' • > r'" The Eighty-Third Annual Catalogue Denison Uni versity fl vj^ni^ G»**a,iM/, |/# 0. For the Year 1913-1914 GRANVILLE. OHIO 1814 Contents DENISON UNIVERSITY, Calendar PaKe Trusti " ' — — 5-7 Facult ifficen 8-18 ral Informati- n 13-36 GRANVILLE O >LL1 GE 37-92 Entrance Requirements 38-40 i lepartmi • • ■ I Stud} 46-81 tem 82-92 Ml! PARDSi ■'. Ci iLLEGE 93-96 I" ' \M VCADE MY 97-112 i S'SERV VTORY i >F MUSIC 113-125 S'l UDENT LISTS 130-151 SCHEDULE AND INDEXES 152-166 For information concerning Granville College, address C. W. CHAMBERLAIN, Ph. D., Preiide.it GRANVILLE, OHIO For information concerning Shepardfon College, addros MARGARET JUDSON, A, M., Dean GRANVILLE. OHIO For information concerning the Conservatory of Music, uddresa, KARL H. ESCHMAN. A. M.. Director 1 GRANVILLE. OHIO For information concerning Doane Academy, addreea H. RHODES HUNDLEY. D. So., Dean GRANVILLE, OHIO The University Calendar 1911 February ■ Semester befkaa, v A. M. April 1 ■ . Recesi begin*. * N I*. M. ■< April ■ - ■ | Eta«M end*. 7 SO A. M. -rate Sermon and Sermon June ■ 11 • Ran Associations. June IS . ! Concert, 8 P. M. of Doane lk \ M June ■■ • Literary Prize Contest, • P V LO A M. June I . Alumni ' P. M. President'i Reception, H P. M. cment. 10 A. .' I- • . M 1 P, M. Summer \ m I - September 17. §ep!< \il:n^-mn. r bruin*. V> A M. N Rfj I M begins at . ing R< 81 rurl.. at 1HKH1. r> " . Hol 1 eftat, < ::ui P M. 1013 I ■ i ■'■ 1 ■ •iwi-. 7 :n> A. M. | ■ 11 ■ Di> ol Prayti iof College*. 1 ■ ■ ir) ■■ ■ 1 (aminaliont. February • " ■ ester begins, 7 .10 A. M April i : I ;.' lirgim. 4:M P. M April 8 IJ Spring Receu ends, 7:80 A M. June 17 1) 1 ■ ement Board of Trustees OFFICERS OF THI BOARD G. M. PETERS, A.M., LL.D., President. C. T. LEWIS, A.B., Vice President. J. R. DAVIES, A.M., Secretary. E. E. HOPKINS, A.B., Treasurer. Members Bx-OMcio. CLARK W. CHAMBERLAIN, A. B., PH. D Granville. President of the University. t CLASS I.—Term Expires June 1914. H. A. SIIERWIN, ESQ. Cleveland. F. P. BEAVER, ESQ Dayton. W. D. CHAMBERI.IN, ESQ Dayton. •REV. G. E. LEONARD, D. D Norwalk. PROF. A. D. COLE, A. M Columbus. REV. G. W. LASHER, A. M., D. D Cincinnati. E. A. DEEDS, B. S Dayton. BURTON CASE, ESQ Granville. W. H. CATHCART, B. S Cleveland. REV. C. J. ROSE, D. D Granville. O. C. HOOPER, A. M Columbus. D. E. WILLIAMS, A. B Columbus. •Deceued. I CLASS 11 -Ttrm Espirts Junt 1916. E. J. BARNBY, ESQ Dayton. S. F. V in Vi - I«H IS, Esg ■ Newark. TOBBBNCE HUFFMAN, ESQ Dayton. J. R. DA>IBS, A M Newark. VlKTOH K. Sim tBD, A M Cincinnati. •E. M THEESHI B. ESQ Dayton. B. F. MCCAWM, A M Dayton. L.R.Z0LLAI Canton. AMBROSE SWASEY, SC D Cleveland. REV. H. F. STILWELL, 1) D Cleveland. J. M. SwVBTZ, A. M Granville. REV. J. P. HEBGETT, 11 1) Cincinnati. CLASS III — Term Expires June 1916. REV. C. J BALDWIN, 1) I) 'irtnville. C T. LEWIS, A. B Toledo. W. H. DoANE. M - H Cincinnati. E. CANBV, ESQ Dayton. REV. H ! ' ■ ' 1>I> Dayton. G. M. PEI '\ M . 