MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 38 ■ Number 231 / ^ SCRITTA Pages 33267-33383 PART 1 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. FUEL SHORTAGE— ICC notice on emergency transporta­ tion legislation; comments by 12—14—73.............................. 33355 CHILD PROTECTION— CPSC poison prevention packaging requirements for certain ethylene glycol products; effective 6 -1 -7 4 .................. ....... ........................—.............. .................. 33280 December 3f 33267—33383 Pages 1973— December FOOD LABELING— FDA regulations on spices, flavorings, colorings and chemical preservatives; effective 12-3-73.. 33284 MEAT AND POULTRY INSPECTION— USDA proposes uni­ form requirements for determining compliance with label statements of net contents; comments by 4 -5 -7 4 ............ 33308 SUGARBEETS— USDA determination of prices for 1973 crop; effective 12—3—73..........------......................................... 33273 CIGAR TOBACCO— USDA announces grade rates on 1973 c r o p ........... ....... ....................................... .................... 33276 INTERNATIONAL MAIL— Postal Service proposed rate changes; comments by 12—12—73........................................- 33345 INCOME TAX— IRS regulations for determining foreign tax credit in certain interest income..................................... 33290 PESTICIDES— EPA grants emergency conditions exemp­ tions to Federal and State agencies; effective 12-10-73. .. 33303 DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY EQUIPMENT— FDA proposes policy on assembly and remanufacturing; comments by 2-1-74.. 33313 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION— VA defines eligibility periods; effective 11—26—73.................................................. 33303 (Continued inside) PART H: ARIZONA TRANSPORTATION CONTROL PLAN— EPA issues Phoenix-Tucson Intrastate air quality standards .................. - ......... .............. .............. ......... 33367 PART III: MEDICAID— HEW amends certain eligibility re­ quirements; effective 12-3-73 except as otherwise specified -------- ----------------- --------------- -------- 33379 No. 231—Pt. I----1 REMINDERS (The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to F é d é r a i. R e g is t e r users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. Since this list is intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going Into Effect Today N o t e : There were no items published after October 1, 1972, that are eligible for in­ clusion in the list of R u l e s G o i n g I n t o E f f e c t T o d a y . ACE— Standardization of design icenses to manufacture nuclear power re- v. actors:..................... 30251; 11-2-73 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COM­ MISSION— Lead-containing artists' paints and related material; exemp­ tion from banning.. 31519; 11—15—73 FAA— Designation of Federal airways, area low points, controlled airspace and reporting points; designation of control zone and alteration of transi­ tion area.................. 27820; 10-9-73 INTERIOR/BLM-r-Appointment of Min­ eral Surveyors; delegations of author­ ity and procedures................. 30001; 10-31-73 Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services 4 Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., J? Ch- 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. T h e F e d e r a l R e g is t e r provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. T h e F e d e r a l R e g is t e r will be furnished by m ail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 231— M O N D AY, DECEMBER 3, 1973 HIGHLIGHTS— Continued Civil Service Commission: Federal Prevailing Rate Ad­ m e e tin g s — DOD: Historical Advisory Committee, 12-6 and visory Committee, 12—6, 12—13 and 12—19—73............ 33321 12-7-73........ ............— — ----- »......... 33317 Council on Economic Advisers: Adyisory Committee on National Manpower Advisory Committee, 12—7—73---- 33350 the Economic Role of Women, 12—5—73......-.................. 33321 Interior Department: Vernal District Grazing Advisory National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities: Federal-State Partnership/Special ProJects Advisory Board, 12-18-73............................ ...................................... 33317 Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Advisory Com­ Panel, 12-6 and 12-7-73....... _...... ................................ 33344 mission, 12—6—73......-................ ................................... 33318 Literature Advisory Panel, 12—12 and 12—13—73...... 33344 Lewistown District Advisory Board, 1-11-74— - ....... 33317 VA: Advisory Committee on Structural Safety of Veterans Craig District Grazing Advisory Board, 12—4 and Administration Facilities, 12—17—73..-.............. ..........--- 33349 12-5-73 :........ ............... - ; ........ 33317 Labor Department: Advisory Committee on Women to Bureau of Mines, Advisory Committee on Coal Mine the Secretary of Labor, 12—18 and 12—19—73................. 33350 Safety Research, 12-3 and 12-4—73................. ....... 33318 Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Personnel Office of Oil and Gas, Emergency Petroleum Supply Policy, 12-12 and 12-13-73................................ ........... 33320 Committee, et al. 12—6 and 12—11—73....................... 33319 Commerce Department: Domestic and International Office of Management and Budget: Advisory Committee Business Administration, National Industrial Energy on GNP Data Improvement, 12-18-73......... 33344 Conservation Council, 12—10—73....................................... 33319 American Statistical Association Advisory Committee CLC: Food Industry Wage and Salary Committee on Statistical Policy; 12-10-73..................................... 33344 12-6-73 ............................................................................... 33357 Contents DEFENSE DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INTERGOVERN­ CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD MENTAL PERSONNEL POLICY Notices See Air Force Department. Jugoslovenski Aerotransport; re­ Notices DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION newal and amendment of for­ Meeting---------— ---------- •— — 33320 eign air carrier permit— ------- 33321 Notices Comprehensive Plan; public hear­ AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ing ______________________ _____ 33322 DEVELOPMENT Proposed Rules Federal employment; revised basis DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL Notices BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Director and Deputy Director, O f­ for disqualification and dis- fice of Housing; redelegation of missal ----------- ----------------- 33315 Notices authority__________________ _— 33317 Notices National Industrial Energy Con­ Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory servation Council; meeting----- 33319 AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND Committee; meeting— _--------- 33321 University of California; decision CONSERVATION SERVICE on application for duty-free en­ COMMERCE DEPARTMENT try of scientific article---------- 33320 Rules and Regulations See also Domestic and Interna­ Sugar beets ; 1972 crop prices------ 33273 tional Business Administration. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Notices Rules and Regulations AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT National Industrial Energy'Con­ Arizona; Transportation control See Agricultural Stabilization and servation Council; establish­ plan __________________ 33368 Conservation Service; Animal ment _________________------ -— 33320 Pesticides; exemption of Federal and Plant Health Inspection and State agencies under emer­ Service; Commodity Credit COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION gency conditions______________ 33303 Corporation; Forest Service. Rules and Regulations Cigar Tobacco; advance schedule Notices AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT for 1973 crop----------------------- 33276 Review of new or modified indi­ rect sources; public hearing_____ 33322 Notices CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY Historical Advisory Committee; COMMISSION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION meeting __________ ___________ 33317 Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Ethylene Glycol; child protection Alteration of control zone; correc­ ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH packaging standards.^---------- 33280 tion ___________________ 33277 INSPECTION SERVICE Proposed Rules COST OF LIVING COUNCIL FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Meat and poultry products; net Notices COMMISSION weight labeling-.______________ 33308 Food Industry Wage and Salary Rules and Regulations Committee; meeting--------------
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