6 Volume Index to the HOUSE OF LORDS Parliamentary Debates SESSION 2012–13 8th January, 2013—1st February, 2013 (VOLUME 742) £00·00 Obtainable on standing order only - © Parliamentary Copyright House of Lords 2013, this publication may be reproduced under the terms of the Open Parliament licence, which is published at www.parliament.uk/site-information/copyright/. 8th January, 2013—1st February, 2013 1 - INDEX TO THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT INDEX FOR SESSION 2012–13, Volume 742 8th January, 2013—1st February, 2013 EXPLANATION OF ARRANGEMENT AND ABBREVIATIONS Dates of proceedings are indicated by numerals in brackets. Volume numbers are shown in square brackets. Bills: Read First, Second or Third Time = 1R, 2R, 3R. Column numbers in italics refer to Written Answers. - - - Aberdare, Lord: Afghanistan: Air Passenger Duty: Education, English Baccalaureate Questions, [742] (8.1.13) WA3. Question for Short Debate, [742] Certificate, Question for Short Statement, [742] (22.1.13) WS67. (28.1.13) 1384. Debate, [742] (14.1.13) 548-9. Interpreters, Question, [742] (9.1.13) Airports: Health, Cancer, Question, [742] WA95. Capacity, Question, [742] (8.1.13) 7; (14.1.13) 472. Africa: (16.1.13) WA125. Abortion: Question, [742] (1.2.13) WA359. Gatwick, Heathrow and Stansted, Question, [742] (8.1.13) WA1; (16.1.13) Question, [742] (16.1.13) WA126. WA125; (28.1.13) WA259. Afshar, Baroness: Gatwick and Heathrow, Question, Visas, Student Visa Policy, Motion to [742] (8.1.13) WA4. Addington, Lord: Take Note, [742] (31.1.13) 1716, Heathrow, Question, [742] (23.1.13) Apprenticeships, Question, [742] 1729. 1116; Statement; (24.1.13) WS80. (24.1.13) WA241. Security, Questions, [742] (8.1.13) Disability Services, Motion to Take Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill WA4. Note, [742] (10.1.13) 265-7. [HL]: Alderdice, Lord: Equality Act 2010, Question, [742] 1R, [742] (16.1.13) 692. Northern Ireland, Statement, [742] (1.2.13) WA362. (10.1.13) 291-2. Olympic Games 2012, Legacy, Motion Agency Workers Regulations: Syria, Statement, [742] (10.1.13) 304-5. to Take Note, [742] (24.1.13) Question, [742] (14.1.13) WA109. Algeria: 1205-6. Agriculture: Prisoners, Work Programmes, Statement, [742] (21.1.13) 960. Common Agricultural Policy, Question for Short Debate, [742] Allan of Hallam, Lord: (15.1.13) 672-3. Statement, [742] (22.1.13) WS68. Eggs, Question, [742] (23.1.13) Defamation Bill, Committee, [742] Schools, Sport, Question, [742] (15.1.13) GC210-2, GC226-7. (31.1.13) WA356. WA207. Pigs, Question, [742] (23.1.13) WA208. Alli, Lord: Adem Uzun: Soil Management, Questions, [742] Leveson Inquiry, Motion to Take Question, [742] (31.1.13) WA343. (8.1.13) WA3. Note, [742] (11.1.13) 380-2. Administration and Works Ahmad of Wimbledon, Lord: Alton of Liverpool, Lord: Committee: Defamation Bill, Committee, [742] Abortion, Questions, [742] (8.1.13) Motion to Agree, [742] (10.1.13) 238. (15.1.13) GC189-98, GC218-20; WA2; (28.1.13) WA259. (17.1.13) GC330, GC332-4, Adolf Hitler, Question, [742] (23.1.13) Admiralty Arch: GC347-9, GC356-8. WA207. Question, [742] (29.1.13) WA293. Growth and Infrastructure