114 CROYDON. SURREY. [KELLY\3 Feist Lydston F. 58 Broughtoo road, Fletoher Ernest Geo. 51 Kidderminster rd French James Bioley, 297 London road, Thornton Heath Fletcher George Ernest, 66B, Nova. road Thornton Heath Fell Edmund Kaye, 9 Lyodhurst road, Fletcher Joseph B.D., B. A. 17 Fa.irfield road French John, 22 Broad Green avenue Thornton Heath Fletcher Mrs. 13 Blenheim crescent French Joseph Harold, 31 Carew road, Ji~ell Miss, 18 Galpio's road, Norbury Fletcher William, 42 Morland road Thornton Heath Feno Harry Robert, 17 Beulah road east, Flint Harold Attlee, 48 St.Augustine's av French Miss, 8 Ederline aven. Norbury Thornton Heath Flint Miss Ella C. M. B. 21 Addiscombe road French Mrs. 72 St. Saviour's road Fentort Arthur Wellington, 107 Park lane Floor Miss, 22 Fairview road, Norbury French Thomas, 14 Beulah road east, Fenton Walter, 76 Parchmore road, Flower Albert Enan, 152 Lower .Addi.~- Thornton Heath Thornton He~th combe road French William, 201 London road Fentum Mrs. 11 Addiscombe road Flux Charles Willia.m1 13 Broughton road, Preshwater Mrs. 47 Beatrice av. Norbury Fenwick Jsph. Robt. 21 Blenheim Pk. rd Thornton Heath Fretwell Leonard John, 75 Morland road Fenwick Samuel Charles Collingwood M.D. Fogden Frank, 9 Waddon Park avenue Frew Andrew Archibald, 111 Norbnry Wychwood, London road, Nor bury Folkes Edwd. W. 5 Melrose av. Norbury crescent, Melfort road, Norbury Ferguson James, 16 Lanseowne road Fonceca Miss, 4 Bedford park Frewer Mrs. 151 Lower Addiscombe road Ferguson Mrs. 20 Beech House road Footner Mrs. H. 40 Moreton road Fricke Heinrich, 80 Northampton road Ferguson Mrs. 30 St. Augustine's avenue Forbes Charles, 8 Barham road Frisby George Fredk. 22 South Park Hillrd Ferguson Richard, 27 Waddon Park aven Forbes John, 39 Croham road Friswell Richard James Rain, Waverley, Ferguson William Daniel, 44 Morlaod road Ford Frederick Charles, 276 Selsdon road' Bishop's Park road, Norbury · _Fergusson WilliamBa.lfour M.n.172 LJwer Ford Jas. 9 Langdale rd. Thornton Heath Frith Bremner John, 158 LOwer .Addis. Addiscombe road Ford 1\-Irs. 41 Kidderminster road combe road Fern John, 16 J.iverpool rd. Thornton Hth Ford William John, 53 Morland road Frith l\'lrs. 10 Park Hill road Ferrier-Rowe l'r'lrs. 14 Barclay road Fordham Herbert, 27 Oakfield road 11'roggatt Mrs. F. 58 Windmill rood Fewell Mrs. 88 Sydenham road north Foreshaw Walter Cecil, 67 Elgin road Frooms Albert E. 52 Cbisbolm:road Ffolliott Wm. Hy. 34 Craignish av. Norbry Forestier Mademoiselle, 39 Thornhill road Frost Albert Edward,. 161 Selsdon rood Fickling Harry, 45 Norbury cres. Norbury Formoy Mrs. :Maycroft, Alton road Frost Alfred En1est, 4 Sherwood gardell8, J<"ield A. James Camden, 69 Avondale road Forn·st William, 3 Chi'!holm road Lower Addiscombe road FieldChas. Wm. 206Norburycres. Norbry Forrester Ernest William, 51 Waddon rd Frost Edwin Dick&, 12 Warringtonrood Field Rdgar Albert H. 37 Oakfield road. Forsaith Mrs. 43 Elmwood road }'rost F:rederick, 37 Bensham Manor road, Field Geoffrey Burton, 3 Norburv avenue, Foredick Charles Brook, '1:1 Bensham Thomi;on Heath Norbury • Manor road, Thornton Heath Frost Frroerick R. 46 Nova road Field Miss. 25 Thornhill road Forster Harry, 1 Roche road, Norbury Frost William Jooo, 7 Beulah Field Mrs. 19 Courtney road Forsyth George Grant, 34 Canning road Thornton Heath Field Mrs. 16 Havelock road Fortesquieu Henry, ~0 Gal pin's rd. Norbry Frowde Henry M.A. 25 Wakhons Field Mrs. Thirlmere, London rd. Norbury Forth Percy Whitmore, 50 !