~ .. %} ~ Lincoln lawn Cor. Life is tuil of compromises. This isn't one of them. The 1986 Lincoln Town Car doesrit ask you The fender extensions are gently to sacrifice any of the amenities you've rounded, while the optional carriage roof come to expect in a luxury automobile. lends a graceful, finished look. Room, comfort, responsiveness, prestige- Town Car's ride is smooth and comfort- Town Car still provides you with on abun- able. lts body-on-frame construction and dance of them all. strategically ploeed. specially tuned For 64 veors. the Lincoln name hos body mounts create the traditional com- been synonymous with distinctive styling, fort and smoothness expected of Lincoln smooth power, comfort, and above all, a luxury sedans. smooth and gracious ride. Another luxury attribute is the Town Car's Lincoln Town Car possesses aregal responsive 5.0-liter V-8 engine. For 1986, bearing and formol elegance that is its it is equipped with sequentia I multi-port alone. Town Car's tasteful lines and its spa- electronic fuel injection, low-friction roller ciousness make it a unique automobile. tappets and fast burn combustion cham- !t's one of the few remaining traditionally bers. This improved engine lets the Town sized six-passenger luxury sedans. Car accelerate quickly and smoothly, and As the Signature Series shown here with greater fuel efflclencv" than previous illustrates, Town Car's dimensions are gener- Town Car modeis. ously accommodating. The car is more Vet the reason most of ten stated for pur- than 18 feet long and six-and-a-half feet chasing a Lincoln Town Car is the aura of wide, providing it with ample shoulder, hip, achievement and success it reflects upon head and leg room for up to six adults. its owners. Excluding station wagons and vans, the The following pages will introduce you Lincoln Town Car is the roomiest passenger to the three 1986 Lincoln Town Cars-the car in Arnerlco" Signature Series, the Cartier Designer Series Town Cors front and rear bumpers have and the standard Town Car-fine motor- been closely integrated into the overall cars that are the embodiment of the body style and the traditional Lincoln grille Lincoln tradition of excellence. has a bold vertical insert design. 'Bosed on EPAinterim volume index. "See EPAfuel economy statement on page 20. i l Signature Series. A masterful interpretation of the car builders' art. When lincolns designers created har.shness.Sound insulators are used the Signature Series Town Car, no at the hood, roof, doors and in lug- possible luxury was overlooked. gage compartment panels to quiet Indeed, this is a superbly crafted the ride further. Even its fully framed automobile. Near1y every conceiv- door windows help reduce wind able amenity and convenience hos noise. Together, these features con- been incorporated into this spa- tribute to the Town Cors noticeably cious sedan to assure that every smooth ride. trip-regardless of its duration-is The cors interior, shown here. is especially enjoyable for driver and every bit as stylish and luxurious as passenger alike. its dramatic exterior. The Signature Series Town Car The 50/50 !win comfort lounge is undeniably handsome to behold. front seats are upholstered in Sand Shown across the preceding three- Beige cloth in a distinclive sew pat- page foldout. its massive grille and tern that's exclusive to the Signa- classically shaped body are high- ture Series. lighted by a Champagne Clear- There are full-Iength armrests on eoot Metallic exterior. An optional each of the car's doors and fold- full Carriage roof in Ton Cambrio ing center armrests for both the front cloth and optional Turbine Spoke and rear seats. Roof rail assist han- aluminum wheels further accent the dies at each door ease entry and Signature Series' majestic profile. exit. as do the car's seatback assist Power convenience controle. straps and floor weillights. designed to serve both driver and Underfoot. the Signature Series passengers, include six-way power Town Car features carpets that are driver's and front passenger seots. 30 ounces thick, while a matching power windows, power vents, power 18-ounce carpet protects the lower door locks and power outside doors and center pillarfrom mirrors-all as standard Signature unsightly scuff rnorks. Series equipment. Advanced features, sumptuous One of Town Cors most appre- detailing and tasteful design make ciated luxuries is its ability to isolate the Signature Series Town Car the exterior elements from the vehicie's Lincoln for discriminating motorists interior. Body mounts effectively who are accustomed to the luxury reduce rood noise. vibration and of llte's finest pleasures. 