THE METROPOLITAN[MUSEUM OF ART 3 0620 006083256 Checklist of American Silversmiths' Work 1650-1850 in Museums in the New York Metropolitan Area Copyright © 1968 by The Metropolitan Museum of Art Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 68-18952 Thi s checklist of American silver in the collections of muse­ ums in the metropolitan area of New York is the second pub­ lishing endeavor supported by the Friends of the American Wing of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The first, in 1963, was the catalogue of the exhibition American Art from Amer­ ican Collections. I should like to take this opportunity to express grati­ tude to all who have worked long and hard to produce the checklist. To the Friends of the American Wing goes my deep appreciation for their continued interest and support. James Biddle Curator, American Wing December 1967 Th e research for this checklist was initiated as a class project for my course in American Decorative Arts offered jointly by the Metropolitan Museum and Columbia University. Subse­ quently it was expanded with aid from the New York State Council on the Arts and the Museum's Friends of the Ameri­ can Wing. I wish to thank not only these organizations, but also Patricia Fitzgerald Mandel and Elizabeth Stuart Gerry, who, working under their sponsorship, arranged the data into its present form; my thanks go also to the students who did so much of the necessary field work. The project could not have been accomplished without the devoted cooperation of the following colleagues: Marvin D. Schwartz of the Brooklyn Museum, Carolyn Scoon of the New-York Historical Society, Margaret Stearns of the Museum of the City of New York, and Berry B. Tracy, formerly of the Newark Museum, now Associate Curator of the Metropolitan's American Wing. Thanks are due also to Frances Gruber of the Metropolitan Museum, and especially to James Biddle, Curator of the American Wing; the realization of this publication owes much to his friendly support. Carl Christian Dauterman Associate Curator, Western European Arts f BIBLIOGRAPHY BRIX, MAURICE. Philadelphia Silversmiths and Allied Arti­ ficers 1682-1850. (Privately printed, Philadelphia, 1920) CURRIER, ERNEST M. Marks of Early American Silver­ smiths. (The Southworth-Anthoensen Press, Portland, Me.; B. Quaritch, London, 1938) ENSKO, STEPHEN G.C. American Silversmiths and Their Marks III. (Privately printed, New York, 1948) KOVEL, RALPH M. and TERRY H. A Directory of Ameri­ can Silver, Pewter and Silver Plate. (Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1961) NEW YORK STATE SILVERSMITHS. (The Darling Founda­ tion of New York State Early American Silversmiths and Silver, Eggertsville, N.Y., 1964) RICE, NORMAN S. Albany Silver 1652-1825. (Albany Insti­ tute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y., 1964) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MM A Metropolitan Museum of Art N YHS New-York Historical Society MCN Y Museum of the City of New York BK LN Brooklyn Museum NM Newark Museum ad. advertised ap. apprenticed b. born bap. baptized c. circa d. died D. Directory fr. freeman pr- pair