\Ielfort road, J'ruin Mrs. 13 St. Pefter's road Field Mrs. Thos. 60 N orbury ores. Norbury Thornton Heath J'ry Horae&, 19(} Melfort rd. Tbornton Hth Field Nathaniel, 24 Wharfedalo gardens, Forward Charles R. 23 Fah·field :n>a.d Fry Herbellt Hy. 68 MeJrose a.v. Norbwy Norbury Foss Edward, 15 Spencet" road :Fry 1\'Irs. 9 Waldrons "Field William Oliver, 36 Bensham Manor Foss Mrs. :J Nottingham road Yulcher Andrew, 1 Temple road road, Thornton Heath Foster Leonard, 9 Semley road, Nocbury Fuller Charlies Ernest, Lydford,Croha.m rd Fielder Horace, Bleak house, Grant road Foster Miss, Ravenscourl, London rood, F'lliller Miss, ll Duppas Hill road Fielding Mrs. 14 Norbury aven. Norbury Norbury Fuller Roben Henry, 110 Epsom rood Fife Ja.mes, 56 Bensha.m Manor road, Foulds l!'rederick Hicks, 53 Bemham F11lllt-r Wm. Clement, 1 KiddermilliSter rd Thornton Heath Manor rood, Thornton Heath }'111'1ong Themas David. 47 Kilma.rt;ia Figge .Mrs. 50 Park Hill road Fountaine Arth.Clifford, 7 Croham l'k. a.v avenue. Nt!lrbury File Mrs. 6 Edridge road Foveaux Mrs. 38 Outram 1road Fury Freder~k John, ~ Bmugh1on rvad.. Fillingham John, Meadowfield, Kilmartin Fowden Arthur John, 1St.. Leonard'sroa.d Tbornton Heath avenue, Norbury Fowler Charles Owen M.]'). 1 Brigstock Fussel1 Jn.. l$0 Melfort Id. Thornton Hth Filon Augustine, ()8 St. Augustine's av road, Thornton Heath Fyfe Alfred Erne.~t. Sbathlea. AJton rd )l'ilon L. N. G. ri.sc., M.&., F.R.s. 40 Fowler John Parker, 44 Broughtoo. .ll"oad, FJDD l\liss, 7: Semley rood,. Norbory Blenheim crescl'nt Thornton Heath Fyvie Dougbs, 57 MelxU~e aven. N~bury Finch Rev. Charles Edward Oscar B. A. Fowler Mrs. 90 Melfort road, Thom~Hth Gaiger Chas. Hy. 4 EdCM"line av. Norbury [curate of St. Peter'sl, 6 Aberdeen road Fowles Misses, 38 Bensham lane Gale Mrs. lUr'I'he Cres~nt Finch Rev. Edwio [Wesleyan], 55 Parch. Fox Major John Edward T.D. 8 Huk st Gale Percival George, 15.1 Brigstook :rood, more road, Thornton Heath Fox Alfred, lll Bensham Manor road, Thomton Heath ~~iocher Edward, 36 Norbury cres. Norbry Thornton Heath Gale Williaau John, 122: Melfcd rt>ad, Fiocher John Hugh, &9 Addiscombe rd Fox Charles, 81 Coombe road Thornton. Heath Findlay John Edward, 72 Blenheim ores Fox Edwin, 33 St. John'11 grove GalletAn<hro,Mechliin,.Low.AddiacOOJbllrd Fininley Alfred, 39 Wellesley road Fox Frederick, 60 Beatrice a.v. Norbury Galloway Harol.d Charles, 95 Norbury Finn Albert Waiter, 4A, Langdale road, Fox Herbert, 148 Norhury ores. Norbury crescent~Norbury Thornton Heath Fox James, Mosman, Waddon road Ga.llwey- M:rs. 104 Well.esley r<Wl ];'inn Herbert Arthur, 34 Clyde road Fox Mrs. 33 Waddon road Galton Mm. 7 Oakfield road Finn Wallace