Final Project Report Minor Research Project Funded by University Grants Commission Entitled Conservation of Tuberous, Rhizomatous and Corms Plants From Sangli District. Submitted To, University Grants Commission Submitted By Dr. V. B. Awale Principal Investigator Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Sangli 416416 CONTENTS 1. Maps- India, Mah., Sangli District, Chandoli National Park, Sagreshwar Wild Life Sanctuary. 2. Photographic Plates. 3. Acknowledgement. 4. Introduction. 5. Plan of Work and Methods Adopted. 6. Plant Description. 7. References. 8. Publications. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It gives me great immense pleasure to express deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. Madhukar Y. Cholekar (Bachulkar) Principal, Shri Vijaysinha Yadav Arts and Science College Peth-Vadgaon, Dist. Kolhapur, for suggesting the research problem and for valuable guidance during this research work. I am thankful to Dr. S.R. Yadav, Professor and Head of the Botany Department, Shivaji University Kolhapur and Prof. S. S. Kamble ( Former Head ) for providing laboratory facilities and constant encouragement. It is my pleasant duty to express my gratitudes to Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam, Founder Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune and Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune. Hon. Principal Dr. Shivajirao Kadam Sir, Vice Chancellor of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune and Hon. Vishwajeeth Kadam Sir, Secretary of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune for encouragement to carry out this research work and Hon. Dr. D. G. Kanase, Principal, Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Sangli for the constant encouragement and for providing necessary facilities. I am thankful to Deputy Director, Botanical Survey of India Western Circle, Pune for allowing us to consult herbarium and to use library facilities and for the confirmation of some plant species. Thanks are due to Dr. Girish Potdar Department of Botany, Yashwantrao Chavan College, Karad and Dr. C. B. Salunkhe, Krishna Mahavidyalaya, Rethre Bk., Karad for confirming the identification of grass species and I am very happy to express thanks to Mr. Vijaykumar Prathamshetty, Plant lover and Secretary, Nature Foundation Sangli for his valuable help and constant encouragement. I also express my thanks to Dr. A. S. Bhoite, Pro. Vice-Chancellor, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Prin. Dr. C. J. Khilare, Science Dean, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Dr. S. S. Deovkule HOD Dept. Botany, University of Pune, Dr. S. S. Kavade, Vidya Pratishthan’s, ASC College, Baramati, Prin. Dr. S. B. Bhamburdekar, Chairman, BOS, Botany, Shivaji University Kolhapur. I am also thankful to Forest Department especially Hon, Shri Suresh Thorat, APCCF, Shri. Mohan Karnat, CCF, Shri. S. L. Zure, D.F.O. Kolhapur, Shri Mane, R.F.O. Chandoli National Park and Shri. N. A. Patil, ACF, Shri Sanjay Naykal R.F.O. Sagreshwar Wild Life Sanctuary. Shri. Bhausaheb Galande Dy. Collector, Sangli. I also express my thanks to Dr. S. S. Sathe, Vasantdada Patil College, Tasgaon, Shri. D. G. Jagtap, Shri Vijaysinha Yadav Arts and Science College Peth-Vadgaon. Dr. V. B. Shimpale, The New College, Kolhapur. Shri. R. S. Suryawanshi, Sangola Mahavidyalaya, Sangola. Shri V. V. Patil, Shri. A. P. Patil, Shri. M. H. Patil, Shri. P. R. Kumbhar and Shri.C. A. Shete, Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Sangli. Dr. V. S. Salunkhe, MBSK Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon, Dr. Mrs. U. S. Yadav, Willingdon College, Sangli, I am also thankful to Shri. Pradeep Sutar, Photographer, Indrajeet Sutar, Shri. Ajit Patil, and Samadhan Pore Sangli I remain indebted to my Father, Mother, my wife Sou.Tejaswini and my daughter Kranti and son Omkar for their constant encouragement and valuable help. (Dr. Vikas B. Awale) Introduction : Sangli is one of the southern districts of Maharashtra lying between 16o 43 ’ to 17o 38 ’ North latitudes and 73o 41’ and 75o 41’ East longitudes and has an area of 8591. 3 sq. km. District is lying mainly in the basin of river Krishna and tributaries of Warana, Yerala, Agrni Man etc. District has ten talukas of which Shirala taluka and to some extent Atpadi taluka are hilly while the greater part of district lies in plains. Vegetation of Petlond in Shirala taluka and it’s adjoining is part of ‘Chandoli Wild Life Sanctury’ recently declared as “ Chandoli National Park’’ and Chandoli- Koyana Tiger Project. Another Wild life Sanctuary in Sangli district is Sagreshwar. Wild Life Sanctuary in Kadegaon taluka . District lies in drought prone area of the Southern Maharashtra. The Government agencies have taken up some programs in the surrounding villages under Jawhar Rojgar Yojana, Integrated Rural Development Program, Indira Awas Yojana, Agricutural and Land Development programs etc. sanctioned by various departments. The plantation were undertaken with objective of soil and moisture conservation, fodder development and improvement of habitat. A large number of indigenous and some exotic tree species and fodder grasses were planted in some part of the District. Plan of Work and Methods Adopted : Extensive and intensive collection of Rhizomatous, Corm and Tuberous plant species were made by visiting various places of Sangli District in different seasons for two years. Specimens were identified by using various reference book, viz The Flora of Presidency of Bombay- T. Cooke (1901-1908), Flora of Maharashtra State ( Dicotyledons ) Vol.