Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Agenda MEETING AGENDA TE HUINGA TAUMATUA COMMITTEE Rāpare 13 Mahuru 2018 Thursday 13 September 2018 hei 3.30pm COUNCIL CHAMBER LIARDET STREET NGĀMOTU Co Chairperson: Cr Gordon Brown Co Chairperson Ms Liana Poutu (Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust) Members: Cr Richard Handley Cr Stacey Hitchcock Cr Marie Pearce Mayor Neil Holdom Mr Larry Crow (Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama Trust) Dr Dennis Ngawhare (Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust) Ms Colleen Tuuta (Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga) 1 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Agenda TE HUINGA TAUMATUA COMMITTEE PURPOSE 1. To identify, report and decide (where delegated authority) on the issues and priorities of cultural, economic, environmental and social importance to Māori of the New Plymouth District. 2. To provide strategic guidance and advice to the Council on matters of importance to Māori. 3. To foster the development of Māori capacity to contribute to Council’s decision-making processes. 4. To jointly determine Māori cultural issues and priorities of importance for integration into the Council’s Blueprint and long-term planning. 5. To receive submissions on matters of importance to Māori and other relevant reports as appropriate. 6. To attend briefings and/or presentations at the invitation of the Mayor. Purpose of Local Government The reports contained in this agenda address the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to decision making. Unless otherwise stated, the recommended option outlined in each report meets the purpose of local government and: x Will help meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses; x Would not alter significantly the intended level of service provision for any significant activity undertaken by or on behalf of the Council, or transfer the ownership or control of a strategic asset to or from the Council. END 2 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Health and Safety Health and Safety Message In the event of an emergency, please follow the instructions of Council staff. Please exit through the main entrance. Once you reach the footpath please turn right and walk towards Pukekura Park, congregating outside the Spark building. Please do not block the foothpath for other users. Staff will guide you to an alternative route if necessary. If there is an earthquake – drop, cover and hold where possible. Please be mindful of the glass overhead. Please remain where you are until further instruction is given. 3 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Apologies APOLOGIES Cr Gordon Brown 4 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Deputations ADDRESSING THE MEETING Requests for public forum and deputations need to be made at least one day prior to the meeting. The Chairperson has authority to approve or decline public comments and deputations in line with the standing order requirements. PUBLIC FORUM Public Forums enable members of the public to bring matters to the attention of the committee which are not contained on the meeting agenda. The matters must relate to the meeting’s terms of reference. Speakers can speak for up to 5 minutes, with no more than two speakers on behalf of one organisation. x None advised DEPUTATIONS Deputations enable a person, group or organisation to speak to the meeting on matters contained on the agenda. An individual speaker can speak for up to 10 minutes. Where there are multiple speakers for one organisation, a total time limit of 15 minutes, for the entire deputation, applies. x None advised 5 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Previous Minutes PREVIOUS COMMITTEE MINUTES Recommendation That the minutes of the Te Huinga Taumatua Committee (9 August 2018), and the proceedings of the said meeting, as previously circulated, be taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. END 6 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Table of Contents REPORTS ITEMS FOR DECISION BY COMMITTEE 1 Marae Grants ITEMS FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL 1 Speed Limits Bylaw 2 CBD Activation Report 3 On-Street Dining Policy Report for Consultation 4 Tapuae Roa Actions 5 Te Rewa Rewa Agreement 6 Ngᾱti Maru Settlement Report END 7 1 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Decision - Marae Grants Item for Decision MARAE GRANTS ALLOCATION 2018-19 MATTER 1. The matter for consideration is the allocation of Marae Development Grants for applications over $10,000 for the 2018-19 financial year in line with the Marae Grants Policy. RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSIDERATION That having considered all matters raised in the report the Council make the following grants under the Marae Grants Policy: a) Ōakura Marae/Okorotua Marae - $22,000.00 b) Te Upoko o Te Whenua Marae - $10,000.00 c) Te Kohanga Moa Marae - $37,192.89 COMPLIANCE Significance This matter is assessed as being of