![1849-04-03, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
FATF TTUMM Appointments and rumors of Appointment.— Extract to the Editor, dated BUSINESS—CALIFORNIA OUTFITS.' '*» * FOREIGN-NEWS. 5 ^•** •THE MINERS' EXPRESS* Ex-Governor Pennington, of New Jcrsoy, to WASHINGTON, March 10th, 1349. Within the last few days, our city has put The latost European news is by the Canada, ANNUAL STATEMENT Dear Sir:—As noticed in my last, Thomas up to the 10th ult* be Governor of the Territory of itfincsota. Ignmuch more of a business appearance. H. HOLT, FCDITOLT. Ewing, Esq., of Ohio, has an appointment in ^Fresh supplies of goods are arriving almost In France, tho prospects for tranquility arej Of th§ Receipts ^nd Expenditures of Dubuque County, for the E. W. Wasbburn» of Galena, Illinois, Id be tho Cabinet of Gen. Taylor. ,<*very day. for our Merchants, and tho country more favourable than they have been for -the - ; yi; ^ year 1848. H. HOLT & A. KEESECKEK, Judge of Minesota. " The papers have informed you of the Cabi­ people are taking the opportunity of the Im­ last year. * The English Parliament has rejected Mr; PROPRItTORS. Fitz Henry Warren, of Burlington* Iowa, to net in full, and those who arc familiar with the proved condition of the roads, to lay in their gentlemen, assume that the present caste of the Cobdcn's project for diminishing expenditures 1848. i)r. the County of Dubuque. be 2d Assistant P. M. General, vice Brown, spring supplies. APRILS, 1849. members are much stronger than those first f Persons titling out for California, will find it ten million pounds. ^ To balance as per last Annual Statement, $11,982 55 removed. There has been another bloody conflict with named—particularly, as the Honorable Revcr- to their interest to lay in their entire outfit at 1 his amount ol Orders issued during the year 1848, ON MAis-8TneKT:::::;«£NTRANCE D. G. Goddard, of Gallipolis, Ohio, to be dy Johnson, of Maryland,' has been added to theSikhs in India, in which the English loss DOOR AfcOVK TIIK BANK. this place. fur the following named purposes: the Cabinet, as Attorney General. Mr. John­ ' Emigrants from Wisconsin, Illinois, and oth­ was D.'j Officers and 2,500 men. Chief Clerk in tho Home Department. The commander. Lord Gough has been su­ son is certainly one of the most distinguished er States east of the River, who are }ioing the Support of the Poor, .... S2,76G 71 Thomas Foote, of Buffalo, N. Y., Minister perseded by sir Charles Napier. jj "SCHOOL DISTRICT ORGANIZATION. advocates in the country, and will be an able overland route by way of Council Bluffs, will Books for School Fund Commissioner's Office, "" 11 60 Tho firat Monday in May is the day fixed by to Constantinople. adjunct for an adviser. find this tho best place to purchase their outfit. FROM THcTuPPIiR MISSOURI. There are hosts of applicants for office still Paid balance on Miners' Hank, . 55 08 liiW for tho organization of Fchool Districts William Bradley, Collector of the Port of Those who put otf purchasing until they get Wo have received two numbers—ono for remaining in this city—enough to supply all Sundry work and materials for Court House, - 106 50 *nd ui that time ia fast approaching, we have New York. further west, will be "taken in." February 21si, and the other for March 7th. the stations of the'government ten times over. i Frontier Guardian,-a neat paper, which Holding inquest over body, one Foster found dead, 49 81 Ybotfght it proper to call attention to this ici Col. Hughes, to be Commissionerof Pensions, Many will decamp, minus, before the 1st A- THE RELIGIOUS REVIVAL is still in progress in • , ,.i.r>'l semi-monthly at "Kaucsvillc," in Costs in case of Slate vs: Ewing, . 273 93 pril, and those who are here on that day, will this City. {Ktrtant subject. vicn Edwards, removed. rS '\U ' 'nn the Missouri river, near Counci' he laughed ut ut every cornor of the street.— Costs in case of State vs: Johnson, . 519 45 Bailey Peyton, of Louisiana, as Ministor to IMPROVEMENTS. in tntiui^e 42. Ivanesville is, we be- ^he 43d aectiort of the new school law, pro Your young heir of the northwest, has one pro­ Biacksmithmg, . 8 00 i- U 8,i.p ti';G Mormons' Winter Quar- Videa that "There ihall be clected in each Mexico. minent nibble, in the appointment of Fitzhen- Preparations are being made for extensive lieve, the same as u» Pay ol County Commissioners, . 137 00 improvements in this City, during tho coming tcrs: and the journal is & iViorrnon paper. "organized School District, at the regular dis' Charles A. Rockwell, of Conn., Commission ry Warren, of your State, to the station ofSc- Pay of County Commissioners' Clerk. 