10 PALMS [Vor..43 Palms,43(l),tOOO,pp. lO f+ A NewSpecies of Balakafrom Fiji Dvreu Furr,uRlAND JoHN L. Dowr2 rNatural History Museum, London, UK 2Department ofTropical Plant Sciences,James Cook Uniuersity, Townsaille, Queensland, Australia Balaka, a genus in the subtribe Ptychosper- 1997), andnow there is an additional species of matinae, has nine species distributed in Fiji and Balaka, as herein presented. There also appear Samoa. The genus is most closely related to to be new species of Gulubia and Cypho- Veitchia, Ptychosperma, and,Drymophloeus" but spermayet to be described for Fiji. is distinguished by a combination of a leafsheath Fuller and Dowe sp. nov. that is not fully tubular but split opposite the Balaha streptostachys petiole and with margins near the apex lacerate- Palma, Balakae microca,rpae er B. macro' fibrous, an elongate peduncle, triads distichous- carpae affinis, sed truncus robustior usque ad I0 ly arranged on the rachilla, irregularly shaped cm diametro. Inflorescentia usque ad 1.5 m endocarp, and seed variously ridged and fur- longa. Rachilla trigona asymmetrica, tortilis, rowed. Otherwise, the genus is similar with pin- tortis 40o-60o intermittentibus, tortis 3-5 in nae that are obliquely truncate and praemorse at quoque rachilla. Flores in 3-8 triadibus dis- the apex, staminate flowers symmetrical and tichis inter tortos in foveis vadosis. Flos stami- bullet-shaped in bud, numerous stamens, an- natus albastro tubernatus, 20-35 stamina. Fruc- thers versatile, a prominent pistillode, fruit with tus 18-25 mm longus, B-14 mm latus. Apex apical stigmatic remains, homogeneous en- endocarpi aliquantum rostrata, pagina endo- dosperm, and basal embryo. carpi canalibus vadosis irregularibus. Typus: Renewed study of the palm flora of Fiji has FIJI. VANUA LEVU: above Nakorutari Village, been ongoing since the early 1990s, with one of below ridge above Matani Creek along Raciba us (DF) recently completing a MSc thesis on the Road,, Fuller 338, with E. Jones and T. Bulitauu, family in Fiji. The Arecaceae in Fiji is repre- 23 Feb. 1996 (holotypus BRI; isotypi K, SUVA). sented by I2 genera, only one ofwhich is endem- Solitary palm, trunk erect, 4-7 m tall, dbh ic, and 27 species, all of which are endemic. A 7_10 cm, base not expanded, internodes con- close affinity with the palm flora of Vanuatu has gested, dark green to grey with age, nodes con- been demonstrated by the recent description o1' spicuous, light green-brown. Leaueseight to ten two new species, Neoueitchia brunnea Dowe and in the crown, held erect, slightly arcuate, regu- Heterospathe uniformis Dowe, that are closely re- larly pinnate, to 3 m long including petiole and lated to Fiji taxa (Dowe and Cabalion 1996). leafsheath, adaxially mid green, abaxially olive Neoueitchia was previously considered endemic green; petiole 35-45 x 2.5-3.5 cm wide, adaxi- to Fiji, while the Vanuatu and Fiji Heterospathe ally concave, abaxially rounded, densely tomen- species appear more closely related to each tose with scattered long dark scales; leafsheath other than to other species in the Solomon Is- tubular, split longitudinally opposite the petiole lands or elsewhere. The most recent description in the upper quarter, 30-50 cm long, abaxially of a new species of Fiji palm was that of Het- green-light brown, densely tomentose with scat- erospathe phillipsiiFiller and Dowe (Fuller et al. tered dark scales, adaxially white, glabrous, 1. Balaka streptostachys. a. 1eaf. b. petiole base and leafsheaLh apex with lacerate-fibrous margins. c. pinna. d. section of rachilla. e. staminate flower in bud. f. staminate flower in cross-section. g- stamen. h.-j. sepals. k. fruit. l. seed, equatorial side view. m. seed in same view, cross-section with embryo exposed. n. seed, apical view. o. seed, equatorial back view. p. seed, equatorial front view. q. pollen grain. Scale bars: b. 3.5 cm; c. 6 cm;',J.2 cm; e.-j. 2 mm; k.-p. 5 mm; q. l5 pm. Illustration by Lucy 1'. Smith, a.-rl,. ftom Fuller 338, e.-c1. from McClatchey and Fuller 1095. 19991 FULLERAND DOWE:A NEWSPECIES OF BALAKA FROM FIJI ffi@il ffi^ffiffi,l # ffio% @@@, N t2 PAI.MS [Vor.43 - 2. a.Balaka streptostachys in habital, Vanua Levu, Fiji. b. Inflorescence wiih staminate flowers in bud. margins at the apex lacerate-fibrous, fibers tose at maturity; prophyll boat-shaped,35-40 coarse and thick; rachis densely tomentose with cm long,fully encirclingthe peduncleat attach- scattered dark scales, proximally channelled, ment, persistent;peduncular bract one,70-78 becoming ridged distally adaxially, abaxially cm long,attached 27-30 cm'aboveattachment of rounded proximally, flattened distally, diamond- the prophyll. narrowly tubular, persistentand shaned in cross-section at mid rachis. Pinnae in witheringto a fibrouspapyraceous state; pedun- one plane, regularly arranged, sub-opposite. cle elongate,60-65x2.0-3.5 cm wide,laterally IB-22 per side, obliquely truncate at the apex, compressed,elliptical in crosssection; rachilla apically dentate; mid-leaf pinnae elongately fal- 16-30 x 0.4-0.5 cm wide, irregularlyangled in