VOL. 5 - ISSUE 4 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- MAY 16, 2015 ROJ BAHMAN MAH DAE fp¡S> b¡ld“$ dpl v$A¡$$ RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM BPP Boardroom Aye Aye Captain > Pg. 06 Ruckus > Pg. 08 Celebrating Milestones Together Aim, Fire, Shoot > Pg. 08 > Pg. 10 Seen here the kids of Salsette Parsi Colony who embarked on their own Paper Collection Drive last weekend. All proceeds go Religious Festivities @ Saronda > Pg. 07 toward the welfare activities of the Colony. SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 02 Editorial DearD Readers, This week, the Community was shocked by the vulgar and marketplace cacklingc that took place in the holy sanctuary of the BPP Board Room. Young ParsisP sat in a circle and heard the recordings with me in disbelief, commenting ono the foul language. Older people winced throughout with tears welling in theirt eyes. Who would have understood the sheer size of the problem if it werew just ‘reported’?! Now it is out there for all to hear and to react on their owno phones and Whatsapp chats. +RQHVWO\WKLVLVQ·WWKHÀUVWWLPHZHKDYHKHDUGDERXWLQFLGHQWVOLNHWKLV7KHEUHDNGRZQLQWKH lines of communication and the absolute disrespect that the Trustees have for each other is common knowledge to the Parsi Press and to the unfortunate thousands who have no choice but to interact with these custodians of Parsi Zoroastrian Property. Now it is common knowledge, with the release of WKHDXGLRUHFRUGLQJWKDWWKHUHVSHFWIXODQGGLJQLÀHGRIÀFHVRIWKH%33RQFHRFFXSLHGE\VWDOZDUWV and exemplary men and women is seriously in a sorry state. We wonder though, if this behavior had it not been recorded and gone viral, would this brawl, like so many other brawls and threatening bouts of anger have gotten hushed up, stricken from the record or worded differently? Highlighting further the rift within the BPP, 2 versions of the Minutes of the Meeting from Tuesday, when the recording was taken, were allegedly created separately and circulated to the Board Members on the 15th of May around 2 pm and 6 pm respectively. One version is sanitized and the other trivializes the affair. Time will tell if the Community has the gumption to understand and face this problem with some serious changes and less food! Parents of Parsi boy, 28 yrs, tall, fair and handsome working for a multinational company seeks matrimony If you are visiting the Colony Agiary this weekend, please do bow your head and say a silent Prayer from well educated, good looking and friendly natured for the BPP Trustees. They need it and we need it more! girl, willing to settle abroad. Freyan. If interested please forward your date of birth, place DQGWLPHRIELUWKDORQJZLWK\RXUSLFWXUHVDQGSUR¿OHDW [email protected] WANTED A LOVING AND CARING LIFE PARTNER 'LVJXVWLQJEHKDYLRURIVRPH that authorized this caterer Trustees and request an UPTO 35 YEARS FOR MY BROTHER AGED 40 YEARS. 7UXVWHHVLQWKH%RDUG5RRP of Gamadia Hostel to carry explanation from Trustees to Dear Editor, on commercial business using understand their mind set. How Please contact: 9969985938 Readers by now must have unlimited water and electricity many Community members are read messages and recording on and paying a mere Rs. 20,000 ready to spare some time and WhatsApp and also read reports for using a 2000 sq. ft. area. meet the Trustees on a Tuesday RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT appearing in the national media. The Trustees are not empowered evening? Email me at arzanjg@ The 128th Salgreh of Igatpuri Zarthosti Anjuman Dar-E-Meher To call a co-Trustee a CHOR in a to take such decisions. Has any JPDLOFRP WR FRQÀUP \RXU The 128th Salgreh function of the Igatpuri Zarathosti Anjuman Board room in presence of visitors Trustee visited the Gamadia willingness to attend. If the Dar-E-Meher at Igatpuri will be held on Asfandarmad Roj of Dae amounts to self admission that Hostel recently to take stock of response is good, the mailers will Mahino, the 19th of May 2015. The Anjuman and Panthaki Saheb there are thieves on the Board. the living conditions? be communicated and BPP be cordially invites all Zarathostis to attend the Havan Geh Machi at Their Report card is a big ZERO. The mantra for some Trustee’s QRWLÀHG RI WKH YLVLW DQG ZH ZLOO 6.30 am and Khushali Nu Jashan at the Agiary at 10.00 am followed ([FHSWLQÀJKWLQJWKHUHLVQRZRUN in BPP is if you are in their good meet the Trustees otherwise the by a round of Chasni and lite refreshments. they can claim to have achieved. books and support them, you Community has no business to For details Contact: Panthaki Tehmtan Karanjia 9821351320. There is no