SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS No. 31 (July 2012) Science Division Mission: The provision of up-to-date and scientifically sound information to uphold effective evidence-based conservation of biodiversity and sustainable natural resource management in Western Australia http://intranet/science/ Science Communications lists titles of Brewer TD, Cinner JE, Fisher R, Green A, Wilson publications, reports etc prepared by SK (2012). Market access, population density, Science Division staff. This issue is for the and socioeconomic development explain period February -July 2012. diversity and functional group biomass of coral If you require a copy of a submitted paper reef fish assemblages. Global Environmental please contact the author. For all other titles Change 22, 399-406 \\DEC- please contact 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18879.pdf [email protected] Butcher R (2012). Tephrosia bidwillii (Fabaceae: Margaret Byrne Millettieae) does not occur in Western Australia. Director Nuytsia 22, 41-42 \\DEC- Science Division 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- 22.01.004.pdf Journal Publications Butcher R (2012). Three new species allied to the Mirbelia viminalis group (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae), Allen L, Goullet M, Palmer R (2012). The diet of from Western Australia. Nuytsia 22, 75-92 the dingo (Canis lupus dingo and hybrids) in \\DEC- north-eastern Australia: a supplement to the 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- paper of Brook and Kutt (2011). Rangeland 22.02.004.pdf Journal 34, 211-217 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18869.pdf Cassan A, Kubas D, Beaulieu J-P, Dominik M, Horne K, Greenhill J et al. [Williams A, Martin R] Berry O, Algar D, Angus J, Hamilton N, Hilmer S, (2012). One or more bound planets per Milky Sutherland D (2012). Genetic tagging reveals a Way star from microlensing observations. Nature significant impact of poison baiting on an 481, 167-169 \\DEC- invasive species. Journal of Wildlife 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18860.pdf Management 76, 729-739 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18888.pdf Cheney NP, Gould JS, McCaw WL, Anderson WR (2012). Predicting fire behaviour in dry eucalypt Biggs JD, Fouche T, Bilki F, Zadnik M (2012). forest in southern Australia. Forest Ecology and Measuring and mapping the night sky brightness Management 280, 120-131 \\DEC- of Perth, Western Australia. Monthly Notices of 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18882.pdf the Royal Astronomical Society 421, 1450-1464 \\DEC- Choi J-Y, Shin I-G, Park S-Y, Han C, Gould A, 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18876.pdf Sumi T et al. [Williams A] (2012). Characterizing lenses and lensed stars of high-magnification Bode M, Brennan KEC, Morris K, Burrows N, single-lens gravitational microlensing events with Hague N (2012). Choosing cost-effective lenses passing over source stars. Astrophysical locations for conservation fences in the local Journal 751, 1-14 \\DEC- landscape. Wildlife Research 39, 192-201 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18864.pdf \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18702.pdf Clarke LJ, Jardine DI, Byrne M, Shepherd K, Lowe AJ (2012). Significant population genetic Bougher NL, Matheny PB, Gates GM (2012). Five structure detected for a new and highly restricted new species and records of Inocybe (Agaricales) species of Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae) from from temperate and tropical Australia. Nuytsia Western Australia, and implications for 22, 57-74 \\DEC- conservation management. Australian Journal of 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- Botany 60, 32-41 \\DEC- 22.02.003.pdf 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18699.pdf (Continued on page 2) (Continued from page 1) Cole AJ, Lawton RJ, Wilson SK, Pratchett MS Hislop M (2012). Leucopogon navicularis (2012). Consumption of tabular acroporid corals (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae), by reef fishes: a comparison with plant-herbivore another local endemic from the midwest region interactions. Functional Ecology 26, 307-316 of Western Australia. Nuytsia 22, 45-50 \\DEC- \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18904.pdf 22.02.001.pdf Collins S, McComb JA, Howard K, Shearer BL, Hislop M (2012). Two new species from the Colquhoun IJ, Hardy GESJ (2012). The long- Leucopogon distans group (Ericaceae: term survival of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Styphelioideae: Styphelieae) and the mature Banksia grandis killed by the pathogen. reinstatement of L. penicillatus. Nuytsia 22, 1-16 Forest Pathology 42, 28-36 \\DEC- \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18695.pdf 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- 22.01.001.pdf Davis RW (2012). Ptilotus exiliflorus, a new name for Ptilotus parviflorus (Benth.) RWDavis Hislop M, Puente-Lelievre C, Crayn D (2012). (Amaranthaceae). Nuytsia 22, p. 43. \\DEC- Leucopogon extremus (Styphelieae, 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- Styphelioideae, Ericaceae), a remarkable new 22.01.005.pdf species that expands the morphological circumscription of Leucopogon sens. str.. Gibson LA, Köhler F (2012). Determinants of Australian Systematic Botany 25, 202-209 species richness and similarity of species \\DEC- composition of land snail communities on 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\624886.pdf Kimberley islands. