UNCLASSIFIEDI/ Summary of AdministrativeReview Board Proceedings for ISN 727 The Administrative Review Board was called to order . The Designated Military Officer ( DMO ) was sworn . The BoardReporter was sworn. The PresidingOfficerannouncedthe conveningauthorityandpurposeofthe AdministrativeReviewBoard proceedings. TheAdministrativeReviewBoardmembersweresworn TheAssistingMilitaryOfficer wassworn TheAssistingMilitaryOfficerpresentedtheEnemy CombatantNotificationform , A , to theAdministrative ReviewBoard. TheAssisting Military Officerpresentedthe Enemy CombatantElectionForm , Exhibit EC - B, to theAdministrative ReviewBoard. Itwas notedby the Presiding Officer that from Exhibit EC - B , the Detainee had chosen not to be present for the Administrative Review Boardproceedings. The PresidingOfficer confirmedthattheAssistingMilitaryOfficerhadmet with the Detaineeandinformedhim of rightsregardingtheproceedings, thatthe Detainee appearedto understandtheprocess, thatthe UnclassifiedSummary of Evidence was readto the Detainee, thata translator was usedduringthe interview , andthatthe AssistingMilitary Officerconfirmedthatthe translator spoke thesame languageas the Detainee TheDesignatedMuitary Officerpresentedthe UnclassifiedSummary of Evidence, Exhibit - 1, andDMO- 2, theFBIRedactionMemorandumto theAdministrative ReviewBoard TheDesignatedMilitaryOfficerstatedthat a copyoftheseexhibitshadbeenpreviously distributedto theAssistingMilitary andDetainee TheDesignatedMilitaryOfficergave a briefdescriptionofthe contentsof the UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidence, Exhibit - 1, to theAdministrativeReview Board The PresidingOfficeraskedthe DesignatedMilitary for anyfurtherunclassified information ISN727 Enclosure( 7) Page 1 of4 20882 UNCLASSIFIEDII - The Designated Military Officer confirmed that he no further unclassified information and requested closed session to present classified information relevant to the disposition of the Detainee The Presiding Officeracknowledgedthe request When asked iftheAssisting Officer had any information topresent on of the Detainee to the Administrative Review Board, the Assisting Military Officer stated that he previously submitted a summary of theinterview . The Assisting Military Officer presented the Detainee's written statement (Exhibit EC - C 1 The Assisting Military Officer stated that he hadnot reviewed the above mentioned documents due to Detainee's impulsive presentation Administrative ReviewBoardrecessedat1332hours, 3 June 2005, in order for the BoardMembers, theAssistingMilitary Officerandthe DesignatedMilitary Officer to reviewExhibitEC - C 1-5. The AdministrativeReviewBoardwas reconvenedat1343hours, 3 June2005. PresidingOfficer: Duringthe recessthe AssistingMilitaryOfficerprovidedthe AdministrativeReviewBoardpanelwiththree exhibits. The exhibitswere providedto the AssistingMilitaryOfficerby the Detaineeon this date at approximately1230 hours. The Detaineeprovidedthese itemsandthe first one is as ExhibitOne. This exhibit includessix different items. Firstis a report by ProfessorTimothyValentineofValentine Moore(ph) Associates This itemis a writtencompilationthat describes that the Detainee was nottheperson shownina video describingterroristactivityinChechnya. The next itemis anunclassifieddocument which is stillwithinthe large packetbrought in [ ] starts withpage five, a statementoffacts onOmar Deghayes. This is somekindof backgroundinformationon him . It starts withpage five and goes throughpage twelve. The nextitem inthis packetis two- page item , from thirty -two to thirty-three andit starts out with an itemby Douglas, Ford, J. Frank and B. Frank, Not Guilty, Number 12, 1957. The nextitem inthis packetofinformationstarts out with ExhibitA , declassified materials, Deghayes, March14, 2005. The nextitem inthis packetis a three-page item , pages seventeen, eighteenandnineteen, describingabuseat GuantanamoBay as it relates to Mr.Deghayes, the Detainee. The next itemonthis large exhibitis anothercompilation ofpages that from six throughtwelve. It starts, probleminvolvesthe use of incompetenttranslators...PRnumber one broughtwith him a translatorwho soundedas if he was probablyIraqibut spokebadEnglishandbadArabic. " Thosesix itemsare ina strangecollectionofinformationthat hasbeenpresentedas ExhibitOne andthey willbe markedappropriatelyby the AssistingMilitaryOfficer. The AssistingMilitaryOfficer alsobrought informationmarked PrivilegedAttorneyDetaineeMaterialsEmbargoeduntil 10 AM , Thursday, February17, 2005. Itis markedas anExhibitby the AssistingMilitary Officer. Itis a single pagedocument. The nextitemisan unclassifiedreportthat isfour ISN 727 Enclosure ( 7) Page2 of4 20883 UNCLASSIFIEDINU UNCLASSIFIEDI/ pagesinlengthand it is an article from independentnewspaperon Sunday, 24 April2005, titled Guardsat