The new england journal of medicine editorials PALB2 Mutations and Breast-Cancer Risk Michele K. Evans, M.D., and Dan L. Longo, M.D. The response to and repair of DNA damage are end. Homologous recombination is also impor- central to our understanding of the causes of tant as the final step in the interstrand cross- breast cancer. DNA damage results from environ- link repair pathway, which is deficient in Fan- mental exposure to genotoxic agents, lifestyle coni’s anemia. BRCA1, BRCA2 (FANCD1), and PALB2 factors, and cellular metabolism. Among the (FANCN), along with FANCJ (BRIP1), facilitate most lethal forms of DNA damage are double- strand invasion to complete interstrand cross- strand breaks. A failure to accurately repair double- link repair.3 strand breaks has catastrophic consequences for In this issue of the Journal, Antoniou and col- the cell, including aneuploidy and genomic in- leagues4 examine the lifetime risk of breast stability. Double-strand breaks may be repaired cancer resulting from germline loss-of-function by homologous recombination or by the error- PALB2 mutations. Their analysis suggests that prone process of nonhomologous end joining. the risk for PALB2 mutation carriers is as high as Homologous recombination is an important fac- the risk borne by BRCA2 mutation carriers. Using tor in the susceptibility to breast cancer, because a modification of the complex-segregation-analy- BRCA1 is directly involved in the repair of dou- sis approach, these authors examined PALB2 ble-strand breaks; it functions as a coordinator truncating, splice, and deletion mutations and of proteins that are important for the response assessed the age-specific risk of breast cancer to DNA damage and has influence over the acti- in families. The family members who carried vation of cell-cycle checkpoints, DNA damage germline PALB2 mutations had a risk of breast recognition, and signaling.1 Through its binding cancer that was increased by a factor of 9.5, as partners, BRCA1 is able to act in sensing DNA compared with U.K. incidence statistics. The damage as well as in facilitating the DNA-repair mean cumulative risk of breast cancer by 70 process (Fig. 1). years of age was estimated to be 47.5%. The PALB2 (partner and localizer of BRCA2) was age-specific relative risk for mutation carriers previously identified as a moderate-risk gene in was highest among those younger than 40 years breast cancer.2 Monoallelic mutations result in of age (relative risk, 8 to 9), with slight decre- cancers, whereas biallelic mutations lead to Fan- ments in risk among those 40 to 60 years of coni’s anemia, complementation group N, as ex- age (relative risk, 6 to 8) and those older than plained below. PALB2 encodes a protein that 60 years of age (relative risk, approximately 5). functions as a tumor suppressor by binding and The increased relative risk for PALB2 mutation colocalizing with BRCA2 in nuclear foci. PALB2 carriers extends to men as well, who have a risk permits localization of BRCA2 in the nucleus of breast cancer that is 8.3 times as high as the and provides the molecular scaffold for the risk in the male general population. BRCA1–PALB2–BRCA2 complex. PALB2 not only The study assessed the residual familial com- works with BRCA2 to prevent cells from accu- ponent contributing to risk and showed that the mulating DNA damage but also interacts with risks associated with PALB2 mutations synergize BRCA2 to replace replication protein A with with unknown environmental, lifestyle, or addi- RAD51 on the processed single-stranded DNA tional genetic factors. The authors confirm that 566 n engl j med 371;6 nejm.org august 7, 2014 editorials DNA-Damaging Agents Interstrand cross-link Single-strand break Double-strand break Recognition PARP1 APE1 MRN ERCC1 PARP1 PNK ATM/ATR γ-H2AX XPF POLβ complex XRCC1 Lig III MRN BLM BRCA1 CtlP complex DNA2 Abraxas FANC core BRIP1 FANCM XRCC1 RPA EXO1 complex POLβ PARP1 Lig I PCNA TOPO POLδ/ε FANCD2 FANCl Lig III FEN-1 RAD51 IIIα BRCA1 BRCA2 BLM PALB2 FANCJ RAD51 RAD51 BRCA1 BRCA2 PALB2 Interstrand Cross-link Repair Base Excision Repair Homologous Recombination Figure 1. DNA-Repair Pathways. DNA damage from exogenous or endogenous sources may be repaired by a variety of DNA damage-response and damage-repair path- COLOR FIGURE ways, depending on the type of DNA damage induced. Interstrand cross-link repair, the single-strand-break repair subpathway of base excision repair, and homologous recombination address specific forms of damage with different, but in someRev 5cases common, 06/12/14proteins. The final step of interstrand cross-link repair involves homologous recombination. APE1 denotes apurinic–apirimidinicAuthor Dr. Evans endonuclease / Longo 1; ATM ataxia telangiectasia mutated; ATR serine–threonine kinase; BLM Bloom’s syndrome, RecQ helicase–like;Fig # BRCA11 breast cancer 1, early onset; BRCA2 breast cancer 2, early onset; BRIP1 BRCA1-interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1;Title CtIP retinoblastoma binding pro- tein 8; DNA2 DNA replication helicase/nuclease 2; ERCC1 excision repair cross-complementation groupME 1; EXO1 exonuclease 1; FANC core complex Fanconi’s anemia core complex; FANCM Fanconi’s anemia, complementation group M; FANCD2 Fanconi’s anemia, com- DE plementation group D2; FANCI Fanconi’s anemia, complementation group I; FANCJ Fanconi’s anemia, complementation group J; FEN-1 Artist Daniel Muller flap structure–specific endonuclease 1; γ-H2AX phosphorylation of histone H2AX on serine 139; Lig I DNA ligase I; Lig III DNA ligase AUTHOR PLEASE NOTE: III; PALB2 partner and localizer of BRCA2; PARP1 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1; PCNA proliferating-cellFigure nuclear has been antigen; redrawn and PNK type haspolynu- been reset cleotide kinase; Polδ/ε DNA polymerase δ/DNA polymerase ε; Polβ DNA polymerase β; RAD51 RAD51 recombinase;Please checkRPA carefullyreplication protein A; TOPO IIIα DNA topoisomerase IIIα; XPF xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation groupIssue F; and date XRCC1 08/07/2014 x-ray repair com- plementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 1. The MRN complex is made up of Mre11, Rad50, and Nibrin. the mean risk estimates are markedly increased text of family history and lifestyle factors when when risk is evaluated within the context of ge- assessing risk. notype and family history, which highlights the Because of the racial homogeneity of this need to use genetic information within the con- study population, future studies will be required n engl j med 371;6 nejm.org august 7, 2014 567 The new england journal of medicine to provide a wider examination of the role of through genetic and pharmacologic targeting of PALB2 in breast cancer in other populations. Al- the Fanconi’s anemia–breast cancer pathway will though black American women have a lower lead the way to the examination and exploita- incidence of breast cancer than white American tion of defective DNA-repair mechanisms in women, the disease among black Americans other cancers. tends to occur earlier, to have more unfavorable Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the prognostic signs, and to be associated with full text of this article at NEJM.org. higher mortality. Small cohort studies of PALB2 From the Health Disparities Research Section, Laboratory of mutation status in cohorts with African ances- Epidemiology and Populations Sciences, National Institute on try have shown a modestly increased risk but Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore (M.K.E.). perhaps different mutational spectra.5-7 The findings of Antoniou et al. regarding 1. Roy R, Chun J, Powell SN. BRCA1 and BRCA2: different roles in a common pathway of genome protection. 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