- yh\, 0 jilomiA J'VIriiiHA. ' >Yaclnail ivcj $xclaM •f Tf„- (? U of 1895, t . at ,’j< •!• >i Wall, ’hi.l.i 1| 0 miiiiij, June 2S. iS!)j, (’(I K yRocj'iamiHe. MUSIC. PRAYER. MUSIC. SALUTATORY, with Essay—A Description <>f Norman’s Woe. (I hack E. Cook •2. Our Country’s Progress in Civilization. E. Pkrlev Lhiuy 3. A Mother’s Influence. Ad mi- E. Kai.ek 4. * Railroads. Wai.ter I1’. Larraiike 5. Step by Step. Eloisk Fiske Milt.iken MUSIC. 6. ORATION—How 10 Make Life a Success. S. H. Smau. 7. Advantages of Perseverance. Annie E. Moses 8. The Humble Origin of G John O. Lira o. * The Distribution of Man. E dgar W Sta ples ro, A Parent’s Love. M artha W . H im . MUSIC. u. CLASS HISTORY. C lara E. P illsbury T-.\ * Wonders of Electricity. L outs A . P eter so n i t. L abor C onquers. C ar r ie E. L ibby 14. k Th e Sun. W illiam J. R obinson 15. Ancient ami Modern Modes of Travel. R alph B. L arrabee MUSIC. 16. A Political E ducation. W a lter S eavey \y. The Power of Imagination. M a b el G ilman iS. Hawaii. E dw in B. S now 19. VALEDICTORY, with Essay—The Value of Decision. R uth E . L ibby CLASS SONG. AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS. BENEDICTION. 4 Excused. CLASS SONG. Throe years have passed. And we to-night must bid you all adieu: To teachers, classmates, one and all, We say farewell to you. Though varied be the paths we tread. However hard we strive, We never, never can forget The class of ninety-live. To-night the time has come at last, When friendship’s chain must sever. For we’ve been friends in days that’s past, And friends we’ll be forever. When climbing up the stairs of fame. And at the top arrive, With love and reverence we’ll recall The class of ninety- live. Oh may the lessons we have learned. As years draw on, become True Wisdom’s crown for each and all, As through the world we roam. And now our school-time days are o’er And gone their happy spell, May we all meet in Heaven above No more to say farewell. M. (iraim atttm ^Exercises of Gllass of 1924 jiotrboro ^d]ooI p~ of p . plall, dDak pill PRonbau pfennig, Jjimo 115, 1924 S P - <pL, (Brabuattim program 19 p , Peceptum aitb paitce ■jjJrDgrmimtc March Orchestra Invocation Rev. Rensel H. Colby Response Orchestra Salutatory-Second Honor Essay and Motto Iua Maude Sampson Class Prophecy Mabel Helen Libby Selection Orchestra Essay. Calvin Coolidge Clarence Edward Nielsen Essay, Our Country James Ross Sherwood Group of Songs 1. The Serenade Jaxone 2. My Sun Edi Capua Girls’ Glee Club Presentation of Gifts Priscilla Agnes Googins Essay, What is Success? Valedictory-First Honor Stephen Harris Larrabee Class Ode Presentation of Diplomas Supt. Frank H. B. Heald March Orchestra (Eiass ©be Written by Ina Maude Sampson Tune of "Love’s Old Sweet Song" We now have met, dear classmates, but to part, Grief swells unbidden in each aching heart, Four years together, trials we have borne, Garnered the precious moments of life’s morn, Guided in wisdom’s path by patient care, Now all earth’s joys and sorrows we must share. Chorus Our dear Alma Mater, we will cherish you, When life’s darkest moments din the sunny blue, When inpaths wide-parted, longwillseem theday, Then to us in mem’ry, dear visions waken, Waken of this day. With saddened hearts we bid classmates farewell, Mem’ry enshrines the things we cannot tell, Tove’s tie shall last until we meet again, Then we’ll remember days of Auld Tang Syne. Fair be the path, or dimmed with ill and woe, Cheered we will be by dreams .of long ago. Chorus (Glass Jtall College Preparatory Course Mabel Helen Libby General Course Priscilla Agnes Googins Stephen Harris Larrabee Clarence Edward Nielsen Ina Maude Sampson James Ross Sherwood (Glass (iiJotto Quality, not Quantity (Glass (Colors Blue and Gold (Glass Spofucr Red Rose (Glass (Dfficers President Stephen Harris Larrabee Vice President Ina Maude Sampson Secretary and Treasurer Mabel Helen Libby :.v-.>. ■ ■■ c,: COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES o f th e . CLASS OF 1943 SCARBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL T Sunday, June 13 • 11.00 a.m. BACCALAUREATE SERVICES Black Point Congregational Church Thursday, June 17 • 8.00 p.m. GRADUATION EXERCISES Town Hall • Oak Hill GRADUATION PROGRAM Theme: W o r k in g to W in “Measure not the work Until the day’s out and the labor done.” ▼ D o u b le E agle M arch Wagner High School Orchestra P rayer Rev. Ernest Doughty Salutatory A ddress Althea Marie Ahlquist ▼ “WORKING TO WIN” Narrators: Ruth Adell Baizley Elizabeth Leila Milliken Carlo Profenno Karine Elizabeth Johnson Soloists: Jean Elizabeth Littlejohn Ruth Adell Baizley Focal Trio: Charlene Bornheimer Ruth Baizley Ruth Main I Financing the War Effort with Vocal Solo 2 Food Production with the Farmerettes 3 Industry 4 Home D efense First Aid with Vocal Solo