007). It also Lusaka District Primary Health Care Project in Zambia — 16 — the relations between “objectives and means” of were behind the selections, further prioritize these the Program for Zambia , and to narrow down the five priority areas and allocate financial resources and priority areas. human resources to them effectively. (b) Evaluation of outcomes <Recommendation 3> • Over the evaluation period, the amount of Japan’s It is desirable to place more efforts on public ODA to Zambia has been reduced. This is notable relations, such as putting up assistance strategy on when comparing with other donors. The most drastic the Web site and preparing English documents on the cut in Japan’s ODA has been seen in the agricultural strategy. sector. (b) Traditional strengths and modalities of • The health sector received increased Japanese Japan’s assistance assistance, which resulted in effective control of <Recommendation 4> infectious diseases, through coordination with other Japan’s ODA is highly valued for its formation projects. Regarding the economic development process, attitudes and direction of those projects. An Overview of Evaluation Results Chapter 2 sector, it was found that Japan’s infrastructure Therefore, this valuable strength of Japan’s ODA development received wide recognition in Zambia. should be retained. (c) Evaluation of process <Recommendation 5> • In the formation phase of the Program, task force At donors’ meetings, diversity of modalities is based in Tokyo and the Embassy of Japan in Zambia the often-raised agenda and encouraged by Japan. conducted consultation with relevant parties in It is suggested to provide a concrete and logical both countries, and exchanged opinions between explanation of the diversity of modalities and its themselves numerous times. Thus, the formation effective combination. process was appropriate in that the Program reflected (c) Aid harmonization and alignment a wide variety of opinions. <Recommendation 6> • In the implementation phase of the Program, annual In Zambia, budget support is about to be introduced. policy dialogues between Japanese ODA task It is suggested that instead of the support, Japan force and the Government of Zambia were held. In offer technical assistance and advice to assess public addition to the ODA task force, Working Groups expenditure management capabilities, and based on (WG) were organized by priority areas. In view of the results, provide assistance on capacity building and the regular communication, it was considered that system designs. aid implementation was conducted with appropriate <Recommendation 7> consultation. While there is room for improving Co-existence of the new trend of aid harmonization technical skills within each WG, the selection of and Japan’s traditional approach is seen in the project priority areas for Japan’s aid and the empowerment formation. This point of view should be encouraged of local ODA task force are both important issues to further at project formation stages. focus on. (d) Implementation system ■ Recommendations <Recommendation
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