TRLBOl RICE' GRLLERY Old College MODERN PRIMmVES 26 Oct-23 Nov An exhibition of paintings arid sculpture of a highly personal nature by self.taught artists. Mon-Sat IO am-5 pm Keep Gartcosh open says poll Edinburgh University Scottish Nationalist Association this week carried out an opinion poll of Scot-· tish Office staff which revealed strong support for keeping the Gartcosh steel finishing plant open. Two ques9ons were asked of staff entering the building. 98% said "No" when asked "Do you think the future of the Scottish steel industry should be made a resigna­ tion issue by George Younger?" 70% of those polled said "Yes". The remai~ing 30% included people who were worried about whom his successor might be. On a t the Lyceum until 2nd November, this play by Andy EUSNA secretary Don MacCor­ Arnold and Jimmy Boyle highlights quodale, a candidate for Societies the need fo~ reform of the penal convener in today's EUSA bye­ system. Not to be missed. elections. told Student that about· 400 Scottish Office staff had been -page7 interv.iewed out of a total work­ force of I ,000. Archie talks In his first major interview for Sill­ Don MacCorquodale explained dent since bis election as Rector that this poll is part of a wider cam­ last March. Archie MacPherson talks to lain Cameron about Edu­ paign which is being organised by cation. Politics. the Universitv - EUSNA to publi cise the issues of and even a little about sport. • Gartcosh and Ravenscraig within the Unive rsity. -page 16 Explaining the issue itself, the EUSNA secretary said that up to 8,000 jobs were at stake and , he Desperately feels, "if Gartcosh closes, then seeking Ravenscraig will inevitably fllow after the next election". Seide Iman A major rally is being organised Spear of Destiny, fronted by cheeky blond-top, Kirk Brandon played a packed-out gig at The Playhouse last in Glasgow on 9th November to Tuesday - and even managed to generate an energetic atmosphere. Turn to page 12 for Jane Armitage's oppose the Gartcosh closure. review, and more photos from John Lindsay. Devin Scobie Rig allegations denied Allegations that members of able thing to do at the time." elections. It was the Democratic claimed ballot rigging , by oppo­ Susan Seide/man. director o[ the Edinburgh University An enquiry into the incidents at Left which allegedly organised bal­ nents of Militant, and in what blockbuster Desperately Seeking Labour Club were aware of, or the Conference was carried out by lot rigging in an attempt to hinder McLean described as "near-riot'" Susan. talks to Sn,dent's Trevor participated in, irregular vot­ the Labour Party's National Execu­ the electoral chances of Militant conditions, the Conference was Johnston in an exclusive interview. tive Committee, based on trans­ candidates at the Conference. abandoned. ing procedures at the 1984 cripts of the Confere!)ce, failed to According to Sarah Boyack, pre­ Greatrix dismisses suggestions -page 18 National Organisation of find any evidence of ballot rigging. sent Chairperson of NOLS, there that a senior member of the Labour Labour Students Conference Yet David McLean claims he was organised disruption of the Party was assigned to the task of at Hull have been denied by the himself was tovote twice in elec­ Conference by Militant once it was issuing non-Militant delegates with current EULC Chairperson, tions at the Conference - once as clear that elections weren't going a second set of ballot papers as Contents Paul Greatrix. himself, and once as a delegate the way of Militant. She said that "completely untrue." News 2,3,4 -from Heriot-Watt University. This the Democratic Left, previously an Nevertheless. David McLean Comment 5 When confronted with Greatrix's did not happen, because the informal organisation, was set up emphasised that supporters of the Letters 5 denial, former SRC National ·Heriot-Watt delegate turne9 up atthe Conference in response to Democratic Left did organise ballot Film 6 .Affairs Convener, David McLean, ·- late, but McLean added that a dele­ disruption by Militant. "At no rigging in an attempt to prevent a Classical Music 7 an EULC delegate at Hull, has con­ gate from Oxford was found to be stage," said Boyack, "did Militant Militant take over at the confer­ Exhibitions 7 firmed that, in his view, ballot rig­ in possession of two sets of ballot and its allies ever have a majority at ence. He said that several Edin­ Theatre 7 ging did take place in an attempt to papers. the Conference." burgh University Labour Club Election Guide 8,9 prevent Militant from taking con­ The Conference itself seemed to Greatrix and McLean both said delegates at the Conference were What's On 10, II trol of the NOLS National Commit­ be divided from the. outset between that Militant was near to success in aware-that rigging was going on, Music 12, 13, 14 tee. lie added that, "In the