Defense Observation The Home Guard The Honor Roll with Vocal Trio S F inale “America” Block ▼ S electio n from “ W illiam T e l l ” Rossini High School Orchestra Jean Elizabeth Littlejohn Rena Arlene Libby Shirley Estelle Libby June Irene Patnaude S electio n El Choco, Tango Villodo High School Orchestra Class Prophecy Doris May Allen Ellen Jean Seavey Florence Avis Withee S electio n Poet and Peasant Overture von Suppe High School Orchestra Valedictory Address Theresa Louise Sullivan Singing of Class Ode Written by Lee Swinburne Class of 1943 Presentation of Alumni Awards Ruth Moulton, President of Alumni Association Presentation of Diplomas Superintendent F. H. B. Heald Benediction Rev. Ernest Doughty M arch Orchestra ▼ Reception to Members of Class of 1943 ▼ CLASS ODE Tune: “When Day is Done” Four years have gone. The time has come To say good-bye. Our hopes and fears, those happy years Will never die. Our schoolmates, our classmates, the school we hold so dear, We’ll treasure and cherish thruout the span of all the years. Now as we go to face the world, A world of pain, We pledge our strength ’till freedom’s sun Shall shine again, And when the world has peace once more, And hearts are high, We’ll pledge anew our love, Dear Scarborough High. CLASS ROLL College Preparatory Course Karine Elizabeth Johnson 19 Ellen Jean Seavey 17X Jean Elizabeth Littlejohn 18K Theresa Louise Sullivan i6fg General Course Althea Marie Ahlquist tSH Elizabeth Leila Milliken I7*t Doris May Allen 17 H Gloria Kathleen O’Brien 17K Ruth Adell Baizley 18 H June Irene Patnaude 18 Donald Sawyer Bradford 16y, Carlo Profenno 17 Lorraine Faye Clark 16# Donald Merton Richardson 17 Harris Edwin Cohen 16 yt Natalie Elizabeth Rounds 17 Neil Richard Douglass 17 James Harold Scamman 17 Elizabeth Louise Fuller l6 Nason Whitten Snow 16 Ralph Herbert Grant 1 Leland Pierce Stanford 16 H Delona Yetton Harmon 17X Virginia Patricia Sullivan 16K Vera Clarice Hughes 16K Lee Swinburne 17X Shirley Louise Kilby 17 Ruth Elinor Whipple 16 George Turner Knight 16^i Eunice Thelma Winslow 17K Rena Arlene Libby 18^ Leroy Alden Witham 1673 Richard Malcolm Libby 17 Florence Avis Withee i6j< Shirley Estelle Libby 17K Mary Elizabeth Woychuck 16 H David Walter Mallory 16 Mary Elinor Wright tl'A HONORS F irst Theresa Louise Sullivan S econd Althea Marie Alhquist t ie fo r T hird Carlo Profenno Ruth Adel! Baizley C lass M otto “The better prepared, the more powerful C lass C olors Maroon and Gold CLASS OFFICERS P r esid en t Donald Merton Richardson V ice-P r esid en t Harris Edwin Cohen S ecretary Shirley Estelle Libby T reasurer Elizabeth Leila Milliken SCARBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL 9 o & d d o / S . 9 4 4 <^0<vm.'?riye4*i,cem& n£ (Oayoe^ccd^d O F T H E ^o/tz&& /.944 0 F f^~/cA < zoS Sunday, June II ‘ 10:30 a.m. BACCALAUREATE SERVICES Methodist Church ' Dunstan F rid a y , J u n e 16 ' 8:00 p.m. GRADUATION EXERCISES Tovm Hall . Oak Hill Saturday, J une 17 ' 8:15 p.m. RECEPTION AND BALL Town Hall ' Oak Hill Theme: D a w n “Hail, gentle Dawn! mild, blushing goddess! hail! Rejoiced I see thy 'purple mantle spread O'er half the s1ciesy gems pave thy radiant way, And orient pearls from ev’ry shrub depend * M usic United Liberty March Loscy High School Orchestra P r a t e r Rev. Jellison Lello S a l u t a t o r y A d d r e s s Dawning Ruth Harriet Libby * “ THE RETURN PERSEPHONE” Ceres, Goddess of the Earth Ruth Harriet Libby Persephone, her Daughter Ruth Janet Main Pluto, God of the Underworld Brenton Clinton Dodge Prosper, a Grecian Youth Stanley Henry Pooler Philomel, a Grecian Maiden Helen Sylva Soule Spirit of Dawn Priscilla Scamman Soloist Charlene F. Bornheimer Spirit of Spring Alison Frances Downs Spirit of Life Theresa Arlene Burnham Chorus High School Glee Club Dancers Marjorie Marie Libby, Virginia Bimsonand Children A c t I B e f o r e t h e T h r o n e o f P l u t o Off-stage Chant Glee Club Tango Serenade High School Orchestra A c t II A G r e c i a n G r o v e Songs At Dawning Cadman Melody in F Rubenstein Spring Morning Czechoslovakian Folk Song Morning Speaks * D i x i e A i r s Bourdon A m e r ic a n P a t r o l Meacham High School Orchestra C l a ss P r o p h e c y Frances Louise Bimson Arlene Ruth Cohen M a r c h Orchestra “ 1944 in U n if o r m ” Lucille Frances Chase "O u r P l e d g e ” Eleanor Mae Wyman P resentation o f G i f t s Helen Sylva Soule Eleanor Mae Wyman S e l e c t i o n SobrelasOlas Rosas High School Orchestra C l a s s P o e m Carpe Diem Ruth Helen Chase Va l e d ic t o r y a n d E ssa y TheDaionofaNewWorld Brenton Clinton Dodge S i n g in g o f C l a s s O d e Written by Ruth Harriet Libby Class of 1944 P resentation o f A l u m n i A w a r d s P resentation o f D iplom as Superintendent F.
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