w. worked w .c. worked circa The dates immediately following the silver­ smith's name, if any are present, are those of his life span. In many cases these dates are at present unknown; in other cases only the birth, baptism, or death date is known. In the main, the dates given herein follow those in recent publications of the Darling Foundation and the Albany Insti­ tute of History and Art, with a few omissions and discrepancies corrected through recourse to museum records. Such new information is iden­ tified in this manner: (source: MCNY). L r ADAM, John, Jr. 1780-1843 Alexandria, Va. MM A Pitcher ADAMS, William L. New York, N.Y.; D. 1831-1842 NYHS Tea and coffee set (6 pieces; waste bowl by J. H. Johnson, MCNY) MCNY Bowl Goblet Mug Pitcher Sauceboat B K L N Pitcher N M Mug AIKEN, George. 1765-1832 Baltimore, Md. N M Coffeepot ALLEN, John. 1671-1760 Boston, Mass. MM A Porringer (with John Edwards) ALSTYNE, Jeronimus New York, N.Y.; w.c. 1787-1798 MM A Teapot with stand MCNY Sugar tongs ANDERSON, William New York, N.Y.; ap. 1717, fr. 1746 MCNY Candlesticks (pr.) ANTHONY, Joseph, Jr. 1762-1814 Philadelphia, Pa. MM A Punch ladles (2) ARNOLD, Thomas. 1739-1828 Newport, R.I.;w.c. 1760-1796 M M A Cream pitcher AUSTIN, Josiah. 1718-1780 Charlestown, Mass. M M A Porringer Saltcellars (pr.) Teapot B BAILEY & CO. Philadelphia, Pa.; c. 1848 NYHS Pitchers (pr.) BAILEY, John. 1736-1815 Fishkill and Verplanck's Point, N.Y.; New York, N.Y., c. 1760; Philadelphia, Pa., D.1785 M M A Sword mounts and hanger BAILEY & KITCHEN Philadelphia, Pa.;w.c. 1833-1846 MM A Beaker Bowls with covers (2) BAILEY, Loring. 1780-1814 Hingham, Mass. MM A Spoon BAILEY, William, b. 1818 Utica, N.Y. MCNY Teaspoon BAKER, George Providence, R.I.; Salem, Mass.; w. 1825 M M A Mug BALDWIN & CO. Newark, N.J.; New York, N.Y.; w.c. 1830 NM Teaspoons (2) BALDWIN, Jabez. 1777-1819 Boston and Salem, Mass. N Y H s Cream pitcher Sugar bowl BALDWIN, Stanley S. New York, N.Y.; D. 1827-1837 NYHS Teaspoon BALL, TOMPKINS & BLACK New York, N.Y.; c. 1839-1851 M M A Tea and coffee set (6 pieces) NYHS Child's forks (2) Child's knife Forks (12) Salt spoons (2) Tablespoons (2) Waste bowl (belongs to tea set by Frederick Marquand, NYHS) MCNY Flatware (incomplete set) Fork Hot-water kettle Pitcher and 2 goblets Pitchers (2) Teaspoons (6) N M Footed bowl BANCKER, Adrian. 1703-1772 New York, N.Y. M M A Beaker Bowl Cream pitcher Porringer Tankard MCNY Spoon Sucket fork Sugar and spice casters (set of 3) BARRY, Standish. 1763-1844 Baltimore, Md. M M A Ladle BARTLETT, Nathaniel Concord, Mass.; w. 1762 MMA Spoon BARTON, E(rastus), & Co. New York, N.Y.; D. 1814-1824 as jewelers MCNY Teaspoon BAYLEY, Simeon A. New York, N.Y.; w.c. 1785-1797 MMA Teapot MCNY Cake basket Teapot and stand BEAL, Caleb. 1746-1801 Hingham and Boston, Mass. N M Cream pitcher BELLONI (Louis J.)& DURANDEAU (John) New York, N.Y.; D. 1835-1836 MMA Pitcher BENEDICT, Andrew C. New York, N.Y.; D. 1833-1839; w.c. 1833- after 1887 (source: MCNY) NYHS Forks (5) Teaspoons (2) MCNY Mustard spoon BENEDICT, M. (Martin?) New York, N.Y.; D. 1825-1840 MMA Salt spoon Spoon BENEDICT (Martin) & SCUDDER (Egbert) New York, N.Y.; D. 1827-1837 MCNY Dessertspoons (3) BENEDICT, Samuel W. New York, N.Y.; w. 1821-1864 (source: MCNY) MCNY Spoon BENJAMIN, A. & CO. New Haven, Conn.; 1815 NYHS Tablespoon BENJAMIN, Barzillai. 