WEOKRESDAY, NOVE^IBER 28, i94* I MattrtjMtpr Eutning The Weather Foreoant of U. S. Weather Bureau V Ji. Average Da which the Army Band started a where tfte maaa meeting was held, For th e. Month Light snow and sllghUy colder Publitr R ecords. Brotlierli<><><l Me<*t procession wfdch stopped at each, it was estimated there were ovsr SANTA CLAUS IN [^OYIAND Gets Discharge church to pick up a new group of 1 900 men. in -line, tool^ t; Fridny Cloady. Intermlt- About men. When they reached Main | Dr..Henry Crane of Detroit was THURSDAY 3 TO 5 AND rO 8 :3 0 P. M. tisnt Ught anow and oontlnned cold; P rcH l^ir^e (^rowd T stree^^ and marched to the church j the lea k er. Fieoh to atrong._no^lieeet winds. [' Jjpmxf ‘ ’ ................... --------------------- r— —^ M • ' N ■ CkMtar |toh> Kt«Uok, SO Se. of The lo<aI Salvatlbn Army Band MS ^praM atTMt, k u b«*n hon- Rose piahiT to Anthony-... M There’s A Place On Gil t!erm of rtv'p veHi-’s participated In the Men's Brotlier- BfcMy iIiiidiuLr(*<] from Difjia'’for a , ' • ho<v meeting at Dgnielsoni Mon- F o r Custom-Taitpa*ed^ PRICE rHKKE CKN'I'S l ^ f l w St tt« BopsraUort OnterV •from November 1. 194.’). the *1” " ’ ; ,jay-night. All the men were giv- .at 136>i Center street at $.30 a j ,>n a turkey (iiipper, served b.V the X -r-' ^ . "tist/For Thq^. Suggnl month. / j) I Danielson churches, following V T W T tstt snd Whitney.Aircraft ' 8«(HM Club wlU hold iU third International Military Tribunal ■tmiiel LsdlM’ Night St the Hart­ :Z ford CSub on Friday night, Decem- We offer cuntom re-uphol- !,«■ t, Ilreaa will be aemi-for- Horror Pictures mal. ' Karl Mltchell’a Farmlrgr- alering — renewing your ton Valley Club orcheatra w^-frtr- furniture from frame to Another Shipment nlah mualc. A buffet aupller .will fabric. We give yourTur- ba nerved at 10 ^ New Colors. Flashed at Trial nlture the beauty that 24” X 48” Chgfmtred ^ . pfc Qsacf'LT Godin of 1V7 C e-, cornea from master ' work­ dar s t i ^ called hla ;i^f*vVp last; by telephone from Newport, manship and the use of fin­ Nazi Leaders News Va., ■where . he bad Just; est quality materials. ^ SHAp RUGS |4— landed on the "J. H. Nicholson. ■ "■ He haa been in France since the first «rf;.October awaiting passage Ghastly Scenes of Con- D u a S t i c to tBls country. Previoiis to that 2-Piece Suite/ 3 5 . 9 5 time he was In Czechoslovakia rentration Gamps ^ [Na^al Attaches in Japan , and Germany. ----------- Richard F^Resle Shown to W n iation - P b l i c V S h i f t Re-Upholstered Pre-8hron)t. washable Shag ruga for. bedroom, Marshall Prepares l ^ n d Some Districts of ' The Ladies Aid Society of the Tech.____ Sergeant____ Richard P. Order Now for Xmas Delivery living room iUid -bathroom. New colors In al Tribuiwd; Some o f J ^ ■ wthe, roee, green and peach. Cht^ Notified Dec. 4, \ .Covenant-Congregational church Rggi* of 821 Main .street, received A • •’ a •_J"’*' has made arrangements for theihis honorable dl.schsrge at Mitch- One Tear Budget. Or Ohaiga Hitlerite's^ Avert On Germanv Admiral Kim* OTHER RUGS, |8.98 TO $8.95 For Quick Journey 194 open meeting at the church to- jn Long island, November ST. BRIDGET^ Aeonmit At Ne Extra C o^ As Grim Film J b W n .^morrow evening at ' 7:45,--when jg • S 9 niel larked in for .\ .Mrs, Ndfina Burgess o f Hartford,- Sergeant Reaje-'^ss attached to - X ' t h i C o p y ^ Ijrahall to Be the new president of the S t a t e - W , 4 3 ^^ Bomtf Group, 8Sth Bomb- In Light Weight Iknlin 1 Our dfwratnre win eirt w ^ N,rf™ 'ter.77ov. C. t . li., will be the speaker. Theijpjj ^*adron (H), and a flight, CHURCH BASEMENT thirty-fire mHee without- charge - la s t ly scenes 61—Nazi Of Price’s Report to '" General Raps Called Before Leav- society will hold a business meet- pngin^r on ■B-24's. He served in or oMIgadon. concentration c ^ p 8 were Be Called Before Sen- , 1 -* Truman on Potential lU g for Cliina Post Ing following the lecture. the Southwest Pacific area, parti­ shown in motio^ pictures to- cipating in the Bismarck a n h l-; MacDonald -Failure in R e i c h ate Foreign Relations Freiicll Staiicl St. Margaret's Circle held * suc­ pelago. New Guinea, Phllippine.s, | d&y to the International Mili­ Commit tee Sessum Bulletinl cessful card social Igst night at Western Pacific, China and Ryuk- Tel. 2-4127 tary tribunal, but some of the PLAYING STARTS AT 8:15 UpholsteriogCo^ Washington, Nov. 29,--OP)— A Washington, Nov. 29«- the home of Mra.'Tlhbert Schaller|yjjj, campaigns and air offensive ■ i Hitlerite leaders dn trial sat On Nazi R of Pelmont street. Mrs. Rliasell | japan. He was awarded the drastic revision ' of • American Washington,. Nov. 29.