Restaurant brings a taste of England - Local news, A3 Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and 9 Plymouth Township for 117 I» years Worldly chef PLYMOUTH Keith Famie's new book chronicles SUNDAY mternationai Junel 2003 foods 0 b 0 ^ r u e r 75 cents Taster B1 V olum e 117 N u m b e r 8 0 ivwiv.homstoivnlife.com © 2 0 0 3 H o m e to w n C ommunications N etw o rk D is tr ic t re s to re s fa b s Administration m ust find $200k in Picture Dad' We re celebrating Dad this year with a special new budget cuts contest Send us a favorite photograph of BY TONY BRUSCATO you and your Dad with a STAFF WRITER short caption explaining why its your favorite Once again, it was the case of the (funny sentimental or squeaky wheel gets the grease just interesting) We II The old adage came true again hold a drawing of all PAUL HURSCHMANN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Tuesday night when dozens of teach­ entries and award the ers, students and former students winner with four tickets spoke loudly and clearly in favor of to the Ford Senior Players Back In time keeping math and wnting labs at Championship at the TPC Discovery Middle School eighth-graders Jonathan Watson, Brittany McKinney, Samantha Haskin Dan Berryman, Demir Selimi, James Krogoi and Plymouth-Canton Educational Park in Dearborn good for Lindsey Liwienski perform drill maneuvers with wooden rifles during the Civil War re-enactment last week Nearly 300 Discovery Middle School They eventually got their way as by your choice of any one eighth-graders received a slice of Civil War era life as re-enactors showed students what it was like to fire a Civil War-era gun and cannon, how to the end of the night the labs were day visit July 713 Pro cook on a campfire, medical procedures to help the injured, and, what people m the 1860s did for fun reinstated golfers expected to com The situation was similar to one pete m this PGA several weeks ago, m which propo­ Champions Tour major nents of the Reading Recovery pro­ include JackNicklaus gram pleaded their case to the Board ip Hale Irwin Tom Watson of Education, and eventually saved Ray Floyd Tom Kite Fuzzy the $150,000 needed to keep the pro­ Zoellerand rookie Craig Parade seeking folks to carry flags gram that helps at-nsk elementary Stadier All tickets include students free parking and shuttle chance to date on July 4 the parade, which at 7 30 For Superintendent Jim Ryan, it’s Ford will expand its Annual 4th of Ju ly rite will also She’s been chosen to smg the a m IS billed as Michigan’s back to the drawing board to slash Centennial Celebration by Star Spangled Banner to earliest Fourth of July festivi­ $200,000 in program and non- featuring classic cars on feature local singing sensations begin the Good Morning ty mstructional line items to wipe out a the course and a concert USA Parade at Mam Street The Good Morning USA $5 6 million budget deficit for the Saturday July 12 To enter BY TONY BRUSCATO said Van Esley who noted her and Penmraan in downtown parade will also feature teen 2003-04 school year send your photo to STAFF WR TER biggest claim to fame was Plymouth singing sensation Sarah The math department at the high Plymouth Observer singing With the Plymouth It s a dream come true Lenore Wiercioch of school IS begging for your help, said Brad Kadrich Chnsty Van Esley loves to Commumly Arts Councils said Van Esley I ve always Plymouth Wiercioch, who Salem High School teacher Tom 794 South Mam sing Whistle Stop Players I just wanted to sing in front of a goes by the name Sarah Cotner, who addressed the board with Plymouth Ml 48170 "Ever since I could talk I’d love to sing’ crowd” Lenore, will be on a float two dozen other math teachers “It’s All entries are due by 5 sing Twinkle Twinkle Little The 12-year-old from Van Esley will need to wake the kids we serve who will suffer dear­ pm Wednesday June 11 Star and the alphabet song, Plymouth will get her biggest up her singing voice early for PLEASE SEE PARADE, A4 ly if the situation stands Even if your name isnt ‘We cannot replace the good that selected for a prize you II math lab does with the cosmetic have a chance to show patchwork suggested by admmistra Dad how much he means tion,’said Cotner to you Look for your Cops look at vandalism as potential hate crime In math lab, teachers help students photo with Dad on who are having problems with the Father's Day Sunday BY BRAD KAORICH morning, she found them Emerald is the daughter of to put Emerald up for adop­ various math courses at the high June 15 STAFF WRITER destroyed, spray-painted LaFave s son, who is