Friendship Festival bargains Hawk gridders for ‘real.3 See section 2 Page 7 ___ -- r CASS. CITY CHRONICL VOLUME 82, NUMBER 22 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN-THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 8,1988 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS SE- ONE,PAGES 1-10 18 PAGES PLUS SUPPLEMEN’ Ubly man Township investigation continues killed in 2C Jalhquents due in crash A 33-year-old Ubly man H was killed and 2 other area Ku - ’amp Oct. 1 residents injured Friday in a 2-car collision in Huron Up to 20 youth offenders he said, “They have not again over the camp, last near Lexington in Sanilac County’s Sheridan Town- are expected to enter made any effort to get any week’s licensing was a vic- County, as well as near Ann ship. Michigan’s first “work and permits. As far as they’re tory for proponents of the Arbor and Holly. Patrick A. Binkley, 4575 learn” camp in Koylton concerned, the township “work and learn” concept, Garfield St., Ubly, was Township Oct. 1 following dmsn’t exist.” which has been rejected by 3 Citizen opposition also has killed after his northbound licensing of the camp last Mayer noted repairs or other Michigan communi- kncvidcnt in Koylton pickup truck collided with week. construction exceeding ties since it was proposed by Township, but DSS offi- an eastbound United Parcel The state Department of $500 require a township Gov. James J. Blanchard in cials, including Drenovsky, Service truck bven by Social Services issued the zoning permit. He said he January 1987. say Pioneer officials demon- Kelly M. Dillon, 23, Cass camp license Aug. 31 to believes work at the camp strated “sufficient comrnu- City, at the intersection of Pioneer Work and Learn has exceeded the $500 cap in Citizen opposition ended nity support” for the local McIn tyre and Barrie roads at Center Inc.. which has con- some areas, yet no permit plans to establish a camp program. about 9:45 a.m., a Huron tracted wiih the DSS to has been requested. County Sheriffs Depart- operate the program at He added that he expects ment spokesman said. Kingston Hills Camp, lo- township zoning officials to Dillon was treated and re- catedabout 1 1/2milessouth request permission in Tus- leased from Huron Memo- of Kingston cola County Circuit Court to Free bean soup rial Hospital, whileapassen- According to Jack make a sccond visit to the ger in Binkley’s vehicle, Drenovsky, program man- camp via an order of discov- Madonna M. Czewski, 32, ager of the contracts unit in ery in an attempt to deter- of Ubly, was listed in “good” the DSS Office of Children mine what has been done. condition at the hospital and Youth Services, the Drenovsk y , meanwhile, Wcdncsday morning. DSS also approved a second According to reports, there said the DSS does not intend contract with Pioneer offi- to “bully anyoneor step over The’Cass City Friend- traditional free bean soup were no seat belts in the ship Festival will start the cials. the bounds of what must be will given away. Binkley vehicle. Dillon was The 13-month contract, fall SCaSOn On a festive One of the principal at- wearing a scat belt at the done to operate the camp effective Aug. 31, 1988, to lawfully. That is our clear note as the Cass City Re- tractions to area shoppers time of the accident. tail Committee this week will be the townwide bal- Scpt. 30, 1989, calls for under stand i ng- t hat (this) There are no traffic signs at expenditures of up to $2.945 has arranged for a good loon bust to be hcld for 3 the intersection, the spokes- A HANDFUL OF OHIO strain muskellunge were planted in must be and will be done time for all and a town- days, Thursday, Friday million. The contract re- lawful 1y .” man said, adding neither the Cass River near Cass City last week. The fish that survive, places a trial contract for wide bargain bonanza. and Saturday, driver apparently saw the Hc added that local ap- There will entertain- if any, are expected to reach legal size (30 inches) in 3 to 4 years. $43,253, which ran from proval of physical improve- bc other until it was too late to May 3 to Aug. 30. ment by the Banjo Kings After picking out the avoid impact. (Related picture page 5.) ments isa requirement of the & Queens in the merchandise at participat- Mike Jones, director of the camp liccnse. camp, remarked Tuesday Chemical Bank Bay Area ing stores, customers will Although township and parking lot at the comer break a balloon and re- that job interviews, many of Pioneer officials have ad- them with area residents, arc of Sceger and Main ceive from 10 percent to knowlcdged they expect to Streets on Friday from 5 50 percent