1986 Lincoln lawn Cor Signature Series intertor in Sand Beige. Some features shown may be optieoot See ootton list on page 16. Carfier Designer Series. An extraordinary expression of undersfafed elegance. Ifthere is an ultimate Lincoln Town headlights can also be programmed Car, it hos to be this one. to automatically turn on at dusk. off Every year since 1976, the pres- at dawn. An additional adjustment tigious House of Cartier has applied allows the headlights to remain lit the same internationally acclaimed for a specified length of time to light sense of fine design they use to the driver's and passengers' way as create their exquisite jewelry and they leave the vehicle. watches to fashion a one-of-a-kind The keyless entry system is Lincoln automobile. another luxury convenience. Small Thisyear, Cartier chose to give calculator-type bultons located on the Lincoln Town Car a color the belt molding are coded so the scheme thot's as sophisticated as door and trunk lid locks can be it is subtie. The cors body is opened without a key. The driver will painted in a unique shade of never be faced with the dilemma of shimmering silver that's appro- having the keys locked inside the priately named Crystal Clearcoat vehicle. Entry codes can be quickly Metallic. A Dove Gray vinyl coach changed by the owner. roof with a stunning wrapover Both outside rearview mirrors molding, side coach lamps and a have built-in heating elements to frenched rear privacy window clear away cold-weather fogging. add to the Cartier Town Cors A remote-control switch in the glove distinclive look. compartment opens the trunk lid, Dual painted pinstripes in a and the power pulldown feature specially chosen shade of Dark Red closes the trunk lid when it is highlight the cors classic lines. lowered to within an inch of the sill. There is a "Cortier" insignia, also in But lt's the look of the Cartier Dark Red. on the rear decklid. And Designer Series Town Car that "Cartier" signature script is affixed people find so captivating. It is to the rear quarter opera windows. stunning, pristine and a beautiful Underscoring it all are Turbine Spoke extension of the Lincoln tradition. aluminum wheels with Lincoln Star center crests. Everything about the Cartier Town Car is designed to promote the pleasure of driving. uncolns headlamp convenience system automatically dims the cor's head- lights for oncoming traffic. The 1986 Lincoln Town Car Cartier Designer Series in Crysfol Cleorcoot Metallic with a Dove Gray coach roof Some features shown may be optienol. See optlon liston page 16 .. '" .. .. .. ..".. i' .. .."'" .. '" .. .. directlyon the wheel. This standard Cartier interior. feature is an appreciated conve- nience, especially on long trips. Stunningly evocative Also convenient are the Cartier of the master jeweler's Town Car's lighted vanity mirrors. touch. They're discreetly concealed within each sun visor. Cartier's tasteful designs and atten- Thick, 30-ounce carpeting lion 10 detail are legendary. This covers the floor, while a cloth head- year, the House of Carlier has cho- liner further helps absorb distract- sen 10 work the Lincoln Town Cors ing sounds. interior in a sumpluous shade of An AM/FM stereo electronic Oxford Gray leather wilh rich search cassette radio with Premium plealed clolh seat inserts in the Sound, power antenna and slx- same color. Leather seat inserts are speaker system is included in Ihe also available as a no-eest option. Cartier Town Car as standard New, four-way pivoting headrests equipment. supply superior support. All seat- The interior temperature is main- backs are monogrammed with the tained by the car's Automatic distinctive Cartier logo. The backs Climate Control system. The air of the front seats are fitted with both conditioning automalically tums robe cords and map pockets for on a "hurry up" blower if the additional convenience. temperoture should vary trom a The Cartier Designer SeriesTown preset comfort range. Cors handsome instrument panel Pleasant-sounding chimes (shown below) isattractively trimmed gently remind the driver if the key is with Wood-tone appliqués. Aesthet- left in the ignition, if the headlights ically pleasing, it is also wonder- are on, if the driver's door is open or fully functional. Information can be if the seat beits are unfastened. read at a glance from three pods Luxuriously appointed. master- in direct sight of the driver. fully fashioned. the Cartier Designer The cors steering wheel is Series Lincoln Town Car is a toto I leather wrapped for added luxury. delight to the senses. Speed control switches are mounted 1986 Uncoln lawn Cor Cortier Designer Series interior in Oxford Gray, Some features shown may be ootionol. See option liston page 16. luxury cor maker hos buillover Ihe line into Ihe intake porlof each smaller cors ore forced to leave Lincoln lown Cor. past six decades. cylinder al the exacl moment lts behind. If you frequently carry heavy The 1986 Town Cor is a worthy needed, improving bolh engine loods, any Town Car con be ltstradition of successor 10 Ihose previous responsiveness and fuel efficiency." ordered with a load-Ieveling option.
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