:. 1943 =::::::. MEAT b1'OWn IltarnUE C. D. I: and F . Book 3 expire Unsettled Oct. 30: C~ B re ration: tI1lrd \nIpectlon period thrQu&h Oct. 31' • GAlt .tamp It and HOME CAN­ NING 8\amps 15 an4 18 . exptee Oct. 31 ; PROCF.SSED es' FOOl> stamp, X. Y an4 Z _Ire Hov. 10; BroWn THE DAILY A,N IOWA: ConUnu1D&' rain, windt IIlEAT stamp C. UPirH D«. 4; SKOIE stamp WOo Id loW ql\d 1ndUln I ~l y; J'lIEL On. p<>r. 1 cou pOns '43·'44. ezplre Jan.. 3. .". Iowa City/s Morning Newspaper SIC antt cu.rlicu. FIVE CENTS TUB A8800lAftD "BIll IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1943 TnB ASIO<aATBD Fa&88 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 32 ~ educa. lat the I~ late lOr p~ Seahawks ' Pvmme'l Allies(apfure Reds Kill 2 000 Germans 1II rlnct ItUIJl or londlrr ei l EI ' 19 2 Twenly Towns . , ubI that F R will ~ rovisioll:! _ .t. I e~ wAmN::;~BlINS - In Ifaly Drive Trying to Reach Perekop Iree tillt And thai u.s. Fifth, British )I. .. .. * Ie * -----=.'---- ticularly Navy Grl·dders lelr Way Eighth Armies Near NAZI ESCAPE CORRIDOR NARROWS R , k ( imeriC311 Wi.n Handily Nazi Defense Line ussians a eToll inl apture develop _ lactor III )rare 'or AlAIgiersL L (AP)-Driving] :E D lfEADQUAR forwardTER inS, Of Town lin Northeast Sector lmencal! Capt. Dick Todd Shines thl'ee Jmportant e<'tors in Italy, iel! With the F irth and Eighth armies put )ment a! For Local Pre-Flighters; more than twenty towns .!Od vil­ rts. J) l D N, , nndily (AP)-'fhe second baWe of lhe rimes Ex-Hawk Curran Plays lages into lheir hllg yesLerday and bl'glln today with Gen. Feodor Tolbnkhin '. teppe le ~ions ham­ stood poised III positions immedi­ me)'ing lit its north ftstem got lind plunging down tb lllst 22- ti mes iI.I By DOLORES RIELLY a~ the ately b fore lho massive line mil£' lap 10w81'd P erpkop 10 lam hut Ulat n 01'lllwe. t 1'0 escape what it JIOrt.q Editor, The Dally Iowan which lho Gcrm ns have e.;tab­ d OO I' on hugp German forc!' in the p enin ula. The Navy P,'e-Flight Seahawks Jished as the first southern. ection A midnight ommuniqn(' rmpplement annOllnc d. that the RIl.­ = ..::::: had little brouble routing the foe or lheir fortress ot Europe. sians continued 10 pursue the retreating Germans aft r they took hEre yesterday aClernoon as they The British with Lieul. Gen. pIImmeled the Ft. Riley Centaurs th town of Geniche 'k by 8.Sl ault, killing over 2,000 !azi. at the --. Mark W. Clark's Fifth army OCC,I­ north!'a.'stern edge of tIl e rimea. lor a 19 to 2 win. With Dick Todd pied Mondragone, seacoast town In the captain's berth, the pre­ nestling under MOllnt Masslco, Anoth I' column captlll' d th town of A kaniya J ova, only !lighters waged an oflensive bat­ where the Germans have buill 22 mil!'s fl'om P!'fl'kop Dnd the last l'ailway escape £OJ' the hun­ tle th~l outdid the Centaurs' re- strong poSitions anchoring the dl'('ds of thon~ ndR of Gennan i n th peni n ilIa. pealed passing attempts all the Iwes tern end of their line. Both 'onRirlel'able qUllntities of Gl'l'man munition., equipm nL and I way. Gel'mans and townsfolk had nbulI­ ~ tol·e. fell to the Ru siAn . in their pectncular dl'iv acr oSil Ihe TIle Jlavy's tlrst seore came Id oned the town. Nogai. k teppe to the fringe of add·way In the be,lnnln, quar­ Farther inland Ameri<-an fOI'ces t110 timea, w})i c)) may h I" I"a\eil ter when Art Gueppe ran eleven tnnl<: the strategic town of Pielrn­ orf in a matter of hours. ,ards tor the touchdown and I vainaro, which put them in a po­ Coal Miners Th Ru inns advon ced IIp to Fraak Maznlckl kicked the extra MtlOn to threaten the flank of the mill'S yestcl'dlly'R'drive and polllt. A few plays later, Gueppe 22 in Nozi bastions on Moul Massico. swept up a total of 150 more I~tereepled an army pass on the Eighth Takes Montemitro Ft. Riley 49-yard line to put the towns in ' the desert steppe in a On the eastern end or the lin~, On Strike ball back In the Seahawks' where the heaviest fighting or the RUSSIA drive of 56 miles exactly a week JIOwer, and shortly afterwards entire [ront developed, the British -..-. _ UlllIAIUOMl- aIter the capture of Melitopol, said IIuI Merte., former flawkeye, Eighlh army advanccd to lake a Moscow communique recorded broke tbrourh tor a 49-yard ~-...... -,..-.