GuantanamoTorturedMe, says UK Man. This is submitted by the Detainee OmarDeghayes and is now enteredintothe record. Administrative Review BoardMember's questions: BoardMember: I noticed inthis one packet you gave us [ that] it had a collection of these different items the upper left comer there is a pencil mark that appears to describe a sequence of documents and it looks like document seventeen is not inthe package. I am wondering where document seventeen is Itis notin my package anyway Assisting Military Officer cannotgive a satisfactory answerto that question because I copied it just as it was handedto meby the Detainee Presiding Officer: So there is a possibility that there is a page missing here or that he missed the count ? BoardMember: Hemayhave missedthe countbecauseit goes from eightto nine on the bottomrighthand side but I just wantedto clarify forrecordthat thereiswhat appearsto be an item missingbut it doesn'tappearthatdocumentseventeenmayhaveever existed becausethese go in sequenceinthe bottom . Inthe eventthat anyoneasksthe question is documentseventeen ?' like I did, don'tthink there is a documentseventeen. AssistingMilitaryOfficer: One possibility is that inthe processofcopying the original that he handedus, which we gave back to him , it referringto the copy machine) mayhave double fed two sheets... ... PresidingOfficer: Or he missed count. Assisting Military Officer Or he missed the count ! BoardMember: Who putthe marks on the upper corner, you or him ? AssistingMilitaryOfficer: They werehere... BoardMember: OK. BoardMember: I havea question, I was readingthroughthis packageyou providedusand it ison the it is onthis thirty - pagepackage...it's the second ' seven page andwhat I want to ask youaboutisyourperceptionofhis thought processes...becauseon the secondpage seven, footnote eight, states reasonMr.Deghayesneededlegal assistancewith the CSRTprocessis he suffers fromwhat counselclearlyrecognizes as psychoticthought processes you ... isyourassessment? I knowyou'renot anexpertonthis butwhenyouaskedhima questiondidhe seemto respond? Was ISN 727 Enclosure ( 7 ) Page3 of4 20884 UNCLASSIFIEDI/ cognizantofthe questionandrespondedina comprehensiblemanner? Whatwas your assessment? Assisting Military Officer: I thought that he was quite lucid and he answered all of my questions satisfactorily . He did to want to the show every time we interviewed him BoardMember: Didhe tendto go off thesubject orgo off on a tangent or... AssistingMilitaryOfficer Well, overall , I would say he didbecause kepttryingto steer himto the factthat the purposeofthis reviewboardis to assess futurebehavior andhekeptgoingbackto the injusticesdoneto himinthe past. BoardMember; Didhe speak Englishwith you ? AssistingMilitaryOfficer: Hespeaksvery goodEnglish. The Presiding Officer read the remainder ofthe unclassifiedportion of the Administrative Review Boardproceedings, andthen adjournedtheproceedings . ThePresidingOfficeropenedthe classifiedportionofthe session . The Presiding Officer adjourned the classified portion of the session andthe Administrative Review Board was closed for deliberation andvoting. AUTHENTICATION I certifythe materialcontainedinthis transcript is a true andaccuratesummaryofthe AdministrativeReview Boardproceedings Colonel, USA Presiding Officer ISN727 Enclosure( 7) Page4 of4 20885 UNCLASSIFIED 02 - JUN -2005 From : Deghayes, Omar Amer To: Presiding Officer Via Assisting Military Officer Subject: Translation of Detainee's Written Statement Submitted by Deghayes, Omar Amer , ISN # ] Jun 2005 by OARDEC Linguist OL- ( x.x.x) - Refersto the paragraphnumberonthe UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidence. Notesinsquarebrackets[ ] are translatorandAMO comments Inthe nameofALLAH, MostGracious, MostMerciful I and my Lawyer answered all accusations mentioned at the CSRT or at the interview before. It was just four accusations. I answered all of them in details with preemptory proof it was not true. Some of these papers and answers are enclosed in Exhibit 2 After the windup from the first board (CSRT), I am seeing creation or makingup anew accusations different than the old accusations ? And all these accusations also are not true. I demand statements from many parties to prove that all these accusations are not true. You did not llowme or the AMO to call my family and other people,which I demand statements from . For example, I am not an employee at Sanibel charity organization. I demand a statement from the head ofattorneys inEnglandand their society (Law Society), which I associated. I demand a statement from newscaster for the nightly news program at BBC Broadcasting station, whom he searched accusations against me, he found it is not true and he announce this live to the people inEngland. The newscaster agreed to
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