![The Gazette November 1959](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 11-1959 The aG zette November 1959 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette November 1959" (1959). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 25. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959/25 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME NINE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTO*N, OKLAHOMA, NOVEMBER, 1959 NUMBER Seven Langston U. Student Chnstian Religious Seminar Association Series Scheduled Students Honored The V.\IC.\-V\\'(L\ Southwest Regional Conference will be held at A series of seminars on religion Stvcn stiulcnts of Langston Uni- Kerrville, Texas, Decembei 26, has k'cn scheduled for the school vcrsitv were namtii by a spccial '959— January 2, i960. The pur­ year. The theme for the year. “Un- coininittcc to rcccive the distinction poses of this Regional Conference dergirding Our Moral and Spiritual of Ixiiig listcil among those stiulents are: to provide opportunities for free Foundations." Each seniinar is led whose names appear in "W ho’s open search for truth, the challenge by a member of the vmiversity staff, 117)0 .Itnong Students in American of new ideas, the clarification and or faculty, and a student. The adult Vniversitics and Colleges" for the renewal of one's faith, for a deeper leader takes fifteen or twenty min­ academic year, 195^-60. These stu­ understanding of the student YMCA utes presenting the seminar topic, dents were acconled this recognition and YWC.A, and the responsibilities slanting the topic toward the Bibli­ because of their high scholsatic at­ of Christian leadership on college cal text of the International Sunday tainment, their outstanding rccords campuses all over the world. School lesson for the day. The stu­ of leadership, and their contribution The Regional \ ’\\'(^ \ Secretary, dent leaders are in charge of the to activities directed toward improv­ •Miss Lenica Larkins visited with iliscussion. ing student life on the campus. our association October 2^-27, as a During the schrxjl year, the Coun­ The seven stuilents to receive this representative from the Regi0n.1l of cil will offer leadership in a number honor are; liiniors, N’erlean Ander­ fice of Dallas, Texas. She is also of annual observances: .-\nnual son. (nithrie, Oklahoma; Howard visiting other "Y" associations in W'omen’s Dnv, November 16; .An­ (1. Caver, .\bilene. Texas; Beverly Oklahoma, .\rkansas and Texas, nual Men's Day, February 2S; Re­ .\I. Russell, Okmulgee. Oklahoma; who are members of the Southwest ligious F.mphasis Sunday, March 6; Am.mila D. Sullivan. Cushing. Ok­ Regional Conference of the National .\nnual Parent's Day, April 24; and lahoma. Seniors, (iladys R. johnson, S.('..\. movement. “Campus Organizations Worship Three Studer*s Receive Awards Mrj. M. C. Allen, member of ♦he Scholarship Committee, presenting the .\rdmore. Oklahoma; .\rthur M. .Miss Larkins expressed her sincere Together Sunday," May 22. pleasure of meeting our honorable State Alumni Scholarship Awards to, reading from left to right, Howard Caver, Stevens, Holey, Oklahoma; and Mi- Sophomore: Lawrence Horn, Senior; and Billy Snoddy, Freshman; for main­ linili M. Tomlin, Okeniah, Okla­ l'niversity President, Chaplin and There are several organizations taining the highest average for the school year 58-59 in their respective classes. homa. many other interested faculty mem­ firmly established in the Langston ' Mr. Snoddy, of Claremore, Oklahoma, is a Mathematics major and an bers. She also held a meeting with University tradition that have an outstanding member of the football squad. Mr. Howard Caver and Mr. Law­ the cabinet members, and afterwards emphasis on tlie religion. The Col- rence are both from Abilene, Teias- both are Music majors and members of the University Band. The State Alumni Association of Langston University held special conferences with indi­ lesze Sunday School, the Y.MC.\, the congratulates these young men on their scholastic achievement. Harrison Plans To vidual ch.tirman of committees. YW C.\, the L’sher Board, and the Her complete stay was very in­ L m\'ersitv Choir arc representati\‘e ' spirational to the members of our organizations through which the Q | | | a T | l K B j Q R Langston's New Retire In 1960 association, and especially the offi­ faculty and students can find in- cers. Our ailvisors are: .Miss C. L. spiration. Christian fellowship and Staff Members Dr. Cl. L. Harrison, [irosident of Davis, and Mr. Carl jones. expression. Langston University, extentled greet­ FELLOWSHIP The new faculty menlters are: ings to the members of the Langston Open to Home Economics Majors Miss C. j. Davis, instructor in the L’niversity .