some importance This report identifies and assesses the following reasonably practicable options for addressing the matter: Options 1. Approve some or all of the marae grant applications 2 Decline some or all of the marae grant applications The persons who are affected by or interested in this matter are the marae communities and Māori. Recommendation This report recommends option 1 for addressing the matter. Long-Term Plan / Annual Plan No Implications Significant Policy and Plan No Inconsistencies 8 1 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Decision - Marae Grants Item for Decision EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. Council provides funding in the Long Term Plan for marae through the Marae Development Grants. Applications from marae which total over $10.000 are approved or declined under delegated authority by Te Huinga Taumatua. Applications under $10,000 are approved or declined at an officer level under delegated authority. This report informs the committee of the applications received for their decision. BACKGROUND 3. Te Huinga Taumatua has delegated authority to allocate grants on behalf of the Council within the parameters of the Community Funding Investment Policy (CFIP) and the Marae Grants Policy (MGP) (Appendix I). 4. Under the CFIP, funding is provided to assist marae organisations with insurance, maintenance and capital projects applicable to the marae. Financial assistance for marae insurance is dealt separately to the Marae Development Grants and is allocated to marae on receipt of an invoice from their insurance company showing the annual premium. Insurance 5. Community Partnerships and Iwi Relationships have undertaken a series of hui with marae trustees to outline possible changes to insurance. The proposal put forward by Community Partnerships was for marae insurance to be covered by one insurance company, the same company that covers Council’s assets. The intention was to make the administration of insurance easier with one due date for insurance premiums, as currently they are staggered throughout the year because marae are insured by different companies. It was also hoped that this proposal would save some money on marae insurance costs. 6. The majority of marae trustees we met with were relaxed about the proposal and could see the benefits of one insurance cover for all marae. The intention was to follow up with the marae once they had time to consider the proposal. In the meantime Community Partnerships went back to the Council’s insurance company to discuss the steps required if the marae all agreed to the one insurance cover. They were told by the company that all the marae would require new valuations even though we had received valuations at the end of 2016. In addition, all marae electrical systems would require a full evaluation before they would consider insurance cover. The combination of both these requirements would carry substantial costs which had not been budgeted for. 7. Community Partnerships are now in discussion with the individual marae insurance companies with the intention of bringing all marae insurance premiums due date being 1st July annually. However we are still exploring the possibility of one cover for all marae and have been approached by one of the insurance companies to discuss this further. 9 1 Te Huinga Taumatua - Agenda (13 September 2018) - Decision - Marae Grants Item for Decision Applications 8. There are 3 applications exceeding the $10,000 threshold for which Te Huinga Taumatua have delegated authority to approve or decline these applications. Ōakura Pā/Okorotua Marae: 8.1. Oakura Pā / Okorotua Marae has applied for a total of $22,000 excl GST to replace the roof on their wharekai. There has been severe deterioration of the roof which has caused leaking over the last couple of years. The marae trustees believe that their close proximity to the sea and general wear and tear are the main contributors to the deterioration. 8.2. The wharekai is perhaps the most used building on the marae as it is often used for monthly marae meetings as well as meetings with external participants due to the wharenui having limited capacity in terms of size. The wharekai is also where all the cooking facilities take place and has the dining room attached for feeding visitors to the marae. The replacement of a roof is a priority area under the Marae Grants Policy as it forms part of the fabric of the building ensuring it is structurally sound and watertight. 8.3. The marae has provided 2 quotes as is required under the funding policy, with one of the quotes being slightly cheaper than the other. Ōakura Pā/Okorotua Marae has received 3 smaller grants between 2016-2017 for gas heating and infinity units. The total of these grants was $6811.45. Te Upoko o Te Whenua Marae: 8.4. Te Upoko o Te Whenua Marae at Tarata has applied for funding to replace the derelict fencing, some of which has disappeared due to the erosion of the river bank.
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