NEAT. FilT8 ... ,lamp. CU lb ••• ,. ZI a •• il1 Lbro.,b D~ DOW valid. raOOB 810 rOODS. bl •• .tamp Xl' throu,h Z3 and A2 Ihrou,b Ill.!. ........ IIUGAlt TAMP N •. :14 .nd eo.,•• .., ••• , .... Partly Cloudy SHOIS book Ibr•• aHplaJu Ila ..pI I. : ......... valid JndetJbltel, 'or ea.e palt. GASOLINB HAlO IOWA: ParUT e10HT with eo.pou. N.. J4 .... I... '0.' ,aU•• , I..... , ·'m". u r ..... ~Fr... '. "80", "'Co." and "CC" eou.oftl ao .. yalW, "el ••• THE, ·'.1" lood 'or ooo .. bl,b"a,. ."oUa.. FUEL OIL DAILY IOWAN FrHh pre en. be.,lo ....... u. unit •• I.e e •••••• t., ..,iMis wiD'" No I. No. ! a.n d No. 3 and .ellDhe value ••• p ••• Iowa CitY'1 Morning Newlpaper , ...d I.brOUlb Au,_ St. Period 4 .... a II•• van• . _. NUMBER 117 t'JV£ C£NTS IOWA CITY. IOWA FBlDA Y. FEBRUARY 9. 1945 ... UMCUfta __ VOLUME XLV SEABEES' ANSWER TO LAND MINES Canadian' Army effensive O,pens South ,of Niimegen Yanks (ross Big Th,.. DisCUSMS Propolals- Gains Reported Pasig River To Strengthen Small Notions In First HOJirs. LONDON (AP)-Proposals lor Roos velt, Prime Minister ChurCh_I aggressor. Most quarters here be- . ill and PremIer Stalin, when they lIeved that the bl8 three would ~trengthening the p 0 Sit Ion of ar ex))«:ted to disclose plans to alfI'ee 10 a majority vole on most AJlaullO•• ig" Bridgehead Effected 6maller naUons In a projected ecure world peace. problems concernin. world secur­ To Rout Out Jap world security lea,ue were be- A rei/able source disclosed that Ity, but would approve the unsnl­ To Turn North Flank mE SPlDEB.-LlK.11... A't't ACUMEN T on the prow of a \lniled States marine tank is the 8eabees answer Defenders of Manila lieved last night to be under dis- the Dutch lovernment had d/s- mIty principle on taking mlli'sry 01 We.fwall \0 the perilous prob~ of enemy-sown land mines. Tbe mine-detonator conslsts of a number of ehaln­ cuss Ion by the bll three after the patched a 6.000-word document to action agoinst any aggressor na­ Dutch government challenged the the big thre . belore .thelr Black tion. PARIS, Friday (AP)-The Upped flaUs mounted on tubular bubs which revol ve to wblrl the flail around, detonatln& contact mines MANILA, Friday (AP)-Rlding br Jashln, the ground and creatlnr marnetlc field to !let off marne tic mines. Navy photo. sea area meeting, hlntmg that the The Dutch argued that under a Canadian First army, striking In amphibiOUS vehicles, 37th divi­ right of bl~ nations to judee all Netherlands might hesitate to join unanimity rule, the great powers behind a thunderous ll·houf sion Yanks of Maj . Gen. Robert S. chorges against themselves. a world security organization it would In eUect be given a veto barrag with flame·throwers BeighUer crossed the Pasig river Volcine objections to a Soviet the Russian plan was adopted. rieht In cases to which they were Thursday near Malacanan palace proposal to enforce a unanimity Although the Dutch cabinet re- a party, and that "the Dumbarton Bnd tanks, launched a grand­ to rout out Japanese who had rul among five permanent mem- siened yesterday shortly aCter its Oaks plan only would be useful scale offensive yesterday morn­ wrecked the river bridges and bers of a security council, th statement becllme known. the two for promoUnlt orderly settlement ing apparently designed to turn 'Oder Crossings Expand have kindled fires In the closely­ the westwall's north flank and Dutch were regarding as express- developments were not linJo;ed. and of international disputes between .--------------------------------------------- congested intramuros district.. Ing views similar to those held by the Dutch position on the security smalier nations," while "In cases break into the Ruhr and Rhine­ The point of crOSSing into the other small nations. issue IIpparen lly remained un- of disputes between great powers land. last sector of Manila In which the Whether the Dulch tand would chonged. or between a great power and a In the first hoUl'!! the 8IIIIIIult Soyiet Spearhead At a Glance- I Air Transports Set Japanese suicide squads are ex­ have any weight with the big three It brought Into the spotlight an smaller state, the ~lan would af­ along th long.dormant northern tensively active was nearly two was a question that could be an- unsolved question of the Dumbar- ford no protection." end of the westerll front south­ miles east 01 the docks. swered only after conclusion ot ton Oaks conIerenct'·. unanimity or The statement asked, "Would 38 Miles'From Stettin India-China Record e ~ s t of Nijm gen, Holland, This sugeested a wide circling th current talks among President 0 majority vote on dealinll with an this promote freedom from fear?" ,amed two milt!s and Canadian Today's movement around the Inkamuros Kuestrin Encircled and British troops battled inside January Loadl Double the westwall'. 