LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY sentative’s attorney are set forth below. by the Agency Clerk of the District at the persons having claims or demands against IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE All creditors of the decedent and oth- District’s Brooksville address, 2379 Broad VJG GUVCVG QH VJG FGEGFGPV OWUV ſNG VJGKT THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF er persons having claims or demands 5VTGGV$TQQMUXKNNG(.YKVJKP claims with this court WITHIN THREE THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR against decedent’s estate, on whom a 21 days of publication of this notice (or MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY copy of this notice is required to be served within14 days for an Environmental Re- FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. JUVENILE DIVISION OWUVſNGVJGKTENCKOUYKVJVJKUEQWTV9+6*- source Permit with Proprietary Authoriza- ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO DIVISION: S IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR IN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER tion for the use of Sovereign Submerged FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION .CPFU (CKNWTGVQſNGCTGSWGUVHQTJGCT- IN THE INTEREST OF: CASE ID: ing within this time period shall constitute 6JG FCVG QH VJG ſTUV RWDNKECVKQP QH VJKU CIVIL DIVISION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER Notice is January 29, 2021. M.L. DOB: 01/02/2013 19-409 CASE NO.: 19-CC-000737 THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF a waiver of any right such person may Child THIS NOTICE ON THEM. have to request a hearing under Sections Personal Representative: BLACK DIAMOND PROPERTY OWNERS CPF(5 LORI GILLETT NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING All other creditors of the decedent and ASSOCIATION, INC., Because the administrative hearing pro- 2QUV1HſEG$QZ ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL other persons having claims or demands Mango, Florida 33550 RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS Plaintiff, CICKPUV FGEGFGPVŏU GUVCVG OWUV ſNG VJGKT EGUUKUFGUKIPGFVQHQTOWNCVGſPCNCIGPE[ vs. claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS CEVKQP VJG ſNKPI QH C RGVKVKQP OGCPU VJCV Attorney for Personal Representative: STATE OF FLORIDA BLUE SKY LAND, LLC, A COLORADO AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- VJG&KUVTKEVŏUſPCNCEVKQPOC[DGFKHHGTGPV JOHN W. GARDNER, ESQUIRE TO: Marvin Lee (father) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, LICATION OF THIS NOTICE. from the position taken by it in this notice THE GARDNER LAW FIRM DOB: 03/15/1987 Defendant(s). QH ſPCN CIGPE[ CEVKQP 2GTUQPU YJQUG 221 East Robertson Street ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN substantial interests will be affected by Last Known Address: 421 E. Ohio THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN Brandon, Florida 33511 NOTICE OF SALE CP[ UWEJ ſPCN FGEKUKQP QH VJG &KUVTKEV QP %QWTV6CORC(.0 SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA 22nd Street, Tampa FL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pur- the application have the right to petition to FLORIDA BAR NO.: 745219 PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER become a party to the proceeding, in ac- A Petition for Termination of Parental suant to the Final Judgment of Fore clos- BARRED. 1/29-2/5/21LG 2T ure entered on January 14, 2021 by the cordance with the requirements set forth 4KIJVU WPFGT QCVJ JCU DGGP ſNGF KP VJKU NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- above. —————————————————— court regarding the above-referenced chil- County Court of Citrus County, Florida, the RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM property described as: Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, dren. You are to appear before the Honor- FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE able Kim Hernandez Brennan, at 4:15 p.m. Lot 77, Bermuda Dunes Village, Ac- F.S., to settle an administrative dispute THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF TGICTFKPIVJG&KUVTKEVŏUſPCNCEVKQPKPVJKU QP/CTEJ at 800 E. Twiggs Street, cording to the Plat thereof recorded DEATH IS BARRED. IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH %QWTV4QQO6CORC(NQTKFCHQT in Plat Book 13, Page 112 through OCVVGTKUPQVCXCKNCDNGRTKQTVQVJGſNKPIQH COUNTY, FLORIDA 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG a request for hearing. a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS 114, inclusive of the public records is: January 22, 2021. FAMILY LAW DIVISION ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear of Citrus County, Florida. 1/29/21LG 1T %#5'01&4 QPVJGFCVGCPFCVVJGVKOGURGEKſGF will be sold at public sale by the Citrus Personal Representative: —————————————————— DAVID DURETT BULLOCK DIVISION: B FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR County Clerk of Court, to the highest and AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- best bidder, for cash, electronically online 7099 W. Quiana Lane NOTICE OF FINAL AGENCY ACTION IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF Dunnellon, Florida 34433 TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- at www.citrus.realforeclose.com at 10:00 BY THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA DALLAS T. RUFFIN, TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS A.M. on February 18, 2021. Personal Representative’s Attorneys: WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Petitioner/Wife, CHILD (THESE CHILDREN). IF YOU