Stations in the U.S. Missouri American Media Services P. 0. Box 20696 LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (843) 881 -4436 Peter E. Schartel, pres; Richard Dale, opns mgr: Martha Northrup, (660) 831 -1290. E -mail: [email protected]. Licensee: Miles J. Carter. ABC/D. Rep: Keystone (unwired net). Format: Oldies. Spec prog: rgnl sls mgr, Pete Schartel, progmg dir; Ed Treese, chief of engrg. Format: Adult standards. Patty Carr, gen mgr. Farm 5 hrs wkly. Steve Mickelson, pres & gen mgr; Jim Cronin, chief Rates: $25: 20; 25; 15. of engrg. Mansfield 'KWJC(FM)- Apr 14. 1974: 91.9 mhz: 240 w. 166 ft. TL: N39 14 52 KNIM -FM- September 1972: 97.1 mhz; 25 kw. 354 ft. IL: N40 19 41 W94 24 47. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 500 College Hill (64068). (816) W94 52 31. Stereo. KTRI -FM- 1978: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. 312 ft. TL: N37 02 18 W92 40 30. 415 -5091. (816) 781 -7700. Fax: (816) 415 -5027. E -mail: Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 88 (65704). 300 S. Old Hwy. 5 (65704). (417) kwic @william.jewell.edu. Web Site: www.91- 9.com. Licensee: William 1971: 90.5 mhz; 100 kw. 500 ft. TL: N40 21 36 W94 53 924 -8696. (417) 924 -9590. Fax: (417) 924-4229. E -mail: 'KXCV(FM)- Jewell College. Format: Modem rock, alternative, class. News progmg [email protected]. Licensee: Galen O. Gilbert. (acq 4-00) 00. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM -1 AM. Rebroadcasts KRNW(FM) Chillicothe 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 12-34; college-aged in Kansas City. Spec prog: Net: AP. Rep: Keystone (unwired net). Format: Oldies. Mike 100% Wells Hall, 800 University Dr. (64468). (660) 562.1163. (660) Class 10 hrs. Christian 10 hrs wkly. Kelly Marsh. gen mgr: Scott Hendee, opns dir. 562 -1164. Fax: (660) 562 -1832. Licensee: Northwest Missouri State Colley, stn mgr; Eric Hurst, progmg dir; Cole Morris, mus dir: Aimee University. Net: AP, NPR. PRI. Format: News, class, jazz. News Alter, pub affrs dir: Fred Frank, chief of engrg. *Rates: $10: 10; 10: staff: 2; news progmg 39 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Dean L. 8. Marble Hill Hubbard, pres: Patty Holley, opns mgr & mus dir: Gayle Hull, dev mgr & mktg dir: John Coffey, prom mgr; Sharon Cross Bonnett, gen mgr & Louisiana KREZ(FM) -Not on air. target date: unknown: 97.3 mhz; 3.6 kw. 426 progmg dir; Marcia Fish, progmg mgr; Eloise Bell, news dir; Charles ft. TL: N37 22 49 W90 04 49. 901 South Kings Hwy., Cape Girardean Maley, engrg dir. KJFM(FM)- Sept 4, 1984: 102.1 mhz; 1.85 kw. 387 ft. TL: N39 26 29 (63702). (573) 335 -0973. Fax: (618) 435 -8102. Web Site: W91 02 19. Stereo. Box 438, 615 Georgia St. (63353). (573) www.softrock973.cc. Licensee: Dana R. Withers. Format: Soft rock. Memphis 754 -5102. Fax: (573) 754-5544. Licensee: Foxfire Communications Dana Withers, gen mgr. Inc. Net: ABC /C; Missourinet. Format: Country. Target aud: 25 -54. 