BOX 1678 Nice February 23-26, 1966 Hi Lo Rain Wed. 76 63 1.69 Thurs. 77 61 Fri. 76 59 Sat. noon 72 52 BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 11 NO. 29 Boca Raton, Florida, February 27.1966 16 Pages PRICE'.10* Boca Raton's Growth Will Lead County Dade, Broward . 1-v Expected to Fall Behind Palm Beach (Related article, Page 4A) Palm Beach County — led by Boca Raton and the north county -- will pass Broward County in population by 1980 and even- tually Dade. So said Donald O. Morgan, senior county planner, in pre- senting a report Wednesday to the Board of County Commis- UJ sioners. Based on data accumulated u for a master transportation plan, the inch-thick report gives the most detailed information 0 ever available of the county and its 32 municipalities. Included are statistics cov- ering population characteris- tics, employment, tourist ac- commodations, land use, retail 0 sales, school enrollment and commercial and industrial square footage. Involved in the study, which has taken almost a year, were z Dr. John DeCrove and Dr. John Webb of the College of Social Robert I. f Pat" Honchell, the man who will probably find him- Science at Florida Atlantic Uni- self in the mayor's seat next Tuesday, gets the first copy of the versity. new Boca Raton telej^one directory. Making the presentation was Some of the information con- James Barker, Boca^M.ton, manager for Southern Bell. tained in the report includes: POPULATION — Total in the county, 306,578, with the highest percentage growth in Boca Raton. New Records Written Maj> v\;e:ws ppraximate Danish River Park area and natural growth in area* »•*• Surveying the urban areas (between 441 on the west to the ocean on the east and ballooning Old Spanish River Pork? out to include Pratt-Whitney on the north), the workers found the- average median age to be A recordr number of telephone ger of the company here, said. 38.9 years. Dr. Webb told the subscribers in Boca Raton are "This is one of the largest in- News earlier that this figure getting a record-sized new di- creases in all of the Southern Development Plan Recalls History may be slightly high for Boca rectory fcrqm Southern Bell. Bell territory." Raton. "There? are 1,200 more tele- Distribution of the new di- (Editorial Page 4A) called for a restaurant, ma- city may be able to purchase as Average family income is phone owjners than at this time rectory with the bright green ' (Related Pictures Page 2A) rina, field house and other much as 2,000 feet of ocean- (Continued on Page 8A) last yearf," Jim Barker, mana- cover will be completed by A name and a theme for Boca structures in the area. front property and will be able Tuesday. Raton's new beach area emerged Noting the need, however, to issue bonds up to $500,000 The 1,400 new phones repre- this week in the wake of mount- for some improvement of any for improvements. sent seven additional white ing pressure for development beach area which the city might As conceived by the Council, City Organization Meeting pages of listings in the direc- of a natural park along the purchase, the Council included the area would run 200 feet tory, and an additional four shores of the Old Spanish River. a bond issue referendum for south of the north beach and—if pages of yellow-page listings. As the notion of Spanish Riv- up to a half-million dollars for the federal grant comes through Again, the subscribers from er Park began to take shape, improvement on the Feb. 1 bal- — another 1,800 feet north of Tuesday, Quinn to, Preside Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach the Boca Raton News launched lot. As stated by the council, the existing beach. The land in City Attorney John Quinn will chelll, who tallied the highest and Hillsboro Beach are com- its own study of conservation- the money was intended simply question would run from the be acting mayor of Boca Raton n>amber of votes in the second bined into one major section. oriented plans for development for basic work on the city's ocean west to the Intracoastal at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, .-"'municipal election Feb. 15. As a growth comparison, beach properties. of the area which the city plans Waterway. buHi itt- jusincft- abounhnnrt lonInnegr <=>noi?crheqgiugj.