Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 6-1933 Friendly Endeavor, June 1933 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, June 1933" (1933). Friendly Endeavor. 133. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/133 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Friendly Endeavor V o l u m e 1 2 , N u m b e r 6 . PORTLAND, OREGON June, 1933. LETTER FROIM HELEN CA^LMACK . M A R K Y O U R C A L E N D A R HEBREW lAIEDICINE Dear Christian Endeavorers: Christian Endeavorers, your next big By JOHN C. BROUGHER While enjoying- the warmth of the date is Saturday, June 17th. It is Christian Endeavor sweater, I shall pen Christian Endeavor Day at Yearly (Continued from May number) you a few lines. The red and white Meeting, and all young people are urged to be present. Modern science tells us that an un monogram on this lovely sweater con balanced diet may produce anemia from stantly reminds me of the Christian Saturday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock is the Christian Endeavor business meet lack of meat; scuiwy from excessive Endeavor family to which I belong, the starches and lack of animal foods; most wonderful group of young people ing. Take an interest in the business acne or eczema, from food too rich in in the world. and be present. I do not know how well you picture The program for Saturday night is carbohydrates or fats; and constipa La iPaz, or what impressions you have unusual. Part of the time will be given tion from a too nutritive and concen trated diet. The ancient Rabbis, too, of it. The magnificent walls, which to the final contest for the best Confer are great rugged hills, constantly im ence booster stunt, and following that have pointed out the importance of a will be a splendid musical concert given pure and balanced diet in the preven press me because of their gi-andeur. tion of disease. The care of the stom Often I think of the verse, "As the b y t h e Q u a k e r Q u a r t e t f r o m I d a h o . D o mountains ai-e round about Jerusalem, not miss this excellent program. ach was considered as a basis of health. so the Lord is round about His people Food stuff was to be kept in clean dishes to protect the food from foreign from henceforth even forever." I sub WHERE HAVE OUR QUERIES COME matter. 'Warm, fresh bread, was re stitute in my mind the word La Paz FROM? garded as harmful. They believed that for Jerusalem and I have a present children should have a different diet example of the surrounding mountains. B y L Y R A M I L E S D A N N Down from the Altiplane every day from adults. They considered meat, (Continued from May issue) wne and spices as unsuitable foods for come flocks of llamas, and many burros infants and children. The Rabbis paid carrying products for sale. The pres Requested to be printed in the Friend ence of these animals on the streets of ly Endeavor by Salem Quarterly Meet particular attention that the diet includ the city, together with autos and street ed sufficient fruits and vegetables as a ing. preventative measure against constipa c a r s , m a k e s o n e f e e l t h a t t h i s i s o n e R u f u s J o n e s i n " L a t e r P e r i o d s o f tion. Ben Sira said: "Do not eat city which absorbs the new inventions with out losing the old-fashionel way Q u a k e r i s m , " t e l l s v i v i d l y h o w t h e s e large quantities of sweet food; eat and of doing things. That is true of every Queries functioned. For almost one drink less and spend more on your hundred years these were read in home and clothes." thing. The Indians spin thread, weave Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Meeting The Talmudist, too, _ recognized the the cloth and make it into garments, in and the answers minutely drawn up, the center of a city which has stores CTeat value of water in the mainten scanned, discussed, considered, revised, ance of health. Among aH drinks which sell the silks of Japan and gar until almost every member knew the ments made in latest Parisian style. and beverages they found water to be Laura's description of the flies and Queries by heart, could forecast the the most beneficial. They said: Lack answers with almost unerring precision, of water causes stomach disorders. the hospitality which they receive at and everybody in the Society, except the the hands of the people, fits Bolivia as The Rabbis of the Talmud considered cradle-members, lived in the moral at perfectly as it does China. In the open fresh air essential to health. It stim markets everything is exposed to the mosphere of these Queries as the pious ulates digestion, strengthens the ne^- Jews of Palestine lived in the atmos dust and dirt—and flies. The market ous system and increases the resistance is perhaps the most conspicuous thing phere of Deuteronomy.'' The reading of the body against diseases. ihey about La Paz. Another time perhaps of these Oueries was a vital force in advised the avoidance of emotional di^ I can take you shopping in the market keeping individuals sensitive to moral tress and pointed out that an exce^ of issues, but the rigid requirements for mental and physical work is haimful. and see what you would buy. written answers had a deadening effect. I am thinking of the Annual Banquet These were the days of spiritual stag The authors of the Talmud considered which is celebrated for 1933 tomorrow sunshine a real remedy. nation, but the formulation of the dis that a patient feels better in the night. May the Lord continue to pros cipline. with its rules and regulations, per the Christian Endeavor work in the flourished. ing because of the sunshine. future as He has in the past! Rabbis advised everyone to learn to The Lord is precious to us in Bolivia English_ Friends frankly faced the swim and also to acquire trades. r question in 1855, "whether the Society ancient Hebrews had a certain system and we rejoice in the privilege of being was merely drifting when she should here. The hai-vest traly is white and for exercising the bones of the body. be steering." A real spiritual revival The Rabbis of the Talmud had an un the laborers few. These are a precious is reflected in the Queries as thev have derstanding of the hereditary people, in need of the Gospel. How been revised, putting less empha'sis on sion of certain diseases, as for example, wonderful that the Lord allows us to be plainness of dress and speech and more co-laborers with Him in the great har "Do not marry a descendant of a tarn upon vital religion on the part of each ily wherein there is a condition of epi vest field of the world—at home and member. abroad! Revisions have been numerous as the lepsy." Y o u r s f o r B o l i v i a , years have passed, each Yearly Meeting, The physician of Biblical science ivas HELEN CAMMACK. both in this country and abroad, adopt probably .surgeon and apothecaiy. ing a senes similar in scope but differ had, however, nothing to do with obstet SENIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR ent in wording and emphasis. From rics. This was carried on by "d- TOPICS recent revisions from England, Ireland wdves who were mentioned as earl^ as and different Yearly Meetings in the the Pentateuch. The only mechcmes that we have reference to in the Did June 4—God Working Through U.s in United States and Canada, I have cho Testament were oil, wine and ba sam. Everyday Life. I. Corinthians sen the follownng as some of the most These were used in dressing ^^ounds. 3:9-15. (Consecration Meeting). searching in use among Friends today. "Do you come faithfully to our meet Bandages were applied to broken limbs. June 11—What Shall We Do with Our It is considered rather modern to use Education? Acts 7:22; 30-36. ings for worship with heart prepared, music in the cure of certain types of June 18—How Can We Improve Our entering into fellowship one with an Time? Ephesians 5:15-16. other, seeking reverently to know com diseases, esepcially mental, and to has munion wuth God and refreshment of ten recoveries in other diseaps. How June 25—Some Social Dangers and How ever, as we look into the Old Testament to Remove Them. Romans 13:11-14. spirit? Are you obedient to the Divine we find a record of the favorable effects call, whether your service be through w o r d s o r s i l e n c e ? " of music on the striking depression of Prohibition fills the schools with well- Saul which was gi-eatly benefitted by dressed children.—Roger Babson.
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