1.1. D Cincinnati. REV. M. BBBLSFOBD, A B Granville. HARVEY KEELEB, A B Cleveland. J. M \M 5, I ' Cambridge. J. G. LAMSON, ESQ Toledo. REV. A - I) ll Marietta. ('. II PRI JR., ESQ Cleveland. •D«CMMd - ■ ' Committees EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. C. W. CHAMBERLAIN, J. R. DAVIES, BURTON CASE, B. F. MCCANN, C. J. ROSE, E. E. HOPKINS, M. BRELSFORD, B. SPENCER, J. M. SWARTZ, FINANCE COMMITTEE. B. F. MCCANN, Chairman Term expires 1917 F, P. BEAVER Term expires ,9U E. CANBY. Term expires 1915 E. J. BARNEY Term expireS 1916 W. H. DOANE Term expires 1918 FINANCE EXAMINING COMMITTEE. 1 IRA CRAWFORD, W. D. CIIAMBBRUN. AUDITORS. D. E. WILLIAMS, S. F. VAN VOORHIS. LIBRARY COMMITTEE. W. H. CATHCART. Chairman. C. W. CHAMBERLAIN, C. J. ROSE, W. H. JOHNSON, O. C. HOOPER. COMMITTEE ON INSTRUCTION. W. H. CATHCART, Chairman, J. M. AMOS, H. F. ST I LWELL, V. R. SHEPARD, C. T. LEWIS, H. F. COLBY, M. BRELSFORD, A. D. COLE. I 1 he Faculty of Instruction I • \KK W CHAMBEII UK v 1'.. 1'n. I).. I'resident. Maria Tharma Baraar PTQfaaaoe Of Inlrllfctual and Moral IMIoaophy. WELL, A MD D., Draw. Prof* f Or—■ Lwuaca and IJtrratura AM. I'll. D, PrefoaSOff Ol ItM Itomanc* lanc'ikl'i CHARLES I. WILLIAMS, A M. I.ITI D., ProfOMOf of I.M u '. 1 nallah l.ltrratur*. Wn UAM II. JOHNSON, A. M , Kllam B Barnay I- r Of tha Latin 1-an.u.itf and Lltrrarura II RHI DI - Hi NM EI A M , S !>.. Daan c.f Hoan» Aradamy. wllh rank of ITofaaaor In lot Unlaaraltr Pa. WILLIS \ CHAMBRBXIN, V M. PH. D.. P* an Lanruagr and Lltaratura. (M ; l A. M.. Profaaaoi ' H ■ r-imral Hcianea. «NI i. A. M.. I'll II , Pi roaaof Of Ooolan an.l Mln»ralofjr. ABTHUB M. BBOMBAI K A. M . Profrai * . natatry, MAI COLM II KM ■,. A. M . Pri •• - i ■„ PAUL BIEFELD, A. B . PH. D., Profeaaof of Astronomy tat Dlroetet >.r ifca xwanty ubummrr. FORBES I: Wll iv. A. 11.. Btnjamln Ilarnev ProfOHOf "( M:.th»matlca. i'»n loan of aOMIWO "ntll Heptt-mbcr. 1914.) ANNUAL CATALOGUE CLARENCE D. COONS, M. S., Henry Chlaholm. Professor of Physics MARGARET JUDSON, A. M., Dfan of Shepardaon College and Professor of English. THEODORE S. JOHNSON, M. S., Professor of Civil Engineering. ANNA B. PECKHAM, A. M., Associate Professor of Mathematics. BUNYAN SPENCER, A. M., Associate Professor of Philosophy. RAYMOND W. PENCE, A. M., Assistant Professor of English. AUGUST ODEBRECHT, A. M., Assistant Professor of Modern Languages. VICTOR H. HOPPE, A. B., Assistant Profeaaor of Public tipeaklng. IRVING STODDARD KULL, A. M., Assistant Professor of History. 3 ALFRED W. ORCUTT, A. M., Assistant Professor of Zoology. KARL H. ESCHMAN, A. M., Director of the Conservatory and Instructor In Musical Theory. WALTER LIVINGSTON, B. S., Dlrsctor of Physical Training for Men. CLARA A. DAVIES, M. S., Instructor In Science. (Absent on leave, 1 Wl3-1914.) LILY BELL SEFTON, B. S., Instructor In Chemistry. io DENIS •• ■• i isrrv I RAYMOND C. DITTO. A. M„ Instructor in Ph/atea, ELMEB • I WOOLEY, A. M . Instructor in German FANNII I. 1-ARRAK, Inatructor in flano and Head of I>epaxrment I vkklK M. HOWLAND, Instructor In Art EUZABI in M BENEDICT, Inatru.