transparency in any can get away with anything, complain. GHDOLQJ DOORWPHQWV RI ÁDWV DUH free allotments, subsidized Arzan Ghadially CNs‘yfu S>f’p¡õsu A„Sy>d“ v$f¡dl¡f“u 128du iyc kpgN°¡l on hold, They offer rent subsidies rent, out of turn allotments, :LOO'3&ZDONIRUDQRWKHU CNs‘yfu v$f¡dl¡f“u S>f’p¡õsu A„Sy>d“ v$f¡dl¡f“u 128du iyc kpgN°¡l Aõa„v$pd®v$ fp¡S>, to their cronies who are well H[FKDQJH ÁDWV ORDQV HWF /RRN FDXVH" off , the Trustees indulge in DWDFDVHRIDQ´/µ%ORFNUHVLGHQW Dear Editor, v$A¡ drl“p¡ “¡> sp. 19du d¡ 2015“p qv$“¡ CNs‘yfudp„ DS>hhpdp„ Aphi¡. A„Sy>d“ A“¡ groupism, they get personal and in Godrej Baug. He has a BMW This refers to Pg. 2 of your ‘„’L$u kpl¡b b^p b¡lv$u“p¡“¡ Myipgu“y„ S>i“ d“phhp ArNepfudp„ Apd„Ó¡ R>¡. lph“ N¡l address the co-Trustees and their and a Mercedes parked in the issue dated 25th Apr, ’15 wherein dpQu“u q¾$ep khpf¡ õV¡$.V$p. 06.30 hpÁe¡ A“¡ S>i“ khpf¡ õV¡$.V$p.10.00 hpÁe¡ L$fhpdp„ family members as ‘ Chors’, they JDUDJHDQGZDVDOORWWHGDÁDWDV a poster is displayed stating throw chairs at co-Trustees, a a transit camp until the under “Pavements are for walking, not Aphi¡. k„‘L®$$: ‘„’L$u s¡ldV$“ L$f„rS>ep 9821351320. Trustee uses words like I will f…. FRQVWUXFWLRQEXLOGLQJEHKLQG´(µ KDZNLQJµ0D\,KXPEO\WDNHWKH you bas…. I have known the Block is ready for occupancy. liberty to expose the existing Air India Chairman since years now and I 7KLV ÁDW ZDV DOORWWHG ZKHQ 0U reality in this connection, Air India Zoroastrian Staff annual Jashan ceremony will be am surprised at the direction he B. T. Dastur was the CEO of the towards which a blind eye is performed on Sunday 31st May, 2015 at Cama Baug (Big Otla) at is heading. He should have ended BPP who had to my knowledge turned by the activists of the 5.30 pm followed by contributory dinner. All Community members his term gracefully. At one time also opposed it. He was a good colony themselves, Dinsha Master are invited. Dinshaw Mehta was the only CEO and distinguished gentleman Road is the only one in DPC Trustee who would come out and did not take crap from any where the road as well as the S>i““u q¾$ep in the middle of the night if we Trustee. Will the BPP extend pavements are densely populated A¡f C[ÞX$ep“p S>f’p¡õsu d¡çbfp¡ Üpfp S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$ep frhhpf sp. 31du d¡ 2015“¡ in the colony faced a problem. this transit camp privilege to a by four wheelers during day as qv$“¡ L$pdp bpN“p dp¡V$p Ap¡V$gp ‘f kp„S>¡ õV¡$. V$p. 5.30 L$gpL¡$ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡ s¡“p ‘R>u He would lead from the front. needy? In the past 7 years how well as night, posing a threat to It was shameful to read about PDQ\ÁDWVKDYHEHHQDOORWWHGWR the pedestrians. As per the law S>dZhpf ’hp ‘pdi¡. b^p ldv$u“p¡“¡ ‘^pfhp rh“„su R>¡Æ. their behavior in a national daily. WKHKRPHOHVVDQGKRZPDQ\ÁDWV in force parking on pavements, Time for Trustees to introspect. have been allotted to the Crore if necessary, in any Colony is of the colony should move the for election was drafted well It is not the Community but the FOXE"&DQWKHÀJXUHVEHPDGH restricted to night hours only. concerned authority to get the in advance, and sent to the country that is reading about the public? Parsis claim to be law- VDPHHYDFXDWHG7RVDFULÀFHIRU Trustees for approval, but for Trustees behavior & conduct. It is my request to all abiding. Should the concerned the well-being of others while reasons best known to them, it Show some grace and resign. 7UXVWHHV WKDW LQ FDVH WKH\ ÀQG authority be moved to get the you are alive is more virtuous was deliberately delayed. Now Don’t ruin our small community a co-Trustee indulging in wrong pavements of Dinsha Master than donating organs after you a voluntary Code of Conduct is by such behavior. practices or working against the Road evacuated? Is the luxury & are dead. placed before the Community A hostel is an establishment interest of the Community, he/ comfort of the aristocrats vital This is a wake-up call for all as there is no time to get it that is meant to provide he should oppose him instead of or the safety of the pedestrians? decent Parsis to co-operate and legalized by the honorary High inexpensive food and lodging supporting him. A support from Since the pavements are support the cause. Court. meant for college students, such a Trustee encourages the occupied by vehicles of non- Maneck Panthaky 7KHÀUVWDQGPRVWLPSRUWDQW workers and travelers and wrong doer co-Trustee to do Parsi residents also and taxis/ &RGH2I&RQGXFWIRU%33 change which is needed is to not meant to be exploited further harm.
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