APARTMENT BLUES: WHAT MISTAKES SHOULD YOU AVOID TO BE A GOOD ROOMMATE? PAGE 6 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT FRIdaY, JanuarY 26, 2007 Wikid research can add information to the site. Professors, students discuss merits “However, that does not mean that anyone can post anything,” of Wikipedia as viable resource Wool said. Information on the site does have By Melissa Limmer “I’ve found inaccuracies ... I usu- to meet certain standards, he said. Staff Writer ally double check.” One of them is that information These inaccuracies are making must be considered “encyclopedic” When faced with a research proj- some people wary of using the site and neutral. ect or paper, many students turn to for academic research. “The language (of the posting) has the Internet. It’s fast, easy and full “Never put it in a research paper to reflect that,” he said. of information. But the Internet can or rely on it without checking other Wool also said that postings have also be inaccurate. sources because of the loose way it to be notable. One online source students often is governed,” said John Robinson, a “We are not MySpace,” Wool said. rely on is Wikipedia. reference associate at the Jessie H. “We do try to strive for notable top- The Web site is meant to be an on- Jones Library. ics. We are not there to make people line encyclopedia that allows people Robinson also said Wikipedia famous.” to post information on anything from doesn’t have the same standards as But deciding what is notable and historical events to music groups, scholarly works do and professors what isn’t can sometimes be a prob- said Danny Wool, a spokesman for normally have requirements about lem. Wikipedia. what online resources students can “That is a question that comes to “I mainly just use it when I need use for research projects and papers. us all the time,” Wool said. the history of something,” Tyler ju- Concerns about Wikipedia’s reli- nior Stacy Horton said. ability stem from the fact that anyone Please see ONLINE, page 4 Photo illustration David by Poe National survey gives Expo Waco homeless voice offers By Kirsten Horne cial Work, organized a group Myers said. “We were so proud Reporter of Baylor students to volunteer of the amount we were able to health and hand out the surveys at the raise.” Socks, shampoo, lotion and Salvation Army. In addition, clothes, toilet- toothpaste may seem like sta- “This year we got roughly 40 ries, hygienic products and ple items for many. But for the students to participate,” Myers some food items were given out. advice homeless in Waco, they are the said. There were also various agen- incentives offered for participa- Students participating in the cies there to talk to the home- tion in a survey. event were given several choices less as they came by. By Sapna Prasad “The Heart of Texas Home- of volunteer times. They could “It is almost like a fair for Reporter less Coalition is sponsoring the hand out surveys at either the the homeless to attend and the homeless count here in Waco,” Salvation Army or First Luther- students to be a part of,” Myers For students who are strug- said Jill McCall, executive direc- an Church during their weekly said. Melea Burke/Lariat staff gling to keep their New Year’s tor of Compassion Ministries. Friday Morning Breakfast. “There are so many different Kareem Andrew Dimele completes a survey Thursday with a volunteer from resolutions of getting in shape, “It is a national survey used Aside from the many people benefits we are offering as en- the Heart of Texas Homeless Coalition at the Salvation Army in Waco. there’s help on the way. by the government to calculate willing to volunteer, students ticements to get the homeless to Saturday the McLane Student how many homeless people are and staff were also able to raise come out.” tion with them.” ment is also offering HIV test- Life Center will host Baylor’s here in the city.” $500 worth of gift cards from “This was really an effort to Some of these agencies in- ing to anyone interested,” Mc- first Fitness/Wellness Expo for This year Baylor participated various restaurants such as Mc- connect and reach out to these cluded Caritas, Compassion Call said. “There will also be students, faculty and staff. in the event. Dr. Dennis My- Donald’s and Wendy’s. people,” McCall said. “There Ministries, Planned Parenthood nurses on hand for general “January is the month for fit- ers, associate dean of graduate “These cards were used as an were 15 agencies total that were and Mission Waco. ness resolutions,” fitness coor- studies for the School of So- incentive to fill out the survey,” there to talk and share informa- “The public health depart- Please see SURVEY, page 4 dinator