·"Concordia"' The OffiCial Organ of The Clapham Old Xaverians'· . Association _ Vol. III OCTOBER, 1949 No. 10 FOREWORD This year the Qld Boys' Association comes of age. and · Concordia, its mouthpiece, begins its 21st year with the -present number. Having assisted ·at the birth of the two sturdy babes, now grown to. manhood, I feel a very sincere· pleasure and a certain almost proprietary interest in offering my congratulations. May both the Association and the magazin_e continue to until they attain at least that desirable age at which a l_?enevolent · State restores in· \yeekly doles some of whaf it: has long and· prudently .extracted from a carefree democracy. · - , The foundation and prosperity of any are due in general to the_ efforts of a devoted few. We have been happy . in that the Association arid ·concordia have never lacked patient 'and capa}?le helpers who have believed in their wo.rk. \ :I stress . the long-suffering pertinacjty of our officials, because they have persevere9 ·through the war and its sequel. (for- whiGh I have no adequate ·name), through periods of effervescence and ditchwater . flatness, unruffled and confident. · (Any gentleman familiar with 'the behaviour. of -modeD;l bottled beer . will see the appositeness of .the. above.) · · · .. Old boys and go; some fall by the wayside, others among thorns--which lapse, I suppose, here indicates matrimony -but the :nucleus remains, and to ·everyone who has worked for us ·during these years, :whether as secretary, treasurer, editor, committee-man, sports or entertainment organiser, or as . that humble, invaluable unit, the member who has taken an ' interest and paid ·his sub., we are deeply gratefuL If I do hof mention names; it is because I· am loth to omit. any. I suppose I, ought to exhort the rank and file. to sontinue doing their duty · or to doing it, but it is useless to scatter platitudes in the presence of the converted, as those· who have read tlius far · should -be. One of the most attractive .features .of to (and, I sure, to everyone else) is the notes on Old Boys and their \. domgs, and I hope Editor. 'Yill be kept well supplied; .. · i . :\ . \ My old ft:iend Bill Madigan, to whom Concordia ·_owe:? so. much, reminds me that I supplied a foreword for. the first He · is willing: to re-insert it as a . museum-p1ece or h1stoncal document, but· the Committee think I ought to be given a chance to try again. Having refreshed my memory and sighed -over the Jost ebullience of my middle fifties, I agree with the Committee. BR. C.F.X. RES PARVJE ·. We are· grateful to Brother Bernardine for answering our call once more and writing the encouraging foreword ' to this coining-of-age number. In thanking him for his congratulations ·to the Association on reaching this important milestone, we know .that members of the ·Association would like us to. record our deep appreciation of the lively interest he has displayed· in our affairs .throughout the years. I' Why not make this, the year of our 21st. anniversary, a really memorable. one? Do· your best to support the functions arranged by your Committee and if. you cannot: attend them all, · at least come to_ one or two. The winter programme (on _page 7) · .gives the actual dates and now is the time to make a note of them. As a start, please try -to come to the Annual General Meeting at the College on· Sunday afternoon, 23rd October, 1949. When we went to press, Bob Dowd, our indefatigable soccer secretary, was busily engaged in compiling fixture lists for the two XIs· he hopes to run this season; aided and abetted by his match secretary, Wally· Palmer.· He is also striving to· obtain . the hire of a ground for the season or a limited number of- home games. We wish him .luck. and, in doing so, would remind members that if they know or hear of a ground which we· could hire-:-if ?nly for a ,few Sat_urdays-would they 'please tell us soon .. - .. We. were delighted to learn. that .the ·College had passed flymg colours the last" June by a team .of mspectors from the Ivflmstry of Education. · We never doubted that they would, but an. inspection _of this nature marks an ·important_ phase in the life of the College and we congratulate . the Brothers, lay masters and boys on obtaining· a first-class· report. .. .2 ,- ,1 The AnntJal l\'lass £or deceased Old Boys will be said the College Chapel on Sunday, 6th November, 1949. One of our priest ·members will say Mass and we hope there will be a good attendance. The time of Mass-10.45 a.m ....,-gives members who live some distance from the College a!llple time to get there .. I . Subscriptions have come in quite well during the past year, , but