— (ff*) Congressional investigat *8.1 MAIN STREET, HARTFORD. S with averted eyes during the .0>ctaran won' the door prlzh o f a Air Medal for aerial combat mis­ ■e policy on Germany is expected by — Armed with iiroad power.s, I^at;^ned today that Army Ill'll fine cake, MrA Edward Krasynlcs, abowing/of - the. grim film sions. New Oval (tfptomatic officials,to result from Gen. George C. Marshall sped Eisenhower Urges Early tetliffcnj;e officers predicted a ribbon bouquet and Mrs. Maud The son of Mr. and Mrs. Salva­ A/ record of German cruelty. , er Ooeiing *nd _ Others Byron Price's report th Preaiden^ preparations today for^.a 'E^ialdishment of Cen- two d ^ fl before the Japanese Foley, glasses. In bridge, Mrs. Jo- tore Reale of Newman street, he Tbd^ grisly plctuitea of ma.ss Truman on the potential failure quick flight to China as his seph Falkowskl was high and Mrs. has been In the' service nearly attached Pi^rl Harbor that Foster WllHams Won second pKHe. Chenille Bath .98 m u^er sobered Relchsmarshal o f present Gei'man - administra­ predecessor’s explosive I'cs- tral German Adminis­ three yeara, is married and has tion. Japan’s leaden wanted In setback, Mrs. Nellie Reyhl i^ n two • children, Richard, Jy, and Hi^mann Goering and others of igna^ion headed for an airing first .honors and Mrs. Helen - -Vo- the score of defendants who had Dne result of any auch change trative Machiltery «void a general Sharon Ann. hion and Glamour Mat Sets jick; second. Fourteen tables were grinned and laughed earlier ai an may be to eliminate to a great on Capitol Hill. Chairman cific.” This ____ in play. After the gamea. aalads, An unuaual pattern in oval shaped bath mat American prosecutor disclosed the extent the remaining influence o f Connally (D,, Tex.), of the Frankfurt, Germany, Nov. 29— pan’s intentions wa^'jnclnded. Mrs. Ellen Wlfspn, worthy mis-' with lid cover. All colors with multi-color Henry Morgenthau, Jr„ over Ger­ Members of the International Military tribunal strike various attitudes as they .listen to pro- .Senate Foreign Relations commit­ rolla and coffee were aeryed. threats, bluffs and deceit with ..... W*. ___ . -- - ...... V a # 4 4 .. m4 4 • T 1 ft jl ^ ^h7 41# I. (>P)—General Elsenhower In a re­ in military document^ tress of Daughters o f Liberty, No. | floral design. Black, white, red, wipe, malse, man control, policy. ceedings of the trial of top-flight Nazis at Nuernberg, Germany. Left to right: Juilge I. ^ Nlki- tee told reporters ;he plans to call which Hitler softened up Austria port released herctoday, criticised the Senate-House group^ Wendeir Cheney, of 8* Brook- 125, L.O.L.I., has called a meeting green, blue, peach, duaty roee and aqua. ..^ for an unopposed invasion. With hia. “ Morgenthau plan” — techenko of Russia: Alternate Sir Norman Blrkett and Judge Sir Geoffrey Lawrence of Great Britain; both Maj.' Gbn; Patrick'J. Hurley for ShHirday afternoon at two Judge Francis Biddle and Alternate John ParkeK of the United States^ and Judge Henri DeVabre and and',!S'ecretary of State James F. the Ffenoh government for ham­ vestigating the Pearl atreet, honorably discharged V- HJalmar Schachl, Hitler's ‘‘flnan- A so-called hard-peace plan —the from the armed forces last w^ek, o’clock tn Orange hall. A .rehears­ ■\ ■ • 100%jVirgin Wool \cial wizard,” sat with his back to former aecretary of the Treasury Alternate ilotyi-t galco of France, (AP wlrephoto\^ J / ______ " '\ '____________. X_- ihymes before if closed door ses­ pering the Allied Control council disaster Dec. 7, 1941. la now employed by Clifford's al for thy/ first degree will take | r V 72” X 90” Chatham Woolshire the screen, refusing to look at the had great Influence in the writing sion, perhaps Monday. and' urged early establishment of Men's and Boys' Shop, at 917 place and all members-of the de­ of/icial U. S. Army film. Franz of the basic German policy direc­ To Discus* Hurley Contention central German admlnlstratlye gree staff afe urged to attend. machinery. > Washington, Nov. 29.— Main atieet. voh Papen. once Germany’s wiliest tive. This Is the directive—known The purpose, Connally said, wip —Congressional investigators/ • — a W diplomat, refused to glance at the as \JCS 1067—under w.hich the Declares Ray ‘Summarizing the situation In \ Steel Workers Heads Be an inferihal discussion of Hur­ Germany In.October, before he left learned today that A m erii^ J \ ■'V\ .
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