AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF FRENCH NATIONAL BULLETIN Volume 40, No. 3 January 2015 THE AATF HAS A NEW HOME Pendant les vacances de Thanks- giving, le bureau national de l’AATF a déménagé dans ses propres locaux dans la ville voisine de Marion, IL. Depuis 17 ans, l’AATF a été hébergé par Southern Illinois University à Car- bondale, après avoir passé plus de 30 ans sur le campus de l’University of Illi- nois à Champaign. L’affi liation avec une université a certaines avantages, certes, mais le fait de pouvoir fonc- tionner d’une façon indépendante et de disposer d’un espace adéquat sont essentiels. Grâce à la prévoyance de nos prédécesseurs, l’AATF bénéfi cie d’un fonds de réserve important qui nous a permis d’acheter le bâtiment que vous voyez dans la photo. Il s’agit d’une ancienne agence d’assurance avec 8 pièces et tout l’équipement moderne nécessaire (système de téléphone numérique, internet haut- débit et système d’alarme). Le déménagement a eu lieu le mercredi avant Thanksgiving, et nous Index President’s Message .................................... 3 Convention Travel Award .......................... 3 Excellence in French Award ......................3 AATF Convention in Saguenay ................ 6 Letter from President Obama .................. 7 AATF Executive Council ..............................8 AATF Commissons ......................................11 Call for Nominations ..................................12 Regional Reports ........................................15 Listening & Speaking Digital Tools .......17 FLES* Poster Contest .................................20 Report of the Business Commission ....21 Middle School Honor Society ................21 Summer Scholarships ...............................22 Exemplary Program Award .....................22 Salut les jeunes!...........................................23 Cultivate Allies .............................................25 Excellence in Teaching Awards ..............27 Outstanding Senior Award .....................28 Quebec Films ...............................................29 Jensen Student Scholarship ...................31 Future Leaders Program...........................33 AATF Materials Center...............................34 AATF NATIONAL BULLETIN Volume 40 Number 3 (January 2015) Editor: Jane Black Goepper, Cincin- nati, Ohio Reading Committee: Therese C. Clarke, Dept. of Modern and Classical Languages, Buffalo State University, NY; S. Pascale Dewey, Kutztown University, PA; Gisèle Loriot-Raymer, Northern Kentucky University, High- land Heights, KY; Elizabeth Miller, Crystal Springs Uplands School, CA; Samia I. Spencer, Auburn University, AL. The AATF National Bulletin (ISSN 0883-6795) has its editorial of- fi ces at 2700 Ashland Avenue at Victory Parkway, Unit 22, Cincin- nati, Ohio 45206; e-mail: [nbeditor@ frenchteachers.org]. Correspon- dence and manuscripts should be sent to the editor at this address. The American Association of Teach- ers of French publishes the AATF National Bulletin four times a year in September, November, January, and April as a service to its members in supplement to the offi cial journal of the association, the French Review. Subscription to the AATF National Bulletin requires membership in the organization. Periodicals postage paid at the Marion, IL Post Offi ce. Offi ce of Publication: AATF, 302 N. Granite St., Marion, IL 62959. All items published in the National Bulletin are the property of the American Association of Teachers of French. They may be copied for classroom or workshop use only if the source and date of publication are indicated on the copies. Postmaster: Send address changes to AATF, AATF, 302 N. Granite St., Marion, IL 62959. Deadlines for submissions of mate- rials to the National Bulletin: Septem- ber issue, August 1; November issue, September 1; January issue, Novem- sommes toujours en train de tout débal- ber 1; April issue, February 1. ler, d’installer les meubles, d’organiser Please note: Because of convention les fi chiers, etc. La nouvelle adresse se dates and other deadlines, unlike trouve partout dans ce numéro du Natio- commercial magazines, the issues of nal Bulletin; la boîte postale fonctionnera www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4jKejvKJ tw&list=UUACgJ4yzoj9ShpM0MuR5JRQ the National Bulletin are mailed dur- tout le long de 2015, et l’adresse universi- ing the given month of publication taire jusqu’à la fi n de l’année scolaire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4j KejvKJtw&list=UUACgJ4yzoj9ShpM0MuR and should reach most readers by Nous espérons pouvoir tenir des the end of that month. réunions et ateliers dans les nouveaux 5JRQ] comparée à l’ancien [https://www. locaux. Au courant du mois de janvier, youtube.com/watch?v=u22a5rSVN3w&i nous vous présenterons le nouveau ndex=1&list=UUACgJ4yzoj9ShpM0MuR peronnel qui s’occupera des affaires de 5JRQ] l’AATF. N’hésitez pas à venir nous rendre Si vous voulez comparez les bureaux, visite si vous vous trouvez dans les envi- vous trouverez sur YouTube une courte rons. vidéo du nouveau bureau à [https:// 2 AATF Twitter/Facebook/YouTube at AATFrench Vol. 40, No. 3 (January 