even. the Secretary and Treasurer have spent a great deal· of time, stationery and postage stamps in rounding up the forgetful ones. It has been suggested that the enclosed Subscription Remittance Note might act as a convenient form of reminder. Moreover, when you send in your sub. (by the way, the sooner the better), the note would be self-explanatory and you would be relieved of writing except-we jot down some news or gossip for, possible inclusion Personalia·. College Building Fund has now reached the total of approximately £3,490: As explained in the last issue of Concordia, a good method of lending a hand is to complete a Deed of . Don Mulvihill will be pleased . to· send you one on request. .· Those who want Old Boys'· Squares· or Ties may obtain them from Messrs. Martin and Co., 7 Irving Street, W.C.2 (Whitehall 1319), at the following prices:.. · Sqpares - 19/6 each. Ties 9/6 and 6/6 each. Irving· Street is a turning off the end (Jf Charing Cross Road. · -... J. - • . Finally, if you \vish to 'write to. the Secretary, Treasurer or_:, ·Editor, their addresses are: · .. Derrick. Jones (Secreta1y), 112 Poplar Road South, ·:rvrerton Park, · . -S:W.19; telephone No.· LIBerty 4518; · .· . :O.on Mulvihill (Treasurer),_10 Nightingale· Square, S.W.12. · Bill Madigan ·(Editor), 8. Egerton Road, New Surrey; . , telephone No. MALden 4748. OBITUARY .. ..'. It is with. the deepest regret ·that .we have·· recently heard of the death. in August, 1947, of J. D. ·He had lived ,-, in the Falkland Isles for many years and returned to. London to undergo an_, operation from which. he died. · · 3 .. ' . _· ... ·I ' .... -- . , .. PERSONALIA -- .. JOHN CULLEN (1934-1939) wrote from· St. Mary's College at Strawberry Hill. He hopes to be teaching by July next year. Two of his contemporaries, GORDON PRICE and ANGEL, finished their courses last July. · . ·We recently : met A. A. BELLAMY,. A.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I., who left the College about 1932. He is a senior architect with the Ministry of We recall the excellent portrait of the late Jack O'Donohoe which he contributed in 1933 for . in Concordia: :We still have room, inter alia, for ·that type , of contribution-any offers ? Congratulations to TED FIDGEON on his to Miss Patricia Sumner on the 23rd April, 1949. We deeply regret that PETER MARSHAM, whose conjuring displays at pre-war Garden Fetes will be remembered by some, is going blind. He is· .a trained P.B.X. telephone operator. He at present has a temporary job, but if anyone is aware of a vacant situat!on: now or in :the: future, please Jet him know direct-his address is 35 Liberia Road, High bury Corner,. N.5. GERARD LORRIM.AN has been Medical Adviser with C.I.B.A. Laboratories, Ltd. , Horsham, Sussex, since· July, 1948. He is married and has a son aged two. · DENIS IDCKS has left the L.C.C. and is now employed as · Electoral Registration Assistant with the Willesden Borough Council. One. advantage is. that the job .is on his doorstep at Cricklewood.·· He is still an enthusiastic rambler and occasionally .acts' as' leader. · · · .. · · · · · · · · Congratulations to ERIC FOTI on his marriage . in· August to Miss Winifred Constable. The Press- gave considerable prominence to .the event, commenting on their· proposed attempt next Novem- ber, to journey by car from Algiers . .to Capetown. They will be in a party of four who hope. to. cross the Sahara and go through · the Belgian Congo ·in 20 days and thus. break the existing record . by four days. Best Of luck-you will certainly need _it ! : . ·FATHER WARJ.liLOW sent a welcome note· from Quarr Abbey, Ryde, I. of W. ·He mentioned that he had a letter last Christmas from DONA:LD BEESON (1924-25) . from · New York, who wanted all the Clapham news and was full of of old · · Congratuh1tions to JOHN REIDY, M.A., on his mar·riage to Miss Elizabeth Williams, M.A., at St. ·Mary's Church, Worksop, on the 2nd ·August, .1949. We believe that they left for ·Canada last month, where John is to take up the position of .Jecttirer in English Literature at London, Ontario University. Congratulations to CAS.. BOUNEVAILLE on his recent engagement to Miss Margaret Smith, of Rayleigh, Essex. This important event was sandwiched between incessant flights on the Berlin air-lift with successive spells of four weeks in Germany and one at home. · . RON IDLL demobbed , from the Royal Corps of in 1948. He is Managing· Clerk to a firm ·of solicitors . and is now engaged on · an intensive ·course of · study. He ·is married. 4 When JOHN VEASEY_)eft the R.A.F. he joined the Civil ·Service, but subsequently.
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