Bill, Order Adoption, Question, [742] (8.1.13) of Consideration Motion, [742] WA2. Adolf Hitler: Algeria, Statement, [742] (21.1.13) Question, [742] (23.1.13) WA207. (16.1.13) 692-3; Committee; (22.1.13) 1100-8; (28.1.13) 1317-8, 969-70. Adonis, Lord: 1322-4, 1410-1, 1416-8, 1420, Armed Forces, Medals, Question, 1422-3; (30.1.13) 1544, 1548-9, [742] (23.1.13) WA208. Growth and Infrastructure Bill, 2R, Benefits, Questions, [742] (30.1.13) 1587-9, 1597-8. [742] (8.1.13) 31-5, 109; WA325-6. Committee; (22.1.13) 1008-9, 1018, Justice, Interpreting Services, Egypt, Elections, Question, [742] 1029, 1055; (30.1.13) 1549-52, Question, [742] (14.1.13) 468-70. (24.1.13) 1186. 1568, 1572-5, 1577. Presumption of Death Bill, 2R, [742] Embryology, Questions, [742] (8.1.13) Growth and Infrastructure Bill [HL], (1.2.13) 1792-6. WA22, WA24; (22.1.13) WA194; Questions, [742] (30.1.13) WA332; Prisoners, Work Programmes, (23.1.13) WA215-7; (24.1.13) (31.1.13) WA351-2. Question for Short Debate, [742] WA244; (28.1.13) WA268-9; (15.1.13) 679-82. (1.2.13) WA359-60. Adoption: Prisons (Property) Bill, 2R, [742] Fire and Rescue Service, Question, Question, [742] (8.1.13) WA2. (18.1.13) 895-7. [742] (29.1.13) WA305-6. Funding, Statement, [742] (24.1.13) Transforming Rehabilitation, Growth and Infrastructure Bill, WS79. Statement, [742] (9.1.13) 144. Committee, [742] (28.1.13) 1355-6, 1362. Advisory Committee on Business Ahmed, Lord: Health: Appointments: Kashmir, Question for Short Debate, Asbestos-related Disease, Questions, Questions, [742] (28.1.13) WA259. [742] (23.1.13) 1158-60. [742] (8.1.13) WA42. 2 8th January, 2013—1st February, 2013 - Alton of Liverpool, Lord—continued Anelay of St Johns, Baroness— Astor of Hever, Lord, The Miscarriage, Question, [742] (8.1.13) continued Parliamentary Under- WA50. Public Service Pensions Bill, Secretary of State, Ministry Hillsborough, Question, [742] Committee, [742] (15.1.13) 596. (24.1.13) WA248. of Defence: India, Question, [742] (17.1.13) Animals and Plants: Armed Forces, Redundancies, WA149; (21.1.13) WA173. Endangered Species and Extinction, Statement, [742] (22.1.13) 1004-8, Jeena International, Question, [742] Question, [742] (28.1.13) WA260. WS69-70. (28.1.13) WA283. Armed Forces, Future Size, Question Korean Peninsula, Question for Short Antarctic Bill: for Short Debate, [742] (8.1.13) Debate, [742] (21.1.13) 971-4. 119-22. NHS, Liverpool Care Pathway, 1R, [742] (21.1.13) 942. 2R, [742] (1.2.13) 1763. HMS “St Albans”, Question, [742] Questions, [742] (8.1.13) WA70. (16.1.13) WA135. North Korea, Questions, [742] (8.1.13) Royal Australian Navy, Centenary, WA70-1; (29.1.13) WA317-8. Apprenticeships: Sudan, Question, [742] (22.1.13) 995. Questions, [742] (18.1.13) WA159; Questions, [742] (21.1.13) WA178. Syria, Question, [742] (24.1.13) (24.1.13) WA241. Security, Vetting, Question, [742] WA256; (29.1.13) WA324; (21.1.13) WA184. Statement; (10.1.13) 306. Arctic Report Card: Shipping, General Lighthouse Taxation, Families, Motion to Take Question, [742] (28.1.13) 1307. Authorities, Question, [742] Note, [742] (17.1.13) 815-8. (22.1.13) WA203. Ukraine, Question, [742] (22.1.13) Armed Conflict: Astor, Viscount: WA204. Rape, Questions, [742] (28.1.13) Vietnam, Question, [742] (28.1.13) Leveson Inquiry, Motion to Take WA261. WA290. Note, [742] (11.1.13) 422-4. Welfare, Personal Independence Armed Forces: Railways: Payment, Question, [742] (24.1.13) Heathrow Airport, Question, [742] 1179-80. Afghanistan, Question, [742] (8.1.13) (24.1.13) WA253. WA5. Heathrow Express, Question, [742] Amazon Rainforest: Coroners’ Inquests, Statement, [742] (18.1.13) WA161. Question, [742] (21.1.13) WA163. (31.1.13) WS117. High Speed 1, Question, [742] Anderson of Swansea, Lord: Defence Equipment and Support, (18.1.13) WA161-2. Statement, [742] (31.1.13) WS118. Civil Enforcement of Road Traffic High Speed 2, Question, [742] Future Size, Question for Short Contraventions (Representations (24.1.13) WA254. Debate, [742] (8.1.13) 110. and Appeals) (Wales) Regulations Asylum Seekers: 2013, Considered in Grand Medals, Question, [742] (23.1.13) Question, [742] (8.1.13) WA6; (9.1.13) Committee, [742] (29.1.13) WA208. WA95; (17.1.13) WA143; (23.1.13) GC515-7, GC520-1. Redundancies, Statement, [742] WA209. Electoral Registration and (22.1.13) 1004, WS69. Administration Bill, Committee, War Pensions and Allowances, Children, Question, [742] (15.1.13) [742] (14.1.13) 482-3. Statement, [742] (29.1.13) WS99. WA119. EU, Prime Minister’s Speech, Motion Support, Question, [742] (24.1.13) to Take Note, [742] (31.1.13) Arms Trade Treaty: 1182. 1681-2. Question, [742] (8.1.13) WA5. Atos Healthcare: European Union (Croatian Access and Irish Protocol) Bill, Armstrong of Hill Top, Baroness: Question, [742] (15.1.13) WA119. Committee, [742] (10.1.13) Local Government, Finance Attlee, Earl: GC100-1. Settlement, Motion to Take Note, Airports: European Union (Croatian Accession [742] (17.1.13) 851-2. Capacity, Question, [742] (8.1.13) and Irish Protocol) Bill, Report, 7-10; (16.1.13) WA125-6. [742] (16.1.13) 694. Arrangement of Business: Gatwick and Heathrow, Question, Kosovo, Question, [742] (29.1.13) Announcement, [742] (8.1.13) 17; [742] (8.1.13) WA4. 1425-6. (11.1.13) 357; (15.1.13) 663; Mali, Statement, [742] (29.1.13) 1438. Gatwick, Heathrow and Stansted, (10.1.13) GC97; (22.1.13) 1003; Question, [742] (16.1.13) WA126. Severn Barrage, Question, [742] (23.1.13) 1157; (24.1.13) 1224. (17.1.13) 784. Heathrow, Question, [742] (23.1.13) 1116-8. Syria, Private Notice Question, [742] Arts: (31.1.13) 1648; Statement; (10.1.13) Heathrow, Statement, [742] (24.1.13) Funding, Question, [742] (8.1.13) 303-4. WS80. WA6; (23.1.13) WA209. Security, Questions, [742] (8.1.13) Andrews, Baroness: WA4-5. Olympic Games 2012, Legacy, Motion Arts and Culture: Aviation: to Take Note, [742] (24.1.13) Economic Regeneration, Question for Baggage Charges, Question, [742] 1192-5. Short Debate, [742] (29.1.13) 1517. (28.1.13) WA262. Helicopters, Question, [742] (28.1.13) Anelay of St Johns, Baroness: Ashcroft, Lord: WA262. Arrangement of Business, House of Lords, Members, Question, Night Flying, Statement, [742] Announcement, [742] (8.1.13) 17; [742] (8.1.13) WA54-5. (22.1.13) WS70. (15.1.13) 663; (22.1.13) 1003-4.
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