~" ~ Mc,ntemilro on the Trignn "ivcr Total 115,000 by the Soviet monitor. Iouchdown sprint. Munlcki's 14 miles inland from the San kick was rood, but a Seahawk Salvo area where the EighttJ holds In the DnIeper river bend pew&, for holdlnl called for a bridgehead. more than 2.100 Germans tell lIIoCber try, 15 yards farther Complete Shutdown Wh ile allied ground forces thus before furious Russian attacks baa, which tailed to quaUCy and ALL READY WITH their cheerful jack-o'-lantern tor t~nlcht's paradll consohdated in front of the great CORRIDOI OF ESCAPE (or the NNie from the Crimea Is being nar­ In Industry Feared that sent the Germans neetn,. \he score was 111 to O. 01 witches and black eats are Mike Schramm, 2, and his sister Mary, rowed rapidly by RWlllian armies that are driving toward Dollnovka, mountain barrier on lhe route to III disorder tn at least one see­ The Centaurs' ·share of the final 6. They are the children of Prof. and Mrs. WII ur Sohramm, 540 S. on the laat rail line leading from the Crimea, above. (1nt~Tnat;onal) As UMW Meet Nears score was dished out to them in Summit street, Rome and built up strength for tor. the lonn of an automatic safety in eventual assault on it, allted air WASHINGTON (AP) - The Gen. Rodion Y. MalinovskY's the second quarter when Todd, in forces took advantage of a break number of striking soft coal miners forces pushed ahead three to five in the weather on some parts of 'HOMECOMING BADGE- miles toward Nikopol, manganese punt lonnation for the Seah·awks. 'Fabricated Evidence' c 1 i m b e d to 115 ,000 yesterday stepped out Of bounds in the end the peninsula to strike devastating r WARTIME STYLE center, capturing Bozhedarovka, Yugoslav Guerrillas Invade blows at German strength behi nd heightening prospects of a virtu­ 43 miles southwest of Dneprope­ !line. Before the second period was the front. Higgs Labels Print ally complete induslry shutdown trovsk and about an equal dis­ over the Seahawks chalked up T h~ main targ t was Genoa, by tomorrow . tance above Krlvol Rog on a rail anol/ler six pOints ' on a long play Hungary; 'Balkan.fro'nt most important industrial center In De Marigny Trial Tomorrow also may bring a set­ line. Grows yet serving the German~ In Italy. At Krivoi Ro ~ Hself the Rus­ that included a pa~s from Tpdd to Great formlltions of American tl ement, in one fashion or another, sians were slanding oU waves of Bob TlmmQM plus a 27-yard run of the issues which have kept the Flying FortrElSllelt paunded ran~· German lank and iniantry counter by Timmilna. The.: kick far- he LoNDON, (AP)....uThe yu~o lav. A colhmutrlque-brolldca -by the Counset Accuses industry torn with controversy a.nd extra point was no good. partisan radio announced yester- Yugoslav army of liberation said yards and mlja n docks and war charges which cost the Germans factories. It was the [il'st tillle American Detective turmoil since early s p ri n~ . The 1,000 dead, the communique sup­ Ft. Riley's only real scoring d a ~ that guerrillas had pu s~ed partisan forces crossed into Hun- United Mine Workers policy com­ threat loomed up in the fourth their way across ihe Hungan an . Genoa had been bombed in daY-I Of Deliberate Fake mittee meets here, and President plement sa id . In one sector the quarter as the Centaurs through a border in bloody fighting with the gary from Zagorye pl'ovmce, north light and it was the first raid made Germans used 100 tanks which re­ on it by planes from the Mediter­ Roosevelt has promised that un­ series of fumbles by both teams, Nazis and lust night other partisan ot Zagreb and we!'e engaging the NASSAU, Bahamns (AP)- In a less th is meeting brings back-to­ tired after 28 were smashed. In ranean theater. a another sector, 23 more tanks were managed to penetrate into navy forces were repor ted bo ttling the enemy. fJnal blistering attack againat a lO,\r.\. the-mines movement he will ta.ke ICITitory until they reached the Germans in the Fiume-Trieste In :Dalmatia, the communique Strnte Axis hipping destroyed. key crown witness, Defense Coun­ "decisive action." three-yard line, but their at- area a f ~ er jOining up with a strong said a German coluJllJl was de­ Light bombers and fighter­ HOM£COMINH WPB DescrIbes Loss With tbe capture of Genl· tempted touchdown pass was in- group of Italian patriots. bombers slashed away at enemy sel Godfrey S. Higgs charged yes­ 1 cbesk the second great battle NIIV. h. 114:) 1. The war pI'oduction board es- I tercepted by Mertes in the end DNB, the Gernl8JJ news feated after 10 hours of bitter concentrations and gun positio ns terday that a fingerprint oUered for the CrJmea.
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