-I, II., Singh, et.al (2000, 2001). Flora of Maharashtra State (Monocotyledons), Sharma et.al (2002), and Flora of Kolhapur District , Yadav and Sardesai (2002). Identification were confirmed at Botanical Survey of India, Western Circle Pune. Some specimen were conserved in the greenhouse of Botany Department, Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya Sangli . The description of plant species are given in this project report. Plant Species Description Asclepidaceae R.Br. Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. Pl.Corom. 1: 11. t. 7. 1798; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 4: 67. 1883; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 240. 1958 (Repr.) Jagtap & Das Das in Singh et. al . Fl. Maharashtra St. Dicot. 2 : 349. 2001. Kharpudi , Khartundi. 1.Leaves orbicular, ovate--------------------------------------------------------------- var. bulbosa 1.Leaves linear to lanceolate----------------------------------------------------------- var.lushii var. bulbosa Tuberous twiners. Leaves subsessile to petiolate, glabrous. Flowers in lateral, umbellate cymes. Corolla grayish-purple, tube long, inflated at base, narrow in middle, funnel shaped above, lobes linear, hairy inside and along margins. Outer corona saucer shaped, entire or broadly shallow, sickle-shaped or divergent. Follicles cylindrical, tapering towards an acute apex, glabrous; pericarp thin. Seeds ovate-oblong, flattened. Fls. & Frts: July-Oct. Exsiccata : VBA .430 Infrequent among bushes on hill slopes. Localities: Dandoba , Rethredharan ,Sagreshwar , Yedenipani. var.lushii (Grah.); Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 4: 68. 1883; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 241. 1958 (Repr.); Ansari in Fasc. Fl.India 16:11. 1984; Jagtap et al N.P.Singh in Fasc. Fl. India 24: 218 .1999. C. lushii Grah. in Bot. Mag. T. 3300 . 1834 . C. acuminata Roxb. Pl. Corom. 1: 12, t. 8. 1795; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 4: 78. 1883. Tuberous twiners .Leaves petiolate, thick,fleshy, linear-lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers in axillary cymes. Corolla 1 cm. long; corona biserate, outer saucer shaped and inner sickle shaped. Fls. & Frts: July-Oct. Exsiccata : VBA. 717 Infrequent in rocky hilly regions. Locality : Vaiphale Ceropegia hirsuta Wight & Arn . in Wight , Contrib. 30 .1834; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 4: 71. 1883; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 242. 1958 (Repr.); Jagtap & Das Das in Singh et. al. Fl. Maharashtra St. Dicot. 2 : 350. 2001. Tuberous twining herbs , hairy throughout. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, variable . Flowers few- many, cymes. Corolla inflated at base, funnel shaped above, lobes hairy inside and on the margins. Outer corona saucer shaped, entire or broadly shallow, inner linear, erect. Fls. & Frts: July- Oct. Exsiccata : VBA.583. Common along bushes. Localities : Dandoba , Rethredharan ,Sagreshwar , Yedenipani. Ceropegia jainii Ansari & Kulkarni in Bull .Bot. Surv. India 22: 221.1982; Ansari in Fasc. Fl. India 16: 18 .1984; Jagtap & Das Das in Singh et. al . Fl. Maharashtra St. Dicot. 2 : 351. 2001. Tuberous herbs . Leaves linear, elliptic. Stem short, hairy. Flowers axilary, uniflowered on short peduncles. Corolla purplish brown , lobes linear, lanceolate. Outer corona of 5-bidentate, ciliate lobes, inner erect , linear . Fls. & Frts: July – Sept. Exsiccata : VBA 1112 Rare ,in rock crevices . Locality : Chandoli. Ceropegia media ( Hubber ) Ansari in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 11 : 199-201.1969 et in Fasc. Fl. India 16:24 . 1984 ; Jagtap et N.P. Singh 24:232.1999; Jagtap & Das Das in Singh et. al . Fl. Maharashtra St. Dicot. 2 : 353. 2001. C.evansii McC . var. media Huber in Mem . Soc.Broter .12: 67 ,t .3 , f. 22b. 1957; Sant & Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot . Mem. no.4 :32.1962. Herbs , twining ; stem slender ,terete . Leaves petiolate, linear –lanceolate , acute . Flowers in cymes, peduncles and pedicels hairy .Corolla pinkish , base slightly inflated ; corona biseriate . Fls. & Frts: July – Oct. Exsiccata : VBA1125 Rare, among bushes. Locality : Chandoli. Ceropegia vincaefolia Hook. in Bot. Mag .t. 3740. 1839, emend Ansari ,Bull . Bot. Surv. India 13. 187. 1971 ; Jagtap & Das in Singh et. al . Fl. Maharashtra St. Dicot. 2 : 357. 2001. C. stocksii Hook . f. Fl. Brit. India 4 : 74. 1883 ; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 242. 1958 (Repr.) Tuberous twing herbs . Leaves ovate ,
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