The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus :;S£*iM^y^HB«lMHMMiMtaanriMl^ -••".--*,-'•'—» —-tr;.~--^ AJi^B^^Mfl 7>^^ Notre Dame •o ALUMNU Vol. 25 APRIL, 1947 No. 2 © springtime at Notre Dame: the Grotto at Night Photograph by James E. KcIiiinsMin. 'SI k>-Si<; '><. ^^fr i:iH§ i » » ^4/iecio^ of Clubs and Their Presidents # AKHON. O. —Murray Powers, '23, Akron GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. —Joseph F. Deeb, OHIO VALLEY —Edmund A. Sargus, '33, BeoA^on-Journal. '31, 600 Cambridge Blvd., S. E. 41 Harrison St, Bellaire, O. AHKANSAS —Burt L. Roberts, ex. '16, 1325 GREEN BAY, Wis.—John D. Clancy, '35, OKLAHOMA —Robert J. Sullivan, '31, 1384 Lincoln Ave., Little Rock, (secretary) 525 Clay St. E. 26th PL. Tulsa. KBBIEN COUNTY (Mich.)—William Dow­ HAMILTON, O. —Marc A. Fiehrer, '27, 708 OREGON-Dr. Ralph M. Prag, '27, Selling ney, '28, 60 N. St. Joseph Ave.. Niles, Rentschler Bldg. Bldg., Portland. Mich. HAHBISBUHG, Pa. —Robert J. Haiber, '35, PEORIA, ni.—Alexander L. Sloan, '27, Alli­ BENGAL. India—Rev. John W. Kane, C.S.C, 72 A Hummel, LeMoyne, Pa. ance Life Bdg. '24, Dacca, East Bengal, India (key man) HAWAn —William K. Hanifin, '35, 1635 PHILADELPHIA, Pa. —Charles A. Conley, BOSTON, Mass. —Hugh F. Blunt. '24, 216- Clark St, Honolulu. '35, 100 E. Tumbull Ave., Havertown, Pa. 217 Home Banking Bldg., 106 Main St., KAWATHALAND (HCch.-Ws.) — Francis PHOENIX. Aril.—Regis J. Fallon, '24, 2200 Brockton 22, Mass. R Langrill '30, 1103 Cooney Blvd., Mari­ W. Van Buren. BUFFALO, N. Y. —Donald W. Love, 6034 nette, Wis. Main St, Williamsville, N. Y. HOUSTON, Texas — Robert C. Scoggins. RHODE ISLAND and S. E. MASSACHU­ '24, 430 Humble Bldg. SETTS— John J. McLaughlin, '34, Men- CALUMET DISTRICT-Fred J. Salman, Jr., don Rd., Cumberland Hill, R. L *28, 5752 Erie Ave., Hammond, Ind. (sec­ ILLINOIS FOX VALLEY—Dr. PhUip C. Hem­ ming, '29, 268 Commonwealth, Elgin, III. ROCHESTER. N. Y.—Joseph M. Geraghty, retary) '28, 50 Quentin Rd. CANAL ZONE—Joseph H. Harrington, '39. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind^Patrick J. Fisher, '36, Box 831, Ancon, Canal Zone, (key man) 616 Indiana Trust Bldg. HOCK RIVER VALUEY. DL — Vmcent F. Carney, '29, 303 S. Second St, Rochelle. CANTON. O Glen T. Dubs, '35, 224 35th IRON RANGE (Mich;-Wis.)—Theodore A. St, N. W. Nolan, '33; 302 Arch St, Ironwood, Mich. SAGINAW VALUEY, Mich. — Thomas F O Van Aarle, '21, c/o Standard Oil Co., CAPITOL DISTRICT (N.Y.)—John F. Camp­ JACKSON, Iffich. —Lyman H. Hill, Jr., '29, Saginaw, Mich. bell, '26, 252 S. Main, Albany 3, N. Y. 5205 U. S. 127, S. JOUET, m. —Joseph V. Kirincich, '33, SOO SAN ANTONIO, Texas —Leonard M. Hess, CENTRAL MICHIGAN —Dr. Edgar J. Her­ Hess, '25, 201 Stanford Dr. mes, '18, 828 N. Logan St, Lansing. Ruby St Mich. KANSAS CITY (Mo. and Kans.) — Thomas SANDUSKY. O—John J. MiUott '27, 913 Osborne St CENTRAL NEW JERSEY — Michael J. Ba- M. Reardon. '39. 1104 W. 76th Terrace. log, '34, 316 Watson Ave., Perth Amboy, Kansas City, Mo. SCRANTON. Pa. — Louis J. Finske. '19, N.J. KENTUCKY —Thomas E. BuUeit, '31, 213 Gravel Pond No. 2, Clarks Summit, Pa. Linden Ave., Louisville. CENTRAL NEW YORK —Mark E. Mooney. SIOUX CITY. la. —Edward J. Lalley, 3261 '26. 