off their pur- already well underway for scc one another in court positions suchas counselors, to 7:30 ym., when the chases. Plant Ohio muskellunge cooks, secretaries and main- tenance Dcrsonnel. Jones s&d he’s interviewed some 40 local residents for jobs at the camp. “They’re in Cass River experiment knocking on my door. Gracey parts with There’s a lot of interest,” he said, adding the camp staff River for the initial plant- will eventually total 54 per- sons. “We’re definitely ing. “It (Cass) seerncd to fit the going to hire right here.’’ her doll collection bill in tcrms of habitat,” Despite the planned own- Nelson explained. He added ing, Koylton Township zon- that large pools and an ample ing officials say they are by Tom Montgomery other items--furniture,tools, kep her. All my nieces r- - ~- continuing their investiga- News Editor appliances, antiques, etc.-- have played with her; my muskel I unge. ings is promising. in a southcfr; Michigan rivcr. population of redhorse sucker Bernice Gracey recently will be sold at a public auc- grandchildren have played About 150 fall fingerlings tion of the camp, which will “Michigan has for 20 years (the primary forage base for spent 2 hours at her Sanilac tion set for Sept. 10 at her With k.** from the DNR’s Wolf Lake “Although the numbcrs Ohio strain muskcllunge) eventually house up to 50 tried to get some of the Ohio juvenile delinquents-ages County home unpacking home, about 8 1/2 miles east “Sbe’s in pretty Fish Hatchery in Mattawan were disappointing, one thing made the river a good choice. bad were planted in the river near this planting has done is put strain,” he continued, aid- 13 to 17-who have been boxes of dolls she’s collectcd of Cass City. fh-, she’s been through a Ne1.m noted thc Ohio strain convicted of non-assaultive over the years. Leaving the dolls be- lot. People will say, ‘You Cass City, Aug. the Cass River on the very ing, “They’re hard to come 30. She picked up an old, hind was hard decision, ought to do this with her Dcpartment of Natural top of the list for future plant- by. is a typc of northern muskie crimes. a or Resources ofkials expressed ings of this Ohio strain,” Aftcr lcarning of an ex- that inhabits rivers mther than The campers will take part shabby doll, and despite its Gracey admits, adding her you ought to do that,’ but I DNR Fisheries Habitat Bi- pected surplus of the fish, lakes. Although thc river in -a 6-month program that ragged appearance, recalled collection at last Count to- like her just the way shc is. disappointment at thc small .she’s old like I am.” numbcr of fish available for ologist Don Nelson markcd officials selcctcd the Cass muskellunge tend to be a emphasizes educational and it being very special to her. taled about 85 figures of little smaller than their open work experiences similar to The doll, packed away with various sb,styles and ages. Gracey’s fondness for water cousins, they “havc those offered in popular the others in a closet in re- Many ofthcm are handmade. dolls has kept her collecting Cass City school talks stall the potential to rcach very wilderness survival pro- cent years, was her only “I’ve picked them up for more than 30 years, al- large sizes, up to 45-48 grams such as Outward Christmas present one year in different states and coun- though she’s nevcr purchased inches,” he said. Bound. whilegrowing up during the tries. I got one in a strect a brand ncw doll for the Nelson pointcd out that any Koylton Township Zoning depression in Hudson, Wis. sale in Wisconsin. I picked collection. OK’s local study will havc to wait Board membcr Russell Although she’s never up one doll in Ireland. .and “I just like dolls, and Kingston until pact significant numberof a Mayer rcrnarked Tuesday lost her loveof dolls, Gmy’s I got one in Germany. I’ve when I,d see a doll at a ga- the Ohio strain muskie are that those responsible for collection, with the excep- been lo every state but Ari- rage sale or something and Kingston teachers and tion, tcachers and the local ProgrCss” was made during available. Thcre’s little repairs at the camp continue tion of 3 special dolls and a zona, California and Mex- take a fancy to it, I just chance of detcrmining, with school officials reached a schoolboard,Laycocksaid. thc session and that thc 2 to ignore township zoning few G.I. Joe figures, will smn ico,”,,I she lilre continued.my own bll,,, bought it,” shesaid, adding, tentative contract settlement In Cas City, teachers will sida remain far apart On a the numbcr of fish planted laws in terms of required be on the auction block.
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