TRAVEL Tuga Clara H Doane. with bar-fe« E*»*4""1« TRAVEL TRAVEL Bliíubethport for Boston; Mary C M«-- Marine Disas'erf» TRAVEL Dollar's Plans Marine Nally. with barge» Atrncs and Rita Mc- Reports Kalll Mlllvln* for Boston; Lehigh, with jtf_28_*»*a_."w bar«*«*«. 7S1. 707. 78« »mi TO« gas r«nti_m*-d front prer^ina rmsre CAPE COD CANAI* No* Î.--Pa*«*«;«!.. ._,;__, For Moior barge Socuny 6- Providence f«r Terminal Radio Corp. of America Rockland. Passed west: Tua« /»J,1* (Distance in miles, at noon unies*. Ross, with barge» Sharon. Boston for position Provl.l«*n<-«.; Suamlco. with barire« Vasty, ¡v s ¦. n <-sw«*go and l>ak^ porta, ich otherwise stated.) for 2hm«4rstt£_^E^g| Thr«*-«' Son-* and «lames Hughes, Boston Os-rego Sunday. Not Definite Anniston City »82 E Cspe Ht'nry Nov s, New York. NORFOLK, Nov 28.High__¡ northwest A C Bedford 362 W gsnd Key Nov s«. winds drove yacht Wayfarer ashore off Ardmore 4_0 N Valparaiso Nov 27. NEWPORT, H«ri 27.Arrived: Tug floated by A L Kent 21 8 Flre Island I. V .Nov 28. Lena pp. .Jacksonville, with barges Molino Bern. Baltic 800 W West Nov Í7. for Portland; Neshamlny for Augusta and ÄVÄ. .Ä^S A- Scheme for Bronx Key «or N C. for Reported Jt.*>w«y 185 N\V tortugas Nov _.«. Onu li-vne«*. Brewer. .repairs.. Blair «80 B XEIVl'ORT NF.W9, Va. Nov 27.Clenreti: HAVANA, Cuba, jg^Àinjrloan line Boston Nov 27. Manchester via New York: yacht Golden Girl t< .d to Mujeres Island Arranged by Ship Belgian 166 B Ambrose Nov Í8. Balaiaa (Br), off Yucatan Nov 2 it h disabled ehglnes urooe Lincoln Auckland; Kaatalla Blackhesth 6» B JVantucket 9 a m Nov 2Ï. «Pert (Br). k which nr- Lacks Concrete Detail, Boewell 40 8K Nantucket Nov 88. (Br), CHaagew and Avonmoutk Hshlng Magdalena, to Byron D Benson 1277 Scotl.md .Nov 27. «NORFOLK ííov »6-.Arrived: Ptorborg* rl-a'.NDON, Nov 27.Mlnnekahdft, from According Outerbridge City f«î Freeport 7». K Cap« Hatten«.» (Nor) Baltimore. Sailed: Tu** Albatross, N,;- York ashore off Oluckstadt; floated Luxury-Speed Nov 27. with 2 barges. Cicare«: ..UorborK (Nor4, and at Hamburg. Ch.__.er ._,,. Anna arrived ' Sun 380 8 Diamond Nov Rotterdam -Denis (Br), Bahia; (It). PORTLAND, Nov 2G.Sehr »«r»U>>r___«_fh« Conne«»p_ak »SS B Cape Henry N'ov 27. Malta. Palmer, with broken rudder, went to re- Much Approval Indicated Claverack 100 SE Hatters» .S'ov 2S PORTSMOUTH. Nov 27.Arrived: Tug Accommodations are open on the S. S. President Chin» Arrow 130 N Diamond Nov 2S. to litis Season to be the Charles M Everest 70 .S Diamond Nov 28. C_ta#ta-M Newburyport. proceeded '^An" FRANCISCO. NoV and the S. S. America, Biggest Ever Bortón on »til for barges Octaroia. Wlcon- gale of fifty miles reported off«^«¿jj»"**NMWf« Adams, sailing December 6th, Know» ColJamer 481 SU Ambras«: Nov 87. ¡seo an.l Trenton for PhlladfMphta. One coastwise vessel returned to port ac¬ Three Piers and Calgarollte 80 S Chebucto Head Nov 27. of December 13th. These are among the Storage Charles 50 N<_va.na XORl'Ol.lv. Nov 27.Sailed: City count head winds. sailing ships Don't miss the fun and relaxation of a S. Harwood WNW Durham (Br). Havre. SEATTLE, Nov 28--S uart Dollar,«_____..