Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84566-3 — Colonial Chaos in the Southern Red Sea Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith Index More Information Index aban, 42–47, 150, 164 Bishara, Fahad, 147 Abdali Sultanate, 104–107, 111–112, borders, 25 122 and colonialism, 3, 19, 71, 82, 157, Adal Sultanate, 30, 34, 41, 131, 162 153–154 and sovereignty, 176 Aden port (pre-1839), 4, 104 precolonial, 163 Aden Protectorate Bose, Sugata, 46–47 colonisation, 25, 101–105 Briand, Aristide, 158 free port, 50 Bruce, James, 102 nine treaties, 108 relations with neighbours, 108 Cape Guardafui, 33–34, 65 Residents Chabal, Patrick and Jeal Pascal Daloz, James Blair, 75 7, 165 Stafford Haines, 105–107 China, 104, 168, 172 William Coghlan, 52–59 civil war Adulis, 4, 32, see also Zeila in Majerteenia, 61–62, 74–75 Afar Sultanates, 131, 154, see also in Yemen, 174 Aussa Sultanate, Tadjoura Clausewitz, Carl von, 20 Sultanate Cohn, Bernard, 162 al-Ghazi, Ahmad, 34 Cold War, 174 al-Idrissi, Sayyid Muhammad Ibn Ali, colonial violence, 16–17 123 and international law, 66 alliance with France, 141–143 and the international system, 13, relations with Britain, 117–120 165 alqabnama register, 59 and tribalism, 21, 69, 77, 95–96, aman. see treaties 109–110, 126, 162 Ashley, Richard, 165 definition, 17 Asir, 98, 119, 123 impact, 3 Aussa Sultanate, 131, 154 in Majerteenia, 79 in Yemen, 103–104, 107, 125 Bab al-Mandab, 102–104, instrumentalisation of violence, 8, 20, 111–112 72 Baraada beach incident, 56–59 Cooley, Alexander, and Hendrick Baring, Evelyn, 61–62 Spruyt, 97 barratry, 52, 105 Cooperation Council for the Arab Battera, Francesco, 84 States of the Gulf (GCC), 176 Battle of Adwa 1896, 86 Crispi, Francesco, 83 Bayly, Christopher, 7 Crossland, Cyril, 38 Benton, Lauren, 72, 163, 168 Cruttenden, Charles, 40–41, 50 Berlin Conference 1884-85, 81, 132 Cushitic, 32, 40 219 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84566-3 — Colonial Chaos in the Southern Red Sea Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith Index More Information 220 Index dar al-‘ahd. see treaties Bait al-Faqih, 120–121 Djibouti prisoner of Imam, 124 colonisation, 132 relations with Italy, 114–115 contemporary state, 174 Ferrand, Gabriel, 41 governors Filonardi, Vincenzo, 83–84 Adrien Bonhoure, 133 firearms Fernand Deltel, 137 and Anglo-Italian war with Jules Lauret, 144 Muhammad Abdille Hassan, 91 Léonce Lagarde, 131 and Ethiopia, 85 Paul Simoni, 140, 144 and French Somaliland, 88, 132–133 Pierre-Amable Chapon-Baissac, French opposition to regulation, 132 151 precolonial trade, 37 railway to Addis Ababa, 132 regulation, 85 relations with Aden Protectorate, First World War, 22, 137, 140 142, 144, 151 Allied blockade of Arab coast of Red relations with Zaraniq, 117 Sea, 117–118 Doumergue, Gaston, 139–140 German-Ottoman alliance, 117 Dutch East India Company (VOC), rivalry between France and Britain, 14–15, 167 117 France, 73, 80, 112, 117, 130–158 Earl of Rosebery, British Foreign free trade, 15, 70 Secretary, 82–83 French East India Company, 130 East India Company (EIC). see also French Somaliland. see Djibouti Government of India Act, East India Company Act German East Africa Company (GEAC), and China, 168 81–83 and Somalia, 50 Germany, 10, 81 archives, 26 Ghosh, Amitav, 161 battles in NW Indian Ocean early Goodfellow, Charles, 67–68 1800s, 103–104 Government of