492 Antiepileptics 1,2 Psychiatric disorders. Case reports in children and adoles- Phenobarbital (BAN, rINN) Prolonged use can occasionally result in folate defi- cents and a randomised, placebo-controlled study3 in adults have ciency; rarely, megaloblastic anaemia has been report- indicated some benefit from oxcarbazepine in the treatment of Ácido feniletilbarbitúrico; Fenobarbitaali; Fenobarbitál; Fenobar- ed. There is some evidence that phenobarbital inter- aggression and disturbed behaviour(p.954). A retrospective bital; Fenobarbitalis; Fenobarbitona; Phenemalum; Phénobarbital; review4 of 14 children and adolescents with various psychiatric Phenobarbitalum; Phenobarbitone; Phenylethylbarbituric Acid; feres with vitamin D metabolism. and behavioural disorders found moderate symptomatic im- Phenylethylmalonylurea. 5-Ethyl-5-phenylbarbituric acid. At high doses nystagmus and ataxia may occur and the provement in 50% after the addition of oxcarbazepine. Oxcar- typical barbiturate-induced respiratory depression may bazepine has also been tried in the treatment of schizophrenia5 Фенобарбитал (p.955) and post-traumatic stress disorder6 (p.953). For use in C12H12N2O3 = 232.2. become severe. Overdosage can prove fatal; toxic ef- bipolar disorder see above. CAS — 50-06-6. fects include coma, severe respiratory and cardiovas- 1. Kapetanovic S. Oxcarbazepine in youths with autistic disorder ATC — N03AA02. cular depression, with hypotension and shock leading and significant disruptive behaviors. Am J Psychiatry 2007; 164: ATC Vet — QN03AA02. to renal failure. Hypothermia may occur, with associat- 832–3. ed pyrexia during recovery. Skin blisters (bullae) re- 2. Gaudino MP, et al. Use of oxcarbazepine for treatment-resistant portedly occur in about 6% of patients with barbiturate aggression. Psychiatr Serv 2003; 54: 1166–7. H 3. Mattes JA. Oxcarbazepine in patients with impulsive aggression: O N O overdose. a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Psychopharma- Sodium salts of barbiturates have a very high pH in col 2005; 25: 575–9. solution, and necrosis has followed subcutaneous in- 4. Staller JA, et al. Oxcarbazepine in the treatment of child psychi- H3C NH atric disorders: a retrospective chart review. J Child Adolesc Psy- jection or extravasation. Intravenous injections can be chopharmacol 2005; 15: 964–9. hazardous and cause hypotension, shock, laryngo- 5. Leweke FM, et al. Oxcarbazepine as an adjunct for schizophre- O nia. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161: 1130–1. spasm, and apnoea, especially if given too rapidly. 6. Malek-Ahmadi P, Hanretta AT. Possible reduction in posttrau- Hypersensitivity reactions occur in a small proportion matic stress disorder symptoms with oxcarbazepine in a patient of patients; skin reactions are reported in 1 to 3% of with bipolar disorder. Ann Pharmacother 2004; 38: 1852–4. NOTE. The following terms have been used as ‘street names’ (see p.vi) or slang names for various forms of phenobarbital: patients taking phenobarbital, and are most commonly Withdrawal syndromes and abstinence. Oxcarbazepine Feenies; Phennies; Phenos. maculopapular, morbilliform, or scarlatiniform rashes. has been tried in the prophylaxis and treatment of various with- 1 Pharmacopoeias. In Chin., Eur. (see p.vii), Int., Jpn, US, and More severe reactions such as exfoliative dermatitis, drawal syndromes. Although it was not found to be superior to Viet. Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal placebo in the treatment of symptoms of the alcohol withdrawal Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Phenobarbital). A white or almost white, crystal- 2-4 necrolysis are extremely rare. Hepatitis and disturbanc- syndrome (p.1626), oxcarbazepine has been reported to be of line powder or colourless crystals. Very slightly soluble in water; benefit in relapse prevention; further studies are considered war- es of liver function have been reported. 5 freely soluble in alcohol. It forms water-soluble compounds with ranted. It has also been tried during benzodiazepine withdrawal alkali hydroxides and carbonates, and with ammonia. Paradoxical excitement, restlessness, and confusion but such adjunct therapy is not usually indicated (see p.987). USP 31 (Phenobarbital). White, odourless, glistening, small may sometimes occur in the elderly, and irritability and 1. Koethe D, et al. Oxcarbazepine—efficacy and tolerability during crystals or a white crystalline powder. It may exhibit polymor- hyperactivity may occur in children. treatment of alcohol withdrawal: a double-blind, randomized, phism. Soluble 1 in 1000 of water and 1 in 10 of alcohol; spar- placebo-controlled multicenter pilot study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res Neonatal drug dependence and symptoms resembling 2007; 31: 1188–94. ingly soluble in chloroform; soluble in ether and in solutions of