2015) MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Bonne et heureuse année à vous tous! with the actors of this magnifi cent spec- As we begin another year in our profes- tacle. You can also visit local bookstores, sion as teachers, administrators, and / and meet local authors. You can visit the or friends of French, let us set our goals home of Chicoutimi artist Arthur Ville- high as we aim to bring French language neuve, a work of art in itself, and admire and culture to a broader audience. Let us his paintings. You can visit the univer- make one of our New Year’s resolutions sity, a stone’s throw from the hotel, and the determination to raise public aware- learn how it addresses the needs of the ness of the importance and infl uence of aboriginal and indigenous peoples and the French heritage today. Our theme for become familiar with its unique envi- 2015, “l’héritage français en Amérique,” ronmental program, intervention plein needs your participation and support. air. If regional food attracts you, you will Although the new semester has barely have the opportunity to enjoy its many begun, have you made your vacation varieties. And of course, don’t forget les year, and more in the years to come. The plans yet for 2015? Why not combine nourritures de l’esprit in the many presen- advantages of a nationally recognized them with the annual AATF convention, tations our participants will share. program are multiple, not the least of scheduled this summer from July 8-11 in While the convention itself may seem which is to convince administrators that Saguenay, Quebec? You will not regret like a vacation, the entire region with its this program deserves continued sup- your choice. First of all, you will profi t lakes, Fjord-du-Saguenay, national parks, port (see page 22). from total immersion in French. The local and high cliffs offers other opportunities. When you receive this issue of the people are proud of their French heri- You can go hiking, biking, fi shing, whale- National Bulletin, you should check your tage, which they display in their art, their watching, and many other activities you calendar to make sure that your students language, and their traditions. While will discover for yourself in this beautiful are already enrolled in the National you are in Saguenay, you will enjoy a region. If you have happy memories of French Contest for 2015. This year, your performance of La Fabuleuse Histoire d’un Martinique, you will fi nd a similar experi- students are eligible for many more Royaume. Here is the description from ence transported to the north. Make sure awards. The Grand Concours administra- Let us make one of our New Year’s resolutions the determination to raise public aware- ness of the importance and influence of the French heritage today. their Web page: that you mark your calendars now! tion has aligned the awards with those Une immense fresque historique Are fi nances holding you back from of other associations. This means that relatant l’histoire du Québec à this exciting venture? You might want to students from the 75th percentile are all travers les principaux événements check out our new regional scholarship eligible for medals and certifi cates. Those survenus au Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. program (page 4), which offers regis- from the 50th to 75th percentiles can Découvrez la vie des Amérindiens tration and a stipend of $1000 toward receive special certifi cates. We trust that sur les rives du grand fl euve et expenses. While the number of grants is this will encourage greater participation leurs rencontres avec des person- limited, you could be among the fi rst to as well as recognition in the schools. If at nages aussi célèbres que Jacques profi t from this opportunity. Remember all possible, arrange an Awards Ceremo- Cartier et Champlain. Faites un also that the AATF offers scholarships ny, either in the chapter or in the school, clin d’oeil à la cour de François 1er each year to France, Belgium, and Que- preferably both. This helps to promote ou traversez le temps à travers les bec. They include a period of study and French in the broader community. The coups de canons et la bataille des the possibility to visit the area. You could public in general should know how many plaines d’Abraham. Dès l’arrivée be among the recipients! students continue to study French and des 21, (premiers pionniers dans The AATF is also launching the fi rst what benefi ts this offers them. la région) participez à la naissance round of “exemplary programs.” You The AATF also offers you the opportu- de la vie rurale au Québec avec ses can fi nd out more about them on the nity to honor your outstanding students. colons, bûcherons, des notables AATF Web site: [www.frenchteachers. The Société Honoraire de Français is aussi. Laissez-vous emporter par org]. Many “exemplary” programs exist expanding to include middle school le tourbillon des saisons avec des throughout the country. We want to students (page 21). Membership in this scènes de la vie quotidienne, un publicize your program and offer it as a National Society is a great incentive to réveillon, un grand feu.
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