329 NEW ZEALAND GAiEffi Revoki'llfl a Prodamation Proeki,iming the Takitimu Tribal District Under the Maori Social and Economic Advancement Act 1945 [L:t:i,1 'FB'E~~rnbr:Generltl A ilROCLAMATION ~ ''to ~iii\tl&' 'l\ 1:)f the 'iti.cikt 'Sll'Jfa.I °atid ~-cclhomio r -~TfviGl:c'e\"futt ·i8t t/45 'I ':MHi"atd Cfi'µ Barcln · re"ber , the 'Go'tiffiioidiin'i\t'al cjf ' '.N'ew 7z'e'ailiil:a, 'fiilr'illly' revo'ifo th! Prt b:tifuni.tlll:b. 'ttiade oh 'the 110th day 'of.July '19ii 7, ·itnd phblished 'ln the Gl=tte on the 17th day of July 1947, at page 872 proofflilfing·tlJ,'e .J~iji,nµ :.!)i1™ Di!J~rio~·a1,1!1 t4e.;I,'J;9<ll~IJ!1-fOn.wit™!!~<l.!/J,t~o24th ,gaytlf;Mi!,toq l:~l'i(), IIA'!ll!'l1blislieqP,J. t)J.,;i.~ 9.n,,. JJ\ltA-~"ll'Y"\d' lilaroh ifl50, at page 380, varying ·the first mentioned olama'tion. Given under the hand of His Excilif~ll.tly't'ii.e Gov:'&ii:Jr~l'l~~e'Af.l, and issued, U]lder ·the Seal of New Zealand, this 29th day t>f Febraary f952. E. B. CORBETT, Minister 'o'f':Mlroti '.A:ffairs. Gon 'S'A:vE '<fliE 'QunN '1 (M.A. 35/22/1) Proclaiming a Tribal District Under the Maori Social and Economic Advancement Act 1945 '(L:S.] 'FRE'iBltito'GbvJnillr-~~'IMrJl A 'pRocir/AMA':rION URSUANT to section 6 uf tlte Mapri Social and Economic P Advancement Act 1lt<t5, 'I, BJhiatd 1Cyrll, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of 'New. 'Zelilatrd, hereby declare the parts pf N~'!",ze,tand d~scribed in, tAe S\'.l/,«/dul\l4erl!to tci,s~.a tri'!ial ,~tjpj; for tp.e purposes pf tiiti ~aid fct, an~ Allrllby ·assign 'io the said district, the name" Takitunu Tnbal 1':llstiict." 13CH'.E!>ULE T AKrriMu 'l'Rililu. ·DrsTRIC'r ALL that area in the Gisborne Land District, being Parj; Waiapu County, Waikohu County,, Uawa County, and Part Cook County, bounded by a line oomm!)ncing 'at '1.>aritu, being a point on the sea . '~st'in :131,fo'k n1-I, 'l.'atifu.'~i,y'!>t~triJt; tlM!lce'fiorth~:tly along a right line in the direction of thi, junction of tlte ·Kah.,aroa and Ruakituri Rivil\.'s io tiie 'rhitl.'dle''of'tlfo ·Mailgtit'iidgiilra'Stf€a'ih; . '.tlie~oe northerzy rip the middle i:>f that stream to the.notj;h~most corner of Mangapoike No. 2n Block, in Block IV, OpoitL SJtrVey :i:ii.~trict_a.~d a._right line ~o thEl, "orte:we,stern ,cornl)r of '\yhaka- . · Ao 2 '13look; thence rim;th-westerly, tiorthl)r!y,, an_d north- . y gehera]ly along t,he ,.generally eastern 'si)te qf ti:\~ road mg 'the· south-western bounuaries of Sections ~.6,Jt'5,, ~. ~1, again 44, and 48 all of Block XVI, Hangaroa Survey Dfstrlct, ,tµ~ western boundaries of SectiOi1 3, :J3lock ~:qr pf, that Survey .Pistriot, Section 1, part 5, 6, lO, 8, .. part .3, pa1J1i .. 2, ~~e southern · boundary of part Section 21, all of Bloc~ yur, i~a,!l,garoa Survey Disti;i9t, i,tnd. the. ~,mth'.ea~~;!;n q~mpc;[ary of )?art Hangaroa: Matawai No. 2c ; thence south-westerly a:1oi1g the north-western side of the road forming the no;rtµ~~i,stern ,l)oi,p.cla!;y, of Hangaroa Village, and the production of that side to the middle of the Hangaroa A 330 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No'.' 19 north-eastern bounda.ry of Lot I of Small Grazing-rµn 43A ; thence Land Nwr Te Papapa Takfflfor Railway Purp08e8 south-easterly and.south-westerly to and aJong that boundary and the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot I and its production. to the middle of a public road; thence south-easterly and south­ [L.B.] FREYBERG, Governor-General westerly generally along the middle of that road to a point in line A PROCLAMATION with the northern boundary of Section I, Block XV, Waingaromia URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, and the Government Survey District ; thence to and along that boundary and the north­ P Railways Act 1949, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the eastern boundary of Section 2, Block XVI, Waingaromi& Survey Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare District, to the middle of the Mange.rare. Stream ; thence· easterly that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for down the middle of that stream to a point in line with the north­ ·railway purposes. eastern boundary of Waimata North No. IA 2 Block; thence south­ e&sterly to and along that boundary, the north-eastern boundary of Section 3, Block XVI, Waingaromia Survey District, and the SCHEDULE generally north-eastern boundaries of Lot 2 on the plan numbered 2620 deposited as aforesaid; thence north-easterly along the north­ ALL