Issue 4 ▪ 2019 MEET DAN BROUILLETTE CEQ’s ProPOSED CHANGES TO NEPA RECLAMATION NEWS: Arch’s West VirginiA ENVIRONMENTAL AwaRDS UPDATED MEMBERSHIP LISTS Find Us on Facebook f coalenergyonline fhttps://www.facebook.com/coalenergyonline table of contents Features: 7 Meet Dan Brouillett: Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy 10 Proposed NEPA Changes Provide a Positive First Step in Addressing Permitting World News: Inefficiencies INDIA 16 Departments: 16 World News: INDIA 35 Member Spotlights 36 Reclamation News: Arch Operations Garner Four West Virginia Environmental Awards In every issue: 03 Letter from your Publisher 04 Association Comparisons 19 In the Press 26 Association Members 38 Industry Events CEQ’s Proposed 40 Index to Advertisers Changes to NEPA 10 40 Upcoming Issue Published & Produced By: Martonick Publications, Inc. President: Contributing Writers: Maria Martonick Maria Martonick PO Box 244322 Elizabeth Sendich Boynton Beach, FL 33424 Vice President: Ari Kahan Steve Martonick Laura McGinnis Toll Free Phone: (866) 387-0967 Grant Vaught Toll Free Fax: (866) 458-6557 Managing Editor: Stephanie Weiler A.J. Raleigh [email protected] Graphic Designer: www.martonickpublications.com Research Coordinator: Natalia Filatkina www.coalenergyonline.com Vivian Mofeed The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles contained in Coal Energy are those of the respective authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publisher. © Copyright 2019 ▌ Feature: COAL ENERGY ▌ 2013 ▪ 2 letter from THE PUBLISHER Dear readers, are happy to provide you with an updated membership list starting on page 26. Welcome to Issue 4, 2019. As we close out the year, we are pleased to present the Please visit our website, www.coalener- Council on Environmental Quality’s long gyonline.com, for current and prior editions awaited proposed changes to the National of Coal Energy. Environmental Policy Act governing regula- tions. NEPA compliance has caused sig- You can also like and share our facebook nificant project delays and escalated costs page (www.facebook.com/coalenergyon- in our industry. According to Rich Nolan, line) created to network with the nations NMA president “Our permitting process is promoters of coal, suppliers of coal, and to broken, and NEPA’s problems play a big part serve as a public interface for the image of in the unnecessary obstacles standing in the coal energy. way of the responsible use of our natural With the ongoing trend and convenience of JANUARY 2020 resources.” For further reading, please turn electronic publications, we are pleased to to page ten. inform you our online readership is increas- In this issue we meet Dan Brouillette, our ing daily. To be added to our digital delivery new Secretary of the U.S. Department of database, please send an email to info@ Energy. Brouillette was sworn in on Decem- martonickpublications.com with your ber 11, 2019. Secretary Brouillette has three subject as Digital Delivery. We are proud to decades of experience in both the public announce that our facebook page now has and private sector. More about Brouillette a weekly reach of over 5,000 contacts and is can be found on page 8. liked by over 1,800 individuals and compa- nies who support coal and coal energy. Also featured are the recipients of the West Virginia Environmental Awards. Arch Coal, We extend a warm appreciation to our sup- Inc.’s eastern operations were recently hon- porting advertisers, please support them as ored with four awards. they make the publication you are reading possible. If your target market spans across In our World News section we take a look to members of more than one coal associa- at EIA’s analysis on India’s projected energy tion, then Coal Energy is the place for you consumption. to represent your company. Please contact our advertising sales representatives should Coal Energy is proud to be able to provide you require additional information at info@ quick news updates gathered from various martonickpublications.com. sources to create a wealth of industry infor- mation at the click of a button. From newly And again, thank you for picking up, or released equipment, to quarterly finance clicking on, another edition of Coal Energy. news, you can easily review important industry happenings in our press release If you have any questions, editorial submis- department, beginning on page 19. sions, advertising interest or just comments about Coal Energy please feel free to email Coal Energy is the source journal for in- me directly at maria@martonickpublica- formation about coal related associations tions.com. in the industry. We provide information on different groups to benefit your com- Warmest regards, panies’ needs and targets. By providing information at a glance on each group, and including current member lists and