1774-1844 New York, N.Y. BKLN Teaspoons (4) (mark BB in rectangle) BENJAMIN, EVERHARD & CO. New Haven, Conn.; 1830 NYHS Tablespoon Teaspoons (12) BKLN Butter knife BENJAMIN, John Stratford, Conn.; w. 1743-1796 BKLN Cream pitcher BERARD, E. Philadelphia, Pa.; w. 1800 BKLN Spoon BESLEY, Thauvet Netherlands, 1729; New York, N.Y.; w.c. 1727-1757 NYHS Bowl Tablespoon Tankard MCNY Porringers (2) Tea caddies (2) BILLINGS, Andrew. 1743-1808 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. MCNY Basting spoon BLANCK, Jurian (or Jeurisen), Jr. 1644-1714 New York, N.Y. MMA Beaker MCNY Casters (2) (possibly by Blanck) Spoons (5) (attributed to Blanck) Tankard (possibly by Blanck) BOEHME, Charles Louis. 1774-1868 Baltimore, Md.; w.c. 1799-1812 MMA Waiter BOELEN, Henricus, II. 1684-1755 New York, N.Y. MMA Tankard NYHS Snuffbox Wine taster MCNY Mug Sucket fork Tankard BKLN Communion beaker BOELEN, Jacob New York, N.Y.; w. 1659-1729/30 MMA Bowls with handles (2) Spout cup with cover Tankard Teapot Town seal Wine taster BKLN Tankard BOELEN, Jacob, II. bap. 1733, d. 1786 New York, N.Y. MMA Bowl with cover BOELEN, Jacob, III New York, N.Y.; c. 1785 MCNY Soupspoon (possibly by Jacob Boelen II) BOGARDUS, Everardus. b. 1675 New York, N.Y.; fr. 1698 NYHS Buckle (gold) BOGERT, Nicholas J. New York, N.Y.; w.c. 1800-1830 NYHS Water pitcher NM Tea set (3 pieces) BOSTWICK, Zalmon New York, N.Y.; D. 1845-1852 MCNY Tea set (4 pieces) BOUDO, Louis Charleston, S.C.;w.c. 1801-1827 MMA Label (for decanter) Map case BOUTIER, John New York, N.Y.; D. 1803-1821 MMA Sugar tongs MCNY Serving spoon Teaspoon BOWNE, Samuel New York, N.Y.; w.c. 1778-1819 MCNY Tea set (5 pieces) BOYCE, Geradus (or Gerardus) New York, N.Y.; D. 1820-1841, 1857 MMA Dish cross NYHS Baby's mug Butter knives (2) Forks (2) Mustard spoon Sugar tongs Tea set (4 pieces) Teaspoon Water pitcher and salver MCNY Cream pitcher Mugs (2) Tea set (3 pieces) Teaspoon BOYCE (Geradus) & JONES (William) New York, N.Y.; D. 1825 MMA Tea set (4 pieces) NM Serving spoons (4) BOYCE, John New York, N.Y.; D. 1801-1802 MCNY Teaspoons (4) BOYD, Joseph W. New York, N.Y.; w.c. 1816-1818 MCNY Teaspoons (2) BOYER, Daniel. 1726-1779 Boston, Mass. MMA Mug BOYNTON & WOODFORD c. 1800 N M Tablespoons (2) BRACKETT, Jeffrey Boston, Mass.; c. 1815-1876 NM Dessertspoons (2) BRADBURY, Theophilus Newburyport, Mass.; 1815 BKLN Teaspoon BRASHER, Ephraim. 1744-1810 New York, N.Y. MMA Bowl Coffeepot Sugar tongs NYHS Coffeepot Cream pitchers (2) Shoe buckles (pr.) Sugar bowl with cover Tablespoons (2) Teapot MCNY Spoon Sugar bowl with cover Tankard Teapot Teaspoon BKLN Porringer BREED, William Boston, Mass.; w. 1750 MMA Caster L f BRENTON, Benjamin. 1695-1749 Newport, R.I. MMA Porringer (probably by Brenton) Spoon BREVOORT, John. 1715-1775 New York, N.Y. MMA Bowl with cover Porringer Tankard NYHS Sugar bowl MCNY Sugar tongs N M Cream pitcher BRIGDEN, Zachariah.
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