JouRrlr, oF THEA\apnrcAN Mosqurro CourRor, AssocrarroN VoL.8,No. 2 EFFICACY OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VAR. ISRAELENSIS AGAINST LARVAE OF THE SOUTHERN BUFFALO GNAi, CNEPHIA PECUARUM (DIPTERA: SIMULIIDAE). AND THE INFLUENCE OF WATER TEMPERATURE1 D. w. ATwooD, J. v. RoBINSoN,' M. v. MEISCH, J. K. oLSoN3 nno D. R. JOHNSON4 Department of Entomorngy, uniuersity of Arhansas,Fayetteuiilz, AR z2z0r .-ABSTRACT. Susceptibility-of solthern buffalo gnat larvae to Bacillus thuringicnsis var. israelensis 1986-88. lB,:lj:l yt:-rldiedduring Tests were condicted using Vectobacizad.-iti" *i"i-grtt"t ",i"rii. Droassaysystem. Mrnr-gutter tests using a 4.5 ppm 8.t.i. concentration and a 10 min exposureperiod confirmed a positive correlation between wateriemperature and B.t.i. effectiveness.Sig"ih;;;iiyi;;;; larval mortality occurred as.water temperature de&easedbelow 9"C, indicating that ;td;;lilid ;i B.t i. a-pplilation is essential to maximize larval control. Even with ttri. tl-f"Lt"." fir"il"iio", f"i"^i control usin-gB.ti. should provide an economically effective -""n. of pre'venting outbreaks'Jthe southern buffalo gnat. INTRODUCTION species(Lacey and Mulla 1977,Undeen and Berl 1979,Gaugler and Finney 1982) The southern buffalo gnat, Crwphiapecuorurl with negligible impact on other non-target aquatic inverte- Riley, was once consideredthe great scourgeof brates (Colbo and Undeen 1980, Lacey et al. man and livestock in the Mississippi River Val- 1982, Back et al. 1985, Merritt ley (James and Harwood 1969). After the late et al. 1989). However, a positive correlation has 1930s, the occurrence and importance of this been re- ported between water temperature black fly had diminished to the point where and B.t.i. in- duced larval mortality for several Laird (1981)reported it was no longer a signif- black fly spe- cies (Laceyet al. 1978).This indicates icant pest. Crosskey (1990) indicated that C. that water temperature may be an important pecurrurl was a pest of the past. However, in consideration in development 1979the southern buffalo glat beganto reclaim of an effective control program. The purpose of its role as a major economic pest of livestock these investigations were: 1) determine the susceptibility production in both Arkansas and Texas. of C. pecuarumlar- vae to B.t.i.,2) determine Cnephiapectnrum is a unique pest relative to the relationship be- tween water temperature the aquatic developmentof its immature stages, and,B.t.i. efficacy, and 3) determine seasonal occurrence and control strategies. the optimal timing of larvicide Bradley (1935a,1935b) recorded the last avail- application to C. pecuarurn populations in the able information concerning the biology and Sulphur River drainage system in Arkansas and behavior of this species.Egg hatch of this uni- Texas. voltine pest in the Sulphur River drainage sys- tem, area of first resurgence,generally occurs from October to December. Historicallv. larval MATERIALS AND METIIODS developmentcoincides with water templratures During the fall and spring of 1986-82 and ranging from 2 to 20"C. Adult emergenceoccurs 1987-88, tests to determine B.t i. effectiveness from November through March with peak activ- were conductedusing an artificial river system, ity in late February. "mini-gutter." the The mini-gutter Recent emphasis has been placed on the use system used was comparableto of the biologicalinsecticide Bacillus thuringien- that describedby Wilton and Travis (1965)and Lacey (1982). srs var. israelensis(B.t.i.) for control of imma- et al. The mini- gutter system was ture mosquitoes and black flies. Efficacy has composed of a watertight wooden holding been reported for a wide range of black fly tank to which were attached 8 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rain gutters which served as individual simulated river channels (Fig. I 1). The holding tank (1.2 x 0.3 x 2.4 m) Approved for publication by the Director, Arkan- held a water volume of 680 liters. To facilitate sasAgricultural Experiment Station. 2 larval attachment, each 3.04 m gutter was Texas Agricultural Extension Service,Drawer 38, Overton, TX 75684. banded with fine sand at 0.3 m intervals using 3 Department of Entomology, Texas A & M Uni- PVC glue. Water depth and velocity in each versity, CollegeStation, TX 77843. mini-gutter was regulated by capping the point aArkansas Cooperative Extension Service, P.O. of water entry into the gutter and adjusting the Box 391,Little Rock, AR72203. gutter height at the point of water discharge. I28 JounNlr, oF THEArrarnrcex Moseurro CoNrnol Assocrarrotl VoL. 8, No. 2 Table 1. Effect of water temperature on susceptibility of Cnephiapecuarum to B.t.i. at a concentration of 4.5 ppm and 10 min exposureperiod. Water temp. ("C) No. tests Total no. exposed Mean kill* (%) 13.0 t) 676 100.0 A 11.8 258 83.2 ABC 10.8 345 90.4 AB 10.0 b t,r74 92.9 AB 9.8 5 511 95.1 A 9.0 t3 2,614 90.4 AB 8.5 I 1,989 62.5 DE 7.8 o L,41t 68.2 CDE 7.5 593 76.6 BCD J 460 52.1 E 6.5 9 t,423 66.9 CDE 6.0 8 1,083 72.6 CD 5.8 7 1,405 65.2 DE 5.5 t) 928 6r.7 DE 5.3 R 404 52.3 E * Means followed by the sarneletter are not significantly different (P > 0.05). 