events, your company can analyze the forums avail- Maria Martonick able to market, promote, and lobby for President America’s future regarding coal energy. We Martonick Publications, Inc. 3 ▪ 2019 ▌COAL ENERGY ▌ Association Comparisons ASSOCIATION COMPARISONS ▌ Association Comparisons ► THE National MINING ► AMERICAN COAL ASH ASSOCIATION Association MISSION: The ACAA advances the management and use MISSION: of coal combustion products in ways that are NMA's mission is to build support for public pol- environmentally responsible, technically sound, icies that will help Americans fully and respon- commercially competitive and more supportive sibly benefit from our abundant domestic coal of a sustainable global community. and mineral resources. Our objective is to en- gage in and influence the public process on the most significant and timely issues that impact https://www.acaa-usa.org mining's ability to safely and sustainably locate, permit, mine, transport and utilize the nation's AMERICAN COAL COUNCIL vast resources. ► MISSION: NMA serves its membership by: American Coal Council (ACC) provides relevant • Promoting the safe production and use educational programs, market intelligence, ad- of coal and mineral resources vocacy support and peer-to-peer networking • Establishing a strong political presence forums to advance members’ commercial and in the Nation's Capital professional development interests. • Serving as the information center for and a single voice of U.S. mining ACC represents the collective interests of the • Addressing the current and future American coal industry ~ from the hole-in-the- policy needs of U.S. mining, mining equipment ground to the plug-in-the-wall ~ in advocating manufacturers and support services members for coal as an economic, abundant and environ- of NMA mentally sound fuel source ACC serves as an es- sential resource for industry, policy makers and https://www.nma.org public interest groups. The Association supports activities and objectives that advance coal sup- ply, consumption, transportation and trading. ►NATIONAL COAL TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION https://www.americancoalcouncil.org MISSION: To promote the safe, economical, and reliable WORLD Coal Association transport of coal by facilitating communication ► among coal transport, allied industries and as- MISSION: sociations to maximize sharing of best-practices The World Coal Association is a global indus- to serve the needs of industry and the public. try association comprising the major interna- tional coal producers and stakeholders. WCA https://movecoal.org works to demonstrate and gain acceptance for the fundamental role coal plays in achiev- ing a sustainable and lower carbon energy fu- AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MINING AND ture. Membership is open to companies and RECLAMATION not-for-profit organizations with a stake in the ► future of coal from anywhere in the world, MISSION: with member companies represented at Chief ASMR's mission is to represent and serve a di- Executive level.WCA is the global network for verse national and international community the coal industry. of scientists, practitioners, private industry, https://www.worldcoal.org technicians, educators, planners, and govern- ment regulators involved in mineral extraction and the reclamation of disturbed lands. ASMR RMEL promotes the advancement of basic and ap- ► plied reclamation science through research and MISSION: RMEL, through its diverse member- technology transfer in the Society's annual meet- ship, educational events, and programs, facili- ings, workshops, published proceedings, news- tates the discovery of solutions and strategies letters, Reclamation Matters magazine, and the for vital issues facing the electric utility indus- ASMR web site. try. https://www.asmr.us https://www.rmel.org 5 ▪ 2019 ▌COAL ENERGY ▌ Meet Dan Brouillette Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy 7 ▪ 2019 ▌COAL ENERGY ▌ Feature: Meet Dan Brouillette Dan Brouillette being sworn in on December 11, 2019. Danny Ray Brouillette (born August 18, 1962) nomination by a 70–15 vote. Brouillette was is an American politician and businessman formally sworn in on December 11, 2019. who has served as the United States Secre- Dan Brouillette serves as the 15th Secretary tary of Energy since December 4, 2019. He of the U.S. Department of Energy. Secretary previously served as the Deputy Secretary of Brouillette has three decades of experience Energy from August 2017 to December 2019. in both the public and private sector. Brouillette is originally from Paincourtville, Louisiana. He graduated from the University He also served as the Senior Vice President of Maryland. and head of public policy for USAA, the Na- tion’s leading provider
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