cir­ the Democratic Left, and Militant. _elections at the Conference. How­ and added that one senior member Features 1s, 1,, 11, ls cumstances, where Militant were Another group, Socialist Students ·ever, when Militant failed to of EULC "organised the_rigging." Writings 19 bending the rules of the Conference in NOLS acteo ind.ependently by 'lakecontrol of the NOLS National Alan Young Sport 20 in the extreme, 1t seemed a reason- supporting .its own candidates in 'Committee, a supporter of Militant 2 STUDENI: Thursday 24th October 1985 Olga's bombscare University brain This week Teviot welcomed drain shock Lady Olga Maitland, chair­ man of the anti-CND move­ ment, Women and Families for Edinburgh University may be Method at Edinburgh said that Defence. Lady Olga's last visit losing a significant number of its loss of staff was a "constant !bi to the University was to oppose best academic staff to higher paid serious pro_blem. ". Salaries ~ 4 Bruce Kent in a debate on the jobs in industry and abroad. accountants m commercial pra . could be two or three times t~ nuclear deterrent, but her role Edinburgh's Dr John Burnett available to academics. Thism ot as guest speaker at a Tory Club was one of a group of three vice­ that difficulties were experienC: lunch proved a less demanding chancellors who lastweek pre­ sented the Education Secretary, Sir filling the vacancies which regui,! task. occurred. -•i Keith Joseph, with evidence that Speaking to a sympathetic audi­ The vice-chancellors also pr ence, Lady Olga talked about the large numbers of top academics are sented evidence of "chronic" J danger of Soviet infiltration in the leaving Britain's universities to seek greater rewards elsewhere. ficul!ies in filling posts in clini~ West, and her belief that we are med,cme. This point The survey, conducted at Sir w, succumbing to Russian prop­ emphasised by Dr J. PotteraJio Keith's own request, was presented L aganda. Despite President Gor­ mentioned a lack of good applk. boachev's increased dialogue with Lady Olga preaches to the converted. by Dr Burnett, Dr Tom Johnston of Heriot-Watt University, and Sir ants for a number of JX)sitill!I the Western powers, she warned, Soviet threat as an attempt to sway defence-only for vulnerability. which had ~ad to be re-advertised Edward Parkes of Leeds Univer­ "Detente should not mean a lower­ public opinion rather ihan open On a different level but in her It was noted by a member oft · sity. It reveals that more than a ing of our guard and a return to the conflict. She believes that if West- view equally dangerous, Lady Pharrnacology Dept. at the Univer, 1970s." em Europe came under the control Maitland saw Soviet sympathies fil- _ third of academics leaving their posts also leave the university sys­ sity that a senior lecturer in clinicll Outlining ournaivety, Lady Olga of extreme socialism it would find tering into society through more medicine, doing the same work, tem. Seven percent of those leaving 111 claimed that we have no sense of itself in the same position as Finland direct channels, especially through the same wards as a doct - "dominated by Moscow". · schools. Pointing to the Teachers go to universities abroad. insecurity in the West because we employed by the health servi do not see the Russian threat - Soviet propaganda has even For Peace movement, she claimed The departures are blamed on could be paid a substantially \ow declining levels of pay and condi­ pointing out the lack of tanks rol­ beguiled some political parties, and that pupils often come under pres­ salary. ling through Bristo Square. "Forty to the delight of her audience she sure at school, not knowing how to tions. It is felt that academic · contrastingly, Dr Popplestone years of peace has lulled us into a conducted a dismissive tour of the reply when a teacher expresses salaries fall sei;iously short of those of the Artificial Intelligence De~. fool's paradise." However, she opposition. Whilst the SOP was at socialist opinions. for comparable positions in indus­ stressed that during those years least judged sound in its support of. In conclusion Lady Maitland said trv and commerce. said that his department h~ there have been over a hundred NATO, on the subject- ·of the that Conservatives must be pre­ ·Universities have experienced experienced no difficulties of th1 wars outside Europe, but as a gen­ Alliance Lady Olga added: "I cer- pared not only to vote but to speak extreme recruiting difficulties in nature. eration which has not suffered con­ tianly wouldn't go to bed with a out in reply to opposition, and pro­ areas such as enginering, computer However, one university 5 required to have tried for fiftm flict we have forgotten the value of Liberal." tect the stability that NATO had science, mathematics, chemistry, freedom,.
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