Digital Commons @ George Fox University Women's Basketball George Fox University Athletics 1996 1996 Media Guide George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/athletics_womenbasketball Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "1996 Media Guide" (1996). Women's Basketball. 60. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/athletics_womenbasketball/60 This Media Guide is brought to you for free and open access by the George Fox University Athletics at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Women's Basketball by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~I ~ -,:=::::=::;;::~ --, ~-1 ----- - - - - - ' ~~ . 1996·97 WOMEN'S ....~ i BASKETBALL · ----------~A_T~H~L~E~T~~C--~A~F~F~~L AT 0 N ATHLETIC AFFILIATION 1996-97 NAIA DIVISION II The landscape of small-college PRESEASON RANKING athletics in the Pacific Northwest is I Rank Team 1995-96 Total undergoing sweeping changes, and Record Points George Fox University is in the midst \\'csten1 < >n·g-on :~ 1-4 585 of the transformation. 2 Doane NE :n-7 561 In the fall of 1994, the University :~ Evang-el M< > :~ 1-5 510 joined the Northwest Conference of 4 Shawnee State 01-1 :~ 1-4 497 Independent Colleges (NCIC), a 5 St. :-\mbn,se lA 30-6 450 league of I 0 strong academic institu­ () Black Hills Stale SD 24-7 429 tions in Oregon and Washington. 7 T1·i-State IN 20-12 419 That winter, the NCIC applied for H Bn:scia KY 27-4 346 membership in the National Colle­ 9 Briar Cliff lA 2~~-11 333 giate Athletic Association (NCAA) 10 Bethany KS 26-5 320 Division III. The move meant II Nonhwest Naza1·ene ID 17-10 315 leaving the National Association of NORTHWEST 12 Findlay OI-l 25-8 272 Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), an CONFERENCE OF I~ Tennessee \Vesleyan 2 :~-7 230 association George Fox had held INDEPENDENT COLLEGES 14 Cardinal Su·itch \VI 20-8 223 membership in since 1965. George Fox University IIi \Villamclle OR 19-8 169 George Fox and the NCIC mem­ Lewis & Clark College 16 Sterling- KS 28-1 158 bers have provisional membership in Linfield College 17 Ma1·y ND 18-10 149 the NCAA but will continue to Pacific University 18 St. Thomas Aquines NY 25-6 144 compete in NAIA national champion­ Pacific Lutheran University 19 Taylo1· IN 24-9 143 ships until 1998-99, when they expect Seattle University* 20 South Dakota Tech 19- I I 131 to be eligible for NCAA Division III University of Puget Sound 21 George Fox OR 15-10 126 national championships. Whitman College 22 Sp1·ing Ad)oJ· MI 26-9 I 16 Whitworth College George Fox's men's and women's 2:~ Moum Mercy lA 22-9 112 basketball teams compete in NAIA Willamette University 24 Holy Family PA 25-5 107 Division II, while the 11 other sports *Member 1997-98 2:-i Ozm·ks MO 18-10 87 the University competes in are not divided into divisions by the NAIA. Others Receiving Votes: Southern 01·egon The NAIA is an autonomous 1996-97 POSTSEASON PLAY 77, Tusculum TN 72, Culvei·-Stockton MO 71, Midland Luthe1·an N E ()8, Alice Lloyd Four teams will participate in the association administering programs K Y 5H, Maine-Fannington 5:~ . Hastings NE leading to 13 men's and 11 women's Northwest Conference semifinals !>2, Mount St. .Joseph OH 50, Sui ~oss State championships. The NAIA includes played Feb. 26. Winner of the TX 40, (;1-een Mountain VT :n, Mmot State about 350 f(mr-year colleges and March I championship game will ND :\6, (;eorg-ian Coun NJ 29. Friends KS universities in 49 states and Canada. advance to the 32-team NAJA Division 26, St. FJ·ancis 1N 22, Western Baptist OR 22, Han! in-Simmons TX J(), Webber FL I!>, I I national tournament March I 2- I H. They are grouped in nine regions Ct:·rur·al Methodist MO J-1, Georgetown KY and 44 conferences. There are 174 teams from I H conlet·­ 12, (;rand View lA 12. Dominican NY II, The NCAA administers HO cham­ ences competing to •·each the national Husson ME I I , Alben son I]) 9. MidAme1·ica pionships in 21 sports hH· its I ,20 I tournament at Tri-State University in Nazarene KS ~~. Oz;u·ks AR 8, Pacific OR 8, member institutions, involving nearly Angola, Ind. National tolll·nament Aquinas M I 8, (:aid well N.J 6, Holy Names 21 ,000 men and women scholar­ berths not going to the conference CA <1. Dickinson Slate N J) !l, William .Jewell M<> 4, Mount Many SD :\.Urbana OH I. athletes. There are more than 350 champions will go lO the host institu­ schools in Division I I I. tion and at-large teams. GEORGE FOX G E 0 R G E F 0 X A T H L E T c s Col!tgt' .)j>oris 11/(/g(/:illl' 11{/11/l'rl (;toi~Q,-1' Fo.