E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 No. 97 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Prior to becoming a commissioner, gressman JOE COURTNEY to expand called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Al was a member of the city of Brad- milk options for students and reverse pore (Mr. VEASEY). ford professional firefighters and re- the decline of milk consumption in our f tired as a captain in 1988. He then schools. Our bill reaffirms recent regu- served as Bradford Township supervisor lation from the U.S. Department of Ag- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO for 14 years, 11 of those years as chair- riculture by providing schools with the TEMPORE man. option to serve low-fat milk with fla- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Al was a proud Vietnam veteran. He vor and requires that the milk offered fore the House the following commu- enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and is consistent with the most recent Die- nication from the Speaker: was honorably discharged as a corporal tary Guidelines for Americans. WASHINGTON, DC, in September 1970. In November 2017, the U.S. Depart- June 11, 2019. Mr. Speaker, Al Pingee has served his ment of Agriculture announced regu- I hereby appoint the Honorable MARC A. Nation and his community. latory changes for the National School VEASEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on Above all else, he was a family man, Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, this day. a loving husband of 36 years to his wife, including a provision that provides NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Deborah, and father to his four chil- schools with the option to serve low-fat dren, Andy, Scott, Jeff, and Jodie. He 1 percent flavored milk. f was a grandfather, a brother, and a The School Milk Nutrition Act for MORNING-HOUR DEBATE friend to many. 2019 will codify this milk provision and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- We remember Al Pingee for his ex- will maintain the option for schools to ant to the order of the House of Janu- ceptional service to others. offer low-fat 1 percent flavored milk if ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- May he rest in peace. it is consistent with the most recent nize Members from lists submitted by RECOGNIZING NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH Dietary Guidelines for Americans. the majority and minority leaders for Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. I urge my colleagues to sign on to morning-hour debate. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize these bills during National Dairy The Chair will alternate recognition June as National Dairy Month. Month and allow our students the op- between the parties. All time shall be Dairy products like milk contain tion of consuming the type of milk equally allocated between the parties, nine essential nutrients that may help that they love and to receive the nutri- and in no event shall debate continue reduce the risk for high blood pressure, tion that they need. beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other osteoporosis, and certain cancers. Mr. Speaker, I look forward to being, than the majority and minority leaders Whether it is a protein to help build a week from today, in our State capital and the minority whip, shall be limited and repair the muscle tissue of active of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at 11 a.m. to 5 minutes. bodies or Vitamin A to help maintain for a rally with all the advocates for f healthy skin, dairy products are a nat- nutrition for children and certainly for ural nutrient powerhouse. dairy farming, as we rally for whole HONORING ALLEN PINGEE National Dairy Month started out as milk for healthy kids. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The National Milk Month in 1937 to sta- f Chair recognizes the gentleman from bilize the dairy demand when the pro- HONORING AVANT P. COLEMAN Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 duction was at a surplus. Now, it has minutes. developed into an annual tradition that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. celebrates the contributions the dairy Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the industry has made to the world. North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) for 5 life and service of Allen ‘‘Al’’ Pingee of Proudly, the Commonwealth of Penn- minutes. Lewis Run. Al passed away on Tuesday, sylvania is one of the largest milk-pro- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I April 23, at his home, surrounded by his ducing States in the Nation. I have a rise today to recognize the achieve- family. bill called the Whole Milk for Healthy ments of a great public servant, a fa- Al was a McKean County commis- Kids Act, which would allow for whole ther, a dedicated man of faith, a friend sioner at the time of his death, and I milk, both flavored and nonflavored, to to many, and the longest-serving elect- flew a flag over the United States Cap- be offered in school cafeterias. ed official in Wilson, North Carolina, itol to be presented to Al’s family and Just last week, I introduced the city government, the Honorable Avant his colleagues. School Milk Nutrition Act with Con- Patrick Coleman. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4393 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:49 Jun 12, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11JN7.000 H11JNPT1 H4394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 11, 2019 Avant Coleman, Mr. Speaker, better Smart Choices for Youth and as a Out of 81 women who entered the known as A.P., is a native of chairman of the Wilson Preparatory academy in 1976, Ms. Mines was the Edgecombe County, but he has resided Academy charter school. first and only Black woman to grad- in Wilson County for many decades. He Mr. Speaker, Mr. Coleman has been a uate from her class and the first ever received his formal education, earning very engaged individual for decades. Black woman to graduate from the his bachelor of science degree in agri- Throughout his years of public service, United States Naval Academy as a culture and biology from historic A.P. Coleman has been active with his whole. North Carolina A&T State University. local church, civic affairs, and other After her departure from the acad- He went on to earn a master of science charitable organizations. He is a mem- emy with the rank of ensign and a degree in adult education with a minor ber of Calvary Presbyterian Church, bachelor of science in engineering, Ms. in sociology from North Carolina State U.S.A., where he serves as an elder. He Mines was trained as a supply officer University and a graduate of the Ex- is a past member of the board of direc- and became a supervisor at the former tension Executive Development Insti- tors for United Way, president of the Naval Training Center in Orlando, tute. Wilson County chapter of the North Florida. She proceeded to serve in the Professionally, A.P. used the full po- Carolina A&T State University Alumni former Naval Annex at the Pentagon, tential of his education and passion in Association, vice president of Crime aboard the USS Emory S. Land, and as his career, which began with teaching Stoppers, past member of the Eastern a senior adviser to the Secretary of the vocational agriculture in Lenoir and North Carolina School for the Deaf’s Navy. In fact, she has continued her Greene Counties. His desire to pour human rights committee, member of work in the Armed Forces on the De- into our youth a conviction for com- the Presbytery of the New Hope dis- fense Advisory Committee on Women. munity engagement led him to join the aster committee, and recipient of pres- Her exceptional accomplishments in- North Carolina Cooperative Extension tigious accomplishments and awards. clude being granted the position of Service, where he worked for 31 long Coleman is also a proud member of torchbearer for the 2002 Olympic years, retiring in March 1994. In this Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and a life Games, starting a foundation that role, Mr. Speaker, he was responsible member of the NAACP. tends to the needs of for countywide 4–H programs, a na- The most important thing to Avant socioeconomically disadvantaged boys, tional initiative that embraces young Coleman has always been his family. and being honored by the United States people of all beliefs and all back- He was married to the late Willa Mon- Navy with a business achievement grounds and empowers them with lead- roe Coleman and is the proud father of award in 2010. ership skills training for the better- three, Elliotte, Wanda, and Jacqueline, In 2018, Ms. Mines wrote and pub- ment of their lives and their commu- and a proud grandfather of one grand- lished the book ‘‘No Coincidences: Re- nities. son, Juan. flections of the First Black Female A.P. Coleman has earned numerous Avant is a family man, dear friend, Graduate of the United States Naval distinctions, honors, and achievements. and colleague to so many others. Mr. Academy.’’ In it, she shows us the true Elected in 1975, A.P. Coleman has Speaker, he is also my neighbor, my meaning of faith, patriotism, and per- served for 38 long years as a member of next-door neighbor for the past 25 sistence.
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