80908 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 247 / Friday, December 22, 2000 / Notices Field Station, P.O. Box 911, 1553 South Dated: December 12, 2000. For a period of 90 days from the date Main Street, Tonopah, NV 89049. W. Craig MacKinnon, of publication of this notice, all persons SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The land Assistant Field Manager. who wish to submit comments, has been identified as suitable for [FR Doc. 00±32738 Filed 12±21±00; 8:45 am] suggestions, or objections in connection disposal by the Tonopah Resource BILLING CODE 4310±HC±P with the proposed withdrawal may Management Plan. The land is not present their views in writing to the needed for any resource program and is Nevada State Director of the Bureau of not suitable for management by the DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Land Management. Bureau or another Federal department Notice is hereby given that an or agency. An environmental Bureau of Land Management opportunity for a public meeting is assessment which analyzes potential [NV±930±1430±ET; NVN±73931] afforded in connection with the impacts from this action has been proposed withdrawal. All interested prepared and is available for review at Notice of Proposed Withdrawal and persons who desire a public meeting for the address shown above. Opportunity for Public Meeting; the purpose of being heard on the The mineral estate, excepting saleable Nevada proposed withdrawal must submit a minerals, has been determined to have written request to the Nevada State no known value. Therefore, the mineral AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Director within 90 days from the date of estate, excepting saleable minerals, will Interior. publication of this notice. Upon be conveyed simultaneously with the ACTION: Notice. determination by the authorized officer surface estate in accordance with that a public meeting will be held, a SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land Section 209(b)(1) of Federal Land Policy notice of the time and place will be Management proposes to withdraw and Management Act of 1976. published in the Federal Register at 277.046 acres of public lands for a Acceptance of the sale offer will least 30 days before the scheduled date period of 20 years to protect the historic constitute application for conveyance of of the meeting. town of Rhyolite. This notice closes the the mineral interests. The sale The application will be processed in lands for up to 2 years from surface proponent will be required to submit a accordance with the regulations set entry and mining while various studies $50.00 non-refundable filing fee for forth in 43 CFR Part 2300. conveyance of the mineral interests with and analyses are made to make a final For a period of 2 years from the date the purchase price for the land. Failure decision. of publication of this notice in the to submit the non-refundable fee for the DATES: Comments and requests for Federal Register, the lands will be mineral estate within the time frame meeting should be received on or before segregated as specified above unless the specified by the authorized officer will March 22, 2001. application is denied or canceled or the result in cancellation of the sale. ADDRESS: Comments and meeting withdrawal is approved prior to that Upon publication of this Notice of requests should be sent to the Nevada date. Other uses which will be Realty Action in the Federal Register, State Director, BLM, 1340 Financial permitted during this segregative period the lands will be segregated from all Blvd., P.O. Box 12000, Reno, Nevada are rights-of-way, leases, and permits. forms of appropriation under the public 89520±0006. Date: December 18, 2000. land laws, including the mining laws, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Margaret L. Jensen, but not the mineral leasing laws or Dennis J. Samuelson, BLM Nevada State Deputy State Director, Natural Resources, disposals pursuant to Sections 203 and Office, 775±861±6532. 209 of FLPMA. The segregation shall Lands, and Planning. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On terminate upon issuance of a patent or [FR Doc. 00±32760 Filed 12±21±00; 8:45 am] December 8, 2000, a petition was other document of conveyance, upon BILLING CODE 4310±HC±P approved allowing the Bureau of Land publication in the Federal Register of a Management to file an application to termination of segregation, or 270 days withdraw the following described from date of this publication, which DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR public lands from settlement, sale, ever occurs first. Patent, if issued, will be subject to the location, or entry under the general land National Park Service following third party rights: Excepting laws, including the mining laws, subject to valid existing rights: Record of Decision; Winter Use Plans and Reserving to the United States: for the Yellowstone and Grand Teton 1. Saleable minerals, Mount Diablo Meridian 2. A right-of-way thereon for ditches National Parks and John D. Rockefeller or canals constructed by the authority of T. 12 S., R. 46 E., Jr., Memorial Parkway the United States. Act of August 30, secs. 9 and 16 (within). 