SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSIT Y & THE OPE N UNIVERSITY O F TANZANIA MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2007) LOCAL RESOURC E MOBILIZATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY O F LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, ARUSH A MUNICIPA L Latifa Michael Sekajingo SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSIT Y & THE OPEN UNIVERSITY O F TANZANIA MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2007) LOCAL RESOURCE MOBILIZATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY O F LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, ARUSH A MUNICIPA L "A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMMUNITY ECONOMI C DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY AT THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA" Latifa Michael Sekajingo ii SUPERVISOR'S CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifie s tha t he ha s rea d an d hereby recommend s fo r the acceptanc e by the Souther n New Hampshire University and th e Ope n University of Tanzania a Projec t report entitle d "Loca l Resourc e Mobilizatio n fo r Sustainabilit y o f Loca l Communit y Development Organizations " fo r a partial fulfillmen t of the requirement s fo r th e degre e of Maste r o f Scienc e i n Communit y Economi c Developmen t o f th e Souther n Ne w Hampshire University and the Open University of Tanzania. Dr Sinda Hussein Sinda (Supervisor) Date iii COPYRIGHT No part of this Project ma y be reproduced, store d in any retrieval system, o r transmitte d in an y form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwis e without o r prio r t o writte n permissio n o f th e autho r o r th e Souther n Ne w Hampshir e University/Open University of Tanzania in that behalf. IV DECLARATION OF THE CANDIDATE I declare that this project report is my original work and that it has not been submitted to any other college or university for academic credit. V DEDICATION I dedicat e thi s work to my beloved husband Michae l Sekajingo , my daughter Lis a and son Jerry. vi ABSTRACT The purpos e o f the stud y wa s t o examin e ho w loca l resource s coul d b e mobilize d t o support communit y developmen t project s fo r sustainability . Chama Cha Wanawake Kupambana na Ukimwi Arusha (CHAWAKUA), whic h is a CBO, wa s taken as the cas e study for the project. The mai n objectiv e o f th e projec t wa s t o buil d capacit y o f th e ke y staf f an d boar d members o f the CB O throug h technical assistance o n local resource s mobilization . The specific objective s of the stud y were, first, to identify the availability and accessibility of local resources , an d second , to widen the knowledg e and improve the skill s of the key staff and board members of CHAWAKUA o n local resource mobilization strategies . It wa s foun d tha t CHAWAKUA , lik e man y othe r CBO s i n Tanzania , wa s facin g a problem o f inadequate financia l resources . Thi s proble m is t o b e attribute d mainl y to limited skill s an d knowledg e o n resourc e mobilizatio n tha t th e ke y staf f an d boar d members o f the organization have. The researche r recommend s tha t th e CB O find s it s ow n directio n an d decreas e dependency on external funding. With increased responsibility and decreased dependenc y on externa l funding, local resources wil l n o longer be regarded a s marginal to the CBO . Raising resources locall y means that the CBO wil l have greater independenc e to continue with implementation of its own long-term programmes. Thi s will enabl e th e CB O t o b e self reliant, an important ingredient to development. vii EXECUTIVE SUMMAR Y Local resourc e mobilizatio n i s on e o f th e way s o f givin g opportunit y t o communit y members t o participate in their own development an d reducing dependency o n external assistance. Th e Chama Cha Wanawake Kupambana na Ukimwi Arusha (CHAWAKUA ) was taken as the case study for the project. CHAWAKUA i s a Community-Base d Organization starte d i n 199 2 an d officiall y registered i n 199 4 unde r registratio n No: SO 8153 . CHAWAKUA seek s t o empowe r youth o f ag e 1 0 -2 4 years , bot h thos e i n schoo l an d thos e ou t o f schoo l in Arusha , through educating them on how to protect themselves fro m being infected by HIV/AIDS. The CB O currently implements it s programme s i n six wards i n Arusha Municipality , namely, Levolosi, Ngarenaro, Sekei, Unga Limited, Sombetini and Daraja mbili. The mai n objectiv e o f thi s projec t wa s t o buil d capacit y of th e ke y staf f an d boar d members o f the CB O throug h technical assistance o n local resource s mobilization . The technical assistanc e involve d trainin g o n loca l resourc e mobilizatio n strategie s an d preparation of a local resourc e mobilizatio n training manual. The specific objectives of the project were , first to identify the availabilit y and accessibility of local resources, an d second, to widen the knowledg e and improve the skill s of CHAWAKUA ke y staff and board members on local resource mobilization strategies . viii It was found that CHAWAKUA, lik e many other CBOs in Tanzania, CHAWAKUA wa s facing a proble m of inadequat e financia l resources . Thi s proble m could b e attribute d mainly t o limite d knowledg e and skill s o n resource mobilization tha t th e key staff an d board member s o f CHAWAKU A have . Th e CB O heavil y depend s o n externa l donors/funding. Th e gap of knowledge an d skills wa s foun d t o be in the area s of local fundraising technique s and strategies fo r achieving financial sustainability . Therefore the CBO need s knowledge and skills on local resource mobilization strategie s s o that it will be abl e to mobilize th e needed resources locally , usin g a variety of alternative ways of mobilizing resources. The ke y staff an d board members of the CB O wer e trained by the researche r o n loca l resource mobilization. Also, the researcher developed a training manual on local resource mobilization and gave it to the CBO . CHAWAKUA need s t o fin d it s ow n directio n an d decreas e dependenc y o n externa l funding. Th e CBO ha s to adopt a more aggressive local resource mobilization approach. With the increase of responsibility and decrease of external funding, loca l resources wil l no longer be regarded a s marginal to the CBO. Raisin g resources locall y means that the CBO wil l hav e greate r independenc e t o develo p an d implemen t desire d long-ter m programmes with a greater sens e of sustainability. This will in turn enable the CBO t o be self reliant , an importan t elemen t i n development. Furthermore, the CB O wil l nee d t o cultivate accountability , creativity, responsibility an d transparency , a s thes e ar e ke y ingredients of building relationship with loca l supporter s based on trust an d good public image. ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for enabling me to accomplish this work. I than k m y superviso r D r Sind a Hussei n Sind a fo r hi s wonderfu l an d dedicate d supervision and academic guidance. I also thank all CED lecturer s fo r their cooperation, guidance and input to my academic life through the CED Programme. Special thank s t o m y employe r Compassio n Internationa l Tanzania , especiall y th e Country Director Dr Emmanuel Mbennah for the sponsorship, prayer and encouragemen t during my study as well a s for giving me useful input towards this final project report . I thank th e leadershi p of CHAWAKUA an d all the staf f who participated in the projec t and especially in the training, for their willingness to participate in the project. I than k m y beloved husband Michae l Sekajing o fo r hi s encouragement , understandin g and supportive spirit, and my children Lisa and Jerry, for enduring many hours of mom's absence. X TABLE OF CONTENTS Supervisor's Certificatio n i i Copyright ii i Declaration of the Candidat e i v Dedication v Abstract v i Executive Summary vi i Acknowledgement i x Table of contents x Appendices xvii i List of Tables xi x List of Figures x x Abbreviations and Acronyms xx i CHAPTER ON E COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMEN T 1.1 Introductio n 1 1.2 Communit y Profile 1 1.3 Communit y Needs Assessment 2 1.4 Researc h Methodology 3 1.4.1 Focu s Group Discussion Method 3 xi Question s 4 Samplin g 4 Finding s 4 1.4.
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