CITES Checklist for Bulbophyllum and Allied Taxa (Orchidaceae)

CITES Checklist for Bulbophyllum and Allied Taxa (Orchidaceae)

Sieder A., Rainer H., Kiehn, M. (2007): CITES checklist for Bulbophyllum and allied taxa (Orchidaceae). (1) This checklist for Bulbophyllum and allied taxa (Orchidaceae) has been prepared as a result of recommendations endorsed by the CITES Conference of the Parties and has been approved by the CITES Nomenclature Committee. It s preparation has been made possible through funds received from the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management- the CITES Management Authority of Austria.. (2) It was prepared by A. Sieder, H. Rainer, and M. Kiehn, Department of Biogeography and Botanical Garden, University of Vienna (Austria), after a global consultation process with numerous specialists of the taxonomy and systematics of this group. A draft version of this checklist was made available for comment on the CITES website and Parties informed of this through Notification 2005/049. The comments received by Parties were incorporated in this revised text. (3) It is a pragmatic approach to handle the huge number of species of the Bulbophyllinae in a checklist suitable for the use of non-botanists. Therefore, the genus Bulbophyllum is dealt with in a broad sense. This does not express any opinion or preference of the authors as regards the taxonomic rank or circumscription of subdivisions or segregates of the Bulbophyllinae. Such statements will, if at all, only be possible after the finalizing of ongoing molecular studies on the Bulbophyllinae (i.a., by B. Gravendeel, Leiden, and M. Kiehn & G. Fischer, Vienna/Salzburg). (4) If taxa now considered to be members of the Bulbophyllinae have synonyms assigned to genera outside of the Bulbophyllinae, these names are included in the alphabetical list. Such genera outside of the Bulbophyllinae containing erroneously attributed taxa, however, are not included in the alphabetical list of taxa, but only with the relevant taxa in the context of the Bulbophyllinae. (5) The checklist is organized in three parts: Part 1 of the list consists of all names in alphabetical order; Part 2 of the list consists of all accepted names (also in alphabetical order); Part 3 of the list consists of a list of taxas (arranged after countries). Authors of the checklist: Sieder A., Rainer H., Kiehn M. Citation: Sieder A., Rainer H., Kiehn M. (2007): CITES checklist for Bulbophyllum and allied taxa (Orchidaceae). - . (publishers data). Address of the authors: Department of Biogeography and Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna; Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vienna (Austria). List of all names of Bulbophyllinae taxon acc_taxon Acrochaene punctata Lindl. Acrochaene rimanni Rchb. f. Sunipia rimannii (Rchb. f.) Seidenf. Adelopetalum Bulbophyllum Adelopetalum argyropum (Endl.) D. L. Jones et M. A. Bulbophyllum argyropus (Endl.) Rchb. f. Clem. Adelopetalum boonjee (B. Gray & D. L. Jones) D. L. Bulbophyllum boonjee B. Gray & D. L. Jones Jones & M. A. Clem. Adelopetalum bracteatum Fitzg. Bulbophyllum bracteatum F. M. Bailey Adelopetalum elisae (F. Muell.) D. L. Jones & M. A. Bulbophyllum elizae (F. Muell.) Benth. Clem. Adelopetalum exiguum (F. Muell.) D. L. Jones & M. A. Bulbophyllum exiguum F. Muell. Clem. Adelopetalum lageniforme (F. M. Bailey) D. L. Jones & Bulbophyllum lageniforme F. M. Bailey M. A. Clem. Adelopetalum lilianae (Rendle) D. L. Jones & M. A. Bulbophyllum lilianae Rendle Clem. Adelopetalum newportii (F. M. Bailey) D. L. Jones & Bulbophyllum newportii (F. M. Bailey) Rolfe M. A. Clem. Adelopetalum tuberculatum (Colenso) D. L. Jones, M. Bulbophyllum tuberculatum Colenso A. Clem. & Molloy Adelopetalum weinthalii (R. S. Rogers) D. L. Jones & Bulbophyllum weinthalii R. S. Rogers M. A. Clem. Adelopetalum weinthalii (R. S. Rogers) D. L. Jones & Bulbophyllum weinthalii R. S. Rogers subsp. M. A. Clem. subsp. striatum (D. L. Jones) D. L. Jones & striatum D. L. Jones & M. A. Clem. M. A. Clem. Adelopetalum wilkianum (T. E. Hunt) M. A. Clem. Bulbophyllum wilkianum T. E. Hunt Aerides radiatum Roxb. ex Lindl. Bulbophyllum roxburghii (Lindl.) Rchb. f. Aggeianthus marchantioides Wight Porpax reticulata Lindl. Anisopetalum careyanum Hook. f. Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook. f.) Sprengel Anisopetalum lasianthum Kuhl ex Hook. f. Bulbophyllum lasianthum Lindl. Blepharochilum macphersoni (Rupp) M. A. Clem. & D. Bulbophyllum macphersoni Rupp L. Jones Blepharochilum sladeanum (A. D. Hawkes) M. A. Bulbophyllum macphersoni Rupp var. spathulatum Clem. & D. L. Jones Dockrill & St. Cloud Bolbophyllaria aristata Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum aristatum (Rchb. f.) Hemsl. Bolbophyllaria biseta (Lindl.) Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum bisetum Lindl. Bolbophyllaria bracteolata (Lindl.) Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum bracteolatum Lindl. Bolbophyllaria clavata S. Moore Bulbophyllum clavatum Thouars Bolbophyllaria oerstedii Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum oerstedii (Rchb. f.) Hemsl. Bolbophyllaria pachyrhachis (A. Rich) Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum pachyrachis (A. Rich.) Griseb. Bolbophyllaria sordida (Lindl.) Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum sordidum Lindl. Bulbophyllaria pentasticha Pfitzer ex Kraenzl. Bulbophyllum pentasticha (Pfitzer ex Kraenzl.) H. Perrier Bulbophyllopsis maculosa (Lindl.) Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindl. Bulbophyllopsis morphologorum Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindl. Bulbophyllum abbreviatum Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum abbreviatum Schltr. Bulbophyllum vöthii Sieder Bulbophyllum abbrevilabium Carr Bulbophyllum aberrans Schltr. Bulbophyllum ablepharon Schltr. Bulbophyllum absconditum J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum absconditum J. J. Sm. subsp. hastula J. J. Verm. Bulbophyllum absconditum J. J. Sm. var. gautierense J. Bulbophyllum stipulaceum Schltr. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum absconditum J. J. Sm. var. neoguineese J. Bulbophyllum stipulaceum Schltr. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum acanthoglossum Schltr. Bulbophyllum acropogon Schltr. Bulbophyllum acuminatifolium J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum acuminatum (Ridl.) Ridl. Bulbophyllum acuminatum Schltr. Bulbophyllum andreeae A. D. Hawkes Bulbophyllum acutebracteatum De Wild. Bulbophyllum acutebracteatum De Wild. var. rubrobrunneopapillosum (De Wild.) J. J. Verm. Bulbophyllum acutibrachium J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. Bulbophyllum acutiflorum A. Rich. Bulbophyllum acutilingue J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum acutisepalum De Wild. Bulbophyllum schimperianum Kraenzl. Bulbophyllum acutispicatum H. Perrier Bulbophyllum acutum J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum depressum King & Pantl. Bulbophyllum adangense Seidenf. Bulbophyllum adelphidium J. J. Verm. Bulbophyllum adenambon Schltr. Bulbophyllum quadrangulare J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum adenoblepharon Schltr. Bulbophyllum adenocarpum Schltr. Bulbophyllum lageniforme F. M. Bailey Bulbophyllum adenopetalum Lindl. Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. Bulbophyllum adenophorum (Schltr.) J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum brienianum (Rolfe) Ames Bulbophyllum adiamantinum Brade Bulbophyllum adjungens Seidenf. Bulbophyllum adolphi Schltr. Bulbophyllum adpressiscapum J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schltr. Bulbophyllum aechmophorum J. J. Verm. Bulbophyllum aemulum Schltr. Bulbophyllum aeolium Ames Bulbophyllum aestivale Ames Bulbophyllum affine Lindl. Bulbophyllum affinoides Guillaumin Bulbophyllum psittacoglossum Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum africanum A. D. Hawkes Bulbophyllum nigritianum Rendle Bulbophyllum afzelii Schltr. Bulbophyllum afzelii Schltr. var. microdoron (Schltr.) Bosser Bulbophyllum agapethoides Schltr. Bulbophyllum agastor Garay, Hamer & Siegerist Bulbophyllum agastymalayanum R. Gopalan & A. N. Bulbophyllum xylophyllum C. S. P. Parish & Rchb. Henry f. Bulbophyllum aggregatum Bosser Bulbophyllum aithorhachis J. J. Verm. Bulbophyllum alabastraceus P. Royen Bulbophyllum alagense Ames Bulbophyllum alatum J. J. Verm. Bulbophyllum albibracteum Seidenf. Bulbophyllum albidostylidium Seidenf. Bulbophyllum albidum (Wight) Hook. f. Bulbophyllum albidum De Wild. Bulbophyllum nigritianum Rendle Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Liu & Su) Nakajima Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Liu & Su) Nakajima var. weiminianum Lin & Huang Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Liu & Su) Seidenf. Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Liu & Su) Nakajima Bulbophyllum albo-roseum Ames Bulbophyllum album Jum. & H. Perrier Bulbophyllum humblottii Rolfe Bulbophyllum alcicorne C. S. P. Parish & Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum alexandrae Schltr. Bulbophyllum algidum Ridl. Bulbophyllum alinae Szlach. & Olszewski Bulbophyllum alkmaarense J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum alleizettei Schltr. Bulbophyllum allenkerrii Seidenf. Bulbophyllum alliifolium J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum alopecurum Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum triste Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum alsiosum Ames Bulbophyllum alticaule Ridl. Bulbophyllum alticola Schltr. Bulbophyllum altispex Ridl. ex Stapf Bulbophyllum mutabile (Blume) Lindl. Bulbophyllum alveatum J. J. Verm. Bulbophyllum amanicum Kraenzl. Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. Bulbophyllum amauryae Rendle Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. Bulbophyllum amazonicum L. O. Williams Bulbophyllum ambatoavense Bosser Bulbophyllum amblyacron Schltr. Bulbophyllum amblyanthum Schltr. Bulbophyllum amblyoglossum Schltr. Bulbophyllum ambohitrense H. Perrier Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars var. variifolium (Schltr.) Bosser Bulbophyllum ambongense Schltr. Bulbophyllum rubrum Jum. & H. Perrier Bulbophyllum ambreae H. Perrier Bulbophyllum septatum Schltr. Bulbophyllum ambrense H. Perrier Bulbophyllum ambrosia (Hance) Schltr. Bulbophyllum ambrosia (Hance) Schltr. subsp. nepalensis J. J. Wood Bulbophyllum amesianum (Rolfe) J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum cumingii (Lindl.) Rchb. f. Bulbophyllum amoenum Bosser Bulbophyllum amphorimorphum H. Perrier Bulbophyllum amplebracteatum Teijsm. & Binn. Bulbophyllum amplifolium (Rolfe)

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