EVENIMENT N°. 1 z 2007 Message of the Chief of the Romanian Land Forces Staff on the Occasion of the Romanian Land Forces Day 3 ontents ACTUALITY Messages on the occasion C of the Romanian Land ALMA MATER Forces Day 5 I've Been a Student at News on the West Point 32 Land Forces 8 Second Lieutenant Marian TEODORESCU Publication issued by the Romanian Land Forces Staff Partners on A StudentFrom Iasi in THE EDITORIAL STAFF Battlefield 13 France 34 Major Renato NADOLU Catalin MAFTEI Drumul Taberei Street; No.9-11; sector 6; code 061416; Bucharest; ROMANIAN LAND Transformation in the phone: +040021 22 47; FORCES IN ACTION Military Education 35 +040021 318 53 67 extension 389 Signalmen from Lieutenant-Colonel Dragos ANGHELACHE fax +040021 410 36 15 Craiova 16 Major Luigi-Mihail Cojocaru "Dimitrie Cantemir" EDITOR IN CHIEF Military High School from The scouts' ardent Leutenant-colonel Breaza at Its 95th mornings 18 Dragos ANGHELACHE Anniversary 41 a story by Lieutenant-Colonel Emanuel BARBULESCU SECRETARY OF An Ambitions Plan For the THE EDITORIAL STAFF The Lacustrine Military Circle Major Luigi-Mihail COJOCARU Experiences of Ploiesti 39 of Engineers 20 a story by Lieutenant Colonel SENIOR EDITOR a story by Lieutenant-Colonel Dragos AGHELACHE Colonel (rt.) Nicolae DINU Florentin PARASCHIV WEAPONS EDITOR Flight Half Torment, Second Leutenant Half Time 24 EXPOMIL Andreea POPESCU a story by Lieutenant-Colonel Bucharest 2007 45 Danut CALDARARU GRAPHIC DESIGNER SPORT Elena RADULESCU THEATRES OF OPERATIONS Second Place in Sporty PROOF READING Relay Race of the Military Cristina DONCILA It's Good When You Have Ski Championship Dirt on Hands 27 in Spain 49 TEXT PROCESSING a story by Captain Marius VINTILESCU an interview by Second Lieutenant Patrolling in the Filofteia LINCA Andreea POPESCU The Iraqi People Look at unknown 31 The Tradition of Being on ADMINISTRATION Us Hoping That Things a story by W.O. Elena Popescu the Podium 51 Staff Sergeant Major Will Get Better a story by Second Lieutenant Adrian IUZIC One Day 29 Andreea POPESCU INTERNET Captain Cristian CÃNUCI Leutenant-colonel Dragos ANGHELACHE www.rft.forter.ro e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Cover 1 Military policeman Photo: Sgt. 1st Class Iulian FERARU Cover 3 ISAF in Afghanistan Ghraphics: Sgt.1st Catalin SURUGIU Cover 4 Student in a military high school Photo: Sgt. 1st Class Iulian FERARU ISSN 1842-3051 B 00420 C 4092/08 Printed by the Technical Editorial Center of the Romanian Armed Forces phone: +40021-2224 26 34 fax: +40021-2224 04 05 Copyright any copy out of this issue is allowed and duty free only by indicating the exact number of publication and its date of issuing Event The Romanian Land Forces Day Message of the Chief of the Romanian Land Forces Staff on the Occasion of the Romanian Land Forces Day n the 23rd of April we celebrate the Roma- nian Land Forces Day, whose spiritual O Christian patron is the Great Martyr Saint George - the Victory Bearer. The dramatic history of this people was since its very beginning under the sign of Cross and sword power. Land Forces are the most representative force category of the Romanian Armed Forces that had a decisive con- tribution to the victories on battlefields. The today celebration moment is like a memento of the huge sacrifices of our forerunners for defending our national being and territorial integrity. The militaries of the Land Forces prove, through their daily remarkable results gained in all training cate- gories, that they worthy continuers of the inherited glo- rious combat traditions and they have the capacity to accomplish the ordered missions. At the same time, our militaries' professionalism, courage, moral and combat qualities, have a unanimous acknowledge in the theatre areas of operations. This celebration has now a particular significance, because it takes place in the year when the Romanian people achieved a major goal, the EU membership. The Nr. 1 z 2007 3 Event The Romanian Land Forces Day moment also marks the European and Euro- The performance standards imposed within Atlantic present and future of our country. The the activity of the managerial teams at all the transformation process of the Romanian Armed hierarchical levels define the actual state of the Forces is a very thoroughgoing and complex land forces and give us certainty that they have social phenomenon of edifying modern, viable the capacity to accomplish the entrusted mis- and dynamic military structures. Out of this sions. perspective, the year 2007 is a top one within I express my conviction that the Romanian the process of making operational units and Land Forces will demonstrate more and more large units of different branches. outstandingly their high level of proficiency and In this context, the perseverance of the they will manifest themselves in any situation daily efforts and often anonymous of each of as modern, credible and trained forces, accor- you generates the force lines on which the trust ding to the most exigent