roups An opportunity to work with others toward a common goal characterizes Marshall's wide variety of social and interest groups ... student government PRESIDENT PHILIP CLINE The Marshall College Student Government is similar to that of the United States Government in that it is composed of three branches-the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. It repre­ sents all members of the Student Body and provides an instrument which makes it possible for all students to have a voice in campus affairs. Among its many worthwhile activities are the awarding of four scholarships each year to deserving students, the sponsoring of a leadership camp each summer for campus leaders and faculty, contributing to Life Planning Week, and planning and sponsoring many social activities such as Homecoming, the Junior-Senior Prom, and a Spring social function or dance. A typical session of the Student Senate SECRETARY BETTY LOU CORNETT and VICE-PRESIDENT BOB FRIEDLY SENIOR SENATORS-Dolores Wickline, President Dave Robin­ so n, Fred Barkey. BACK ROW : Fred Blair, Rocky Stone, Anr> Wilson, Hugh Fultz. legislative The legislati ve branch of the Student Govern­ ment is the Student Senate. The members are regularl y elected representatives of their respec­ tive classes. In addition to its function as a law-enacting body, it acts in co-ordination with the Execu­ tive branch in composing the committees which make Student Government sponsored activities possible. Included in these committees are the Homecoming Commission, Student Cheer­ leaders Commission, and the Scholarship Com­ JUNIOR SENATORS-Anne Cline, Nancy Williams, Shirley mission. Sikora. BACK ROW: David Dunlap, Joy Houck, President David Sarrett. SOPHOMORE SENATORS - Creda Neff, Betty lou Cornett. BACK ROW: President Jim Cyrus, Carolyn Mit­ chell, Jamie Johnston. FRESHMAN SENATORS - John Kelly, Raymond Mcintyre. BACK ROW: Sara Boggess, President Dick Brown, Shirley Wooten. I ) iudicial The Student Cabinet, charged with the respon­ sibility of enforcing the decisions of the Stu­ dent Court, acts in an advisory capacity to the Student Senate. The Student Court is the Judicial branch of the Student Government and is responsible for try­ ing any cases which may arise from interpreta­ tion and enforcement of the Constitution. The judges are appointed by the student body presi­ dent with the consent of the Student Senate. STUDENT CABINET -President Phillip Cline, Dick Koehler, Ted Riffe, Bill Chaddock, Betty Lou Cornett, Bob Friedley, Dick Kelly, Rev. Lander Beal. STUDENT COURT - Julia Sadd, Charles Kiser, Carole Allen, Robert Gough, Chief Justice; Verona Gra­ ham, James T. Woefel, Veta Lee Smith, John Charles Barbour. Helen Harvey, Joan Jablon­ ski, Carla Colbert, Marian Minichan, Mae Huston, Veta Lee Smith, Pat Adkins, Delores Wickline, Mary Thornburg, Carol Allen, Mary Ida Bloss, Anna Mac­ Donald, Jane A. Dingess. fagus Fagus, senior women's leadership honorary, selects its members during the second semester of their junior year, and selection is based on leadership, character, and intelligence. Activities for the group this year included selling tissue shakers at the Homecoming game, helping with freshman orientation and attendance at convoca­ tions, and assistance with high school visitation. The honorary was founded on Marshall's campus in 1950-51 by a group of Hunt­ ington women who belong to Mortar Board, a national senior women's honorary. The purpose of Fagus is to assist the college administration in their activities and to initiate new programs. OFFICERS-Mary Thornburg, Carla Colbert, Joan Jablon­ ski, Pat Adkins, Delores Wickline, Veta Lee Smith, Carol Allen. Russ Troutman, Bob Friedly, President Jack Egnor, Hugh Fultz, Tom Knight. omicron delta kappa Omicron Delta Kappa, men's national honorary leadership fraternity, does not be­ lieve in permitting its members to "rest on their laurels." It demands an active par­ ticipation in various projects for campus beautification, honoring of fellow students, aiding the college administration, and others. ODK, founded in 1914 and brought to Marshall in 1947, endeavors to serve Mar­ shall actively, despite the fact that its members are already among the busiest men on the campus. This year, president Jack Egnor, also a member of the Men's Concert Choir, helped co-ordinate a plan by which the choir and ODK could combine to raise money for an ODK scholarship fund and a touring fund for the choir. The first annual Marshall Minstrel show was staged with the Concert Cho1r providing the music a~d ­ the members of ODK serving as end men. Membership in Omicron Delta Kappa is probably the highest honor that male stu­ dents can achieve at Marshall. ,- Nick Hadzekyriakides, Lynn Buskirk, Hugh Fultz, Walter Felty, Russell Troutman, Tom