10rtificatlons. Temporarily, German With twa United States annles Tonnage Carried Gen~~~Il~r~~ean~I~~~nto~:. Joseph M. SWing trying.r cIJ~j~ to Allied Bombers Pound Brooks (lal1ms Big .Three Meetings Broadcasts Report Iowan .already batlerinll three breaches in On'Old Burma Road break into Manila Irom the soulh G BItO FI t the westwal1 on a 7G-mlle front In­ by way of suburban Pasay. tli de Germany, and two others (,ONDON (A P) - RURRian Canadian First• •army • launches erman a IC ee M• I M' '. .Inadequate-Dewey Cons.iderable tires were reported. Isuse 0 en poised to .trlke alon, the RoeI' be­ troops drove II new spearhead grand scale west Iront of ten­ KUNMING. China (AP)-The burning in ~he lnt~amu:os whlc~ Is GOP Leader fore Germany. the final battle lor within 38 miles of Berlin's Bal- sive. United States army air transport a commercHII-resldenttal sectlbn, Blast Danish Harbor; , Asks Germany l'l\By be at hand. tic port ot' 8tettill ye~ t crday os command established a new rec­ heavily populated particularly by Hl't German, AUltrl'an, Constant Cooperation, Hanl Preued In Eaat RU!l8lana expand Oder river ord in January by carrying 44,000 Filipinos and Chinese. Sorely pressed at the approaclies Ihe Ocrmans repolted that Ro· crossing, drive new spearhead Not 'Rare' ParleYI viet expanded tons. ot war materials from India Across the Pasig from Malac- Italian, Dutch Targets to Berlin by the Russians on the shock units had toward Baltic 38 miles from to China-more than doable the By Military six bridgcheads across the Oder' anan Is a recreation area and WASH1NGTON (AP) - Gov. east, the German armJes in the Stettin. tonnage carried by the old Burma nearby is Pandacan where the LONDON (AP)- Allied war­ west were desperately foreed to river 30 to 43 mi leA hom til(> im· road at its best month. Thomas E. Dewey declared last Americans had extensive 011 IItores planes kept up their widespread WASHINGTON (AP)-Senator night that "rare" meetines of the try to hold back a tide threatenin. pl'rilled Rt>ich capilal. MacArthur's forces cross Pasig prior to the Japanese occupation This was announced yesterday attacks on the enemy yesterday Brooks (R., Ill.) declared yester­ big three are not enough-that the to spill out on to the Rhineland 'rh~ Aoviet commun iquE' WIl river to clear out Jap deten(jers by Brig. Gen . William H. Tunner, in 1942. and last nilhl with a series of plain and en,ult their grllit indus­ day that the hcad~ of the armed United Stllles must be dealt In sile.nt Oil I/H' great battle 1'0/11'· in Manila. commander of the Indin-China di­ As the Yanks moved to secure strikes into Denmark. Holland, forces are partly responsible every day on conferences reshap­ trial cities. ing at Berlin 'H outl'r gut('s. but viSi()n. who reported that China­ tor the prized dock area of Manila, Austria and Germany itselt. the nation's manpower troubles. ing the world. A front dispatch said that Pield the.Mo.~co w radio dt'ciar('(l, "tl1(' Iowa City restaurants to ob- bound planes crossed "the hump" bombers kept blasting away at ~n Assoclated Pr dispatch Marshal Sir Bernard L. Mont,om­ The New York governor, l.n hIs (ltler ' lin~ IlOs /)('f'1I pi('I'eN"! flllc! serve meatless WednellJdAy. every two aDd a hilI! minutes, 24 rocky Corr gldor Island which from S~olm I18ld allied bomb­ , !pe rfIl:lIlly l'lllmlnit General of ery $eIlt hi. 'British and Canadla!) Berlin In panre IS wilne 'sing the ~~-~~ houts a day during the month. guards the bay entrance. ers pounded the harbor at Copen­ the Army Oeorge C. Marshall Ilnd tlrst out-or-state appearance since divisions o.f ihe Canadian i'lrllt erumbting of the last obstacle in H B I h The planes delivered 12,000 tons Gen. Douglas MacArthur 8aid In hagen, Denmark, shortly Biter 10 Admiral or the Fleet Ernest J. he was ddeated lor the presidency army-veterans of Holland's bat­ In a single week-almost as much h.is communique today the crossing o'clock last night In a blow pre­ King. he said they had Cailed to In November, pledged Republican tles of rivers and dikes - Into lis torelleld." eavy aH e'l\ages use men to best advantage, en­ support to President Roosevelt and Ger~an broadcasts said the I as the tonnage delivered throuah­ was made In the VICinity of the sumably directed at light units of action on a five-mile front south­ out December, 1943, Cor which the Malacanan palace.
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