fixed alkali hydroxides and carbonates. A saturated solution in vitamin K deficiency have been reported in infants 2. Croissant B, et al. Oxcarbazepine in alcohol relapse prevention: a case series. Pharmacopsychiatry 2004; 37: 306–7. water has a pH of about 5. born to mothers who received phenobarbital during 3. Croissant B, et al. A pilot study of oxcarbazepine versus acamp- pregnancy. Congenital malformations have been re- rosate in alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2006; Phenobarbital Sodium (BANM, rINN) ported in children of women who received phenobarbi- 30: 630–5. Fenobarbitaalinatrium; Fenobarbital sódico; Fenobarbital sodná tal during pregnancy but the causal role of the drug is a 4. Martinotti G, et al. High and low dosage oxcarbazepine versus naltrexone for the prevention of relapse in alcohol-dependent pa- sůl; Fenobarbital sodowy; Fenobarbitalio natrio druska; Fenobar- matter of some debate. tients. Hum Psychopharmacol 2007; 22: 149–56. bitalnatrium; Fenobarbitál-nátrium; Natrii Phenobarbitalum; Effects on the blood. For the effects of antiepileptics includ- 5. Croissant B, et al. Scheme-based benzodiazepine detoxification Phenemalnatrium; Phénobarbital sodique; Phenobarbitalum na- with oxcarbazepine: a case report. Pharmacopsychiatry 2005; tricum; Phenobarbitone Sodium; Sodium Phenylethylbarbiturate; ing phenobarbital on serum folate, see under Phenytoin, p.495. 38: 222–3. Soluble Phenobarbitone. Sodium 5-ethyl-5-phenylbarbiturate. Effects on bone. For the effects of antiepileptics including phe- Натрий Фенобарбитал nobarbital on bone and on calcium and vitamin D metabolism, Preparations see under Phenytoin, p.496. C12H11N2NaO3 = 254.2. Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) CAS — 57-30-7. Effects on connective tissue. The use of phenobarbital and Arg.: Atoxecar†; Aurene; Oxca; Oxcazen†; Rupox; Trileptal; Austral.: Tr i- ATC — N03AA02. primidone has been associated with the development of leptal; Austria: Trileptal; Belg.: Trileptal; Braz.: Auram; Oleptal; Oxcarb; Dupuytren’s contracture, frozen shoulder, Ledderhose’s syn- Trileptal; Canad.: Tr ileptal; Chile: Alox†; Oxicodal; Trileptal; Cz.: Trileptal; ATC Vet — QN03AA02. drome, Peyronie’s disease, fibromas, and general joint pain.1 Denm.: Apydan; Trileptal; Fin.: Apydan; Trileptal; Fr.: Trileptal; Ger.: Pharmacopoeias. In Chin., Eur. (see p.vii), Int., and US. Timox; Trileptal; Gr.: Tr ileptal; Hong Kong: Trileptal; Hung.: Apydan; Tri- 1. Mattson RH, et al. Barbiturate-related connective tissue disor- leptal; India: Oxcarb; Oxrate; Indon.: Barzepin; Prolepsi; Trileptal; Irl.: Tr i- Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Phenobarbital Sodium). A white or almost white, ders. Arch Intern Med 1989; 149: 911–14. leptal; Israel: Tr ileptin; Ital.: To l e p ; Malaysia: Trileptal; Mex.: Actinium; hygroscopic, crystalline powder. Freely soluble in carbon diox- Deprectal; Oxetol; Trileptal; Neth.: Trileptal; Norw.: Trileptal; NZ: Trileptal; ide-free water (a small amount may be insoluble); soluble in al- Effects on the endocrine system. For mention of the effects Philipp.: Trileptal; Pol.: Apydan; Trileptal; Port.: Epilfarmo; Proaxen; Ziga- cohol; practically insoluble in dichloromethane. A 10% solution of antiepileptics on sexual function in male epileptic patients, see bal; Rus.: Trileptal (Трилептал); S.Afr.: Trileptal; Spain: Trileptal; Swed.: under Phenytoin, p.496. Trileptal; Switz.: Trileptal; Thai.: Trileptal; Turk.: Tr ileptal; UK: Trileptal; in water has a pH not greater than 10.2. Store in airtight contain- USA: Trileptal; Venez.: Tr ileptal. ers. Barbiturates may reduce serum concentrations of thyroid hor- USP 31 (Phenobarbital Sodium). Flaky crystals, or white crys- mones through enzyme induction—see under Interactions of talline granules, or a white powder. It is odourless and hygro- Levothyroxine, p.2172. scopic. Very soluble in water; soluble in alcohol; practically in- Effects on the liver. For mention of the effects of phenobarbi- Pheneturide (BAN, rINN) soluble in chloroform and in ether. pH of a 10% solution in water tal on the liver, see under Phenytoin, p.496. is between 9.2 and 10.2. Solutions decompose on standing. Store Ethylphenacemide; Feneturida; Phénéturide; Pheneturidum; S- in airtight containers. Effects on mental function. For a review of the effects of 46. (2-Phenylbutyryl)urea. antiepileptics, including phenobarbital, on cognition and mood Incompatibility. Phenobarbital sodium is incompatible with (including the risk of suicidal ideation), see p.468. Фенетурид many other drugs and phenobarbital may be precipitated from DEPRESSION. Follow-up of 28 patients aged 6 to 16 who had C H N O = 206.2. mixtures containing phenobarbital sodium. This precipitation is 11 14 2 2 received phenobarbital or carbamazepine for epilepsy indi- CAS —
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