CANDIDATE INFO see SA ELECTION 2011 & HOW TO VOTE 9-12 thVOLUME XCVIIIe, ISSUE NO. Ric18 STUDENT-RUe N SINCE 1916 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2011 Provost's 1 plan goes forward BY ELLEN LIU THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF Provost George McLendon chose I n three task forces last semester to carry out the Rice Initiatives by determining the university's aca- demic focus for the coming years. The task forces ended last semester by writing three white papers — documents that summarized their work thus far and laid foundations for the next phase of their project. This next phase included a call for greater student input and collabo- ration with the faculty members of the task forces. Founded in 1993, the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy is ranked 16th in the world among university-run think tanks and 27th in the United When McLendon helped form States among think tanks in general by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. the Biosciences and Human Health, Energy and the Environment and International Strategy task forces, BY KERN VIJAYVARGIYA a survey of almost 1,500 policy ex- more financial support and fellows." changed every week, from a execu- he said he gave them the collec- THRESHER STAFF perts worldwide. Ranking criteria Djerejian said that the Baker Insti- tive recruiting office. With the help tive mission of identifying areas included quality of academic re- tute, in its 17th year, is also relatively of his wife, Djerejian started writ- across the university where Rice The Think Tanks and Civil Soci- search, access to policy-making younger. Nevertheless, the Baker In- ing speaker invitations from the could achieve preeminence and be eties Program (TTCSP) at the Uni- elites, financial resources and evi- stitute is self-sufficient for its fund- kitchen table of his house. one of the top places in th > world versity of Pennsylvania recently dence of an organization's efforts ing, with respected intellectual capi- Today, the Baker Institute has for research and education. The recognized the James A. Baker III resulting in positive change. Ac- tal and policy research. Djerejian also grown, employing approximately task forces polled Rice's faculty to Institute for Public Policy as one cording to TTCSP Director James said that the Baker Institute focuses 40 fellows and scholars. Accord- determine what interdisciplinary of the top think tanks in the world. G. McGann, all 6,480 global think on bringing national and internation- ing to Djerejian, the Baker Institute themes they thought were most im- In its latest "Global Go-To Think tanks were invited to submit nomi- al leaders to the institute, enhancing maintains an endowment of $65 portant and then narrowed those Tanks" annual report, the TTCSP nations and offer input on the rank- Rice and the city of Houston as a ma- million, /vhich covers 60 percent of ideas down to a few areas that each ranked the Baker Institute 16th ing methodology. jor cosmopolitan city. its expenses. The remaining costs group then highlighted in their among university-affiliated think Ambassador Edward Djerejian, "This is a source of satisfaction are covered by financial donations. white papers. tanks in the world and 27th among the Baker Institute's founding direc- but not complacency," Djerejian said. Hanszen College junior Myles "All we were trying to do was see all U.S. think tanks. tor, said that the rankings reflect the "You have to work every day to main- Bugbee serves as the events com- if there was a 'there' there; if Rice The new rankings are an im- high intellectual output of the Baker tain cutting-edge performance." mittee chairman of the Baker In- could really imagine strategies in provement for the policy think Institute Fellows and Scholars. Djerejian also described the ob- stitute Student Forum. Bugbee said which it could become preeminent tank; last year, the TTCSP ranked "To be ranked 16th, up there with stacles he faced in helping grow that he was pleased by the news. in one segment of energy, for ex- the Baker Institute 37th in the U.S. Yale, Stanford, Harvard and Princ- the Baker Institute. He started work "We are not particularly sur- ample, or biosciences and human University-affiliated think tanks eton, is quite a recognition for the at Rice in a temporary office at prised," Bugbee said. "The con- health," McLendon, who also served were not assessed in 2009. university," Djerejian said. "Many Fondren Library in 1994. Djerejian tribution of the Baker Institute's as a co-chair of the Energy and the The TTCSP rankings come from leading programs are larger, with had a temporary secretary, who output to public policy discourse Environment task force, said. Osee