Van Smith-Davis said. “This is the best way to pro- vide the facts and information Lebanese army that you need to achieve those soldiers point goals.” their guns to Lebanon edges toward war Smith-Davis said the expo the area were is focused on teaching students confrontations erupted Thurs- about the three major areas of day between as students riot over politics wellness: nutrition, fitness and government and stress. Hezbollah sup- By Brian Murphy warning shots into the air dis- ering of donor nations in Par- There are six hour-long ses- porters in the The Associated Press persed most rioters. The mili- is. The conference Thursday sions those interested can streets around tary then declared Beirut’s first raised pledges of $7.6 billion to choose to attend, each focusing Beirut Arab Uni- BEIRUT, Lebanon — Univer- curfew since 1996. help Prime Minister Fuad San- on an aspect of total wellness versity. At least sity students loyal to Lebanon’s But the fallout reaches far iora’s U.S.-backed government and stressing the importance of three people government clashed with Hez- beyond the casualty count. The rebuild after last summer’s dev- balance in each area. were killed in bollah supporters Thursday, clashes, sparked by a cafeteria astating Israel-Hezbollah war. The personal training pro- the rioting as setting cars ablaze and battling scuffle between pro-govern- The money and show of gram will also offer a free tour Lebanon drifts with homemade clubs and ment Sunni Muslims and pro- international support could of the fitness center and a brief closer to stones. The melee deepened Hezbollah Shiites, reinforced boost the embattled Saniora. orientation of the fitness equip- civil war. worries that Lebanon cannot fears that Lebanon’s sectarian The Iranian-backed Hezbollah ment. contain the political and sec- divisions are erupting into vi- has vowed to bring him down Regina Mastin, a registered tarian rivalries threatening to olence as they did during the unless the opposition is given dietitian, will present a session push it toward civil war. 1975-1990 civil war. more power. called “Nuts about Nutrition” At least three people were It was the third straight day The chaos has paralyzed the that will address the new food killed and dozens were injured of violence, sparked by a Hez- government. Hezbollah leader guide pyramid, general nutri- before army troops backed by bollah-led strike Tuesday that tion facts, how to eat well on Associated Press tanks and firing barrages of came ahead of a crucial gath- Please see FIGHT, page 4 campus and how to avoid the dreaded freshman 15. Mastin provides nutrition counseling on campus and in- West Texas woman dead after confrontation with police teracts with a number of stu- dents who struggle with nutri- The Associated Press subdue the woman by firing two rounds Carroll said it is believed the wom- Mike Hurst and officer Art McIntee, were tion issues. She said she hopes from a beanbag shotgun, Plainview po- an, who was pronounced dead at the placed on paid administrative leave. the expo will help students PLAINVIEW — Two police officers lice Capt. Michael Carroll said. scene, was shot three times. An autopsy The September shooting was the first get back on the road to being shot and killed a woman at an apart- “He tripped on something and the is pending. She had a history of mental officer-involved shooting in Plainview healthy. ment complex for mentally and physi- other two officers then fired as she was problems, Carroll said. in about a decade. Jose Ceballos Jr. was A Baylor graduate herself, cally disabled people Thursday after the still coming,” Carroll said. Police did not release the woman’s wielding a knife when police forced Mastin remembers walking into woman ignored repeated pleas to drop a Police were called to the complex name Thursday pending notification of open the door of a house and shot him the cafeteria as a freshman and 14-inch knife, authorities said. about 4:15 a.m. after a tenant heard relatives. She had lived in the 20-unit as he approached. His cousin, Leonor getting carried away with the It was the second officer-involved an alarm in the apartment. When they complex for 20 years, Bethesda Manor Pacheco, said Ceballos was mentally ill variety available at every meal. shooting in Plainview since September. opened the door they found the woman Inc.’s assistant manager Gayle Walker and that he didn’t believe officers needed “After months of little exercise The shooting occurred when an of- holding the knife and she was threaten- said. to shoot him. A grand jury later declined ficer was backing away after trying to ing officers, Carroll said.
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