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 81, 40-65 Huisman JM (2012). Illogical etymology and the \\DEC- curious case of Ceramium. Taxon 61, 456-458 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\C18805.pdf \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18865.pdf Gibson LA, McKenzie NL (2012). Identification of biodiversity assets on selected Kimberley Iles WJD, Rudall PJ, Sokoloff DD, Remizowa MV, islands: background and implementation. Macfarlane TD, Logacheva MD et al. (2012). Records of the Western Australian Museum, Molecular phylogenetics of Hydatellaceae Supplement 81, 1-14 \\DEC- (Nymphaeales): sexual-system homoplasy and a 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\C18804.pdf new sectional classification. American Journal of Botany 99, 663-676 \\DEC- Gibson LA, McKenzie NL (2012). Occurrence of 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18877.pdf non-volant mammals on islands along the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records Jabaily RS, Shepherd KA, Gustafsson MHG, Sage of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement LW, Krauss SL, Howarth DG et al. (2012). 81, 15-39 \\DEC- Systematics of the Austral-Pacific family 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\C18806.pdf Goodeniaceae: establishing a taxonomic and evolutionary framework. Taxon 61, 419-436 Gosper CR, Yates CJ, Prober SM, Parsons BC \\DEC- (2012). Contrasting changes in vegetation 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18760.pdf structure and diversity with time since fire in two Australian Mediterranean-climate plant Keighery G (2012). A checklist of the naturalized communities. Austral Ecology 37, 164-174 vascular plants of Western Australia. II, changes \\DEC- 1994-2004. Western Australian Naturalist 28, 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18705.pdf 120-140 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18895.pdf Gustafsson L, Baker SC, Bauhus J, Beese WJ, Brodie A, Kouki J et al. [Wayne A] (2012). Keighery G (2012). A new species of Darwinia Retention forestry to maintain multifunctional (Myrtaceae) from Western Australia. Western forests: a world perspective. Bioscience 62, 633- Australian Naturalist 28, 116-119 \\DEC- 645 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18894.pdf 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18850.pdf Keighery G, Keighery B (2012). Vascular flora of Harrison HB, Williamson DH, Evans RD, Almany Dryandra Woodland (Lol Gray and Montague GR, Thorrold SR, Russ GR et al. (2012). Larval state forests). Western Australian Naturalist 28, export from marine reserves and the recruitment 73-106 \\DEC- benefit for fish and fisheries. Current Biology 22, 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18896.pdf 1023-1028 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18909.pdf (Continued on page 3) (Continued from page 2) Pinceel T, Vanschoenwinkel B, Waterkeyn A, Langlands PR, Brennan KEC, Ward B (2012). Is Vanhove MPM, Pinder A, Timms BV et al. the reassembly of an arid spider assemblage Fairy shrimps in distress: a molecular following fire deterministic?. Austral Ecology 37, taxonomic review of the diverse fairy shrimp 429-439 \\DEC- genus Branchinella (Anostraca: 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18867.pdf Thamnocephalidae) in Australia in the light of ongoing environmental change. Hydrobiologia Maslin BR, Reid JE (2012). Acacia bartlei \\DEC- (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), a new species 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18899.pdf from near Esperance, Western Australia. Nuytsia 22, 51-56 \\DEC- Poorter H, Niklas KJ, Reich PB, Oleksyn J, Poot 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- P, Mommer L (2012). Biomass allocation to 22.02.002.pdf leaves, stems and roots: meta-analyses of interspecific variation and environmental Millar MA, Byrne M, Barbour E (2012). control. New Phytologist 193, 30-50 \\DEC- Characterisation of eleven polymorphic 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18898.pdf microsatellite DNA markers for Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) (R.Br.) A.DC. Prober SM, Thiele KR, Rundel PW, Yates CJ, (Santalaceae). Conservation Genetics Berry SL, Byrne M et al. [Gosper CR] (2012). Resources 4, 51-53 \\DEC- Facilitating adaptation of biodiversity to climate 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18697.pdf change: a conceptual framework applied to the world's largest Mediterranean-climate Millar MA, Byrne M, Nuberg IK, Sedgley M (2012). woodland. Climatic Change 110, 227-248 High levels of genetic contamination in remnant \\DEC- populations of Acacia saligna from a genetically 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\F10416.pdf divergent planted stand. Restoration Ecology 20, 260-267 \\DEC- Rayner
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