125 Butternut Drive. DeY/itl, N. Y. LIMA, O. —Robert E. Sullivan, '40, 702 Nebraska St., Sioux City 18. (key man) Cook Tov/er. CENTRAL OHIO —John J. Cannon, '30. 555 SOUTHWESTERN CONNECTICUT — John E. Broad St.. Columbus, O. LOS ANGELES, Calif. —Paul F. Glass, '40, G. MoUoy, '29, 115 Ashley St., Bridge­ 8418 Loyola Blvd. port, Conn. CHICAGO, m Thomas S. McCabe, '22, MANILA —Anthony F. Gonzalez, '25, The 11 S. LaSalle St SPRINGFIELD. IlL-Charles G. Corcoran, Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Insular •17, 1134 W. Monroe St CINCESNATL O. —J. Walter Nienaber, '37. Life Bldg., Manila, P. L (key man) 2106 Alpine PL ST. lOSEPH VALLEY (Ind. and Mich.) — MARYLAND— Lewis L O'Shea," 307 St. Albert L. Doyle, '27, 716 Lincoln Way CLEVELAND. O. —Thomas C. Byrne. '37. Dunstan's Rd., Homeland, Baltimore 12, East. Mishawaka. Ind. 2030 Brown Rd. Md. MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Frank W. Rowland, '25, ST. LOUIS, Mo—Albert J. Ravarino. '35. CONNECTICUT VALLEY (Conn.)—Vincent 5841 Devonshire Ave. E. Turley. '32. 13 Annowan St., Hartford. 673 E. Parkway, S. Conn. MEXICO — Roberto C. Rosales, '47, Palma TIFFIN, O. —Fred J. Wagner, '29, 84% S CUBA —Christopher C. Fitzgerald. '94. La Notre 402, Mexico, D. P. (key man) Washington St «) Metropolitana (711). Habana. Cuba, (key MICHIGAN CITY, Ind.—Hugh L. Bums. '39, TOLEDO, O. —Robert F. Schramm, '39. 729 man) Department of Athletics, Notre Dame, Grove PL DALLAS, Texas ,4^ Walter L. Fleming. '40, Ind. TRI-dTIES (lU. and Iowa) — Francis C. 4549 Belfdrt Place. MILWAUKEE, Wis. —John E. Clauder, '34, King, '19, Court House, Rock Island, 111. DAYTON, O. —John C. Femeding, '40. 125 4809 N. Woodbum St (secretary) V/isteria Drive. IvHNNESOTA-William M. Guimont, '35. TRIPLE CITIES (N. Y.) —James H. Hogan, DELAWARE-Thomas E. Dillon, '37. 61 4925 Stevens Ave., Mirmeapolis. '34, 42 Oak St, Binghamton, N. Y. Landers Lane. Sv^anwyck. New Castle. MOHAWK VALLEY (N. Y.) —Frank Don- TBI-STATE (K7„ Ind. and lU.)—Raymond DENVER, Colo. —Eugene S. Blish. '34. 15C0 cdty, '33, 23 Beverly Place, Utica, N. Y. E. Kersting, '27, R R. No. 6, Evansville, Oneida St MONONGAHELA VALLEY (Pa.) —Edward Ind. DES MOINES. la Joseph E. Whalen. '29. J Dean, '28, 11 Linden Ave, Monessen, TUCSON. Arit—Ted W. Witz, '29, Box 628. Hotel Savery. Pa. UTAH—Pha J. Purcell, '35, 519 Boston Bldg., DETROIT. Mich. —George B. Morris. '39. MONTANA — Edward F. Simonich, '39, Salt Lake City. 10600 Bonita Ave., Detroit 24. 603% Travonia St, Butte. WABASH VALLEY. Ind.—WiUiam R. Barr. DUBUQUE, la. —C. I. Krajewski. '16. 1775 NASHVILLE, Tenn. — W. Kennedy Jones, '26, Box 21, Chahners, Ind. So. Grandville Ave. '30, P. O. Box 773, Nashville 2. WASHINGTON. D. & —George C. How­ EASTEHIJ INDIANA—Norbert W. Hoi t, '35, NEW JERSEY-Frank A. Milbauer, '24, 44 ard, '38, 7017 Chelton Rd., Bethesda, Md. 200 E. Wysor St, Muncie. Ind. Bronford PL, Newark. WATEBBUHY, Conn. —Joseph H. Robinson, EASTERN KANSAS —Daniel F. Foley. '23. NEW ORLEANS, La. —WiUiam B. Dreux, '31, 96 Bayberry Dr., Bristol. 