21 2l ot8 ;, E f', bc c ]e t rOctobcr .Novdnbcr .Occcn$.r rJrnurry fFobrurry Month Fig. 2. Mean water temperature ofthe Sulphur River from 1983to 1988during larval developmentof Cnephia DectutrufiI. Larval mortality in each cup was determined RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 24 h posttreatment by touching each larva with a fine camel hair brush. Absenceof reflex curling Investigation of the effectiveness of B.t.i. motion was evaluated as dead or dying. Larval against C. pecuarum larvae in a mini-gutter sys- mortality for each gutter was determined by tem during 1986 and 1987 indicated larval sus- examining larvae remaining in the grrtter as well ceptibility to this product. The effectivenessof as those collected in drift nets. Collected data a 4.5 ppm concentration of B.t.i. against C. for each gutter was corrected for control mor- pecue,rutrlarvae is illustrated in Table 1. Statis- tality according to Abbott (1925). Data were tical analysis of these data indicated a sigaifr- then statistically analyzed(P >: 0.05) using the cant decreasein larval mortality for C.pecuarum General Linear Model (GLM). Where sigrrifr- as water temperature decreasedbelow 9.0"C. cant differences were determined during GLM Control mortality never exceeded1.9% across analysis, means were separatedusing Duncan's the range of experimental temperatures tested. multiple range test. These data indicate that a B.t.i. concentration JUNE 1992 B.r.r. AclrNsr C. pscuenuu ru Sruur,n'rno RIvERS r29 of 4.5 ppm is an effective, economical rate for mosquitoes, lower susceptibility may occur in B.t.i. application against C. pecuarum larvae. the frnal instar as a result of a reduction and/or Larval mortality showeda positive correlation cessationof feeding prior to pupation. However, to water temperature(r:0.79) at a 4.5ppm B.t i. as B.t.i.-exposedpupae were not retained to concentration.Lacey et al. (1978)noted a com- determine long term survival, additional studies parable correlation of larval mortality frequency would be necessaryto quantify a change in pe- and water temperature for S. uittatum Zetter nultimate instar susceptibility. stedt. In addition, a decreasein period of larval Historical water temperature data for the Sul- exposurefrom 10 to 5 min at a water tempera- phur River from 1983 to 1988 are illustrated in ture of 7.25"C resulted in a significant decrease Fig. 2. As noted previously,the seasonaloccur- in larval mortality frequency, 52.1 and 14.7%, ance of larval C. pecuarum typically extends respectively. Therefore, these data confirmed from October to February, corresponding to that optimum control could best be achieved water temperaturesof 2' to 20'C. Therefore, using a 10 min period of larval exposure. results of theseinvestigations indicate that mid- The variability in larval mortality frequency Decemberis the cutoff date to obtain maximum observedin these tests resulted from seasonal larval control of C. pec.urrum in the Sulphur variation in water temperature. To this extent, River drainage system and avert emergenceof somevariability was observedin relation to tests extensiveadult populations. Additional investi- conducted during early and late seasonand be- gations are warranted to determine the feasibil- tween years conducted at the same water tem- ity of regulating early season river levels to perature. In general,early seasontests provided ensure a synchronous egg hatch, thereby maxi- slightly more effective Iarval control than did mizing control with one B.t.i. application. Iate season.Yearly variation in Iarval mortality Nevertheless,results indicate that a successful control frequency was limited to only a few control strategy can be developed to prevent experimental water temperatures and had only outbreaks of C. pecuarunr larvae relying on the slight impact on overall results. use of B.t.i. at a 4.5 ppm concentration. These results may indicate a changein larval Overall, these tests indicate: l) C. pecuarum physiology of C. pecuarurrl ot an inactivation of larvaeare susceptibleto B.t.i.,2) degreeof sus- the D-endotoxinas a result of low water temper- ceptibility is directly related to water tempera- ature. Lacey et al. (1978)determined a signifi- ture, 3) control measuresshould be implemented cant decreasein feeding rate for S. uittatum as before water temperature decreasesbelow 9"C, water temperature decreasedbelow 15"C. Dadd and 4) larval control can be achieved using a (1976)found that gut pH in mosquitoesis low- B.f.l.
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