MAXFIELD & COMPANY (617) 293-8003 REALEXPERIENCE ESTATE • EXCELLENCE Vol. 29 No. 2 20 Pages • Free Delivery 25 Cents at Stores BOOK YOUR Jamaica Plain POST IT Call Your Advertising Rep Printed on (617)524-7662 Recycled Paper AZETTE 617-524-2626 • WWWG.JAMAICAPLAINGAZETTE.COM JANUARY 24, 2020 CIRCULATION 16,000 BSO COMMUNITY CONCERT 10 Stonley development project receives denial from JPNC Zoning Committee BY LAUREN BENNETT 22, where neighbors packed the First on the agenda was 387-399 room to discuss issues they had Centre St., at which the proj- The Jamaica Plain Neigh- with several projects on the agen- ect proponents want to convert borhood Council (JPNC) Zon- da. an existing beauty salon into a ing Committee held a very well attended meeting on January 387-399 Centre St. Continued on page 9 Kelly Rink: a hard-fought resource for the neighborhood BY SETH DANIEL state-operated outdoor rink in Skate program there since 2004- the Commonwealth, is celebrat- 2005, and Friend Steven Glickel On most every Saturday morn- ing its 20th year in existence this – a retired teacher and long-time ing in the cold winter months, winter season – an amenity won JP resident – said they have bundled up families and children over in a compromise between about 180 kids and adults signed pack onto Marbury Terrace to a the state and a dedicated group up for this year’s version of Learn little sheet of ice abutting the of JP neighbors in 1999. Now, to Skate. Orange Line tracks. though it isn’t getting as much “What has happened is the They laugh. general public use as it did a few Kelly Rink is a great resource They shiver. years back, few would know that for the community,” said Glickel. But above all, they learn to on a Saturday morning. “That’s good for us because there skate. The Friends of the Kelly Rink The Kelly Rink, the only have run a successful Learn to Continued on page 4 SNA hears LEARN -TO-SKATE AT KELLY RINK PHOTO BY MIKE MEJIA Boston Symphony Orchestra violinist Julianne Lee is encouraged by the audience moments after playing an engaging Beethoven piece at Curtis Hall on Jan. 12 during the Boston Symphony BMS Paper Orchestra’s Community Concert in Jamaica Plain. proposal SNA oye propuesta para el lote de BMS Paper BY LAUREN BENNETT BY LAUREN BENNETT residenciales, 148 plazas de apar- The Stonybrook Neighbor- camiento y un posible espacio hood Association (SNA) met for La Asociación de Vecinos de comercial en la planta baja. its monthly meeting on January Stonybrook (SNA) se reunió El dueño Bob Harrington 13, where the community heard para su reunión mensual el 13 espera tener una tienda de co- a presentation for the redevel- de enero. mestibles independiente y crear opment of the BMS Paper Co. lot una sala comunitaria. El proyecto located at 3390 Washington St. -BMS Paper Co. también puede incluir un jardín Chris Tracy of O’Neill and As- SNA escuchó una present- en el techo además de los 7.500 sociates, the consultant for BMS ación para la renovación de BMS pies cuadrados de espacio verde Paper, said that the proposal is PHOTO BY MIKE MEJIA Paper Co. en 3390 Washington St. actuales en el sitio. about 359,000 square feet of de- Los desarrolladores están pro- Harrington dijo que parte del Brasly De La Cruz leads her cohort during a game of Red Light, velopment on the roughly two poniendo un proyecto de 359 mil edificio actual está en ruinas y Green Light at the Kelly Rink’s popular Learn to Skate program. pies cuadrados con 148 unidades The rink is 20 years old now, and while the usage is a bit down, Continued on page 3 Continued on page 2 programming like the Learn to Skate is skyrocketing. 2 • JAMAICA PLAIN GAZETTE • JANUARY 24, 2020 past. He said that he would op- for both the retail and residential work for the neighborhood,” SNA “I don’t think you’re going to SNA Proposal erate the grocery store himself portions. A parking garage would Steering Committee member find anyone in this organization Continued from page 1 and not bring in an independent be cut into the back of the hill Jonathan McCurdy said. Anoth- who is against affordable hous- grocer. Additionally, Harrington on the property for these spaces. er comment was in favor of the ing,” Proctor said. She said that acres of land that BMS Paper has wants to have a community The addition for the residen- housing since it is needed in the a lot of Franklin Park is taken occupied for the past 30 years. space where people can have tial portion would start behind neighborhood, but the neighbor up by things