FAIL Derek B. Alvarez, Esq. - FBN 114278 Any person claiming an interest in the Notice is given that the District has and TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME surplus from the sale, if any, other than [email protected] SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL approve d the application for Individual ISAAC RUFFIN JR, the property owner as of the date of the lis #PVJQP[(&KGEKFWG'US($0 RIGHTS TO THE CHILD (OR CHILDREN) Environmental Resource Permit to serve Respondent/Husband. RGPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPUKZV[ [email protected] a subdivision project known as Whiting - WHOSE INITIALS APPEAR ABOVE. days after the sale. 9JKVPG[%/KTCPFC'US($0 Anderson Snow. AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION Pursuant to Administrative Order If you are a person with a disability who [email protected] The project is located in Hernando BY PUBLICATION BY LA GACETA AOSC20-23 of the Supreme Court of Flori- needs any accommodation in order to par- GENDERSALVAREZDIECIDUE, P.A. County, Section 34 Township 23 South NEWSPAPER da, all courts shall employ methods to mini- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, OK\GVJGTKUMQH%18+&GZRQUWTG2WT- 2307 West Cleveland Street and Range 18 East. TO: +UCCE4WHſP,T at no cost to you, to the provision of certain 6CORC(NQTKFC suant to Administrative Order S-2020-023 assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- The permit applicant is William Ryan 9JQUGNCUVMPQYPCFFTGUUKU' of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for (CZ VJ#XGPWG6CORC(. dinator for Citrus County, John Sullivan, Eservice for all attorneys listed above: Homes Florida, Inc. Hillsborough County, any essential depen- CV CV NGCUV FC[U DGHQTG GADeservice@GendersAlvarez,com The permit number is 43044998.000. and whose present address is: Unknown dency proceedings should be conducted your scheduled court appearance, or im- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an through teleconferencing. 1/22-1/29/21LG 2T 6JG ſNG U RGTVCKPKPI VQ VJG RTQLGEV TG- OGFKCVGN[WRQPTGEGKXKPIVJKUPQVKſECVKQPKH ferred to above is available for inspection action for Dissolution of Marriage with Mi- Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and the time before the scheduled appearance —————————————————— /QPFC[ VJTQWIJ (TKFC[ GZEGRV HQT NGICN PQT%JKNFTGPJCUDGGPſNGFCICKPUV[QWD[ I (NQTKFC 5VCVWVGU [QW CTG is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the &CNNCU64WHſPCPF[QWCTGTGSWKTGFVQ hereby informed of the availability of avail- voice impaired, call 711. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FlFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND Southwest Florida Water Management serve a copy of your written defenses, if ability of private placement of the child with /s/ Ciara C. Willis, Esquire FOR CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA &KUVTKEV &KUVTKEV 6CORC 5GTXKEG 1HſEG any, to it, on the Attorney, whose name CP CFQRVKQP GPVKV[ CU FGſPGF KP 5GEVKQP *KIJYC[0QTVJ6CORC(NQTKFC and address is: (NQTKFC5VCVWVGU Florida Bar No.: 125487 %#5'01%## [email protected] Tomoko Ransen, Esquire If you are a person with a disability who Fla. Bar No. 121903 H. Web Melton III, Esq. GWENDOLYN COOK and GLEN COOK, NOTICE OF RIGHTS needs any accommodation to participate Florida Bar No. 0037703 Plaintiffs, Bay Area Legal Services, Inc., in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no Any person whose substantial interests 1302 N. 19th Street, Suite 400 [email protected] v. cost to you, to the provision of certain as- are affected by the District’s action regard- 6CORC(NQTKFC sistance. Please contact Administrative BUSH ROSS, P.A. BARBARA L. FITZGERALD, MARGARET ing this permit may request an administra- GZV 2QUV1HſEG$QZ 1HſEG QH VJG %QWTVU #VVGPVKQP #&# %Q- F. FOSTER a/k/a MARGARET F. tive hearing in accordance with Sections CPF ſNG VJG QTKIKPCN YKVJ VJG %NGTM QH VJG ordinator, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, 6CORC(. BOUNDS and ELLEN L. MATANLE, CPF (NQTKFC 5VCVWVGU 2JQPG above-styled Court on or before February (.2JQPG*GCTKPI Defendants. (5 CPF %JCRVGT (NQTKFC #F- 27, 2021, otherwise judgment may be en- Impaired: 1-800-955-8771, Voice impaired: (CZ ministrative Code (F.A.C.), of the Uniform Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF ACTION tered against you for the relief demanded GOCKN#&#"ƀLWFQTI 1/29-2/5/21LG 2T Rules of Procedure. A request for hear- in the Petition. within two working days of your receipt of KPI OWUV GZRNCKP JQY VJG UWDUVCPVKCN —————————————————— TO: BARBARA L. FITZGERALD and Copies of all court documents in this this summons at least 7 days before your ELLEN L. MATANLE, and, if deceased, interests of each person requesting the scheduled court appearance, or immedi- hearing will be affected by the District’s case, including orders, are available at the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR VJGKTWPMPQYPURQWUGUJGKTUDGPGſEK %NGTMQHVJG%KTEWKV%QWTVŏUQHſEG;QWOC[ CVGN[WRQPTGEGKXKPIVJKUPQVKſECVKQPKHVJG aries, devisees, grantees, creditors and CEVKQPQTſPCNCEVKQP UVCVGCNNOCVGTKCN time before the scheduled appearance is CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA facts disputed by each person request- review these documents upon request. PROBATE DIVISION all other parties claiming by, through, less than 7 days. If you are hearing or voice under or against them, and all other ing the hearing or state that there are no You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit impaired, call 711.
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