\ /}(ls/:!'t ­ /}(1//ltmr/: olhll'lt' ,\' ([ n n H ;,_,!!! i!! n 1 C) C) 5·- C)() .\' -1 /-1 11 o I io 11 rtf .fi' 1110 II' ./~'lf N I'!so/1. /YCJ -1-95 N.-11"" 1 Nation({/ ([/h/t'lt' of !lit' rm r. (; ort! lm' j)(T o( III I' }'!'({ ,. (I 11 It' rro!ll'p,-ia II' S' otU' I" ,-l.i.mrirtlioll o(Amnim). C eorge Fox Unin:rsity maintains one ol· the Northwest 's most successful small-college <tthlctic pn>gt ams. The tc;uns 11·in. ( ;corgc Fox has earned districL or con!Crencc titles in e ight sports during the 1990s. George Fox's highest n;ttional tcant linish cam e in rhe Etll of I q92 11 he n the \\·ome n's cross country team linished as national runner-up. The athletes arc successful. G eorge Fox athletes ha1-c e< trned more than I 00 Nr\ L\ r\11-r\m erican awards a nd hall' as m a n y All-American Scholar­ J\thle te honors. The coaches are ;l\\·anl ,,·inne rs as well. Every head coach who has he ld :~ . their position l(ll' more than one year has been named district or conlere nce .Jill Bmls (rigli!) 1 J-lilltt' .-11/-,-lml'l'imn, 19y1_1J2j/nf-/t'(/l/l .-1/f-. -11111' /HI/11 (1'1//1"1 Coach o f t he Year at least once. I CJC)2 f-!O_)'Wiml /lurrndjin({/isl. onrl Sm!!lt Dm't' H'ilsoll. Int e rcollegia te athleti cs is ;m Nlrtm!lion u•i11 111'1'. compete on Colcord Field.'' hich integral p;trt oft he o\'e rall e el ucat ion in \'olleyball, basketball, track. tennis. rcce in: d a llt'\\ poh ut-e t h;tnc surl ~ tcc 111 program at C eorgc Fox . .- \bout I :i soli hall, cross country and soccer. Jq~r l. The C:u rtts <~nd \Lttg<~tTI \l()rsc pe rcent of'the traditionalttndet·gradu­ ,\thletic Etcilities include the .\thictic ( :o!llpic' <<>llLti it ~ .1 h;tsch;d\ ate st udent hody pa rticip;tt cs 111 ,.; trsity ( :ole m a n 1-1. \'\'heele r Spons (:e nt er. diamond. solth;til lil'ld ;tnd s<H nT lil·ld athletics. !Vlen's 1·arsit1 athletic teams 11·hich includes three baske tball or re present the L' ni1nsit y in baseba ll . n>llerhall courts and t11·o racqucth;tll Itt I<)<)-!. liH' tl'lllll ~ l<lli i lS \\(']( ' hasketh;dl, tntck. tennis. cross country courts. Se;tting is ;t\ailahle l(>r up to in s1< dkd in prcp<ii<iii<nt 1< >\ llw .tddt· ;tnd SOlTlT. \\'ome n te<tnts arc fielded 2.000. The track and licld te;um tiott of tl'l!lli' , 1, d \.!lSI\\ 'Jl<>l'\ 8 A S K E T 8 A L L 1 9 9 5 9 6 H G H L G H T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Fox Attains First-Ever National Ranking George Fox's women's basketball Fox records. She also ranks sixth in team earned its first-e\·er top-25 career blocks ((i~) and thi1·cl in career national ranking but found itself in a fi eld goal percentage ( .~L)() ~tb ]/ familiar position at season's end: on I ,011 ). the outside fringe of the national Harpe r and Pettit both l"eceiY e cl tournaJnent. conference honorable mention. For the second consecutiYe year, the Lady Bruins finished third in a conference that sent t\1·0 teams to the 1995-96 NORTHWEST :'\i .-\IA Division II national tourna- CONFERENCE STANDINGS ment. Willamette ( 19-8) 13-1 In its first year in the :'\iorthwest Pacific ( 17 -I 0) 11-3 Conference, George Fox defeated George Fox (15-10) 9-5 e Yery league opponent at least once. Whitworth (tl-17) 6-8 The Ladv Bruins ,,·ere 2-2 against Linfield (10-13) 5-9 Whitman (I 0-14) 5-9 teams in the ~:\.I:\ DiYision I I top I 0 PLU (10-12) 5-9 rankings, but upsets bY three teams --- Lewis & Clark (4-19) 2-12 " ·ith losin g records cost G eorge Fox Liz .\lejJht' /1\ a shot at a confe rene title. It ,, as the start of the season that Bruins outrebounded their oppo­ 1995-96 INDIVIDUAL h eld the fire\\orks. The Lady Bruins nents by more than I I re bou nels a HONORS upset :\o.
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