The Deacon Vol. 52 No. •» IS WilliaiajPaierson College November 4,1985 Senate passes resolutions against limiting appeals for retention BY MIKE PALUMBO to act on the resolution to limit faculty and its elected representa- pp. s> PAGE EDrros appeals, Arnold Speert, president tives. of WPC replied, "What the Board Tne Faculty Senate imanim cusly has done is review the tenure and retention process and decided to "Outrageous violation of passed foor resolutions aimed at change the procedure. It has every :h= Board of Trustees decision to right to do that. I think it was per- freedom_of speech" Urri; appeals at board meetings fectly proper," as reported in last idling'with intention, last Tues- week's Beacon. The Senate dealt with the issue of •isy. limited appeals by stating in a reso- lution that they strongly object to TRe Board afTrastees announced The second resolution dealt with- iis resolution to limit appeals shortly the community protest againstnon- the manner in which two senators retention of faculty and staff. "We before ihe Oct. 14 meeting, when were treated at the Oct. 14 Board ihey passed the resolution. This further consider this an outrageous meeting. Carole Sheffield, profes- violation of freedom of speech and eave no time for the faculty to sor of political science, and Hum- Ttsjxmd said Lee Hummel, chair- the right to petition," the resolution The Beacon. David Snyttrr mel were initially denied the right 'states. It was resolved that the person of the Faculty Senate- The to speak. Hummel was given the Billy Pat's Pub was "packed to the rafters" last Thursday night nrst resolution was to orge the Senate ask the Board to immediately during the annual Halloween party. See pages 10-11 in the floor after objection by Irwin Nack: reverse its decision on this matter. Board of Trustees to inform the president of the American Federa- Feature section for photos of the best dressed. Faculty Senate in timely fashion tion of Teachers Union, Local 1796. The last resolution was to for- •vhen matters of academic concern Theresolution states that the Senate Board's new policy on tenure and to do it," Anders said. He feels the are on their agenda, so the Senate strongly protests the discourteous ward the Faculty Senate's view on Board should schedule a special will be able to give its input to the this issue to Speert and Mark retention. ""We have given this topic manner in which two Senators were Anders, SGA president. a very high priority because of our meeting with nothing but tenure Board, treated by the Board at the Oct. 14 serious concerns about the credence retention appeals a week before In response to the question of meeting. It was further resolved given faculty governance Hy the their regular meeting where they •srnether the Board should have in- that the Faculty Senate esi>ects the Nack urged all the senators to Board of Trustees/' said Hummel. usually vote on retention issues. formed the faculty before it decided*" Board to seek the input from the attend the nest Board meeting and "I don't have a problem with "This way they will be able to really inform, all other faculty and stu- what the Board of Trustees has think it over without it being based strictly on pn^tion","' Anders said. Apartments to stay open dents to attend and protest the. done: because they had every right Administration reverses Thanksgiving recess decision BY SCOTT SAILOR Conditions to Remain "If, for example, the fire alarm He added that these conditions "Failure to comply with the above EDFTOB-IN-CHIEF Residents of the Apartments will goes off, we need to know how were reviewed and approved by the conditions, as well as other Resi- be permitted to remain on campus many people are in the building." Dean of Students. dence life policies and procedures, The administration has reversed he said. will lead to suspension/eviction its decision to close Pioneer and daring the Thanksgiving recess The Dean of Students was not from the residence halls andVor Heritage HB11« over Thanksgiving providing they fill out a request ""It was our judgment that this available for comment after the • other "disciplinary action," the re recess and will allow all residents form by Nov. 22 and agree to the was the most appropriate adminis- memo was released last Friday, quest form states. of those buildings to remain, pro- conditions stated on that form. trative meaStarfcjbr this particular having gone home for the day, ac- vided they obtain prior permission set of hypothetical circumstances," cordtag to the Dean of Students' Request forms are available in and agree to eetam conditions. The conditions suspend all*"vis- Nelson said. office. the Apartments