standards. of our country's citizens relies on, the fact that On the occasion of the Romanian Land the military institution is able to properly and Forces Day, I wish the generals, officers, war- efficiently answer the nowadays challenges. rant officers, NCOs, volunteer soldiers and ci- The organizational flexibility, optimization vil personnel a healthy life, many moments of of the reaction capability and the operational joy in their families and fruitful professional interoperability are coordinates that give more achievements. and more personality to the structures and offer it a real status. May God help us! Event The Romanian Land Forces Day Common Points of Wiew Between Armies of two Countries Lieutenant-GGeneral Dimitrios GRAPSAS Chief Hellenic Army General Staff and the enhancement of the gives me a great pleasure to take on your jointness by ensuring the request and contribute to the special edi- required capabilities for the conduct of joint opera- tion of the “ROMANIAN LAND FORCES It tions and the implementation of common procedures MAGAZINE“ to appear on the occasion of the Roma- and doctrines along with the other Services of the nian Land Forces Day (23 April 2007), and present Armed Forces, mainly in the fields of Operational Plan- my views on Land Forces. ning, Command and Control Systems, Communica- April 23rd, 2007 is a day of particular signifi- tions, Training and Operational Logistics. cance for both Romania and Greece, since this day is Our efforts principally focus on the creation of an dedicated to celebration of the Romanian Land Forces, army, modern, semiprofessional, smaller in size, of grea- while Greece honors Saint George the Triumphant, the patron saint of the Hellenic Army. ter flexibility and effectiveness, equipped with state-of- This day of celebration is not the only common the-art technology weapon systems and means, opti- point for the two armies. The cooperation between the mally trained and capable of efficiently conducting joint Armies of Greece and Romania is underway, well after operations, in order to successfully carry out its main it has been launched in February 1995, following the and other missions, such as: signature of the respective Cooperation Agreement • Conduct of peace-support operations between the Armed Forces of the two countries. In the • Countering of eventual military threat, as well frame of this agreement, various activities are being as of asymmetrical threats organized in both Greece and Romania (cross-training • Provision of humanitarian aid of troops, exchanges of visits of dignitaries and dele- • Conduct of Search and Rescue Operations gations, participation in exercises, etc). • Natural disaster relief etc. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the nature Jointness, interoperability, continuous upgrading of the new threats has imposed, at the international of the levels of training, development of new doctrines, level, a multilateral restructuring/transformation of the modern operational concepts and a seamless evolution Armed Forces. Modern Armed Forces must be more of the weapon systems and means further broaden the flexible and powerful, based on jointness, the establish- role and the operational capabilities of the Land Forces ment of a professional/semi-professional army, with both within a country and internationally, in the frame suitably trained personnel, exploiting modern tech- of Peace Missions and Peace-Support Operations of nologies, in order to effectively carry out their mission. the Organization of the United Nations, NATO and Land Forces, operating in the frame of the the European Union. Armed Forces of each country, are actually invited to The future calls for Land Forces well organized, adopt new, modern operational concepts and capa- optimally trained and equipped with modern systems bilities. At the international level, Land Forces eventu- and means, thus able to meet the requirements of their ally participate in peace-support, international security mission, in the frame of the Armed Forces of each country and stabilization operations. and for the entire spectrum of military operations. Implementation of jointness, now the primordial Please accept my appreciation for the opportu- operational requirement, imposes a strict need for close nity I am given by way of your publication – to express cooperation among the three individual Services of the in brief my thoughts, concerning Land Forces. I wish a Armed Forces to maximize both work output and effec- Happy Celebration and the best of success to the tiveness. Land Forces contribute to the joint structures Romanian Land Forces and their mission. Nr. 1 z 2007 5 Event The Romanian Land Forces Day Partners in Supporting Peace and Stability General Ilker BAªBUG Turkish Land Forces Commander he new security environment that Today, we are happy to observe that NATO sys- emerged in the post-Cold War these ties are further deepening in every tems.
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