India Act 1858, 26 history, 6 Grotius, Hugo, 14–16 Mukha, 102 Grovogui, Siba N., 17 Navy, 37 Guillain, Charles, 45, 76, 130 Red Sea exploration, 102 Gujarat, 103 East India Company Act 1784, 26 Gulf of Aden, 4, 48, 50 Egypt, 104, 151, see also Ottoman Empire, Mamluk Sultanate Haile Selassie, 86, 157, 159 Eritrea, 32 Hajj, 34, 113, 120 and Italy, 83, 90 Hatzfeldt, Count Paul von, 81 and piracy, 113–116 Hejaz, 44, 98, 101, 105, 107, 113, Dahlak islands, 4, 113, 115 123 Ethiopia, 148 Heligoland Treaty 1890, 83 Aksumite Empire, 32, 100 Hobbes, Thomas, 16, 96, 162 and Italy, 84, 159 Hobyo Sultanate. see Yusuf ‘Ali nineteenth century, 131 hydrography European Union (EU), 171 shortcomings in the Red Sea, 38 Farah, Caesar, 108 Ibn Saud, 123–124, 150, 153 Farah, Naruddin, 161–162 Ifat Sultanate, 30, 41, 131 Fatini, Ahmad, 22, 120–124 Imam Yahya, 122–124, 153 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84566-3 — Colonial Chaos in the Southern Red Sea Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith Index More Information Index 221 Imams of Sanaa, 103, 108, 120, see also Majerteen Sultanate Imam Yahya history, 34, 38–42 imperial history, 11, 24, 72, 163, trade, 35–37 168–169 Mamluk Sultanate, 18 India, 35, 37, 58, 105 mapping, 28, 38 and colonisation of Aden, 106 Maratha Empire, 7, 103 and Djibouti, 174 Mascali Island, 137 and Somali piracy in 2000s, 172 Mathew, Johan, 148 modern navy, 171 Messageries Maritimes, 60 relations with the Aden Protectorate, Monfreid, Henry de, 23, 134–159 64–69 and Imam Yahya, 145 trade goods, 31 and India, 147 uprising 1857, 52 and Italy, 159 Indian Ocean and Obock, 141–142 historiography, 3–7, 162 and the slave trade, 148–150 monsoon winds, effect on trade, 4, Djibouti coastguard, 146 33–34, 98 in Ethiopia, 153 Iran, 176, see also Persian Empire writings, 129, 147 Islam Mughal Empire, 6–7, 41 and maritime law, 18–19 Muhammad Abdille Hassan, 86–93, Shafi'ism, 43, 120 143 Somali brotherhoods, 43–44, 86 Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah Sufism, 43, 86, 101 (The Mahdi), 78 Wahhabism, 120 Mukha, 102, 106, 145 Zaydism, 120 Italian Benaadir Company, 83 Napoleonic Wars, 103, 112, 130 Italy, 83 Naqibs of Mukalla, 39, 45–46 and Ethiopia, 159 Naval Prize Act 1864, 15–17 colonial rule in Majerteenia, 94 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 171 Kaplan, Robert, 95 Nur Uthman, 49 Kennedy, David, 21 Kessel, Joseph, 124, 155–157 Omani Sultanate, 45, 80 Khalileh, Hassan, 18 diplomatic style, 48 Sultan Qaboos, 175 lawfare, 21 Operation Atalanta, 175 Lawrence, T.E., 158 Ottoman Empire, 105 League of Nations and the Horn of Africa, 62–67, and Henry de Monfreid, 151, 157 78–79 petition by Ahmad Fatini, 123 and Yemen, 101, 107, 110–112, 118 legal pluralism, 11, 165–166 coffee trade, 101 Lesser, Alexander, 6 Egypt, 44, 46 Lewis, Ioan, 95 Navy, 114 lighthouses sanjaks, 107, 111 British plans in Majerteenia, 69, 74 sovereignty, 108 Omani plans for construction in vilayets, 107 Majerteenia, 45, 76 Sultan Uthman's objections, 76–78 Periplus of the Erythraen Sea, 31–32 Liverpool Salvage Company, 64 Persian Empire, 31–32, 41 Lloyds of London, 64 Persian Gulf, 48, 168 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84566-3 — Colonial Chaos in the Southern Red Sea Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith Index More Information 222 Index Persian Gulf (cont.) Socotra, 88 'General