cate, 83-95 x 6-8 cm wide, tapered from the cross-section,densely tomentose, triads in shal- middle toward the apex and the base; basal pin- low pits, threeto eighttriads ranked linear-disti- nae 90-110 x 6-7 cm wide; distal pinnae in- chous.rachilla with 40"-60o twists at intermit- creasingly elongate to compactly cuneate toward tent intervals, with three to five twists per the leaf apex, apical pair basally joined for one- rachilla.Flowers in triadsfor entirelength ofthe sixth to one-fourth their length; mid rib promi- rachilla;staminate flowers bullet-shaped in bud, nent on both sides in all pinnae, secondary ribs 6-7 mm long, symmetrical,white; sepalstrian- almost as prominent abaxially only, two to six gular,3 mm long, marginssmooth; petals eion- each side of pinna, marginal veins thick, lower gare,6mm long,2-3 mm wide, apicallypointed, marginal vein tomentose. Inflorescence interfo- thick, apically valvate; stamens 20-35; fila- liar becoming infrafoliar in age, 1-I.5 m long, ments thino 3-4 mm long; anthers linear, 4 mm branched to three orders; axes densely silver to- long, dorsifixed, versatile;pistillode elongate, mentose when young, densely red-brown tomen- 4-5 mm long, flask-shaped.Pollen elliptical in 19991 FULLERAND DOWE: A NEWSPECIES OF BALAKA FROM FIJI IJ Clatcheyand Fuller 1095/185, 1099/189, L3 May 1995(FTG, SUVA). Etymology. From the Greek strepto (twisted) and stachys(spike) in reference to intermittent 40o-60" twistsin the rachilla,with the sections betweenthe twists other-wisestraight. This char- acterhas not been observedin other speciesof Balaka. Ethnobotany.No native Fijian name or uses for this palm havebeen recorded. s ConseraationStatus. Proposed for IUCN Red List threatenedcategory - Critically Endan- gered.There are 50-60 adult trees in the single known population of this unusual palm. This areahas been selectively logged, and future log- ging is imminent. Dick Phillips Qtersonalcom- m,uniccttion)has two seedlingsof this taxon in cultivationin Fiji. Notes.Bala,ka, streptostachys (Fig. 2a) is dis- tinguishedby its comparativelygreater trunk di- ameter,to ca. l0 cm, than that of similar species such as B. microcarpa and B. macrocarpa.The inflorescenceis distinctivein that the rachillae are denselytomentose, have 40o-60o twists at intermittentintervals, and are angularin cross- section (Figs. 2b,3). Triads are ranked disti- chously,three to eight per sectionbetween the twistsin the rachilla.The endocarpand seedare streptostachys,leafportions overlaid with sec- 3. Balaka ridgedand angularas with otherBalakaspecies, tion of infructescencewith maturing fruit. Photocredits: 2a. though the arrangementwith a single prominent andb. J. Marcus;3. R. H. Phillips. "wings" longitudinal ridge, extended and qua- dransularin cross-sectionis distinctive.An in- formal descriptionof this specieswas included polar view, long axis ca. 36 pm, short axis ca. 15 "robusta" under the name of Balaha in Fuller pm, monosulcate, exine tectate, finely reticu- (1997) and again in Doyle and Fuller (1998). Iate. Fruit irregularly ovoid, tapered toward the The specieswas first observedby Timoci Buli- apex, 18-25 x B-14 mm wide, orange-red at ma- tavu,while workingon constructionof a logging turity, stigmatic remains apical on a beaked road. Subsequentlyhe showedit to palm horti- cone; epicarp smooth, drying moderately granu- culturist, Dick Phillips of Suva, Fiji, in early lar; mesocarp 2-3 mm thick, fibrous; endocarp 1994, and again to Phillips along with DF and longitudinally ridged, four-angled in cross sec- Will McClatcheyin 1995. tion, apex with a moderate beaked extension, Balalta streptostachysoccurs as an understory surface with numerous irregular shallow chan- palm speciesin mixed evergreen-lowermontane nels; seed similarly shaped as endocarp; hilum rainforest.The singleknown population is grow- longitudinal; endosperm homogeneousl embryo ing on verywet, spongy ground in a flat sectionof basal. Eophyll bifid. (Fig. l). Mt. Sorolevufoothills. This area receives Distribution. Fiji. Vanua Levu, known from a the well over3000 mm ofrain per year.The associat- single location S of Labasa on the logging road ed vegetation includes the palms Alsmithia toward Mt. Sorolevu, at 300 m elevation; grows longipes H.E. Moore (new island record as an understory palm in lower montane rain{or- lMc- Clatcheyand Fuller 1101/191, 13 May 1995, est in a boggy area. and FTG, SUVA]), Balalta macrocarpa Burret Additional SpecirnensExamined. FIJI. Vanua Physokentiathurstonii(Becc. Becc.Higher Levu, above Nakorutari Village, below ridge and ) up the slopesstarting at c. 500 m largenumbers above Matani Creek alone Raciba Road, Mc- I4 PALMS fVor..43 of Gulubiamicrocarpa Essig (newisland record the Fairchild Tropical Carden, and a compli- lMcClatcheyand Fuller 1117/210,l7 May 1995, mentaryinter-island flight was provided by Sun- FTG, SUVA]) can be found and Clinostigm,aex- flowerAirlines of Nadi, Fiji. orrhizum(H. Wendl.)Becc. occurs above 900 m on the slopesand the top of Mt Sorolevu.
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