like the zoo, and The current proposal is 148 res- functions like birthday parties the existing building. said he would like to see the de- many people in Jamaica Plain do idential units with consideration and community meetings. SNA member Jennifer velopment “as pedestrian-friend- not have backyards, so Franklin of a restaurant/retail use on the “I’m not a developer; I want Uhrhane asked if it was neces- ly as possible.” Park is in need of more open ground floor in a six-story addi- to stay in the community,” Har- sary to develop the entire lot, The project proponents said space to provide that experience tion on the back of the existing rington said. “I want to work as she feels there is not enough they would keep in contact with for residents. warehouse building. with the community; I feel I’m green portions proposed to have the community as this project “If we lose and the land goes Tracy said that though noth- part of the community.” He said a large area of open space. “It progresses, but this was a pre- to this project, I would hope that ing is filed yet with the city for he wanted the redevelopment to seems like the majority of the liminary introduction to what they would not have it closed this project, they really wanted be a place the community can green space is little strips here Harrington wants to do on his off, fenced off, isolated from the to come out to the community rely on. and there,” she said. site. park,” Proctor said. first to present the proposal be- The empty area in the back David O’Sullivan of O’Sul- Vetterlein said he was also fore going to the city. of the lot abuts Pine Street Inn, livan Architects said that even Shattuck Letter against the letter, as he believes Tracy said that prior to com- Harrington said, adding that without the proposed green roof, SNA Steering Committee mem- it should not be a case of housing ing to the SNA, project propo- versus park land, and several they are working with Pine there is about 7,500 square feet ber Wyley Proctor presented the nents have Alsop met with Lind- other neighbors agreed that the Street Inn to make both projects of green space. same letter as was presented last sey Santana from the Mayor’s SNA should not vote on this work together. Another resident said that month in favor of returning the Office of Neighborhood Services, letter as a body, but rather as in- Additionally, “I really wanted BMS has “been a great neighbor,” Shattuck Campus to Franklin City Councilor Matt O’Malley’s Park. This month, she was look- dividuals who support the idea. office, and direct abutters on all to keep the old warehouse build- but Jennifer’s concerns about the Natalie Kaufman, Staff Di- ing and rehab it,” he said, and amount of usable green space ing for a vote from the SNA to sides of the site. put the organization’s name on rector for Rep. Liz Malia, said possibly add a roof deck on the in this proposal were shared by that the state statute limits the “We’re here to have a discus- the letter. top of the existing building. The several others as well. use of the land to public health, sion,” Tracy said. The letter proposes that the front of the building would be In general, neighbors were and that people in Dorchester, BMS Paper owner Bob Har- services currently offered by the Roxbury, and Mattapan also abut rington said that part of the restored and landscaped, and the supportive of the redevelopment Shattuck Hospital not be put the park and recognize the need current building needs to come team hopes to install some sort of of the site and were excited about back into Franklin Park once the for the housing and services that green roof on the buildings. The the grocery store. hospital moves to the South End, down, as it is “dilapidated.” this land could offer. existing building currently has a Fred Vetterlein said that and cites that other nearby state “I’d like to convert some of Another neighbor commented that space…into things that lot of blocked up windows, so the while he is in favor of the proj- buildings would be better suited that “these services are needed” the community could use,” Har- team wants to open them up and ect happening, he believes that for these services and affordable and “I will vote against the letter rington said. He hopes to have a bring a more historic look back there is “too much volume going housing units that are being dis- and I want this to move forward, community grocery store, some- to the facade.
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