that parcel of land containing 32 perches, more or less, situated western boundary of Section 2, Block XIII, Uawa Survey District, in the Borough of One Tree Hill, being Lot 56 on Deposited Plan and its production to the middle of the Pakarae River ; thence No. 18900, and being portion of Allotment 4 of Section 17, of the easterly and southerly generally down the middle of that river to Suburbs of Auckland ; and being the whole of the land comprised a point in line with the northern boundary of Pakarae No. ID Block; and described in certificate of title, Volume 897, folio 279 (Auckland thence easterly and south-easterly to and along that boundary and Registry). the northern and north-eastern boundaries of Pakarae IA Block to Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, .the sea coast ; thence southerly generally along the sea coast to and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 27th day Paritu the point of commencement, and including all adjacent of February 1952. islands. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Railways. Given under the hand of .His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under thel Seal of New Zealand, this 29th day GOD SAVE THE QUEEN I of February 1952. (L.O. 20334/98) E. B. CORBETT, Minister.of Maori Mairs. GoD SAVE THE QUEEN I (M.A. 35/22/1) Additional Land Taken for a Maori Solwol in Block V, Te Kaha Survey District [L.B.] FREYBERG, Governor-General Additional Land at Kakahi Taken for the Purpoaea of the Norlh Island Main Trunk Railway A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril,· P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, [L.B.] FREYBERG, Governor-General hereby proclaim and declare that the additional land described in A PROCLAMATION the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a Maori school; and I also deolare that this Proclamation shall take effect on ·and after the URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, 10th day of March 1952. P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the additional land described . in the Schedule hereto is here by taken for the purposes of the North SCHEDULE Island Main Trunk railway. APPROXIMATE areas of the .pieces of additional land taken :- A. B. P. Being SCHEDULE 2 I 14·6. Part Te Kaba C No. 9 Block; llOloured orange. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of additional land taken :- 0 3 11 Part Te Kah& C No. 6 Block ; coloured sepia. 0 1 36 Part Te Kah& No. 8 Block; coloured blue. A. B. P. Being 0 1 12 Section 1, Block II, Kakahi Village Settlement. Situated in Block V, Te Kaba Survey District (Gisborne R.D.). O I O Section 2, Block II, ·Kake.hi Village Settlement. (S.O. 4569.) All situated in Block VI, Hunua Survey District, Kaitieke In the Gisborne Land District; as the same are more particu­ County. (S.O. 15842.) larly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 135486, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon In the Wellington Land District; as the same are more parti­ coloured as above mentioned. cularly delineated on the plan marked L.O. 11398, deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at Wellington, and thereon edged Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, red. and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 1st day of March 1952. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 29th day w; S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. of February 1952, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Railways. (P.W. 31/210; D.O. 37/16) GOD SAVE THE QUEEN [ (L.O. 19337/17) Additional Land ·Takffl for a Tourist and HeaUh .R880rl in Block IX, Rotoiti Survey District Crown Lam,d Set Apart for Railway Purposes in the Grey County [L.B.] FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION [L.B.] FREYBE.RG, Governor-General URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril A PROCLAMATION P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, hereby proclaim and declare that the additional land described P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of Ne~ Ze~land, in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a tourist and health hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown land described m the resort ; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect Schedule hereto is hereby. set apart for railway purposes ; and I on and after the 10th day of March 1952.
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