1982: 100.5 mhz; kw. ft. TL: N40 29 Thom T. Sanders, pres. gen mgr & progmg mgr. KMEM -FM- Mar 29, 25 298 59 Marshall W92 09 58. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM- midnight. Box 121, 326 E. Lutesville Jefferson (63555). (660) 465 -7225. (660) 465 -2715. Fax: (660) KMMOFM- December 1968: 102.9 mhz; 100 kw. 380 h. TL: N39 08 465 -2626. Licensee: Boyer Broadcasting Co. (acq 6-1-90; $72,500; 03 W93 13 19. Stereo. Box 128, Hwy. 65 N. (65340). (660) 886 -7422. FTR: 3- 12 -90) Net: ABC/E; Missourinet, Iowa Radio Net., KMHM(FM)- Aug 4, 1995: 104.1 mhz: 2.5 kw. 508 ft. TL: N37 2240 Fax: (660) 886 -6291. Licensee: Missouri Valley Broadcasting Inc. (acq Brownfield. Wash ally: Eugene T. Smith. Format: Country. News staff: W89 5604. Hrs opn: 24. Box 266E, Hwy. B, Marble Hill (63764). (573) 11.19.84; $690,000 with co- located AM; FTR: 12- 10 -84) Net: CBS. one: news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; agricultural 238 -1041. Fax: (573) 238 -0114. E -mail: kmhm @clas.net. Web Site: Format: Country. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. audience & elderly. Spec prog: Farm 8 hrs, relg 4 hrs wkly. Keith www.kmhm.net. Licensee: Harold L. Lawder. Net: Reach Satellite. *John Wilson. VP & gen mgr; Peter Hollabaugh, gen sls mgr; Chuck Boyer, pres; Ruthann Boyer, VP; Cindy Graber, gen mgr; Rick Fisher, Format: Southern gospel. Target aud: 30-55; Christians and family - Morris. progmg dir: Janet Schmidt, mus dir; Ken Lewellen, news dir; opns mgr: Denise Watson, mklg mgr & pub affrs dir: Rick Fischer, oriented listeners. Harold L. Lawder, CEO; Doug Apple, gen mgr & Lloyd Collins. chief of engrg. Rates: $30: 28; 30; 20. prom mgr; Pam Frederick, progmg dir & news dir; Jim Cate, engrg VR gen sls mgr; James Aaron, progmg dir; Carolyn Cremeens, mus dir: Rates: $16.50; 16.50; 16.50; 12.50. Joe Bettis, chief of engrg. *Rates: $11; 11; 11: 11. KMMO(AM)- May 29, 1949: 1300 khz; 1 kw-D, 68 w-N. TL: N39 08 11 W93 13 24. Mexico Macon 1, 1968: mhz; 100 w vert. ft. 'KMVC(FM)- Nov 91.7 51 TL: N39 06 'KJAB -FM- Oct 9, 1985: 88.3 mhz; 6 w. 128 ft. TL: N39 10 24 W91 KIRK(FM)- 1998: 99.9 mhz: 12.5 kw. 462 ft. TL: N39 36 02 W92 34 31 W93 11 29. (CP: 93.1 mhz, 16 w). Stereo. Hrs opn: 7 AM -11 PM 53 22. Hrs opn: 24. 621 W. Monroe (65265). (573) 581-8606. Fax: 24. Hrs opn: 24. Box 619, Moberly (65270). 300 W. Reed St., Moberly (M -F); AM -11 PM (S); noon -B PM (Su). Missouri Valley College, 500 9 (573) 581 -9655. E -mail: kjab @kffs.net. Web Site: www.kjab.com. (65270). (660) 263 -6999. Fax: (660) 263 -2300. Licensee: KIRK L.L.C. E. College St. (65340). (660) 831 -4193. Fax: (660) 886 -9818. E -mail: Licensee: Mexico Educational Broadcasting Foundation. Net: USA. Group owner: Shepherd Group Format: Easy lstng. David Format: Aherne- [email protected]. Licensee: Missouri Valley College. Format: Southem gospel. News staff: one; news progmg 2 hrs wkly. Shepherd, pres & gen mgr; Montle Barcus. chief of engrg. live. rhythm and blues. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 17-26; Target aud: General. Spec prog: Gospel 20 hrs, relg 20 hrs wkly. pre -, current & post -college age. Spec prog: Black 10 hrs, progsv 10 *Kevin Weber, gen mgr; Daryl Kline, Dens mgr, mklg VP & progmg hrs, relg 16 hrs, classic rock 4 hrs. hip hop 10 hrs, urban 10 hrs wkly. KLTI(AM)- Jan 30, 1966: 1560 khz; 1 kw -D, 44 w -N. TL: N39 42 34 dir; Dawn Weber, prom dir. W92 27 50. do KZBK- AM -FM, 107 S. Main, Brookfield (64628). (660) Brent Foster, gen mgr; Josh Branch. sin mgr: Cahlil Cato, mus dir. 385 -1560. (660) 258-3383. Fax: (660) 385 -7090. (660) 258 -7307. KWWR(FM)- Dec 14, 1966: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. 1,181 ft. TL: N39 15 E -mail: [email protected]. Licensee: Chirillo Electronics Inc. 39 W92 08 06. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 475, 1705 E. Liberty St. Format: 70s oldies. Target aud: 25 -44. Dale A. Palmer, gen mgr: Marshfield (65265). (573) 581 -5500. Fax: (573) 581-1801. E -mail: Julie Towner, sls dir. kwwr @country96.com. Licensee: KXEO Radio Inc. (acq 2 -4 -91; with KKLH(FM)- June 1982: 104.7 mhz; 35 kw. 581 r. TL: N37 12 12 co-located AM; FTR: 2- 18-91) Format: Country. Spec prop: Farm 4 hrs W92 5414. (CP: 34 kw. ant 594 ft. TL: N37 12 21 W92 54 20). Stereo. Madison wkly. Anne Johnson, pres; Gary Leonard, gen mgr; Kent Morgan, 319 B-East Battlefield, Springfield (65807). (417) 886-5677. Fax: (417) gen sis mgr; Greg Holman, progmg dir. 886-2155. E -mail: kklhekklh.com. Web Site: www.kklh.com. WGNU(AM )-See St. Louis Licensee: MW SpringMo Inc. Group owner: The Mid -West Family Broadcast Group (acq 1996: $1.8 million) Format: Classic rock. Target KXEO(AM)-- Co-owned with KWWR-FM. Dec 3, 1948: 1340 khz; 1 Malden aud: 25-45. Tom Walker, pres; Malcolm Huriede, gen sls mgr; kw-U. TL: N39 10 01 W91 51 44. Hm opn: 24. (573) 581 -2340. Roger Piper, progmg VP. Rates: $35: 35; 35; 25. Missourinet, Brownfield. Format: Adult contemp. News progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. KLSC(FM)-Listing follows KMAL. KMRF(AM)- Nov 1, 1969: 1510 khz; 250 w -D. TL: N37 20 55 W92 54 28. (CP: 1 kw). Hrs opn: Sunrise- sunset. 3208 State Hwy 00 KMAL(AM)- Sept 15, 1954: 1470 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N36 33 08 W89 Miner (65706-2438). Box 693 (65706). (417) 468 -6188. (417) 468 -5999. 58 42. Hrs opn: 6 AM- sunset. Simulcasts KSIM (Sikeston) Box 69. Fax: (417) 859-859-2916. Licensee: New Life Evangelistic Center Inc. Sikeston (63801- 0069). 519 Greer Ave.. Sikeston (63801). (573) KBHI-FM--Not on air, target date: unknown: 107.1 mhz; 6 kw. 328 ft. (acq 4 -4-94) Net: USA; Missourinet, Brownfield. Format: Southern 471 -1400. Fax: (573) 471 -1402. Licensee: Zimmer Radio of Mid - TL: N36 55 00 W89 41 27. Box 818, Benton, IL (62812). (618) gospel. News staff: one; news progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Missouri Inc. (acq 8-21 -98; $1.3 million with co-located FM) Net: AP.
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