¦ pre»M. see below. visit there Said To Be Includ¬ Island Nov 27. arrived here finest afloat. at once, address It's to a thiawij« Space Cristobal 498 8 Cap«; Henry Nov 27. PORT MiTlR'R, Nov 22.Arrived: viously reported, 88th,,witn Inquire going be "record breaker," with 27. Sailed: Gulfprince. tilg Sea Monarch and coast guard cutter bathing, boeti^ ed in Coast Man's Project City of 8t Louis 146 S Jacksonville Nov Trlntdadlan, Tampico. Halda assisting. fishing, golf and tennis in full It will D O Scofleld 218 8 Jacksonville Nov 27. Philadelphia. ..__ Hoboken swing. BOOTH BAY HARBOR, Me, Nov _.-- Sailings from Piers 3 and 4, pay Bvergreen City 436 B B.rmuiia Nov ï«. PORTLAND. Me. Nov 2«5.Sailed Cuban Sehr Barbara W, with fertilizer, to *WoK- .elect accommodations and buy your tickets y^1^* of a Empire City 1306 ENB Hole In ^\ai- 27th. h now, to enW Plant for the development great Nov ÏBrt, FsnAorà; ville N S, from Boston, in snow squall, . Dec. 6 the of y 27. York sehr« Swans (Br), *Jr*^*._JÍamSI oJhn, N R. driven on rocks off to-day and President Adams advantage present choice of locations. freight and shipping terminal on the El Oriente 266 8 Scotland Nov 28. Gilbert Stancllft. Thomaston Southport E R Kemp 100 N Jupiter Nov 27. for Boston; sank. Captain Tower and rre«*v saved, East Rive* in the Bronx by the Robert El Shoals Nov 28. HALIFAX. N S, Nov 28..Sehr Lucille B, 13 Laxo 134 Sff Diamond ÍOPROVIDENCB3, Nov ZG.Arrived: Eu¬ with codfish, ashore at Port America.Dec. December and January Booking« Now Open, Dollar Steamship Company, in collab¬ JTeltore 140 S Ambrose Nov 28. eren' Hughes*, Fall River, with barge No 6 Crew abandoned thought to.^Tour.be total _«' R Kellogg 134 SW by « Diamond Snoaie return with barge No 23. vessel, oration with the Port Authority, have Nov Í7. and left on loss. She was swept from moorings by Other sailings of U. S. Lines Ships ST JOHN. N B. Nov 23.Arrived: Sehr heavy easterly gale. Via Standard Direct "AH reached the detail de¬ Franklin 170 N Jupiter Nov 27. Rockland; 24th Dunbridge Water-Routes" not yet stage, Kr-.man 35 N by B Northeast End Nov 2». Frtward Smith. Bremen Service London Service clared Chairman Eugeniua H. Outer- Goltprlnce 360 SW Diamond Shoals Nov 2« fl r) LorX. Cleared: 23,1. Bertha (NorJ. Georgia 246 NE XAJ.K Nov 27. Havana; 24th. sehr Harry A McLennan to Navigation First Class Ships Cabin Ships S. C. & H Jone» 40 S Tampico Nov 27. (Br), New York. Dangers CHARLESTON, bridge yesterday. George _ (By U S Hydrographie Office) President Dec. 23 President Van Buren Dec. 12 JACKSONVILLE, ft^ "Several months ago Robert Dollar Gulfmald 1130 vm Nov 27 towing barg« North Atlantic* Ocean.