-Mumni .Association dur­ Home Economics Majors— .\tten- department of modern languages, ing the annual meeting helil in ' )c- tion! How would you like to step and .Miss Doris Finney, instructor tober. He expressed his appreciation, in the biology department. of the fine cooperation of the group into a key executive position with a major company immediately upon Miss Davis received her B. A. during his twenty years at Langston! from Southern University, and did L'niversity. | graduation.’ The Pillsbury .\ward, winner for i960 will do iust that. graduate work at the University of Harrison commented on his con- This Award Program, now in its Saltilla, Coahuila, Mexico, with fur­ tinuetl interest in the welfare and ther studies at the University of future of the institution. He is in-; second year, offers a unique "on-the- Mexico and Mexico City College. terested in the wel le, not otily of job" training fellowship to an out­ Fk-fore coming to Langston, Miss standing hon’e economics major, Lanuston. but for tue people as a | Davis taught in the public schools whole. Lang'ton L'niversity has giv. who will graduate from college this of New Orleans. Louisiana. She is en the alumni a reason to return June. She will become .\ssociate Di­ a member of the Sigma Gamma and bold its annual meeting at the rector of the Pillsbury Junior Home | Rho Sorority. institution the night before home­ Service Center for one year— be­ •Miss Finney co.mes to us frorri the coming. ginning July, i960. The position en­ University of Pittsburg where she He reported that there was an in- compasses a wide range of functions | received her B. S. and later worked fease of 24" in the freshman en­ and activities, so as to g iv e the | with Dr. Saulk in the medical rollment this year. There arc 242 .Award winner first-hand knowl-1 school doing TB research. Miss students enrolled in the freshman edge of the many ramifications of | Finney is a member of the Alpha class, 1959. the food industry and of the ways | Kappa Alpha Sorority, Phi Sigma Finally, he announced that he in which home economics contri- i Biology Fraternity, and the Bac­ plans to retire after twenty years butes to this industry. teriological Society. of .ictivities at Langston University. The Award winner will receive a He informed the group that the cash grant of Si,000 in addition to board of regents for state A&M i her salary of $4,500 for the year. At Found the close of her year as Associate Colleges had not taken any action, After Homecoming, October 24, Directoi she will ’be offered another! but he would continue to remind 1959. One set of Chrysler Corpora­ ! position with Pillsbury or a S2.500; the members of the board of his tion automobile keys. Send identify­ I fellowship for a year's graduate plans. ing inform-’Mon to L. U. Business ; study in home economics. Harrison has served as president Office. of Langston L'niversity for 20 years, j From Left to right— Vice-President, Inman A. Breauj; Mrs. Letha An­ I The .Award winner for 1959 was His first graduation class was the i derson, Arcadia, Oklahoma; President, S. L, Harrison; and Mrs. Dovie Sher- I Denna Suneson, who graduated last class of 1940, rell, newly elected president of the State Heme Demonstration Council. June from Montana State College was one “We are very proud of Langston The State Home Demonstration CouncN recently presented an electric I at Bozeman. jcricnces 1 — we are proud when we continue clock to Langston University. Mrs. Rosa J. House, Guthrie, accompanied the group to the campus for the presentation. Miss Haiel O. King, Langston, is i Full information on the Pillsbury to work together, and we are proud ; District Home Demonstration Agent. It is installed above the front entrance I .Award for ’60 and application forms when we achieve,” said Dr. Harri­ of the Administration Building. may be obtained from your Home son. Economics Deiartment. .Ap Librarians Hold Meeting af Langston tions must be su emitted to Pills through your Home Economics De­ The State Council of Colleges and \\ ashington. Director of the Divi­ partment, no later than December University Librarians held its annual sion of Home Econo.nics. 1st. meeting at Langston University last Members representing each college month. The council includes eigh­ were: Mrs. W. T. Carter, Central teen state supported colleges and Christian; .Mrs. Thelma Cninning, head librarians of church and pa­ Eastern Oklahoma -A&.M; .Mr. T. Faculty Briefs rochial schools. Gene Ho^'ges, Ontral State; Miss i T. J. Anderson, head of the Mus- Frances Kennedy. Oklahoma City Topics discused were, recruitment ' ic Department, taped recordings of L'niversity; .Mr.
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