-I.ir in organ and I'lano CH KM I - E Dv.i., I!. PH. Inatructor In Latin. EX I\ EL FlNLEY, Imir HOUR, Iftslnwtor in Art. VNSI BI WTEEET, \ i:. ,n•,, al Tralnina for Woman. I i ro« Di IN, A I'... Inatructor lr. I'.ncllsh. «'• "ill. Instructor in violin l-I. B. I 'K I -. iMtmol ■ • and H...1 ..I Departmant RUTH I IRM-IT. M S . Assistant In DIOlOffY. ANNE C. MIU -. \ \;. Aaalstanr in Oeolo»y\ M MUON <i. R Assistant In Voice. Rl ill I'.-i BE! R» KWOOO, Aaalatant In Harmony. Committees of the Faculty Committee on Curriculum: Professors Colwell, Biefdt, Brumback, Goodell, Associate Professor Pcckham. Committee on Entrance and Advanced Standing: Professors W. II. Johnson, Goodell and Hundley. Committee on Registration and Classification: Professors Goodell, Colwell and Judson. Committee on Student Aid: President Chamberlain, Professors Colwell, Judson and Hundley, Associate Professor Spencer, E. E. Hop- kins, and Mrs. Alice K. Herrick. Committee on Student Affairs: President Chamberlain, Professors T. S. Johnson and Judson. Committee on Athletics: Professors Brumback, Colwell and Coons. Committee on Inter-Collegiate Debating: Professor Williams, Associate Professor Spencer and Assistant Professor Hoppc. 11 Officers of Administration CLARK W. CHAMBER! UN, A 1!, PH. D., resident of the I'nivrnlly RICHARD S, COLWBLL, A M . D. D., I>ran of th* l'niT*riltv M IRGARET JllDSON, A. M.. f>**n of Hhrimrdiion Collar* H. RHOH sHi'i n.. l»*an of I >-an* Academy i il v*i I - ! GOODELL, A. M.. »>ltl«trar Ei MI R E. HOPKINS, A. I'.. Treasurer. Curator an.l Hutlnfpi Manaa-cr. Km; S HlNES, A M . Librarian. W. II JOHNSON, A. M.. Editor <<f th* fnlverelty Bulletins ■'■-. II II' -.r. A. 1'.. EUoortor RUTH Mi 4M .■»!.• • f .- Trramrar, MRS AI n i K HEBJUCK, Matron .f Bh*par4M0. OolltSm MRS. LAOS -. A. SWARTZ, DlrMtOf .,• II..- DMlBf Hall It Denison University General Information LOCATION. Granville, the home of Denison University, is situated in Licking County, near the geographical center of Ohio. It lies among the moderately elevated and partly wooded hills which mark the transition from the more level portion of the State to the more diversified surface of the southeastern section, condi- tions of natural environment admirably suited to the spirit and purpose of college life. The community is of New England origin, and similar to the traditional New England village in the high estimate which it places upon intellectual, moral and religious forces. It has long been free from saloons. Granville is on the Toledo and Ohio Central Railway, and by electric car to Newark, six miles distant, has access to the Pennsylvania System, the Baltimore and Ohio, and all connecting 1 lines. It has electric car connection with Zanesville, Columbus. Springfield, Dayton and various other points, and is provided with local and long distance telephone service. BUILDINGS. Among the buildings occupied by the various departments of the University the following may be mentioned: Men's Dormitories. Marsh Hall, erected in 185C, and Talbot Hall, completed fifteen years later, furnish together dormitory accommodations for about one hundred and fifty students.
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