249 20 cond Assistant Post Master General, in room season. The winter in that region hecn very se­ '»trict meeting, on the first Monday in May, of er of Customs. w ,,a8 ; of the talented and useful offiecr, William J Many ofthe old Frame Buildings alongmain vere; and nearly four feet of sno fallen. Interest on County Bonds, . 6ti3 40 Fletcher Webster, U. S. District Attorney t^ewh ye»fi ®n° President, one Secretary, and Brown of lnd ana. This gentleman being a street aro being demolished, and will give place Up to Feb. 18th, there had been thirjy-on»• days Painting Guide Boards, . 5 00 "one Treasurer of the District, who, togeth for Mass. stranger to the undersigned, of course, you to more commodious and elegant brick edifices. on which the mercury had fallen to or below Paid SlierilF for sundry services, . 297 50 zero! On tho lltli Dcc it fell twenty degri-.?s •er shall constitute a board of directors for Seaton Gales, Secretary of Legation to Berlin. are a better judge of the merit he possesses- For California.—The New Orleans Crescent Repairing-Screw Press, . • . 14 67 than any other. Presuming he is a Whig, he below zero: and was repeatedly down to from ••the district, and shall hold their offices for Thomas L. Smith, Register of tho Treasury, City says, that 15,000 Mexicans havo already will of course, do the bidding of his office to 3 to 14. Good sleighing lasted for 3 months Wolf Sea!j'js/, . ^ . 37 00 •'opoyear, and until their successors arc.olect vice Graham, resigned. tht) satisfaction of VVhiggery, having heroto- left ior the gold regions of California. Late laft month, thu snow was two feet deep Election Expenses', • • . 217 60 on a level. The Guardian of the 2lst ult. says: • ?e<3 and qualified." THE DES MOIXES RIVER GRANT.—Tho Bill fore been found faithful in the service. Making Ballot Boxes, J • • • 11 00 j'Judge Change.— The citizens of Bloomington, arc Some hunters have just come down from The importance of thi3 Divtribt meetin "granting a donation of land for the improv e-^ ''The unfc rtunalo position held by "Judge Recording County Roads, - • 300 00 < Breese towards Gen. Shields, for defeating hiur. alking of chmging the name of their town: Fort Vermillion, about 150 miles from here, will be seen, when it is recollccted that th nient of the Des Moines River to tho Raccoon and thev report the snow much deeper there Coroners Fees, . - • • 91 71 Fork," has been so construed by the War De­ for a seat in the Senate of the U. States, has they think the present name inappropriate. officers chosen thereby are the prime movers than here. They say that many Indians in that partment as to make tho grant include alter­ caused much regret among our western friends. Boarding prisoners, • • . 78 30 High Doingt..— The Davenport Shrunk ol region are in a slate of starvation on account Hrl&e machinery of our school system nate sections of land to the extreme source of The letter Gen. Shields indited to the Judge, Books and Stationary for Clerk Dil. Ct.it Recorders Office, 62 65 of the very deep snow preventing theiii from <:"",'jjktnong the duties devolving upon thoSecrc land tolhc extreme source of the river. was ill-timed, and of a tenor highly exception­ the 22d ult., says, "Wo went to press last netting out to hunt and kill game. Vague re­ Witnesses, Jurors, and Builills in Dist, Ct. 1098 90 This important decision was telegraphed to able. But, the letter docs not deserve so much week, with the water up to the floor of the tary of the District, he is required to ascertain ports from the mountains say that the snow is Repairing Lightning Rod, . • • • • 6 00 the President of the Board of Public Works by censure, when it is fully understood. Besides, and on the first day of October, to report to the printing office. Soon there came a rise from beyond all calculation. The Omahas have lost Paid Joseph Oglebv on accp't. ... 39 50 Senator Jones a few days sinco. ^ there arc mitigating circumstances, thi>t, in a fund Commissioner of thfl county, the number measure, throws the onus of its publicity en­ the gorging of ice, and our little fraternity of nearly, if not quite all their horses. They arc Prosecuting "Attorney, . ... 209 20 MISSOURI VS: IOWA. X-/ / i in ureal privation and sufforing, and have been " of white persons witbfn the limits of his dis tirely on the shoulders of Jucge Brcese. • Gen. printers wera 'treed in the attic." Wc hailed Printing, . • • • '112 30 Shields, after his excitement ofthe letter had obliged to kill their dogs for food." ? The Supreme Court of the V. States have de­ a raft, atid were floated ashore." ttlct between tho ages of five and twenty.— worn away somewhat, solicited Judge Mangutn It is apprehended that the weather at the Treasurer and Collector for per centage on Tax List of cided the boundary question between these A fortunate escape for you Mr.
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