Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 8-26-2002 Arbiter, August 26 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. .; Theatre arts professor does more than sew costumes Page 10 WACfootbRll preview Page 5 .l?,?iseState. University e Monday, August 26, 2002 Vol. 16 Issue _ First Copy Free • o reure Mathias wants students to help select successor By Andy Benson yielded 1,129 signatures. port for higher education as a The .Arbitcr ------- "I'm disappointed they pr!mary reas?~ for not pur- [student government] felt sUIng the position, Boise State' president I'm the single and sole rea- :'1do not feel that I can do Charles Ruch announced his son for their frustration," he that in good conscience given retirement plans at the annu- said at the time. "I am not the low level of salaries and al State of the University support that already exists address on August 19. and the zero-to-poor Ruch, who made the "We [Ruch and his prospects that the legislature announcement at the end of wife Sally] love this will cease to embarrass itself his speech, said his retire- and the people of Idaho by its ment would be effective next institution. It is an penurious support of the fac- summer, after his replace- institution of individ- ulty; staff and students' of ment has been hired. Boise State University," The State Board of uals 'who care about Roarke wrote in a letter to Education is forming a students, service and university leaders. search committee to review the very best of the The state board has select- applicants for Ruch's job. ed Micron Technology exec- Ruch said he is retiring intellectual quest. It is utive Rod Lewis to head the because he will reach the nor- all institution with its search committee .for Ruch's mal retirement age of 65 next grea tes i:acconn:Iish- replacement. However, the year. However, he alluded to remaining committee posi- speculation that others might ments ahead of it. " tions may not be filled until view his retirement -Charles Ruch later this fall. announcement in another Randy McDermott, the light. BSll President state board's plans and poli- "Though some may search cy officer, said policies for for other reasons for this going to resign." the search committee are decision, the simple fact is The state board may face still being researched. next summer seemed like the difficulties in attracting top Membership for the commit- best time in the life of the candidates to replace Ruch, a tee may not be announced university and the life of the fact that bothers current until the board's next meet- Ruch's to make this change," ASBSU ' president Chris ing in·October. Ruch said. Mathias. McDermott was unable to Ruch said his decision to "We are going to hit some clarify the level of student retire was not an easy one, obstacles along the way," representation that would be and that he and his wife, Mathias said. present on the committee. President Ruch collects his Sally, felt tIl" end of this aca- "Issues like limited Mathias saki he wants to notes (ahovejdurtng the demic year was a good time resources could discourage see students play a role in standing ovation following for his departure. candidates from applying selecting the university's his State of the University "We love this institution. like we saw with the dean of address. next rsz: It is an institution of individ- Social Sciences and Public "1 there is any issue uals who care about stu- Affairs last spring." where student input is dents, service and the very Last March, a candidate imperative, this is definitely best of the intellectual quest. for the dean of the College it,' Mathias said. It is an institution with its Social Sciences and Public Mathias also said he wants Local media surrounds greatest accomplishments Affairs dropped out of con- the board to start the process President Ruch (right) ahead of H." tention after visiting the cam- as soon as possible. after he announced his pus and meeting with "I'm a little urset that they retirement. Photos by Ted Last January, former Harmon, The Arbiter. ASBSU president Nate administrators. are waiting unti October. It's Peterson circulated a petition The candidate, John something that needs to start on campus calling for Ruch's Roarke of the University of soon." resignation. Ruch discounted Connecticut, cited .Idaho's Peterson's petition, which "embarrassing" lack of sup- Cultural Center The REC officially opens today hires coordinator By Jessica Adams The REC was slated to versity standpoint, we feel tors' Website, -the project's TireArbiter------- open in July 2001, however, we've been injured, and total cost reached $9.4 mil- By MattNeznanski State student who was RSCI ran into a series of don't feel we owe them a lion, well over the original TireArbiter------- involved in the hiring Boise State's new recre- problems that delayed the cent," Blake said. estimation. ' process, said Cleary h:::s il lot ation center, The REC, is project's completion. RSCI's original bid was With the facility mostly The Student Union of good ideas for assisting finally opening its doors Blake said the project had $20-0,000 below the other completed, .students can announced the hiring of students. today, just over one year after one technical problem after contractors. begin using the 86,000 Valerie Cleary as the new "One thing the administra- the proposed opening date. another: in what he called "a Blake said the discrepan- square-foot state-of-the-art Cultural Center coordinator tion never understood was After being penalized for disastrous turn of events." cy, was due in part to' an fitness center today. last week. how much we lost when Tam failing to complete construc- Unfortunately for students, unintentional bidding error, Located across the street Cleary received her B.A. in [Dinh, previous coordinator] tion within the allotted time, they have been paying fees totaling $200,000, by the from the Student Union social sciences from left," said Manning. RSCl, the general contractor, for the unfinished building plumbing sub-contractor Building, the REC features a California State University-, "She was a friend, not just plans to sue the university for since last year, without access RSCI originally hired. group-exercise 'studio with Chico, and finished the a coordinator. She was our, $3 million for punitive dam- to the services. ' Due to the shortfall, RSCI maple floors, basketball coursework in July for her financial advisor, our shoul- ages. RSCI was fined $1,000 a could have had their bid court, fitness' and weight M'S. in counseling at CSU- der to cry on." Larry Blake, director of day since July 2001. The con- waived, but instead they equipment and an elevated Long Beach. Manning said she was Facilities Planning and tractor recently filed a $3 mil- began spending out-of-pock- running track. The build- Cleary is currently work- impressed by Cleary'S consis- Administration, blamed the lion claim against Boise State. et to complete the project. ing's rock climbing gym will ing on her thesis, focusing on tency thrbughout the inter- delay on inconsistencies in The contractor blamed the . By last October, RSCI had be completed later in the fall. retention of biracial students viewing process. the building's finish work. delay on incomplete blue- already spent over $1 million The REC 's grand opening at public colleges and univer- "Since her husband is in "This is the longest punch list prints submitted by the archi- dollars of its own money on is Saturday, Aug. 31. sities. athletics, chc's used to spend- I've ever seen in my life," tect. _ the building's construction. She will begin her job at ingsix days a week involved Blake said. "Obviously from a uni- According to the contrac- the Cultural Center in early in something," Manning said. A punch li~t-'consists of September. , "She said she would be problems that need to be "She has absolutely great here for everything;" repaired after the main con- enthusiasm and is excited Cleary'S husband, struction is completed. about the job," Leah Barrett, Timothy, accepted an assis- In The REC's case, an Student Union and activities tant men's basketball coach- extensive list of unsatisfacto- director said. ing p'0sition at Boise State in ry items still remained 30 . As a graduate assistant, April, days after last year's con- Cleary served as assistant Manning said students in struction deadline. ' coordinator for new student the Cultural Center 'have Blake said patrons of the programs at CSU-Fullerton spent a lot Of time this sum- new center would probably and advised the African- mer trying to build a better not see the problems that American Graduation relationship with the univer- delayed the building's open- sity administration. i Celebration student commit- I ing. I- tee at CSU-Long Beach. "By the time we get to the "The new building is nice I A member of the National Cultural Center, we're mad," on the inside," Blake said. i Association of Student she said. "Even though we feel Personnel Administrators, One of the new programs there are so many things that Cleary was the academic planned are monthly lun- need to be resolved..
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