1980 (43 U.S.C. 945). The areas described aggregate 277.046 Responsible Official: Subject to: All valid existing rights. acres in Nye County. For a more Dated: November 22, 2000. For a period of 45 days from the date complete description, you may contact Karen Wade, of publication in the Federal Register, Dennis J. Samuelson at the phone Intermountain Regional Director, National interested parties may submit comments number or address listed above. Park Service. to the Assistant Field Manager, Tonopah The purpose of the proposed Record of Decision Field Station, P.O. Box 911, Tonopah, withdrawal is for the Bureau of Land NV 89049. Any adverse comments will Management to protect the historic town Winter Use Plans for Yellowstone and be evaluated by the State Director, who of Rhyolite, which contains numerous Grand Teton National Parks and the may sustain, vacate or modify this realty cultural resources. The most prominent John D. Rockefeller Jr., Memorial action and issue a final determination. resource is a train depot built in 1906. Parkway In the absence of timely filed objections, The lands will be managed for historic Table of Contents this realty action will become a final and recreation purposes. Rhyolite is determination of the Department of the located about 90 miles northwest of Las The Decision Interior. Vegas near the town of Beatty. Decision VerDate 11<MAY>2000 18:47 Dec 21, 2000 Jkt 194001 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\22DEN1.SGM pfrm08 PsN: 22DEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 247 / Friday, December 22, 2000 / Notices 80909 Actions and Assumptions Common to All common to all 3 units, actions specific permittees and state tourism program Units to Yellowstone, actions specific to resources on a new marketing strategy Actions Specific to Yellowstone National Grand Teton and the Parkway, designed to facilitate winter visitation Park mitigation, and monitoring. The maps by snowcoach. Actions Specific to Grand Teton National • Allow a planning and Park and the Parkway for alternative G and the description of Definitions each management zone provided in the implementation period of 3 (three) FEIS, while not duplicated in this years. Mitigation • Monitoring Record of Decision, are features of this In the winter of 2000±2001, snowmobile and snowplane use will Rationale for the Decision decision. In order to implement portions of this continue under current regulations. This Basis for the Decision decision, the National Park Service is a departure from alternative G. This How Environmental Issues Were change is made because the Considered and Addressed (NPS) will propose to amend its Factors Other Than Environmental regulations at 36 CFR 7.13(l), 7.21(a), implementation of changes in Consequences Considered in Making the and 7.22(g). Although this decision is snowmobile and snowplane use that Decision final for the purposes of this planning require new regulations could not be Findings project, those elements that will go made until the 2000±2001 season is Measures Taken To Avoid Environmental through the rule making process may be nearly over. Waiting until 2001±2002 to Harm modified based on further public set new limits on snowmobile and Public Involvement comments. snowplane use will afford ample public notice of the new limits. Scoping Decision • Summary of Public Scoping Comment In the winter of 2000±2001, actions Major Issues The selected alternative emphasizes that do not require regulations (such as Issues or Concerns Not Addressed in the cleaner, quieter access to the parks increasing ranger patrols to reduce the Plans/EIS using the technologies available today. disturbance of wildlife) will be Federal Register Notices Effective the winter of 2003±2004 and undertaken to reduce the impacts from Distribution of the Draft Environmental thereafter, it will allow oversnow snowmobile use. Impact Statement motorized recreation access via NPS- • In the winters of 2001±2003, Public Meetings/Hearings existing commercial snowcoach Comments on the Draft Environmental managed snowcoach only, with limited Impact Statement exceptions for continued snowmobile operators will be encouraged to increase Public Response to the FEIS access to other public and private lands their fleet size, and snowmobile and other new operators will be encouraged Consultation adjacent to or within GTNP. Until then, interim actions will progressively to purchase or lease coaches and reduce Cooperating Agencies reduce the impacts from snowmobile snowmobile numbers. American Indian Tribes • use in the parks. In 2001±2002, daily limits will be State Historic Preservation Offices set on snowmobile and snowplane use U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service This decision addresses the full range Alternatives Considered of issues regarding safety, natural so that daily use levels cannot increase Alternative Development resource impacts, and visitor experience above the average peak day use levels of Scope of Analysis in the FEIS and access.
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