white, tion because her parents school level In the writing labs, stu­ along with other parts of the and an Afncan-Amencan failed a court-ordered pro­ dents tutor their peers in wnting Darlene LaFave just put up house and the hood of her car woman LaFave has had legal gram skills new shutters around the by someone who struck in the custody of her biracial grand­ The wording of some of the “It’s done amazing things, said S e n io r H a ^ front windows on the lower early hours of the morning daughter for some five years, graffiti spray-painted on Stephanie Kivell of Plymouth, who CHAMPIONSHI^ level of her Ikvistock home m And LaFave, 65, thinks the since the child was 22 LaFave’s house — KKK” and first participated in wntmg lab as a Plymouth Township last attack may have been related months old LaFave inter­ ‘Blood 4 Blood — have the student, and then as a mentor “It Saturday afternoon to her 7-year-old grand­ vened m an Ohio courtroom ■ Blood drive When she woke up Sunday daughter, Emerald Napthen when Ohio courts were going PLEASE SEE VANDALISM, A7 PLEASE SEE DISTRICT, A4 The Plymouth post office is hosting a blood drive Friday June 6 in cooperation with ■CRISIS IN HEALTH CARE- the American Red Cross and Comcast Walk ins are wei come but appointments are Hospital battle centers still available between ii a m S t a t e panel to decide f a t e o f andSpm To make an appointment call Barb at (734) on capacity, money 453 4669 The drive is being p l a n to transfer h o s p i t a l b e d s conducted at the Clipper office at Beck (47526 Clipper) BY ANNETTE KINGSBURY especially if he ever needs in­ BY ANNETTE KINGSBURY “It was very pamfiil,’^ she said STAFF WRITER patient care again, “would be STAFF WRITER "Suppose I have the baby m the ■ Rising stars the best, ’ Feldman said car But I wanted to be with The Rising Star singers a Bob Feldman, a 77-year-old Since 1980,23 hospitals have Patncia Mesquita was closer Dr (Richard) Smith because show choir consisting of 22 retiree from West Bloomfield, dosed in the city of Detroit, an to a hospital in her native he’s such a good guy ’ children ranging in age from loves his Henry Ford surgeon average of one a year Dunng Jamaica than she is now, living Henry Ford Hospital operates 813 from Plymouth (Canton So much so that he defies rush- that time, as the populations of in West Bloomfield a freestanding, 24-hour clinic and the surrounding area hour traffic to dnve to down­ Detroit and Wayne County have With a complicated first preg­ with operating rooms in West perform a Night with the town Detroit to see him been falling, people have been nancy, Mesquita, 32, endured Bloomfield But it’s never been Stars III concert 6 pm ‘ I go there because he spends moving to Oakland County two trips in labor — one at granted permission by the state Friday at the Canton High time with me, answers all my And while there is an PAUL HURSCHMANN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER seven months, when she was Certificate of Need Commission School Little Theatre questions,’ Feldman said ‘I abundance of hospitals in east­ Rob Casalou, president of Providence sent home, and another in to add in-patient beds So The group is coming off an have all the confidence in the ern Oakland County, there s Hospital in Southfield, said state October, when her baby was Mesquita couldn t deliver her houriong performance in world for them only one m the western half, government should be ashamed of born — from her home to Henry New York as part of the Having the ability to see his itself for stifling new visions for Ford Hospital in downtown Lincoln Centers youth per doctor in West Bloomfield, PLEASE SEE TRANSFER, AS health care delivery Detroit PLEASE SEE BATTLE, A6 formanceseries Fridays concert will feature group numbers as well as solos f ——— — 1 ending with Let There Be 4YR OLD DROP IN CONTACT US INDEX ' LOOKING AHEAD Peace Tickets are available Electnc stove side by side fridge patio table set Newsroom (734) 459 2700 Apartments D7 Jobs E3 at the door for $5 for adults Newsroom fax (7^) 459 4224 Bom to drive S3 for children and senior Classifeds-1 800 579 SELL Automotive F3 Movies B6 Thursday in Filter Springsteen A7 citizens Tickets are also was able to sell all my items with my ad Home delivery 1 866 88 PAPER Classified EF Obituaries Troubadour of the Highway an exhibit Clas^fied Index D2 New Homes D1 available at Village Music in your paper Thanks' MA Canton of photographs and music videos Crossword D4 Service Guide F2 130 E Liberty m Plymouth 1-800-579<«ELt.
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