DEC 1964 Finnish Evangelists to Visit Northern California The Northern California Conference will feature Miss Elsa Luukkanen and Pact~c &rim Aino Lehtoluoto, Finnish women evan- gelists, for the following schedule of ap- pointments: Sabbath, December 5, 11:00 a.m.— Berkeley Church Sabbath, December 5, 3:30 p.m.— 111:1_11E 4M CO DER Grand Avenue Church Sunday, December 6, 7:30 p.m.— OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Galt Church Monday, December 7, 7:30 p.m.— ARIZONA • CALIFORNIA • HAWAII • NEVADA • UTAH North Sacramento Church Tuesday, December 8, 7:30 p.m.— Tracy Church Thursday, December 9, 7:30 p.m.— VOL. 64 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 30, 1964 NO. 20 Santa Rosa Church Friday, December 10, 7:30 p.m.— St. Helena Church Sabbath, December 12, 4:00 p.m. Focus on Youth Pacific Union College Gymnasium Miss Luukkanen became a church pas- Fresno ment, such as Family Camps, Master tor in 1939 after all men were drafted A short time ago it was my privilege Guide Camps, and Nature Camps, as well during the Finnish-Russian War. Miss to conduct a Week of Prayer at the Fresno as field trips which brought the summer's Lehtoluoto was her first convert in public Academy. I felt it was a good experience total attendance to 7,528 of which 1,565 evangelism. Shortly afterward, Miss Leh- not only for the students but for the accepted Christ. Many of these have in- toluoto herself was called from college speaker as well. For to become acquainted dicated their desire to be baptized. to pastor a church. Following the War, with the students, to learn of their hopes, To our knowledge, and thanks to our the two became an evangelistic team, go- their joys and sorrows, and their problems heavenly Father, there were no serious ing into "dark" provinces to raise up helped me to appreciate our young people accidents or illnesses in connection with churches which the men pastor. even more. It was an inspiration to find any of these activities. Arrange now to hear them when they so many really trying to do the right thing. A total of eighty-seven college and are nearest you. You will not want to miss On the other hand, I am convinced that academy students of high caliber served their account of the work in Scandinavia, the mad, swift pace of modern society ex- on the camp scholarship plan (sixty-one their gospel songs accompanied—as the erts such tremendous pressures on our college and twenty-six academy). Each of Finnish do—by guitars, and their revival youth that they hardly have time to hear these students received from $245 to $625, messages. Invite your non-Adventist the still, small voice speaking to their souls. plus room and board, on school scholar- friends. It should be kept in mind that God is not ships. More than this they received an Because much of the program is in found in confusion or in commotion or in invaluable experience in working, pray- Finnish, Elder. W. B. Pontynen of Angwin mighty demonstration. It's only as we ing, and guiding young people during the will interpret. cultivate a spirit of quietness and reverence summer. This is an experience they can that God speaks to our souls. receive only in a situation like this. It was thrilling the last morning of the Week of Prayer to hear the students testify Pathfinder Clubs NCIFITH IE FIN and tell of their blessings and desires. At the present time we have two hun- Some indicated their desire to be baptized. dred and eleven Pathfinder Clubs with CALIFORNIA 5,041 Pathfinder members. Over two MV Target Aino Lehtoluoto (left) and Elsa Luukkanen, Finnish thousand faithful men and women serve evangelists. During 1964 our youth within the Pa- as staff members for these clubs, and the cific Union have been exceptionally busy service they are rendering to our boys and in the MV Target program. Through girls is outstanding, to say the least. Voice of Youth meetings, Bible Studies, Branch Sabbath Schools, Friendship, A union wide Pathfinder Camporee is Teams, and other related evangelistic proj- being planned for the Bishop, California, ects, they have been instrumental in win- area during spring vacation, April 12 to ning for baptism 1,876 people. We thank 15, 1965. This may attract two thousand God for the achievement. With "such an or more Pathfinders. For further informa- army" how quickly the message could be tion on the Camporee, contact your con- ference MV department. finished. Summer Camps MILLER BROCKETT. The summer of 1964 was the most suc- cessful camping season thus far in the Pacific Union. Three thousand six hun- Have YOU? dred and four juniors and one thousand Returned your pink card for the two hundred and ninety-four senior youth Loma Linda University study? attended the conference sponsored camps. If you still have it, please send it now. In addition to this there