Henry, 49 Waddon Pk. av Fox Ralph B. o Ledbury road Game Wa.lter Henry, 24 Windmill road Firth Jabez, 125 Waddon New road Fox-Hawes Mrs. 35 Lodge road f':oannon Willia.m, 221<'airfie1<hoad Firth James Francis, jun. 8 Wharfedale Frampton John Thomas, 44 Avondale rd Gard William H. M.V.o. 245 l.ondon road, gardens, Norbury Francis Edward W. 31 Broughton road, Thornton Heath Fisher Cecil H. 29 Ashburton road Thornton Heath Gardener John Samlll Kiddenninsterrd Fisher John James, 332 Bensha.m lane, Francis George, 5 Lyndhurst gardens, Gardiner Mrs. 30 Addiscombe grove Thornton Heath Lower Addiscombe road Gardiner Mrs. 45 Quadrant rood, ']'horn- Fisher Mrs. Clickator, Warwick road. Franois Mrs. 15 Vincent road ton Heath Thornton Heath Frank Waiter Amhurst, 6 Broughton GardnerJohn B. 75Northamptonroad Fisher Percy Arthur, 65 Norbury Court road, Thornton Heath Gardner Peter, 11 Broughton road, road, :Korbury Franklin Frederick Charles, 161 Melfort Thornton Heath Fitchew Clarence William, 35 Wharfedale road, Thornton Heath Gardner Samuel, 58 Canning road gardens, Norbury Fra.nklin J ames, 28 N ormanton road Gardner William Henry, 56 Add.iscombe rd Fitchew t*ordon Stewart, 40 \Vha.rfedale Franklin Mrs. 6 Sydenham road Garneys Misses, 17 Tavi'ltock road gardens, Nor bury !<'ranks Mrs. 95 Broughton rd.Thorntn.Hth Garrad Jas. Frederick, 49 Canning road Fitchew William, Sorrento, London road, Fraser James A. 63 Bensha.m Manor road, Garrard Arth.l2Norbury Court rd. Nrbry Norbury Thornton Heath Garrard Stanley Mitchell, 27 Lismoreroad Fitzgerald Jamea G. Winkfield, London FraserMrs. H. G.l7 Norburycres. Norbry Garraway Harry Weldon, 11 Waddon road, Norbury Fraser Thomas, 4 Edridge road Park avenue Fitzroy-Sweetman Mrs. 14 Beech rd. ~rbry .I<'razer Patrick, 119 Nor bury ores. Norbury Garreau Armand Gabriel Louis, 44 Bea- Flack Thos. 25 Norfolk rd. Thornton Hth Freeland Miss, 73 Park lane trice avenue, Norbury Flack William J. 47 St. James' road Freeman Rev. Harry Joseph [curate of St. Garrett Lewis P. 39 Ashburton road Fleetwood Mrs. 371 Bensham lane, Saviour's], 230 London road Garsin Evariste, 66 Lodge road Thornton Heath Freeman Frederick, 53 Blenheim Park rd Gascoigne John Henry, 14 Beatrice Fleming Alfred Angelo, 7 Lyndhurst road, Freeman Frederick ThomaB, 116 Melfort avenue, Nor bury Thornton Heath road, Thornton Heath Gaskell Arthur Leigh, Elmba.nk, London Fleming Goorge, Colwyn, Bishop's Park :Freeman 1\irs. 41 Beatrice aven. Norbury road, Norbury road, Norbury Freeman l\lrs. 28 Dingwall road Gaston :Mrs. Rosaville, The Crescent Fleming Walter Ambrose, Pittarrow, Freeman Thomas Albert, Copthorne, Gates Ch~trles Joseph, Hemmingfold, Pol· Bramley hill Lower Addiscombe road lards hill east, Norbury · Fletcher Edward, Quarrhurst, London French l{ev. Edward Wilson B.A. [curate Gatfield l'rfrs. 314 Brighton road road, Norbury of St.. Peter's], 51 Coombe road Gathercole Joseph Henry, 53 Norbury Flet~her Edwin C. 7 Barham road French Ernest Daniel, 29 Gladstone road l crescent, Melfort road, Nor bury ' .
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