Knight, Raymond Jans­ sen, Bob Friedly, Phil Cline, Bill Chaddock, Dr. Stewart H. Smith, President Jack Egnor. FIRST ROW : Bill Chambers, Maywood Elli­ fritt, Henry Hinte, Don Mar­ tin, Tom Pritchett, Bayard Green. PAT ADKINS Helping to maintain a high plane of sorority life, Pat has given her devoted services to Panhel­ lenic Council. Also she has played an active role in the Home Economics Club, Kappa Omicron Phi, Fagus, and Pi Kappa Sigma. CAROLE ALLEN The girl with a ready smile and a cheery greeting, Carole is one of the best known and busiest people on campus. She is presi­ dent of Kappa Omicron Phi and the Home Economics Club, his­ torian of Fagus, and is active in the Student Christian Association and the Sportlettes. T who's who LYNN BUSKIRK For the past four years, Lynn has been one of the star players on the Marshall tennis team. Active also in campus affairs, he has served as chairman of the Stu­ dent Publications Board and as a member of the Student Senate, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. BILL CHADDOCK As Editor-in-Chief of the "Parthe­ non," Bill is always on the alert for the latest news. He is also the president of the West Vir­ ginia Intercollegiate Press Asso­ ciation, publicity director of the Student Sena"te, a member of Omicron Delta Kappa and Sigma Phi Epsilon. BILL CHAMBERS A chemistry major, Bill has d is­ tinguished himself in various ways. Besides being awarded a Junior membership in the Amer­ ican Chemical Society, he is the president of Chi Beta Phi, presi­ dent of the Intramural Medals Board, a letter man in track, and a member of Sigma Alpha Epsi­ lon . PHIL CLINE The name Phil Cline and activ ities are synonomous at Marshall. Since he was a freshman, Phil has been very active in the Stu­ dent Government as freshman senator, sophomore president, and president of the student body. He has also lent his talents to Omicron Delta Kappa, to Bap­ tist Youth Fellowship work, and to Sigma Phi Epsilon . who's who CARLA COLBERT In her two short years at Mar­ shall, Carla has made quite a creditable record for herself. She is an officer of Sigma Sigma Sigma and has served on the Homecoming Committee and the Student Activity Board. Recogni­ tion of her abilities and efforts is membership in Fagus. DORIS CONNER That Doris is a very busy girl is proved by her membership in many honoraries such as Phi Al­ pha Theta, Kappa Delta Pi, Chi Beta Phi, and Alpha Lambda Delta. In 1954 she received the history award from Phi Alpha Theta. Doris is also secretary of College Hall, a member of the I.R .C. and the Spanish Club, and has served as a Freshman Guide. DAVE DUNLAP GlJiding the freshmen during their first confusing week, Dave was an ever-helpful upperclass­ man. Dave has also distinguished himself as junior senator, busi­ ness manager of the Chief Jus­ tice, vice-president of Alpha Phi Omega, and as a member of the Robe and of Sigma Phi Epsilon. JACK EGNOR It would be hard to find a busier person than Jack anywhere on campus. The president of Omi­ cron Delta Kappa, captain of the golf team, vice-president of the Robe, a member of Pi Kappa Al­ pha, there is hardly any event in which he hasn't had some part. But still he has time to spend with his friends. who's who MAYWOOD ELLIFRITT Maywood is one person who is always lending his talents to some worthy cause. He was co­ chairman of Life Planning Week, Parade Marshal for Homecom­ ing, and a member of the Hodges Hall Council. He has also been active in Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Kappa Delta, and the Cavaliers. BOB FRIEDLY Be it football, basketball, or any of the various sports offered at Marshall Bob is always there to cover the game as sports editor of_ the "Parthenon" and "Hodges Haul." However, this does not command all of Bob's talents. He is vice-president of the student body, a two-letter man in track, and a Cavalier. HUGH FULTZ A speech major, Hugh has proved his speaking abilities by his appearance in several plays in College Theatre. This versa­ tile senior senator is also active in Student Christian Association and Omicron Delta Kappa and has served as chairman of Life Planning Week and the Home­ coming Commiss ion. JOAN JABLONSKI Joan is known on campus for more than one talent. Beauty is one, for Joan was chosen as an Honorary Colonel of the R.O .T.C. Battalion. Her activities have gained the respect of many stu­ dents. On her slate of accom­ plishments are such things as her election to Kappa Pi and Fa­ who's who gus. She is also active in Pi Kappa Sigma. BARBARA KEYSER It was not surprising that Bar­ bara should win the Chopin Award, for she is known here as an accomplished pianist. She is also a member of Delta Omicron, the Music Educators Club, and Fagus.
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