-*c. -s-A6 Thpe mayoralitmnvoraliryv posDOStt tratra—- Deerfield Beach had 800 new to purchase. Taking a cue from Both the improvement issue Included in the site is a dense rap a gavel. ' ' V ditionally goes to the highest subscribers to compare with the City Council, the News asked and the referendum for a bond area of natural growth > along Quinn will preside in. order vote-getter, and the other four Boca Raton's 1,200. the local architectural firm of issue to purchase an additional the banks of the waterway. It that the City Council may eXcact councilmen have indicated John Shoup and Paul McKin- 1,000 feet of oceanfront prop- spans the stream bed of thev01d a mayor for a one-year term. tihey'll not break custom. ley to study the proposed area erty in the vicinity of the exist- Spanish River, now overgrown All indications point to the job Thfc^ organizational meeting Council Candidates and prepare a preliminary plan. ing "north beach" won over- (Continued on Page 8A) \ going to Robert I. "Pat" Hon- will be'grin ,with a prayer by Like the City Council, the News whelming approval from the agreed to pay one dollar for a city's freeholders. With an eye Frederick fVelson,\n^stor of the park plan. ' to doubling its investment, the United Church of Bo*ca -i^aon s leporf Expe Council immediately fired off and president of the city minis- Originally,' the Council had terial association. For tl entered a one-dollar agreement an application for matching fed- Then, re-elected councilmen for a park site development eral funds under the provisions history, of the Open Spaces act. Honchell and Harold Maull will Council plan, but subsequently shelved be administered the oath of the elaborate document which contributifl The total effect, is that the office, and the mayor'selection for the- will take place. The filing1 After the new presiding of- charter. Preservation of Natural ficer takes over, there will be Harold Maul! an election for deputy mayor; few votes behin and tradition decrees this post ert I. Honchell, goes to the retiring mayor — according to repoii Growth Could Save Money Sid Brodhead, in this case. City Clerk Jacob Council has four posts to fill, Maull-listed $2,2t Conservation oriented plans quite expensive some develop- according to the charter. These tributions and $2,263.61 for development of Boca Ra- ments — also would be elimin- are the municipal judge, judge penditures. Joe DeLong, ton's beach-park area stand ated. ad litem, prosecutor and phys- was beaten by 700 votes to save the taxpayers some Without a sea wall, the need ician. runoff, claimed $1,800 in money. for large quantities of fill ma- The posts are held now by tributions Yand $1,773 in Funds for development of the terial behind the wall also are Kenneth Dix, Timothy Pulton, penses. Honchell said he area, up to $500,000, were ap- eliminated. Cross off costs of John Quinn and Dr. William ceived $950 and spent $978." proved by the freeholders in a dredging, trucking, and grading O'Donnell, respectively. Little John Flancher, who ran fourth, referendum Feb. 1, the same of fill material. change is expected. filed a report showing $340 in date voters also approved pur- By construction of footpaths The "administering of the oath donations and $408.61 in ex- chase of 1,000 more feet of and elevated walkways through of office to the four will con- penses. oceanfront property. the hammock and mangrove clude the morning event. Edwin Benham was "high" A Boca Raton News study area, visitors would be able to At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, the man among candidates who lost showed that utilization of the get a close-up view of Florida's newiy-constituted council will out in the first election. Benham existing natural features of the natural flora. Paths are much hold its first formal session. received $260, spent $475. property being considered could less expensive to con struct than The short agenda is headed Courtney Boone accepted no be a dollar-saving program. paved roads designed for auto- by the selection of a financial contributions, spent $71.87. Among the features of such a mobile traffic. consultant for the two beach Walter Harker too, would take plan would be: If the natural growth in the bond issues. no donations, but spent $183.66. Elimination of any plans to hammock area is left undis- Leslie P. Doidge took no con- construct an elaborate sea wall turbed, it is then not necessary tributions, and did not spend a along the intracoastal waterway to re-landscape that part of the fL cent, he said. side of the tract. The natural area. Cross off the cost of bull- Expenditures covered ad- mangrove growth has success- dozing in the first place and vertising, filing fees, prepara- fully protected the property planting it in the second. Ann Landers Page IB Calendar, • 3B tion and mailing of letters; and from erosion by wa*ve action Formal park areas will re- in some cases "miscellaneous quire continued landscape main- Classifieds 5-6-7-B for many years and will continue Editorials 4A expenses." to grow and protect the shore.
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