BAKER, page 8 According to McLendon, one of the things they wanted was a process which cut across every department but was still small enough for the Coffeehouse move wilt expand spacetask forces to actuall y have conversa- tions. Consequently, McLendon said he chose one representative per de- BY HALLIE JORDAN how much you can change design," Rouse said. a tiny little couch. We have restrictions that say partment and some members of the , \ THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF "We can have input about what's inside the space nothing can extend beyond our space. But we can faculty senate to serve on the task but there are some limitations on how the outside make it feel like our space." forces. He said he was surprised to By the first day of classes next year. Coffeehouse can look." Though Rouse and Cooper say they have no find that the groups chose to focus will open its doors from a new location — the Kelley One of the main reasons to expand is so that official plans for the inside of the new Coffee- O see PAPER, page 8 Lounge in the Rice Memorial Center. Coffeehouse can have more storage space. The new house, both hinted that two registers might be a Coffeehouse has been looking to relocate since space will be approximately 13 by 38 feet, as com- new addition. 2006, Coffeehouse Project Manager Erin Rouse pared to 12 by 12 feet in the current space, and will "I know it's one of the most of annoying things said. Last semester, the RMC management offered cost up to $200,000 to renovate. Both Rice and Cof- to wait in line for just a cup of coffee," Cooper the student-run business to move into the Kelley feehouse will share this expense. Both parties are said. "We want to have a second register so people Lounge. After architects examined the space, Cof- currently negotiating over what percentages each can expedite their trip to Coffeehouse." feehouse received the final go-ahead from the ad- will contribute, Rouse said. In this case, one register would function as ministration last week. "The best part is it will allow us to be more ef- sort of an express lane, serving those who want Coffeehouse will move into the back of the Kelley ficient," General Manager Christine Cooper said. plain coffee or tea. Lounge. The final structure will include the space "Right now, every time we run out of something it's Coffeehouse would like student input for any where the Women's Resource Center is currently lo- a five-minute delay — it will really allow us to pro- ideas concerning what the new location should cated as well as the two study niches right next to vide better service to people." do differently or try to incorporate. They will it. After a semester of examination, the architecture Each of Coffeehouse's current storage closets are construct a survey for both Coffeehouse work- firm working on the project said the space is usable located in different places throughout the RMC, in- ers and the general student body in the next few and can be renovated with plumbing and addition- cluding one in Willy's Pub, Cooper said. weeks. The survey will be posted on the Coffee- al electrical outlets. Though the rest of the Kelley Lounge will remain a house Facebook page. Rouse is working with architects, as well as Fa- public space within the RMC, Coffeehouse would like Duncan College sophomore Ciara Ayala said cilities, Engineering and Planning, to determine the to use the sitting space for customers to sit and chat, she appreciated the need for expansion. design of the new structure. and hopes to hold more events there. "I guess it's a good thing because Coffeehouse is Provost George McLendon "Since this part of the RMC was built by archi- "We are hoping it will be a space for people to always so busy and the line is always in the hallway," came to Rice in July 2010. tect Cesar Peli, there are certain regulations about hang out," Rouse said. "As of right now we have Ayala said. "Expansion is always a good thing." SNOWPOCALYPSE Behind the veil ZOOOOORN! INDEX Opinion 3 There is a 70 percent chance of snow Head over to the Rice Media Center tonight Planning on voting in the SA election next week? News 4 today. While we doubt that will keep many at 7 for We are Half of Iran's Population and We recommend attending the presidential debate Arts & Entertainment 13 (any) of you from going outside, it might Pearls on the Ocean Floor and tomorrow at 7 Monday night at 9 p.m. Thresher Creative Director Sports 15 keep your professors at home, so make p.m. for The Glass House, Rice's three contri- Dave Rosales will be moderating. RAAAAAGE! Calendar 19 sure you have class before making the trek butions to this year's Iranian Film Festival.
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