CONTRACT/AGREE1S'NT-, 2 Date PlO/T Received: DATA SHEET 27L26O Actioii fvonitor. PART ONE: COMPLETE EACH BLOCK FOR BOTH NEW ASSISTANCE/ACQUISITION AND MODIFICATION ACTIONS 3. Contract/Agreement Number: 1.5-IT " 4. Contractor/Recipient Name: 5. Organization Symbol: 6. Project Title: 7. Project Officer's Name: 8. Organization Symbol: 6 - ?f (..8 9. Requisitioning Organzatoe 19. Budget Document ID No: ON Plan Code: , . i 3 10. TYPE OF ACTION: f 20. Country or A. New Acquisition/Assistance Region of B. Continuation of activities set Performance: H N 1,b ­ forth in a contractual document C. Revision of work scope/purpose 21. a. This Action Increases TEC by $ of award _ b. Total Est. Cost of 11. thisAmount of PlO/T: U.S. $ // Contractual Document S this P22. 12. Amount Pbligatedo Amount of Non­ Federal Funds Subobligat7e --. Pledged to the U.S. $ Deobligated by U.S. $ L tProject: this Action: 23. Effective Date 13. Cumulative U.S.$ C. of this Obation: Action: 24. Estimated 14. Thi; Action Completion/ Funded Through: $ / Z Z / Expiration 15. Date Contractual Date: / Documents Signed Z. / ", 25. Contractor byAIDOfficial: DUNS Number: I I I I I I I 16. Incrementally I 26. Consultant Funded Contract: Type Award: 17. Host Country/ 27. Number of Counterpart Inst.: Person Months: (Univ. Contracts) (PASA/RSSA only) 18. Campus 28. Number of Coordinator: Persons: (Univ. Contracts) (PASA/RSSA only) 29. Neootiator's Typed Name: 30. Negotiator's Signature: 31. Date Signed: 32. Contract/Grant Officer's 33 Conlract/Grant Officer's Signature: 34. Date Signed: Organization Symbol: t/S4lb/ 14 0e. PART 1WO: COMPLETE EACH BLOCK FO ASSISTANCE/ACQUISITION A IONS ONLY 35. SELECTION PROCEDURES:A. Frmaly AvertsedH. Procurement to be Per­ formed by the B. Negotiated Price Contractor . in Person Competition, General Procedure I. Sole Source C. A&E J. Impairment of Foreign D. Ed. Inst. and/or Int'l. Policy Objectives Research oK. 8(a) Selection E. Collaborative STT3 - Grant/Cooperative Assistance Agreement F. Predominant Capability L. Competitive G. Unsolicited Proposal M. Noncompetitive N. Small Business Set Aside 0. Overseas Procuring Activities 36 CONTRACT TYPE: 45. LASOR SURP.LIAREA. A. Fixed Price (Specify- PREFERENE: 4 FFP, FPRD, FPEPA, FPI) 0 Labor Surplus Area B. Cost Reimbursement A. No Preference (Specify: CR, CPFF, B. Tie Bid Preference CS, CPAF, CPIF) C. Total Set Aside C. IQC & Requirements Contracts D. Not a Labor Surplus Area D. Other Preference Award 37. ADVANCE: 46. Number of Bidders Offering A. No Advance Items or Services of Foreign Advance Non-FRLC Content: B. EAnF C 47. TYPE OF BUSINESS: C. Advance FR LC A. Source: Non-U.S. and Used & Possessions 38. SUBJECT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT: A. Outside U.S. A. Walsh-Healey Act, Manufacturer*B. Source: NonU.S. and B. Walsh-Healey Act, Regular Dealer* Possessions (Foreign U.S.) C. Service Contract Act (U.S. ONLY Purchases Used Inside - Guards, Maintenance, Laborers) (If U.S. Source, complete 0) D. Davis-Bacon Act (Construction) C through - Profit Maki'g & PSC's E. Not subject to Walsi-Healey; C. Firm Org &nizations Service Contract or Davis-Bacon C Non-Profit D. Private Educational Act (Most AID Contracts) Equipment, Supplies, Materials, and Organizations Commodities E. Hospitals 39. Country of F. Research Institutions, Manufacture (Specify) Foundations, and 40. CURRENCY INDICATOR: Laboratories A. U.S. Dollar G. Other B. Local Currenct 0 Private Voluntary C. Combination Organizations D. Unfunded H. U.S. Registered 41. SUBCONTRACTS: I. U.S. Non-Registered IsThere a Provision J. Foreign for a Subcontract? • State/Local Government (Contracts only) K. Educational Institutions 42. TYPE SERVICE: L. Hospitals A. Training of ParticipantsJ M. Research Organizations B. Technical Assistance to Host Country N. Other (Program, Project related 0. International Agricultural except A&E Services) Research Organizations C. A&E Services P. Public International D. Construction Organizations E. Research 0. U.S. Cooperatives F. Technical Services to AID 48. Women Owned (other than training; usually Business? operating expense) 49. TYPE AWARD: G. Training Service for AID S Small Business H. Equipment, Materials, A. Not Set Aside Supplies, Commodities B. Partial Set Aside I. Translation Service C. Total Set Alide 43. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT SOURCE: D. Personal Service Contract A. U.S. Contractor/Grantee E. Individual Non-Personal B. Non-U.S. Contractor/Grantee Service Contract C. Combination of A & B F. U.S. Government 44. TYPE OF AMERICAN OWNERSHIP: G. University S Minority H. Other Non-Profit A. Asian/Pacific Islander Organizations B. Black American I. Large Businesses C. American Aleuts or Eskimos D. American Indian 50. Paying Office: E. Hispanic Payment will be b F. Othe; (Specify) made by G. Non-Minority APEfUCY FOR INiEA''IONAL DEVELOPMEA" Ii:'11PSTATLS OI AMERICA AID MISSION TO HO'.ZURAS ANILKICAN EMBASSY TEGUCIGALPA. HONDURAS MAR 2 W94 Mr. Raymond A. .anoff Executive Director Aid to Artisans, Inc. 6346 Crosswoods Drive Fall Church, Virginia 22044 Subject: Artisan Product Narketing,(OPG) Project No. 522-0250 Grant Authorization and Letter Dear Hr. Hanoff: I wish to reply to your letter of September, 1983 In which you submitted a funding proposal to A.I.D. for an Operational Program Grant. Subsequently, we have agreed on activity details for tile Development Project for the Artisan Product Marketing ("The Project"). Pursuant to Part I, Chapter I, S'(ction 106 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, I am pleased to advise you tiat on behlalf of the Agency for International Development (A.I.D.), I herecby authorize a grant to Aid to Artisans, Inc. (ATA) ("tile Grantee") for the sum of US 350,000, and arrange for the provision of L92,600 from local currency made available by the Government of Honduras and A.I.D. under the Econonic Recovery Program No. 522-0230, to provide support for Lhe Project. Additfonal funding totaling US$ll5,000 will be obligated in FY85 subject to the availability of funds. The purpose of this project is to implement and operate a Honduran and U.S. sited facility directed to the substantive support and measured commercial upgrading of selected Honduran Artisan industries. The goal of this activity Is the enhancement of local Inco-es and e:iployment opportunities. Tills Is to be achieved through an increase 'n Honduran artisan product penetration In principally e:.:port markets. The objectives are identified with the delivery of ATA comprehensive product development and ;:arketing actions to H1onduran artisan industry. This activity is directed to the enhancerient of private sector export activities for the artisan sector as well as the development of government services for the artisan sector. This Grant is effective and obligation of the U.S. dollar funds is "made as of the date that this letter is returned to the Controller, USAID lhoriduras following your countersignature below on behalf of ATA and shall apply to commitments ;-ade by the Grantee in furtherance of Program objectivCs ddring the period beginning February 23, 1984 through February 22, 1986. Upon satisfaction of the Conditions Pr;-redent to Initial D.llr'-,o.nt of tie (.-Gr.nt, A.I,D. will instruct the Contral r.3nk of !ou,(]uras to ,ir.w.ditur,.e yto t,e Grantee the a-,ount in A, ipiras, for tie estlm-ted ProWert 1 ,1I CONFORMED COPY 522--0250 Grant Authorization Letter Page 2 of 2 This'Grant is made to ATA on the condition that the funds herein provided be administered in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in Attachment A, "Detailed Project Description," Attachment B, "Conditions of the Agreement," Attachment C, "Standard Provisions," Attachment E, "Payment Procedures," and Attachment F, "Statement of Assurance of Compliance" which have been agreed to by your organization. Please sign the Statement of Assurance of Compliance (Attachment F), enclosed herewith, and the original and seven (7) copies of this letter to acknowledge your acceptance of the conditions under which these funds have been granted. Please return the Statement of Assurance of Compliance and the original and six (6) copies of this letter to the Agency for International Development, Mission to Honduras. Sincerely, Les E. Corley ontracting Officer Attachments: A. Detailed Project Description B. Conditions of the Agreement C. Standard Provisions D. Alternations in Grant E. Payment Procedures F. Statement of Assurance of Compliance ACCEPTED: Aid to Artisans, Inc. (ATA) "*, .... dd A. Mlnof .,: Executive Director DATE: PA-522-84-011 A400647 FISCAL DATA (U.S. Dollar portion only) Appropriation: Special Development Account Allotment: - LDAA84-25522-DG13 per State 023897 dated 01.26.84 Ptoject No.: 522-0250 Current Grant Amn 4t:350 OO Drafted: P K:.LJBa . no cle a re d : PCR : ra n t (­ PCR:ERZallman .2 HGT:JCorley CO14T: PAmos DiD: RL14ichol sonj 522-0250 Attachment A Development Project for the'Artisan Product Harketing'OPG No-; 522-0250 Detailed Project Description -'. Attachment "A" consists of the following: The;Artisan Product Marketing project proposal and financial'-plan prepared and, presented to A.I.D. by Aid to Artisans, Inc. (ATA). VAR 1984 Mr. Raymond A. Manoff Executive Director Aid to Artisans, Inc. •6346 Crosswoods Drive Fall Church, Virginia 22044 Subject: Artisan Product Marketing (OPG) Project No. 522-0250 Grant Authorization and Letter Dear Mr. Manoff: I wish to reply to your letter of September, 1983 in which you .submitted a funding proposal to A.I.D. for an Operational Program Grant. Subsequently, we have agreed on activity details for the Development Project for the Artisan Product 11arketing ("The Project"). Pursuant to Part I, Cha~rer I, Section 106 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, I am pleased to advise you that on behalf of the Agency for International Development (A.I.D.), I hereby authorize a grant to Aid to Artisans, Inc.
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