-Off the American Harding passed out Overfalls Nov 27 for Pori y Dec. 30 President Polk . Dec. 20 with through connections to Augusta, a of the Port Au¬ Ports Const President Roosevelt Atlanta, Binniiighg- too- attended Arthur. _ meeting ¡-7. Foreign The following obstruction win report¬ President Garfield Dec. 27 gom_ry, Panucóla, Mobile and New Orleans. Allan 678 S Cape May May . it for a George ed: Nov 23. Iftt 25 IS. Ion SO obstruc¬ America . 20 and laid before plans (By Cable) Jan. Adams . 17 thority H C Folger 127 8 Overfalls Nov 28. tion part of scow, keel projectingOf, 50 president Jan. said Mr. Quterbridge Haiti at Port de Ixpa Hayti Nov 28. TORRE ANNUNZIATA. Nov 19.Vesuvlo ft out water at of George Feb. 3 President Van Buren 24 S. S. LENAPE.. Bronx terminal.'* 36 S Cape -May Nov 28. of angle 30 deg.--P.ob- Washington Jan. .Nov. Dec. 2, was to the Jomiborg ert Dollar (Br sir). S. S. 12, 21, 30 when his attention called J A Kostwick 480 E Cape Hace Nov 28. "öÖTHBNBURO. Nov 21-Tongklng the Over Sea Roules APACHE.. .Nov. Dec. John D Rockefeller lat 64 20 N, Jon 29 30 Along S. S. 5, 14, 23, . current that the Dollar eompany 23-Storaker (Nor). The following obstruction was rcport- COMANCHE.Nov. Dec. 6, report W Nov 28. NOV ed: Nov 45 15, 26, " (DáB¿amBoloRsf ! 17, lut 66, Ion 54 22. obstruc- S. S. MOHAWK. its to help the Jocola ISO 8 Cape Henry Nov 28. i Nov. Dec. had signified willingness 187 S Overfalls Ban tlon 30 ft square, poop of a schooner.. United States Lines 7, 16, 27, the bonds Katrin» Luckenbach ¦¦SSSÖfcSS Vv^Ä^ot m. Ncvlcr. S. S. ABAPAHOE.Nov. .. 30 Dec. Port Authority by buying Nov 28. Ice M«3ore bù McCormack Co., Inc. 9, 19, 28, ,. 114 S Nov 27. 24-Clty of PUUMn«« (Br), Reports necessary for the construction of a Llghtburne Jupiter FKOBE°Nov Ta- let« lias been repr.rted as follows: Nov Roosevelt Steamship Co., Inc. Llvanos 64 SB Nantucket Nov 28. San Pedro: 25th. President Jackson, ! 22 lat 47 34, Ion 49 .6, niul in lat 47 51, railroad in the Bronx linking up three Maraca, bo 403 S Ambrose Nov 27. fon 49 00, large berg..Rumore Head 45 New York J-iarav! 467 8 Nantucket Nov 27. C°CALCUTTA, Nov 25.City of Batavia The Canadian Broadway, «thence via of the trunk lines with the terminal Mntinicock 115 Î* Dlanmnd Nov 2«. (Br) New York. Signal Service reported Phone, Whitehall 3100 KEY WEST "Oversea Railway" to . _., ice In the ¡ipproaches to and in the Strait MIAMI and factory district of that borough. M F Elliott 3_0 WNW Tortugas Nov _7. BATAVIA, Nov 25.The Lambs, New of Bello isle follows: Br str Iveying.ha.ii 110 S. Dearborn St.,Chi ligo, 111. 92 State St., Boston, Masa. have been Metapan 866 8 Scotland Nov 27. Nov 24, 4 miles NW of Capo Buuld, 3 for "As yet no definite proposals Manaquia 11:13 a m Nantucket Nov 2«. ^ADELAIDE. Nov 28.Bullaren (Sw). San bergs. Managing operators added. Olan 178 E Ambrose Nov 27. Francisco; Port Hacking (Br) New York. submitted." the chairman Nelson 173 S Diamond Shoals NOT 27.
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