office. Pioneer 106. A/memo addresse&fc) apartment itation privileges and prohibit par- ^esldenis from Kevin Nelson, direc- ties. The memo states that any per- '-or of residence Hfe, that was dis- son who is found in the Apartments tributed last Friday afternoon that is not a resident will be arrested states, "After considering the var- if a non-student or fined $50 if a Withdrawal deadline challenged ious stadent concerns involved in stud ent closing the Apartments, it has been decided to permit Pioneer and Her- "Any resident who sponsors, par- BY SANDY A The only problems that Levine time period. According to Levine, itage Halls to ranain open." edpates in or permits a party to SKVS CONTRIBUTOR • said he foresees are what each in- the rest of the policy would remain take place in the Apartments dur- dividual on the Senate thinks and the same in terms of refunds and Nelson said that Dominic Bac- A resolution stating that the last withdrawal procedure. There will., eoUo, vice presdent of student ser- ing ihs Thanksgiving break period - day for withdrawal from a course how they vote on it. Also, that some will be automatically removed from may feel that once a student is be no penalties and WD will still vices, made the decision. be changed to the midpoint of a appear on a student's transcript: "I wholeheartedly support the living in an^j-esidence facility on semester has been proposed to the involved in a class, they shouldn't right of the Dean of Students, Vice campus or subTecTTo^otHer serious Faculty Senate by ihe Admissions be able to withdraw without a Levine said he hacks this resolu- Presdent of Student Services or disciplinary actions." the memo and Academic Standards Council. penalty. * " tion because it gives the students President to overtom any decision states. The withdra wal policy no w states If passed, the only thing that time to see if they want to withdraw if they beHeve it is appropriate to do that a student may withdraw from would change would He the extended from the course. so." Nelson said. Only those residents whose names appearon a roster that will be given a course about sis weeks into the xo the security guards will be per- semester. According to-Donald Le- Not Enough RAs vine. professor of biology and a mitted to enter their Apartment member of the Faculty Senate, the New alarms in Towers building. nfc-w resolution would give the stu- Nelson^ who stated two weeks BY SCOTT SAILOR alarm system that will be installed ago that his office could not require dents more of an opportunity to see Further, residents will be permit- now they are doing in the class. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF this month, according to Robert that the resident assistants remain led to enter only ihe Apartment Jackson, chief o: campus security. on campus during the recess, said building they live in and must sign .I, n ,a n effor, t to reduc, _e, the amoun, t. The ntw aiarms that will be m- he does not ibinfc there will be in and out with picture identifica- 01 faise alarms mthe Towers doro, • - enough RAs and does not know tion. y slSL]led in Towers Dtdronms wiU hsw many will be there- CORRECTION rangetonesd. Campuan approximats Secumey ha$38,00s ar0- faave an in.irT:a] smf.ke sensmg He said those RAs that choose to A resident of Heritage Hall, for Last week there was a typo- modincarion of the existing smoke unit and WZYL net be rriggered by the ssay will be asked to act in their example, will not be permitted to graphical error that depicted the Q*Sdal capacities. eater Pioneer Hall and vice versa. SGA Legislature's vote on the Bams Security will be at ihe desks Faculty Senate's ^urricuium reform When asked for the reason behind proposal as 12 — 8. The true vote Op/Ed b-7 Feature 10-111 24 hoars-a-diy and Residence life this particular stipulation. Nelson ; Index has asked Robert Jackson. chief of •was 21 — ? in favor-of the proposal- said ix was ''a control measure so We apologize for ihe error. ' Arts 8-9 Sports 13-16 I campos secarityUo increase ps sroU we know whe is \n th? KuiMisE at. m thai area, he ad3ed. any particular moment-'1 The Beacon/November 4,1985 Happenings Future Shock Career Conference Nov. 14!!! Many other students have been MONDAY Catholic Campus Ministry Club Computer Club — Meet- — Bible study. lector training, successfully placed in part-time ing. Various topics will be dis- Did'you ever prospect for gold or positions this month, including: O.L.A.S. — Open Reuse. Opening eucharisric minister training. 6:30 cussed, as well a s new ideas for other valuables? Well, learning rv—jrks hv Presidedi-Jannette Cruz.
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