122 Spruce St, Leavenworth. '33, 2715 St Charles Ave. WESTERN PpiNSyLVANIA—H. Carl Link, EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA —Leo R. Mc- NEW YORK, N. Y. —Tiemey.A. O'Rourke, '35, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Pitts­ Intyre,'28, 3004 Turner St, AUentown, Pa. '30. 76-12 Thirty-fifth Ave., Jackson Heights, burgh, Pa.- ERE, Pa. —James B. Dvryer, 37, 4006 State N.Y. WESTEBN WASHINGTON—Charles F. Oav> Street NORTHERN CALIFOBNIA—Wm. T. Byrne. bom, Jr., '38, 603 Central Bldg., Seattitj,*^ '29, 875 34th Ave., San Francisco. FLORIDA ^WUliam H. McCormick, '32, c/o Wash. Miami Mattress Co., 60 N. W. 13th St., NORTHERN LOUISIANA—James R. Now- WEST VIHGINIA—J. Maxwell Hill, '41, 927 Miami. ery, '29, P. O. Box 1545, Shreveport 94. Central Ave., Charleston. FORT WAYNE, Ind. —Paul Sagstetter, '25, NORTHERN NEW YORK —Ralph M. Card­ YOUNGSTOWN, O—Gabriel E. Moran, 203 W. Sherwood Terrace. inal, Jr., '37, 70 Front St., Malone, N. Y. '32, 46 W. Indionola Ave. The Notre Dame Alumnus This ma^zine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered as aeeond class matter Oeto. ber 1, 1939, at th£ Postoffice, Notre Dame, Indi.ina, nnder the act of Ansast 24, 1912. Hember of the American Ahimni Coandl. James E. Armstrong, '25. Editon William B. DooIeT. '26. Managing Editor VOL 25 APRIL. 1947 NO. 2 The 1947 Commencement Program (The followins is just a basic outline prepared by the Commencement Committee, but changes will be largely in the field of addition of details and events. JEA) FBIDAY. MAY 30 (MEMORIAL DAY) With the return of pre-war Commence­ ment planning and timing, and with Alumni Registration in Special Quarters at Campus Entrance Memorial Day contributing an extra day (Alumni will be housed on the campus) to the weekend plans, every indication Alumni Golf Tournament—^William J. Burke-University Course (All Day) points to a record-breaking alumni par­ 9:00 a. m. Annual Memorial Field Mass, for Notre Dame dead of World Wars I and ticipation on May 30, 31, and June 1, II, Memorial Door, Sacred Heart Church 1947, Reunion Outing of 25-Year Class, Diamond Lake (All Day) Reunion Classes are working much Jeunion Dinners or Meetings of the 5-Year Classes, 1917, 1927, 1932, 1937 and 1942, farther ahead. All alumni out of school in addition to the 1922 party, are already announced. (See Class Notes or look 50 years or more have been invited to for Class letters.) attend this Commencement to catch up on the missed reunions of the recent war 3:00 p. m. Baseball, Cartier Field, Western Michigan vs. Notre Dame years. 7:30 p. m. Band Concert, University Quadrangle • The 25-Year Class has a gala weekend SATURDAY. MAY 31 already announced, as does the 1917 Class. Classes of 1927, 1932, 1937 and Registration of Alumni Continues 1942 are polishing o£P the details of the Alumni Golf Tournament Continues first normal reunion year in a good many 8:30 a. m. Mass for Deceased Alumni, Sacred Heart Church, Rev. Robert H. years. ^ Sweeney, C.S.C, Celebrant The University's Commencement Com­ 9:30 a. m. Senior Class (1947) Last Visit, Sacred Heart Church (Seniors proceed mittee is already working on plans which from Church to University Drill Hall) will smooth out many of the necessary 10:00 a.
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