were other camp- Richard T. Walden, M.D. ing activities sponsored by the MV depart- The Pup Tent Pitch and Strike field event became a whirlwind experience as pup tents were pitched and struck within three minutes. Pathfinder Fair Held at Yuba City in October The Northern California Pathfinder or- "Hands of the Pathfinder" became the ganization attracted over 2,500 Pathfinders theme of the exhibit building. Thousands and friends to their annual- fall festival of items such as model cars, boats, trains, activities held at the Yuba-Slitter fair- baked goods, wood and metal crafts, home grounds on Sunday, October 25, in Yuba arts, rocks and minerals, shells, stamps, City. etc., were on public display. The Pathfinder club booths were beau- Yuba City citizens were thrilled as they tifully decorated and attractive under the were entertained by 1,300 Northern Cali- theme of "The Pathfinder as an Outdoors- fornia Pathfinders and staff on parade. man." The booths portrayed the life in Mayor Ray Tinner was the Grand Mar- the out-of-doors and the excellence of the shal. The many others participating in The Ho4iell Mountain Teen Pathfinder Club, with their director Lee Mote, traveled 120 miles by bicycle (Continued on Page 2) to enter the Pathfinder Parade festivities at Yuba City. creativeness of God. Theip //oft Ft IE COR EDE Ft 0•11,41 M.N. Of tqf PAC.0 via, owebamcr Of 301.40.0A1 ADVINIISIS APAEONA • CAMORNIA • HAWAII • KVA. • UT. POSTMASTER: All notices should be sent to PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, Box 36, Angwin, California 94508. EDITOR Herbert Ford ASSISTANT EDITOR Mrs. Margaret Follett ASSISTANT EDITOR R R. Bietz ASSISTANT EDITOR W. J. Blacker PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, official organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (Box 146), 1545 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, California, is published weekly, fifty issues a year, at Angwin, California. The Sacramento Sabres Pathfinder Club was one of 36 Pathfinder clubs and 12 Entered as second-class matter September 3, They're off! Soap Box Derby drivers race down the ramp as the 2,500 specta- 1927, at the post office at Angwin, California, tors cheer their drivers on to victory, local civic organizations marching in the Yuba City Pathfinder Parade. under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 412, Act of Northern Orangevale Church School February 28, 1925, authorized September 3, (Continued from Page 1) "We gather together 1927. the parade were the Yuba-Sutter Queen, to ask the Lord's blessing." beautiful parade horses, boat clubs, bands, Very appropriate to the occasion were SUBSCRIPTION RATE: One dollar per year. local kennel club featuring a champion the words of the grand old hymn sung by collie and obedient dogs—all to the enjoy- the newly organized Orangevale Church ment of the thousands who lined the ADDRESS CHANGES should be sent promptly School Choir. to PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, Box 36, An- parade route. We were indeed gathered together to gwin, California, giving both the old and the The Pathfinder clubs participated in new addresses. ask the Lord's blessing on the Orangevale such field events as Pitch and Strike Pup school. The inaugural service was held on Tent, Rope Tying, and speeding along PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE — R. R. Bietz, September 8, 1964, at 6:15 p.m. in front president; W. J. Blacker, secretary-treasurer; the raceway in their Soap Box Derby of the new school building which was now (Box 146) 1545 North Verdugo Road, Glen- event. dale, California 91209. Citrus 1-5173. ready to house 80 active children, grades 60 Minute Church Service Another of the many high lights of the one to eight. Pastor W. L. Richards wel- Congregational Singing ARIZONA CONFERENCE—D. C. Butherus, pres- day was the "Valley Rider Horse Show." ident; H. R. Trout, secretary-treasurer; (Box comei those gathered, and the congrega- 0 Choir Anthems 0 Thirty local young people entertained 10097) 2601 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, tion sang the Doxology with deep sin- Sermon Arizona. CRestwood 7-5773. everyone to Musical Tires, Through the cerity. Barrel, and Carry the Egg. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Elmer After the invocation the children's choir, Sunday, December 6 R. Weide, president; R. L. Stretter, secretary- The leadership of each club wishes to 8 a.m. led by Mrs. Merton Lacy, sang "We treasurer; (Box 580) 1691 The Alameda, express their gratitude for the opportunity KGO-TV Channel 7 Gather Together." PLEASANT HILL San Jose, California 95106. CYpress 7-1584. of enjoying such a wonderful time of fel- A few remarks were made by the pas- HAWAIIAN MISSION B.
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