Peace' Treaty 1820, 103 Somalia, 173 Pestalozza, Cav. (Italian Consul clans Zanzibar), 89 Darod, 40 piracy Gadabursi, Habri Awal, Issa, 79 by British Navy, 17 sovereignty, 64, 146, 163, 172, by EIC, 103 175 criminalisation of maritime violence, and Majerteenia, 67–68 2, 23, 125, 132–139 and Ottoman Empire, 62 legal definition, 173 and shipwrecks, 163 off Somalia in 2000s, 171–173 definition, 13, 97 precolonial history in the Indian Ethiopian exceptionalism, 132 Ocean, 3–4 in Majerteenia, 46, 49 Red Sea anti-piracy patrol in 2000s, postcolonial, 165 172 steamships Red Sea patrol in 1900s, 91, 114 circumnavigation of the Red Sea, 9, Sur, Omani port, 63 31, 60 Zaraniq attacks, 113, 115, 118, limitations of technology, 37 121 shipwrecks Playfair, Robert, 53–59 The Asturia,89 Portuguese Empire, 104, 168 The Aveyron,79 Punt (ancient Somali kingdom), 31–33 The Captain Cook,49 Puntland (semi-autonomous region of The Cashmere,67 Somalia), 44, 72, 171 The Chodoc,94 The Consolation,75 Qatar, 176 The Fleurs Castle,75 Qawasim (Trucial) States, 48, 103, The Henry Tanner,53 126 The Indra,88 The Mei-Kong,60–61 Ras Hafun peninsula, 31, 61–62, 82, The Memnon,48 88, 94 The Penguin,56 Révoil, Georges, 45, 63 The Telegraph,50 Rift Valley, 98 The Vortigern,62 Rimbaud, Arthur, 86 Strait of Malacca, 14, Russia, 155 168 Sudan, 32, 78, 148, see also Ottoman Sadet, Amr, 164 Empire Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 174 Suez Canal, 59, 102, 134 Saudi Arabia, 120, 124, 150, 174–176 Sultan of Lahej. see Abdali Sultanate Schoenbrun, David, 17 Sur, Oman, 117 Shaykh Nasr Ambari, 22, 118 Shaykh Said peninsula, 109 Tadjoura Sultanate, 44, 131 and France, 112, 117, 130, 136 and France, 127–131 and the Zaraniq, 122 and slave trade, 148–149 Ottoman garrison and the Zaraniq, attempted overthrow, 154–157 109–111 Tale of Sinuhe, 30 slave trade, 37 Tilly, Charles, 13 Joseph Kessel investigation, 155 treaties regulation, 59, 132 and duress, 108 spike in 1920s, 149–150 and forgery, 84 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84566-3 — Colonial Chaos in the Southern Red Sea Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith Index More Information Index 223 and Islamic world, 43, 45–46, 56, Warsangeli Sultanate, 30, 32–41, 79 71–72, 77, 79, 96, 102, 106, Westphalia, peace treaty 1648, 13, 95 144, 164 Wight, Martin, 20, 175 colonial sociology of, 20, 163, 165, 169 Yemen Treaty of Berlin 1878, 62 Akk lineage, 112 Treaty of Illig 1905, 93 Aksumite period, 100 Turkey (modern state), 145, 176 border with Saudi Arabia, 124 history, 109 United Arab Emirates (UAE), 103, 176, Imams of Sanaa, 100 see also Qawasim (Trucial) Red Sea coast, 22, 98 States Saba Kingdom, 100, 112 United Nations (UN), 171, 175 Yusuf ‘Ali, 22 USA, 88, 172 and Hobyo Sultanate, 80–83 Uthman, 57 and The Aveyron,80 Uthman Mahmud Yusuf, 22 and The Mei-Kong,61 and Charles Cruttenden, 50 Anglo-Italian landing at Hobyo, and Charles Goodfellow, 76 92–94 and Italy, 84 arms trade, 85 and Muhammad Abdille Hassan, lighthouse at Alula, 90 88–92 relations with Aden Protectorate, and Robert Playfair, 56–59 62–64, 67 Sultanate of Alula, 75 Vink, Markus, 162 Zanzibar Sultanate, 80, 87 Waal, Alex de, 174 Zar, 43 Waltz, Kenneth, 166 Zaraniq, 110–124 War on Terror, 174 Zeila, 32, 79, 86, 133, see also Adulis © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org.
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